Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx InputProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx InputProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx InputProcessor interface-usage.


From source file org.pidome.client.photoframe.screens.photoscreen.MainPhotoScreen.java

 * @author John
public class MainPhotoScreen implements Screen, InputProcessor {

From source file pl.kotcrab.gdxcombat.core.AbstractScene.java

public abstract class AbstractScene implements InputProcessor, GestureListener, Disposable {
    public abstract void update();

    public abstract void render(SpriteBatch batch);

    public abstract void dispose();

From source file pl.kotcrab.jdialogue.editor.Renderer.java

public class Renderer implements ApplicationListener, InputProcessor, GestureListener {
    private EditorListener listener;
    private Preferences prefs;

    private OrthographicCamera camera;
    private ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer;

From source file pl.kotcrab.jdialogue.renderer.SimplestLibgdxRenderer.java

public class SimplestLibgdxRenderer implements DialogueRenderer, InputProcessor {
    private DialogueParser parser;
    private BitmapFont font;

    private String lineTitle = "";
    private String[] lines = { "", "", "" };

From source file pl.kotcrab.libgdx.util.AbstractScene.java

/** Base class for scene system
 * @author Pawel Pastuszak */
public abstract class AbstractScene implements InputProcessor, GestureListener, Disposable {
    public abstract void update();

From source file releasethekraken.InputHandler.java

 * Handles various types of input
 * @author Dalton
public class InputHandler implements InputProcessor {

From source file rescue.raiders.game.RescueRaiders.java

public class RescueRaiders extends Game implements InputProcessor {

    public static final int SCREEN_WIDTH = 1200;
    public static final int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 768;
    public static final int HUD_HEIGHT = 100;
    public static final int STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT = 15;

From source file rosthouse.rosty.systems.InputSystem.java

 * Collects Input from devices and notifies the components that listen for
 * specific inputs.
 * <p>
 * This should later be refactored and adapted for each device, so that
 * Androidand Desktop have different implementations.</p>

From source file se.danielj.geometridestroyer.Credits.java

 * @author Daniel Jonsson
 * @license GNU GPLv3

From source file se.danielj.geometridestroyer.GeometriDestroyer.java

 * @author Daniel Jonsson
 * @license GNU GPLv3