List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
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public boolean hasAnyAuthorityMatching(Set<GrantedAuthority> userAuthorities) { return !Sets.intersection(grantedAuthorities, userAuthorities).isEmpty(); }
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/** * Computes the fraction of source elements that are also in target. * /*from w w w.j av a 2 s. com*/ * @param source * the source set. * @param target * the target set. * @return the fraction. */ public static <T> double hitPercent(Set<T> source, Set<T> target) { checkNotNull(source); checkNotNull(target); if (source.isEmpty() || target.isEmpty()) return 0; double intersectSize = Sets.intersection(source, target).size(); return intersectSize / source.size(); }
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public static Multimap<Integer, String> partitioning(Multimap<String, String> lookup) { // Partitions Creation Set<String> keys = lookup.keySet(); int partitionId = 0; Multimap<Integer, String> partitions = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int counter2 = 0; for (String key : keys) { Set<Integer> keys2 = partitions.keySet(); List<String> inter = (List<String>) lookup.get(key); List<String> interTMP = new ArrayList<String>(inter); Printer.debugln("Step number: " + counter2++ + "Number of keywords " + keys.size()); Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(interTMP); Multimap<Integer, String> partitionsTMP = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Integer key2 : keys2) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { Set<String> tmp = new HashSet<String>(partitions.get(key2)); Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(tmp, set); Set<String> difference; if (intersection.isEmpty()) { difference = tmp;/* w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ } else { difference = Sets.difference(tmp, intersection); set = Sets.difference(set, intersection); } if (!difference.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, difference); } if (!intersection.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, intersection); } } else { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, new HashSet<String>(partitions.get(key2))); } } interTMP = new ArrayList<String>(set); if (!interTMP.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, interTMP); } partitions = ArrayListMultimap.create(partitionsTMP); partitionsTMP.clear(); interTMP.clear(); } Printer.debugln("Partitions size " + partitions.keySet().size()); Printer.debugln("\n"); return partitions; }
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/** * Return a metric result about name similarity. It compares 2 strings and return a double comprised * between 0 and 1. The greater this metric, the more equal the strings are. * /*from ww w . j a va 2 s. c om*/ * @param str1 * First of the two {@link String}s to compare. * @param str2 * Second of the two {@link String}s to compare. * @return A metric result about name similarity (0 <= value <= 1). */ public int distance(String str1, String str2) { Set<String> a = pairs(str1); Set<String> b = pairs(str2); Set<String> pairsInCommon = Sets.intersection(a, b); double similarity = pairsInCommon.size() * 2d / (a.size() + b.size()); double result = 10 * similarity; return 10 - (int) result; }
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@Override public String getResult(Set<String> values) { if (wanted.size() == Sets.intersection(wanted, values).size()) return result; return null;// ww w . j a v a 2s . com }
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public static boolean isClosedClassTag(String tag) { return closedClassPunctuationTags.contains(tag) || !Sets.intersection(GramModelBasedTagMapper.parseTag(tag), closedPosSet).isEmpty(); }
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public static void ensureAllPagesAreReleased() throws Exception { final Map<Object, Throwable> masterCopy = Maps.newHashMap(ACQUIRED_PAGES); if (!masterCopy.isEmpty()) { // not empty, we might be executing on a shared cluster that keeps on obtaining // and releasing pages, lets make sure that after a reasonable timeout, all master // copy (snapshot) have been released boolean success = ElasticsearchTestCase.awaitBusy(new Predicate<Object>() { @Override//from ww w . j a v a2 s . com public boolean apply(Object input) { return Sets.intersection(masterCopy.keySet(), ACQUIRED_PAGES.keySet()).isEmpty(); } }); if (!success) { masterCopy.keySet().retainAll(ACQUIRED_PAGES.keySet()); ACQUIRED_PAGES.keySet().removeAll(masterCopy.keySet()); // remove all existing master copy we will report on if (!masterCopy.isEmpty()) { final Throwable t = masterCopy.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); throw new RuntimeException(masterCopy.size() + " pages have not been released", t); } } } }
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/** * Propagate flavors represented by the given {@link FlavorDomain} objects from a parent target to * its dependencies.//from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m */ public static ImmutableSortedSet<BuildTarget> propagateFlavorDomains(BuildTarget target, Iterable<FlavorDomain<?>> domains, Iterable<BuildTarget> deps) { Set<Flavor> flavors = new HashSet<>(); // For each flavor domain, extract the corresponding flavor from the parent target and // verify that each dependency hasn't already set this flavor. for (FlavorDomain<?> domain : domains) { // Now extract all relevant domain flavors from our parent target. ImmutableSet<Flavor> flavorSet = Sets.intersection(domain.getFlavors(), target.getFlavors()) .immutableCopy(); if (flavorSet.isEmpty()) { throw new HumanReadableException("%s: no flavor for \"%s\"", target, domain.getName()); } flavors.addAll(flavorSet); // First verify that our deps are not already flavored for our given domains. for (BuildTarget dep : deps) { if (domain.getFlavor(dep).isPresent()) { throw new HumanReadableException("%s: dep %s already has flavor for \"%s\" : %s", target, dep, domain.getName(), flavorSet.toString()); } } } ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<BuildTarget> flavoredDeps = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder(); // Now flavor each dependency with the relevant flavors. for (BuildTarget dep : deps) { flavoredDeps.add(dep.withAppendedFlavors(flavors)); } return; }
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public static EnumSet<Operation> buildFromIndexSettings(Settings settings) { Set<Operation> operations = ALL; for (Map.Entry<String, EnumSet<Operation>> entry : BLOCK_SETTING_TO_OPERATIONS_MAP.entrySet()) { if (!settings.getAsBoolean(entry.getKey(), false)) { continue; }//w w w . jav a2s. c o m operations = Sets.intersection(entry.getValue(), operations); } return EnumSet.copyOf(operations); }
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@Override public boolean apply(Item item) { switch (strategy) { case ALL_CRITERIA: return item.getTags().containsAll(tags); case ONE_OF_CRITERION: return Sets.intersection(item.getTags(), tags).size() != 0; case NONE://ww w . ja va 2 s. c o m return true; } return false; }