List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
From source
private void checkNoMutations() { Set<String> mutatedExports = Sets.intersection(mutatedNames.keySet(), exportedLocalNames); for (String mutatedExport : mutatedExports) { for (Node mutation : mutatedNames.get(mutatedExport)) {, MUTATED_EXPORT, mutatedExport)); }// w ww. j av a2 s. c o m } mutatedNames.clear(); exportedLocalNames.clear(); }
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public static Map<String, Object> flatten() { // return a single Map with the items in the narrowest scope remaining ExecutionContext ec = executionContextThreadLocal.get(); Map newMaster = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Scope scope : Scope.values()) { Map<String, Object> scopedMap = ec.scopedData.get(scope); if (scopedMap != null) { Sets.SetView intersection = Sets.intersection(newMaster.keySet(), scopedMap.keySet()); if (!intersection.isEmpty()) { -> log.warn( "existing key value " + s + " is being overwritten flattening the ExecutionContext")); }/* ww w . jav a2 s.c o m*/ newMaster.putAll(scopedMap); } } return newMaster; }
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public static void getEntityDependencyMatrix(OWLOntology ontology) { OWLReasoner reasoner = new StructuralReasonerFactory().createNonBufferingReasoner(ontology); // how often are individuals of class A related to individuals of class B Set<OWLClass> classes = ontology.getClassesInSignature(Imports.INCLUDED); for (OWLClass clsA : classes) { for (OWLClass clsB : classes) { if (!clsA.equals(clsB)) { Set<OWLNamedIndividual> instancesA = reasoner.getInstances(clsA, false).getFlattened(); Set<OWLNamedIndividual> instancesB = reasoner.getInstances(clsB, false).getFlattened(); // S_1 = { o_i | A(a_i) and there is an p_i(a_i, o_i) in O } Set<OWLIndividual> objectsOfInstancesFromA = new HashSet<>(); for (OWLNamedIndividual ind : instancesA) { Set<OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom> axioms = ontology .getObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms(ind); for (OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom : axioms) { objectsOfInstancesFromA.add(axiom.getObject()); }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ } // S_2 = { o_i | B(b_i) and there is an p_i(b_i, o_i) in O } Set<OWLIndividual> objectsOfInstancesFromB = new HashSet<>(); for (OWLNamedIndividual ind : instancesB) { Set<OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom> axioms = ontology .getObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms(ind); for (OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom : axioms) { objectsOfInstancesFromB.add(axiom.getObject()); } } // A -> B SetView<OWLIndividual> aToB = Sets.intersection(objectsOfInstancesFromA, instancesB); // B -> A SetView<OWLIndividual> bToA = Sets.intersection(objectsOfInstancesFromB, instancesA); } } } }
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public boolean hasProblems() { if (!isOverridingOrImplementing()) { return true; }/*from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ EnumSet<OverrideCheckDetails> details = getDetails(); return !Sets.intersection(problemIfAnyOf, details).isEmpty(); }
From source
@Override protected List<ConfigIssue> init() { List<ConfigIssue> issues = super.init(); fields = ImmutableSet.copyOf(config.fields); discardFields = new ImmutableSet.Builder<String>().add("") // Root item is implicitly ignored .addAll(config.discardFields).build(); if (config.missingFieldAction == MissingFieldAction.USE_DEFAULT) { defaultField = Field.create(config.dataType.getType(), config.defaultValue); }//from ww w.j a va2s. co m // Validate that discard fields and order fields do not contain duplicate field paths Set<String> duplicates = Sets.intersection(ImmutableSet.copyOf(config.fields), ImmutableSet.copyOf(config.discardFields)); if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) { issues.add(getContext().createConfigIssue("ORDER", "config.fields", Errors.FIELD_ORDER_003, StringUtils.join(duplicates, ","))); } return issues; }
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@Override public boolean containsAny(Set<DiscreteResource> other) { return !Sets.intersection(this.values(), other).isEmpty(); }
