List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx Screen interface-usage
From source file
/** * Screen that shows the local sessions menu * * @author Gebruiker */ public class SessionLocal implements Screen {
From source file
public class CreditsScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor { Tribbles game; private SpriteBatch batch; private OrthographicCamera camera; private boolean clicked, paused;
From source file
public class CompletedLevel implements Screen, InputProcessor { public static final String KEY_COMPLETED_TIME = "comp"; public static final String KEY_FINISH_TYPE = "type"; public static final String KEY_LEVEL_NUM = "level"; public static final String KEY_LEVEL_PACK = "pack";
From source file
public class DownloadScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor { public static DownloadScreen instance; private float buttonHeight, buttonWidth, spacer; protected SpriteBatch buttonRenderer; protected BitmapFont button;
From source file
public class GameScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor { public static boolean useGameDebugRenderer = false; public static GameScreen instance; public static long gameTicks = 0L; private Rectangle left, right, jump, fire, sanic; public World world;
From source file
public class OptionsScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor { public static OptionsScreen instance; private float buttonHeight, buttonWidth, spacer; protected SpriteBatch buttonRenderer; protected BitmapFont button;
From source file
public class PackScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor { public static PackScreen instance; private float buttonHeight, buttonWidth, spacer; protected SpriteBatch buttonRenderer; protected BitmapFont button;
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public class SplashScreen implements Screen { private float width, logoSize, logoX; private Timer.Task splash0, splash1; private SpriteBatch batch; private Texture logo, lts; private BitmapFont label;
From source file
public class StartScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor { public static StartScreen instance; private float buttonHeight, buttonWidth, spacer; protected Button levelExp;
From source file
/** * * @author user */ public class ControlsScreen implements Screen {