List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
From source
@Override public List<String> getLegalValues() { checkInitialized();/*from w w w . ja va2 s .c o m*/ Set<String> layerStyles = getLayerStyles(); if (allowedStyles == null) { // Values is null so allow any of the backing layer's styles return new ArrayList<String>(layerStyles); } else { // Values is set so only allow the intersection of the specified styles and those of the backing layer. return new ArrayList<String>(Sets.intersection(layerStyles, allowedStyles)); } }
From source
public MRExecutor plan(Class<?> jarClass, Configuration conf) throws IOException { DotfileUtil dotfileUtil = new DotfileUtil(jarClass, conf); // Generate the debug lineage dotfiles (if configuration is enabled) dotfileUtil.buildLineageDotfile(outputs); Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, Set<Target>> targetDeps = Maps.newTreeMap(DEPTH_COMPARATOR); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : outputs.keySet()) { targetDeps.put(pcollect, pcollect.getTargetDependencies()); }// w ww .j a v a 2 s .co m Multimap<Target, JobPrototype> assignments = HashMultimap.create(); while (!targetDeps.isEmpty()) { Set<Target> allTargets = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : targetDeps.keySet()) { allTargets.addAll(outputs.get(pcollect)); } GraphBuilder graphBuilder = new GraphBuilder(); // Walk the current plan tree and build a graph in which the vertices are // sources, targets, and GBK operations. Set<PCollectionImpl<?>> currentStage = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : targetDeps.keySet()) { Set<Target> deps = Sets.intersection(allTargets, targetDeps.get(output)); if (deps.isEmpty()) { graphBuilder.visitOutput(output); currentStage.add(output); } } Graph baseGraph = graphBuilder.getGraph(); boolean hasInputs = false; for (Vertex v : baseGraph) { if (v.isInput()) { hasInputs = true; break; } } if (!hasInputs) { LOG.warn("No input sources for pipeline, nothing to do..."); return new MRExecutor(conf, jarClass, outputs, toMaterialize, appendedTargets, pipelineCallables); } // Create a new graph that splits up up dependent GBK nodes. Graph graph = prepareFinalGraph(baseGraph); // Break the graph up into connected components. List<List<Vertex>> components = graph.connectedComponents(); // Generate the debug graph dotfiles (if configuration is enabled) dotfileUtil.buildBaseGraphDotfile(outputs, graph); dotfileUtil.buildSplitGraphDotfile(outputs, graph, components); // For each component, we will create one or more job prototypes, // depending on its profile. // For dependency handling, we only need to care about which // job prototype a particular GBK is assigned to. Multimap<Vertex, JobPrototype> newAssignments = HashMultimap.create(); for (List<Vertex> component : components) { newAssignments.putAll(constructJobPrototypes(component)); } // Add in the job dependency information here. for (Map.Entry<Vertex, JobPrototype> e : newAssignments.entries()) { JobPrototype current = e.getValue(); for (Vertex parent : graph.getParents(e.getKey())) { for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : newAssignments.get(parent)) { current.addDependency(parentJobProto); } } } ImmutableMultimap<Target, JobPrototype> previousStages = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(assignments); for (Map.Entry<Vertex, JobPrototype> e : newAssignments.entries()) { if (e.getKey().isOutput()) { PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect = e.getKey().getPCollection(); JobPrototype current = e.getValue(); // Add in implicit dependencies via SourceTargets that are read into memory for (Target pt : pcollect.getTargetDependencies()) { for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : assignments.get(pt)) { current.addDependency(parentJobProto); } } // Add this to the set of output assignments for (Target t : outputs.get(pcollect)) { assignments.put(t, e.getValue()); } } else { Source source = e.getKey().getSource(); if (source != null && source instanceof Target) { JobPrototype current = e.getValue(); Collection<JobPrototype> parentJobPrototypes = previousStages.get((Target) source); if (parentJobPrototypes != null) { for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : parentJobPrototypes) { current.addDependency(parentJobProto); } } } } } // Remove completed outputs and mark materialized output locations // for subsequent job processing. for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : currentStage) { if (toMaterialize.containsKey(output)) { MaterializableIterable mi = toMaterialize.get(output); if (mi.isSourceTarget()) { output.materializeAt((SourceTarget) mi.getSource()); } } targetDeps.remove(output); } } // Finally, construct the jobs from the prototypes and return. MRExecutor exec = new MRExecutor(conf, jarClass, outputs, toMaterialize, appendedTargets, pipelineCallables); // Generate the debug Plan dotfiles dotfileUtil.buildPlanDotfile(exec, assignments, pipeline, lastJobID); for (JobPrototype proto : Sets.newHashSet(assignments.values())) { exec.addJob(proto.getCrunchJob(jarClass, conf, pipeline, lastJobID)); } // Generate the debug RTNode dotfiles (if configuration is enabled) dotfileUtil.buildRTNodesDotfile(exec); // Attach the dotfiles to the MRExcutor context dotfileUtil.addDotfilesToContext(exec); return exec; }