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@Override public void execute(IEntityCollection collection) { if (!targetCollections.contains(collection)) return;//w w w .j av a 2 s .co m Set<Object> elementIDs = null; if (sourceCollection == null || collection != sourceCollection) { if (multiItemSelectionOperation == ESetOperation.INTERSECTION) { // elementIDs = new HashSet<>(); for (Object bcID : srcBroadcastIDs) { Set<Object> ids = collection.getElementIDsFromForeignIDs(Sets.newHashSet(bcID), broadcastIDType); if (elementIDs != null) { elementIDs = new HashSet<>(Sets.intersection(elementIDs, ids)); } else { elementIDs = ids; } } } else { elementIDs = collection.getElementIDsFromForeignIDs(srcBroadcastIDs, broadcastIDType); } if (elementIDs == null) elementIDs = new HashSet<>(); execute(collection, elementIDs); } }
From source
private Set<MailAddress> computeIntersection(ImmutableList<Set<MailAddress>> individualMatchedResults) { if (individualMatchedResults.size() == 0) { return ImmutableSet.of(); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ if (individualMatchedResults.size() == 1) { return individualMatchedResults.get(0); } return Sets.intersection(individualMatchedResults.get(0), computeIntersection(individualMatchedResults.subList(1, individualMatchedResults.size()))); }
From source
/*** * Returns the dependency set over attributes in {@link targetAttributes} that are implied by a given source dependency set. * <p> Note: exponential in the size of the target attribute set. * <p> Note: minimality of the returned dependency set is currently not guaranteed. * @param originalDependencies all dependencies that are known to hold on a wider set of attributes * @param targetAttributes the set of attributes we are interested in * @since 1.5/* w w w .j av a 2 s . com*/ */ public static <A> Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> projectDependencies(Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> originalDependencies, Set<A> targetAttributes) { // only those attributes are considered as left-hand-side candidates that occur at least once in dependencies Set<A> leftCandidates = new HashSet<A>(); for (Entry<Set<A>, Set<A>> dependency : originalDependencies.entrySet()) { if (!isTrivial(dependency.getKey(), dependency.getValue())) // only if non-trivial leftCandidates.addAll(Sets.intersection(dependency.getKey(), targetAttributes)); } // Compute an initial list of nontrivial projected dependencies - it does not have to be minimal yet Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> initialDependencies = new HashMap<Set<A>, Set<A>>(); for (Set<A> leftSet : Sets.powerSet(leftCandidates)) { Set<A> rightSet = Sets.intersection(closureOf(leftSet, originalDependencies), targetAttributes); if (!isTrivial(leftSet, rightSet)) { initialDependencies.put(leftSet, rightSet); } } // Don't forget to include constants! Set<A> constants = Sets.intersection(closureOf(Collections.<A>emptySet(), originalDependencies), targetAttributes); if (!constants.isEmpty()) { initialDependencies.put(Collections.<A>emptySet(), constants); } // Omit those dependencies where the LHS has superfluous attributes Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> solidDependencies = new HashMap<Set<A>, Set<A>>(); for (Entry<Set<A>, Set<A>> dependency : initialDependencies.entrySet()) { Set<A> leftSet = dependency.getKey(); Set<A> rightSet = dependency.getValue(); boolean solid = true; for (A skipped : leftSet) { // what if we skip one attribute from the left set? Set<A> singleton = Collections.singleton(skipped); Set<A> candidate = Sets.difference(leftSet, singleton); Set<A> rightCandidate = initialDependencies.get(candidate); if (rightCandidate != null) { if (Sets.union(rightCandidate, singleton).containsAll(rightSet)) { solid = false; break; } } } if (solid) { solidDependencies.put(leftSet, rightSet); } } // TODO perform proper minimization, // see e.g. page 45 in return Collections.unmodifiableMap(solidDependencies); }
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@Override public boolean hasProblems() { if (!isOverridingOrImplementing()) { return true; }/* w w w .j a va 2 s .co m*/ EnumSet<OverrideCheckDetails> details = getDetails(); return !Sets.intersection(problemIfAnyOf, details).isEmpty(); }