List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
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/** * Assert not circular hierarchy./*from w ww . j av a2 s .c o m*/ * * @param child the child * @param parent the parent */ public static <T extends IHierarchyEntity<T>> void assertNotCircularHierarchy(T child, T parent) { if (child == parent) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Child and Parent are same."); if (child.getDescendents().contains(parent)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("child parent ? ?? ."); if (Sets.intersection(parent.getAncestors(), child.getDescendents()).size() > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "parent? ? child? ?? ? ? ?."); }
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@Override protected boolean enhanceMetadata(BxDocument document, DocumentMetadata metadata) { for (BxZone zone : document.getFirstChild()) { if (BxZoneLabel.MET_TITLE.equals(zone.getLabel())) { return false; }/*from www . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ } ReadingOrderResolver roResolver = new HierarchicalReadingOrderResolver(); BxZone toDel = null; BxZone toAdd1 = null; BxZone toAdd2 = null; for (BxZone zone : filterZones(document.getFirstChild())) { BxZone z1 = new BxZone(); z1.setLabel(BxZoneLabel.MET_TITLE); BxBoundsBuilder b1 = new BxBoundsBuilder(); BxZone z2 = new BxZone(); z2.setLabel(BxZoneLabel.MET_AUTHOR); BxBoundsBuilder b2 = new BxBoundsBuilder(); boolean wasAuthor = false; BxLine prev = null; for (BxLine line : zone) { if (prev != null && Sets.intersection(prev.getFontNames(), line.getFontNames()).isEmpty()) { String[] words = line.toText().split(" "); int cWordsCount = 0; int wordsCount = 0; for (String s : words) { if (s.matches(".*[a-zA-Z].*")) { wordsCount++; } if (s.matches("[A-Z].*")) { cWordsCount++; } } if (line.toText().contains(",") && (double) cWordsCount / (double) wordsCount > 0.7) { wasAuthor = true; } } if (wasAuthor) { z2.addLine(line); b2.expand(line.getBounds()); } else { z1.addLine(line); b1.expand(line.getBounds()); } prev = line; } z1.setBounds(b1.getBounds()); z2.setBounds(b2.getBounds()); if (z1.hasChildren() && z2.hasChildren()) { toDel = zone; toAdd1 = z1; toAdd2 = z2; } } if (toDel != null) { List<BxZone> list = new ArrayList<BxZone>(); list.addAll(Lists.newArrayList(document.getFirstChild())); list.remove(toDel); list.add(toAdd1); list.add(toAdd2); document.getFirstChild().setZones(list); try { roResolver.resolve(document); } catch (AnalysisException ex) { } } return false; }
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public static Predicate<Firewall> providesIpPermission(final IpPermission permission) { return new Predicate<Firewall>() { @Override/*from w ww . j av a 2 s . c om*/ public boolean apply(Firewall input) { boolean groupsMatchTags = (permission.getGroupIds().isEmpty() && input.getSourceTags().isEmpty()) || !Sets.intersection(permission.getGroupIds(), input.getSourceTags()).isEmpty(); boolean cidrsMatchRanges = (permission.getCidrBlocks().isEmpty() && input.getSourceRanges().isEmpty()) || !Sets.intersection(permission.getCidrBlocks(), input.getSourceRanges()).isEmpty(); boolean firewallHasPorts = hasProtocol(permission.getIpProtocol()).apply(input) && ((permission.getFromPort() == 0 && permission.getToPort() == 0) || hasPortRange(Range.closed(permission.getFromPort(), permission.getToPort())) .apply(input)); return groupsMatchTags && cidrsMatchRanges && firewallHasPorts; } }; }
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@Override public void process(JCas jcas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { JCas jcasEle;/*from w w w . j a va2s . co m*/ try { jcasEle = jcas.getView(nameEle); } catch (CASException ex) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(ex); } int tp = 0, fp = 0, fn = 0; for (Sentence s :, Sentence.class)) { Set<Sentence> gold = new HashSet<>(), found = new HashSet<>(); if (s.getGoldSimilarities() == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0, l = s.getGoldSimilarities().size(); i < l; ++i) { gold.add(s.getGoldSimilarities(i)); } for (int i = 0, l = s.getFoundSimilarities().size(); i < l; ++i) { found.add(s.getFoundSimilarities(i)); } int goldSize = gold.size(), foundSize = found.size(), commonSize = Sets.intersection(gold, found).size(); cm.addTruePositives(commonSize); cm.addFalsePositive(foundSize - commonSize); cm.addFalseNegatives(goldSize - commonSize); } }
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public static <R extends RestResource> Iterable<UiCommandDetail> from(DynamicMap<RestView<R>> views, final R resource, final EnumSet<UiCommand.Place> places) { return Iterables .filter(Iterables.transform(views, new Function<DynamicMap.Entry<RestView<R>>, UiCommandDetail>() { @Override/*ww w . j av a 2 s. com*/ @Nullable public UiCommandDetail apply(DynamicMap.Entry<RestView<R>> e) { int d = e.getExportName().indexOf('.'); if (d < 0) { return null; } String method = e.getExportName().substring(0, d); String name = e.getExportName().substring(d + 1); RestView<R> view; try { view = e.getProvider().get(); } catch (RuntimeException err) { log.error(String.format("error creating view %s.%s", e.getPluginName(), e.getExportName()), err); return null; } if (!(view instanceof UiCommand)) { return null; } UiCommand<R> cmd = (UiCommand<R>) view; if (Sets.intersection(cmd.getPlaces(), places).isEmpty() || !cmd.isVisible(resource)) { return null; } UiCommandDetail dsc = new UiCommandDetail(); = e.getPluginName() + '~' + name; dsc.method = method; dsc.label = cmd.getLabel(resource); dsc.title = cmd.getTitle(resource); dsc.enabled = cmd.isEnabled(resource); dsc.confirmationMessage = cmd.getConfirmationMessage(resource); return dsc; } }), Predicates.notNull()); }
