List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
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public Iterable<Entry<ResourceType, Map<String, FieldInitializer>>> filter(FieldInitializers fieldsToWrite) { Map<ResourceType, Map<String, FieldInitializer>> initializersToWrite = new EnumMap<>(ResourceType.class); for (Entry<ResourceType, Map<String, FieldInitializer>> entry : fieldsToWrite.initializers.entrySet()) { if (initializers.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { final Map<String, FieldInitializer> valueFields = initializers.get(entry.getKey()); final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, FieldInitializer> fields = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); // Resource type may be missing if resource overriding eliminates resources at the binary // level, which were originally present at the library level. for (String fieldName : Sets.intersection(entry.getValue().keySet(), valueFields.keySet())) { fields.put(fieldName, valueFields.get(fieldName)); }//from ww w. jav a 2 s .c o m initializersToWrite.put(entry.getKey(),; } } return initializersToWrite.entrySet(); }
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private void initialize() { final Set<Tuple<Set<Parameter<?>>, Set<Parameter<?>>>> updates = getParametricProperty().getUpdates(); for (BaseEvent baseEvent : getParametricProperty().getSpec().getBaseEvents()) { final Set<Parameter<?>> parameterSet = baseEvent.getParameters(); for (Set<Parameter<?>> enablingParameterSet : toReverseTopologicalOrdering( getParametricProperty().getEnableParameterSets().get(baseEvent))) { /*/* ww w . j a va 2s .c om*/ * the empty parameter set {} can be filtered. No parameter set can contain less elements, so there can * be no maxArgs = (X -> {}). And a joindata = (e -> ( {} -> {} )) makes no sense either. The same with * chaining from {} to {} and updates. */ if (!enablingParameterSet.equals(EMPTY_PARAMETER_SET) && !isSubsetEq(parameterSet, enablingParameterSet)) { if (isSuperset(parameterSet, enablingParameterSet)) { maxArgs.put(baseEvent, enablingParameterSet); } else { final Set<Parameter<?>> compatibleSubset = Sets.intersection(parameterSet, enablingParameterSet); final Tuple<Set<Parameter<?>>, Set<Parameter<?>>> tuple = tuple(compatibleSubset, enablingParameterSet); joinArgs.put(baseEvent, tuple); updateChainingArgs.put(enablingParameterSet, tuple); if (updates.contains(tuple)) { monitorSetSpecs.put(compatibleSubset, tuple(enablingParameterSet, true)); } else { monitorSetSpecs.put(compatibleSubset, tuple(enablingParameterSet, false)); } } } } } for (Tuple<Set<Parameter<?>>, Set<Parameter<?>>> tuple : updates) { if (!monitorSetSpecs.containsEntry(tuple._1(), tuple(tuple._2(), true))) { updateChainingArgs.put(tuple._2(), tuple(tuple._1(), EMPTY_PARAMETER_SET)); monitorSetSpecs.put(tuple._1(), tuple(EMPTY_PARAMETER_SET, true)); } } }
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void registryChanged(final registry, Set<URI> removed, Set<URI> added, Set<URI> changed) { TransactionalEditingDomain transactionalEditingDomain = session.getTransactionalEditingDomain(); Set<URI> selected = Sets.newHashSet( Iterables.transform(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), new Function<Viewpoint, URI>() { public URI apply(Viewpoint from) { return new ViewpointQuery(from).getViewpointURI().get(); }/* w ww. j a va2s.c o m*/ })); final SetView<URI> unavailable = Sets.intersection(selected, removed); if (!unavailable.isEmpty()) { deselectMissingViewpoints(unavailable); } Set<URI> resourcesLoaded = vsmResources; Set<URI> resourcesRequired = new VSMResolver(registry).resolve(selected); Set<URI> resourcesChanged = Sets .newHashSet(Iterables.transform(Sets.intersection(changed, selected), new Function<URI, URI>() { public URI apply(URI logicalURI) { return registry.getProvider(logicalURI).get(); }; })); for (URI uri : Sets.difference(resourcesLoaded, resourcesRequired)) { // The resource was loaded but is not required anymore. // Unload & remove. Resource vsm = transactionalEditingDomain.getResourceSet().getResource(uri, false); new ViewpointResourceOperations(vsm).unloadAndResetProxyURIs(); transactionalEditingDomain.getResourceSet().getResources().remove(vsm); } for (URI uri : resourcesChanged) { // The resource is loaded