Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx Screen interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx Screen interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx Screen interface-usage.


From source file se.theodor.quiz.screen.CreateTeams.java

public class CreateTeams implements Screen {

    public CreateTeams(Quiz quiz, Array<Team> teams) {
        this.quiz = quiz;
        this.teams = teams;
        alreadyHasTeam = true;

From source file se.theodor.quiz.screen.LoadGame.java

public class LoadGame implements Screen {

    public LoadGame(Quiz quiz) {
        this.quiz = quiz;

From source file se.theodor.quiz.screen.MainMenu.java

public class MainMenu implements Screen {

    public MainMenu(Quiz quiz) {
        this.quiz = quiz;

From source file se.theodor.quiz.screen.PlayQuiz.java

public class PlayQuiz implements Screen {

    public PlayQuiz(Quiz quiz, String gameName, String quizName, Array<Team> teams) {
        this.quiz = quiz;
        this.quizName = quizName;
        this.gameName = gameName;

From source file se.theodor.quiz.screen.SplashScreen.java

public class SplashScreen implements Screen {

    public SplashScreen(Quiz quiz) {
        this.quiz = quiz;

From source file skyranger.game.PlayScreen.java

public class PlayScreen implements Screen {

    private static final float TIMESTEP = 1 / 60f;
    private static final int VELOCITYITERATIONS = 8;
    private static final int POSITIONITERATIONS = 3;
    private static final int PPM = 25;

From source file th.skyousuke.flappybird.AbstractGameScreen.java

public abstract class AbstractGameScreen implements Screen {

    public void show() {

From source file th.skyousuke.libgdx.xomaisad.GameOverScreen.java

public class GameOverScreen implements Screen {

    private static final String WIN_TEXT = " ";
    private static final String DRAW_TEXT = "";
    private static final String LOSE_TEXT = "?? ??";

From source file th.skyousuke.libgdx.xomaisad.GameScreen.java

 * Created by Bill on 16/12/2559.

public class GameScreen implements Screen {

From source file th.skyousuke.libgdx.xomaisad.MainMenuScreen.java

public class MainMenuScreen implements Screen {

    private static final String TITLE_TEXT = "XO ?";
    private static final String START_TEXT = "?";

    private final float titleTextWidth;