From source
private static void generateObjectDiffs(final DiffProcessor processor, final JsonPointer pointer, final ObjectNode source, final ObjectNode target) { final Set<String> firstFields = Sets.newTreeSet(Sets.newHashSet(source.fieldNames())); final Set<String> secondFields = Sets.newTreeSet(Sets.newHashSet(target.fieldNames())); for (final String field : Sets.difference(firstFields, secondFields)) processor.valueRemoved(pointer.append(field), source.get(field)); for (final String field : Sets.difference(secondFields, firstFields)) processor.valueAdded(pointer.append(field), target.get(field)); for (final String field : Sets.intersection(firstFields, secondFields)) generateDiffs(processor, pointer.append(field), source.get(field), target.get(field)); }
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/** * Validate the DAG is a valid DAG without cycles, and no islands. This should only be called before any * mutating operations like {@link #removeSource()} are called. * * @throws IllegalStateException if there is a cycle in the graph, or an island in the graph *///from www.j a va2 s .c o m void validate() { // if there are no sources, we must have a cycle. if (sources.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("DAG does not have any sources. Please remove cycles from the graph."); } // similarly, if there are no sinks, we must have a cycle if (sinks.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("DAG does not have any sinks. Please remove cycles from the graph."); } // check for cycles getTopologicalOrder(); // check for sections of the dag that are on an island by themselves // source -> [ nodes accessible by the source ] Map<String, Set<String>> nodesAccessibleBySources = new HashMap<>(); for (String source : sources) { nodesAccessibleBySources.put(source, accessibleFrom(source)); } // the algorithm is to keep an island and try to keep adding to it until we can't anymore. // the island starts off as the nodes accessible by the first source // we then loop through all other sources and add them to the island if they can access any node in the island. // we stop if we ever loop through all other sources and can't add them to the island, // or if the island has grown to include all sources. Set<String> islandNodes = new HashSet<>(); // seed the island with the first source Set<String> potentialIslandSources = new HashSet<>(sources); String firstSource = potentialIslandSources.iterator().next(); islandNodes.addAll(nodesAccessibleBySources.get(firstSource)); potentialIslandSources.remove(firstSource); while (!potentialIslandSources.isEmpty()) { Set<String> sourcesAdded = new HashSet<>(); // for each source not yet a part of the island for (String potentialIslandSource : potentialIslandSources) { Set<String> accessibleBySource = nodesAccessibleBySources.get(potentialIslandSource); // if that source can access the island in any way, add it to the island if (!Sets.intersection(islandNodes, accessibleBySource).isEmpty()) { islandNodes.addAll(accessibleBySource); sourcesAdded.add(potentialIslandSource); } } // if this is empty, no sources were added to the island. That means the island really is an island. if (sourcesAdded.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Invalid DAG. There is an island made up of stages %s (no other stages connect to them).", Joiner.on(',').join(islandNodes))); } potentialIslandSources.removeAll(sourcesAdded); } }
From source
/** * @return true if one or both sets are <code>null</code> or the intersection of sets is empty. *///from w w w . j a va 2 s .com boolean isIntersectionEmpty(Set<?> a, Set<?> b) { if (a == b) { return true; } if (a == null || b == null) { return false; } SetView<?> intersection = Sets.intersection(a, b); return intersection.isEmpty(); }
From source
public boolean numberChargeAndAlternativeNameMatch(@Nonnull final ScanIndex scanIndex) { boolean match = false; if (numberAndChargeMatch(scanIndex)) { match = !Sets.intersection(alternativeNames, scanIndex.alternativeNames).isEmpty(); }// www . ja v a 2s. c o m return match; }