and still required, but its content // has changed: unload it. Resource vsm = transactionalEditingDomain.getResourceSet().getResource(uri, false); if (vsm != null) { new ViewpointResourceOperations(vsm).unloadAndResetProxyURIs(); } } for (URI uri : Sets.difference(resourcesRequired, resourcesLoaded)) { transactionalEditingDomain.getResourceSet().getResource(uri, true); } for (DAnalysis analysis : session.allAnalyses()) { EcoreUtil.resolveAll(analysis); } vsmResources = resourcesRequired; transactionalEditingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(transactionalEditingDomain) { @Override protected void doExecute() { for (DView view : session.getSelectedViews()) { for (DRepresentation representation : view.getAllRepresentations()) { DialectManager.INSTANCE.refreshEffectiveRepresentationDescription(representation, new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } }); }
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@Override public CompletableFuture<RuleExitResult> match(__old_RequestContext rc) { // All configured groups in a block's group rule, contextualized Set<String> resolvedGroups = settings.getGroups().stream().map(g -> g.getValue(rc)) .filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).collect(Collectors.toSet()); List<UserSettings> userSettingsToCheck = settings.getUsersSettings(); // Filter the userSettings to leave only the ones which include the current group // #TODO move to proper use of optional final String preferredGroup = rc.getLoggedInUser().isPresent() ? rc.getLoggedInUser().get().resolveCurrentGroup(rc.getHeaders()).orElse(null) : new LoggedUser("x").resolveCurrentGroup(rc.getHeaders()).orElse(null); // Exclude userSettings that don't contain groups in this groupRule userSettingsToCheck = .filter(us -> !Sets.intersection(us.getGroups(), resolvedGroups).isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(preferredGroup)) { if (!resolvedGroups.contains(preferredGroup)) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(NO_MATCH); }/*from w ww . j a va 2s . co m*/ } if (userSettingsToCheck.isEmpty()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(NO_MATCH); } // Check remaining userSettings for matching auth return FuturesSequencer.runInSeqUntilConditionIsUndone( // Iterator of users which match at least one group in this block's group rule userSettingsToCheck.iterator(), // Asynchronously map for each userSetting, return MATCH when we authenticated the first user uSettings -> { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(preferredGroup) && !uSettings.getGroups().contains(preferredGroup)) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(NO_MATCH); } return users.get(uSettings.getUsername()).getAuthKeyRule().match(rc).exceptionally(e -> { e.printStackTrace(); return NO_MATCH; }).thenApply(rExitRes -> { if (!rExitRes.isMatch()) { return rExitRes; } if (!rc.getLoggedInUser().filter(lu -> uSettings.getUsername().equals(lu.getId())) .isPresent()) { // User is authenticated, but was not declared as "username" return NO_MATCH; } return rExitRes; }); }, // Boolean decision (true = break loop) (uSettings, ruleExit) -> { if (!ruleExit.isMatch() && rc.getLoggedInUser().isPresent()) { return false; } // Now that we have a user, and we know this is a match, we can populate the headers. if (ruleExit.isMatch()) { rc.getLoggedInUser().ifPresent(lu -> { User u = users.get(lu.getId()); if (u != null) { lu.addAvailableGroups(u.getGroups()); Optional<String> cu = lu.resolveCurrentGroup(rc.getHeaders()); if (!cu.isPresent() && ruleExit.isMatch()) { lu.setCurrentGroup(resolvedGroups.iterator().next()); } } }); } return ruleExit.isMatch(); }, // If never true.. nothing -> NO_MATCH).exceptionally(e -> { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CompletionException(e); }); }