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OwnersReport updatedWith(OwnersReport other) { SetMultimap<TargetNode<?, ?>, Path> updatedOwners = TreeMultimap.create(owners); updatedOwners.putAll(other.owners);//w ww. j av a 2s. c om return new OwnersReport(updatedOwners, Sets.intersection(inputsWithNoOwners, other.inputsWithNoOwners), Sets.union(nonExistentInputs, other.nonExistentInputs), Sets.union(nonFileInputs, other.nonFileInputs)); }
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@Override public Map<String, Object> assembleFrom(OAuth2AccessTokenEntity accessToken, UserInfo userInfo, Set<String> authScopes) { Map<String, Object> result = newLinkedHashMap(); OAuth2Authentication authentication = accessToken.getAuthenticationHolder().getAuthentication(); result.put(ACTIVE, true);//ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om if (accessToken.getPermissions() != null && !accessToken.getPermissions().isEmpty()) { Set<Object> permissions = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Permission perm : accessToken.getPermissions()) { Map<String, Object> o = newLinkedHashMap(); o.put("resource_set_id", perm.getResourceSet().getId().toString()); Set<String> scopes = Sets.newHashSet(perm.getScopes()); o.put("scopes", scopes); permissions.add(o); } result.put("permissions", permissions); } else { Set<String> scopes = Sets.intersection(authScopes, accessToken.getScope()); result.put(SCOPE, Joiner.on(SCOPE_SEPARATOR).join(scopes)); } if (accessToken.getExpiration() != null) { try { result.put(EXPIRES_AT, dateFormat.valueToString(accessToken.getExpiration())); result.put(EXP, accessToken.getExpiration().getTime() / 1000L); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error("Parse exception in token introspection", e); } } if (userInfo != null) { // if we have a UserInfo, use that for the subject result.put(SUB, userInfo.getSub()); } else { // otherwise, use the authentication's username result.put(SUB, authentication.getName()); } if (authentication.getUserAuthentication() != null) { result.put(USER_ID, authentication.getUserAuthentication().getName()); } result.put(CLIENT_ID, authentication.getOAuth2Request().getClientId()); result.put(TOKEN_TYPE, accessToken.getTokenType()); return result; }
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private Set<Equivalence.Wrapper<ReasonerQueryImpl>> getImmediateNeighbours( Equivalence.Wrapper<ReasonerQueryImpl> query) { ReasonerQueryImpl unwrappedQuery = query.get(); Set<Variable> vars = unwrappedQuery != null ? unwrappedQuery.getVarNames() : new HashSet<>(); return this.wrappedStream().filter(q2 -> !query.equals(q2)).map(Equivalence.Wrapper::get) .filter(Objects::nonNull).filter(q2 -> !Sets.intersection(vars, q2.getVarNames()).isEmpty()) .map(q2 -> equality().wrap(q2)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
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private Collection<MailAddress> performXor(Collection<MailAddress> collection1, Collection<MailAddress> collection2) { ImmutableSet<MailAddress> set1 = ImmutableSet.copyOf(collection1); ImmutableSet<MailAddress> set2 = ImmutableSet.copyOf(collection2); return Sets.difference(Sets.union(set1, set2), Sets.intersection(set1, set2)).immutableCopy(); }
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@Override public <T> void eval(QueryEnvironment<T> env, VariableContext<T> context, QueryExpression expression, List<Argument> args, final Callback<T> callback) throws QueryException, InterruptedException { Set<T> fromValue = QueryUtil.evalAll(env, context, args.get(0).getExpression()); Set<T> toValue = QueryUtil.evalAll(env, context, args.get(1).getExpression()); // Implementation strategy: for each x in "from", compute its forward // transitive closure. If it intersects "to", then do a path search from x // to an arbitrary node in the intersection, and return the path. This // avoids computing the full transitive closure of "from" in some cases. env.buildTransitiveClosure(expression, fromValue, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // This set contains all nodes whose TC does not intersect "toValue". Uniquifier<T> uniquifier = env.createUniquifier(); for (T x : uniquifier.unique(fromValue)) { Set<T> xtc = env.getTransitiveClosure(ImmutableSet.of(x)); SetView<T> result;//from w w w .jav a2 s .com if (xtc.size() > toValue.size()) { result = Sets.intersection(toValue, xtc); } else { result = Sets.intersection(xtc, toValue); } if (!result.isEmpty()) { callback.process(env.getNodesOnPath(x, result.iterator().next())); return; } uniquifier.unique(xtc); } callback.process(ImmutableSet.<T>of()); }