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/** * Function which handles the selection of nodes in a path finding scenario. The function performs * four BFS runs: BFS 1 searches for all successors of the start nodes. BFS 2 searches for all * predecessors of the end nodes. BFS 2 searches for all predecessors of the start nodes. BFS 4 * searches for all successors of the end nodes. * /*from ww w.ja va 2 s . co m*/ * These four BFS runs are used in two sets: Set 1 is intersect of nodes reached through (BFS 1, * BFS 2). Set 2 is intersect of nodes reached through (BFS 3, BFS 4). * * Therefore Set 1 represents all nodes on paths if the set of start nodes contains parents of the * newly selected node and Set 2 represents all nodes on paths if the set of start nodes contains * child nodes of the newly selected node. * * * @param graph The graph in which the selection takes place. * @param alreadySelectedNodes The List of nodes already selected. * @param newlySelectedNode The node which is newly selected. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <NodeType extends ZyGraphNode<?>> void selectPath(final AbstractZyGraph<NodeType, ?> graph, final ArrayList<NodeType> alreadySelectedNodes, final NodeType newlySelectedNode) { final Function<NodeType, Node> function = new Function<NodeType, Node>() { @Override public Node apply(final NodeType input) { return input.getNode(); } }; final Collection<Node> foo = Collections2.transform(alreadySelectedNodes, function); final NodeList startNodes = new NodeList(foo.iterator()); final NodeList endNodes = new NodeList(newlySelectedNode.getNode()); final Set<Node> startSuccSet = new HashSet<Node>(); final NodeList[] nodeListsStartSucc = Bfs.getLayers(graph.getGraph(), startNodes, Bfs.DIRECTION_SUCCESSOR, graph.getGraph().createNodeMap(), 0); for (final NodeList nodeList : nodeListsStartSucc) { startSuccSet.addAll(nodeList); } final Set<Node> endPredSet = new HashSet<Node>(); final NodeList[] nodeListsEndPred = Bfs.getLayers(graph.getGraph(), endNodes, Bfs.DIRECTION_PREDECESSOR, graph.getGraph().createNodeMap(), 0); for (final NodeList nodeList : nodeListsEndPred) { endPredSet.addAll(nodeList); } final SetView<Node> startBeforeEndSetView = Sets.intersection(startSuccSet, endPredSet); if (!startBeforeEndSetView.isEmpty()) { for (final Node node : startBeforeEndSetView) { graph.getGraph().setSelected(node, true); } } final Set<Node> startPredSet = new HashSet<Node>(); final NodeList[] nodeListsStartPred = Bfs.getLayers(graph.getGraph(), startNodes, Bfs.DIRECTION_PREDECESSOR, graph.getGraph().createNodeMap(), 0); for (final NodeList nodeList : nodeListsStartPred) { startPredSet.addAll(nodeList); } final Set<Node> endSuccSet = new HashSet<Node>(); final NodeList[] nodeListsEndSucc = Bfs.getLayers(graph.getGraph(), endNodes, Bfs.DIRECTION_SUCCESSOR, graph.getGraph().createNodeMap(), 0); for (final NodeList nodeList : nodeListsEndSucc) { endSuccSet.addAll(nodeList); } final SetView<Node> endBeforeStartSetView = Sets.intersection(startPredSet, endSuccSet); if (!endBeforeStartSetView.isEmpty()) { for (final Node node : endBeforeStartSetView) { graph.getGraph().setSelected(node, true); } } }
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/** * Validate compaction plan./* w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * * @param allFiles * All possible files * @throws IllegalStateException * thrown when validation fails. */ public final void validate(Set<FileRef> allFiles) { Set<FileRef> inputSet = new HashSet<FileRef>(inputFiles); Set<FileRef> deleteSet = new HashSet<FileRef>(deleteFiles); if (!allFiles.containsAll(inputSet)) { inputSet.removeAll(allFiles); throw new IllegalStateException("plan inputs contains files not in allFiles " + inputSet); } if (!allFiles.containsAll(deleteSet)) { deleteSet.removeAll(allFiles); throw new IllegalStateException("plan deletes contains files not in allFiles " + deleteSet); } if (!Collections.disjoint(inputSet, deleteSet)) { throw new IllegalStateException("plan contains overlap in inputFiles and deleteFiles " + Sets.intersection(inputSet, deleteSet)); } }
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@Override public void setSelectedItems(Set<Object> elementIDs) { this.selectedElementIDs = new HashSet<>(Sets.intersection(elementIDs, allElementIDs)); // notifySelectionUpdate(updateSource); }
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/** * Validates the inputs for {@link Solver#solve(GlobalStateObject)} method. If * the input is not correct an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * @param state The state to validate.//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om * @return The state. */ public static GlobalStateObject validateInputs(GlobalStateObject state) { checkArgument(state.getTime() >= 0, "Time must be >= 0, is %s.", state.getTime()); checkArgument(!state.getVehicles().isEmpty(), "At least one vehicle must be present."); final Set<Parcel> inventoryParcels = newHashSet(); final boolean routeIsPresent = state.getVehicles().get(0).getRoute().isPresent(); final Set<Parcel> allParcels = newHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) { final VehicleStateObject vs = state.getVehicles().get(i); checkArgument(vs.getRoute().isPresent() == routeIsPresent, "Either a route should be present for all vehicles, or no route " + "should be present for all vehicles."); if (vs.getRoute().isPresent()) { for (final Parcel p : vs.getRoute().get()) { checkArgument(!allParcels.contains(p), "Found parcel which is already present in the route of another " + "vehicle. %s is found in vehicle %s.", p, i); } allParcels.addAll(vs.getRoute().get()); } } for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) { final VehicleStateObject vs = state.getVehicles().get(i); checkArgument(vs.getRemainingServiceTime() >= 0, "Remaining service time must be >= 0, is %s.", vs.getRemainingServiceTime()); final Set<Parcel> intersection = Sets.intersection(state.getAvailableParcels(), vs.getContents()); checkArgument(intersection.isEmpty(), "Parcels can not be available AND in the inventory of a vehicle, " + "found: %s.", intersection); final Set<Parcel> inventoryIntersection = Sets.intersection(inventoryParcels, vs.getContents()); checkArgument(inventoryIntersection.isEmpty(), "Parcels can not be in the inventory of two vehicles at the same " + "time, found: %s.", inventoryIntersection); inventoryParcels.addAll(vs.getContents()); // if the destination parcel is not available, it must be in the // cargo of the vehicle if (vs.getDestination().isPresent()) { final boolean isAvailable = state.getAvailableParcels().contains(vs.getDestination().get()); final boolean isInCargo = vs.getContents().contains(vs.getDestination().get()); checkArgument(isAvailable != isInCargo, "Destination must be either available (%s) or in the current " + "vehicle's cargo (%s), but not both (i.e. XOR). Destination: " + "%s, vehicle: %s (out of %s), remaining service time: %s.", isAvailable, isInCargo, vs.getDestination(), i, state.getVehicles().size(), vs.getRemainingServiceTime()); } if (vs.getRoute().isPresent()) { checkRoute(vs, i); } } return state; }
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@Override public <T> T read(final String branchPath, final RevisionIndexRead<T> read) { if (RevisionIndex.isBaseRefPath(branchPath)) { final String branchPathWithoutBaseRef = branchPath.substring(0, branchPath.length() - 1); if (RevisionBranch.MAIN_PATH.equals(branchPathWithoutBaseRef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot query base of MAIN branch"); }/*from www. j a va 2 s . c om*/ final RevisionBranch parent = getParentBranch(branchPathWithoutBaseRef); final RevisionBranch branch = getBranch(branchPathWithoutBaseRef); final Set<Integer> commonPath = Sets.intersection(branch.segments(), parent.segments()); final RevisionBranch baseOfBranch = new RevisionBranch(parent.path(), Ordering.natural().max(commonPath), commonPath); return read(baseOfBranch, read); } else if (RevisionIndex.isRevRangePath(branchPath)) { final String[] branches = RevisionIndex.getRevisionRangePaths(branchPath); final String basePath = branches[0]; final String comparePath = branches[1]; final RevisionBranch base = getBranch(basePath); final RevisionBranch compare = getBranch(comparePath); final Set<Integer> compareSegments = Sets.difference(compare.segments(), base.segments()); return read(new RevisionBranch(comparePath, compare.segmentId(), compareSegments), read); } else { return read(getBranch(branchPath), read); } }
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private static String getVersionScript(Set<String> needed, Set<String> provided) { Set<String> keep = new ImmutableSet.Builder<String>().addAll(Sets.intersection(needed, provided)) .addAll(Sets.filter(provided, s -> { if (s.contains("JNI_OnLoad")) { return true; }/* w ww . j a va 2s . com*/ if (s.contains("Java_")) { return true; } return false; })).build(); String res = "{\n"; if (!keep.isEmpty()) { res += "global:\n"; } for (String s : keep) { res += " " + s + ";\n"; } res += "local: *;\n};\n"; return res; }