From source
/** * Create a new quaternary venn model with the specified sets. * * @param first first set, must not be null * @param second second set, must not be null * @param third third set, must not be null * @param fourth fourth set, must not be null */// ww w. j a v a 2 s .com public QuaternaryVennModelImpl(final Set<? extends E> first, final Set<? extends E> second, final Set<? extends E> third, final Set<? extends E> fourth) { if (first == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("first must not be null"); } if (second == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("second must not be null"); } if (third == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("third must not be null"); } if (fourth == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("fourth must not be null"); } // todo defensive copy? this.first = new ObservableSetImpl(first); this.second = new ObservableSetImpl(second); this.third = new ObservableSetImpl(third); this.fourth = new ObservableSetImpl(fourth); // alias ObservableSet<E> f = this.first; ObservableSet<E> s = this.second; ObservableSet<E> t = this.third; ObservableSet<E> r = this.fourth; firstOnly = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.difference(f, s), t), r); // f - s - t - r secondOnly = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.difference(s, f), t), r); // s - f - t - r thirdOnly = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.difference(t, f), s), r); // t - f - s - r fourthOnly = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.difference(r, f), s), t); // r - f - s - t firstSecond = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(f, s), t), r); // f n s - t - r firstThird = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(f, t), s), r); // f n t - s - r firstFourth = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(f, r), s), t); // f n r - s - t secondThird = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(s, t), f), r); // s n t - f - r secondFourth = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(s, r), f), t); // s n r - f - t thirdFourth = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(t, r), f), s); // t n r - f - s firstSecondThird = Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(f, Sets.intersection(s, t)), r); // f n s n t - r firstSecondFourth = Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(f, Sets.intersection(s, r)), t); // f n s n r - t firstThirdFourth = Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(f, Sets.intersection(t, r)), s); // f n t n r - s secondThirdFourth = Sets.difference(Sets.intersection(s, Sets.intersection(t, r)), f); // s n t n r - f intersection = Sets.intersection(f, Sets.intersection(s, Sets.intersection(t, r))); // f n s n t n r union = Sets.union(f, Sets.union(s, Sets.union(t, r))); // f u s u t u r selection = new SelectionView<E>(union, f, s, t, r); exclusives = new HashMap<ImmutableBitSet, Set<E>>(15); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0), firstOnly); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(1), secondOnly); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(2), thirdOnly); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(3), fourthOnly); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 1), firstSecond); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 2), firstThird); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 3), firstFourth); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(1, 2), secondThird); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(1, 3), secondFourth); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(2, 3), thirdFourth); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 1, 2), firstSecondThird); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 1, 3), firstSecondFourth); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 2, 3), firstThirdFourth); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(1, 2, 3), secondThirdFourth); exclusives.put(toImmutableBitSet(0, 1, 2, 3), intersection); }
From source
/** * @return true if the rule has disconnected head, i.e. head and body do not share any variables *//* w w w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ private boolean hasDisconnectedHead() { return Sets.intersection(body.getVarNames(), head.getVarNames()).isEmpty(); }
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@Override public Set<Object> getElementIDsFromBroadcastingID(Object broadcastingID) { Set<Object> elementIDs = getElementIDsFromBroadcastID(broadcastingID); return new HashSet<>(Sets.intersection(elementIDs, allElementIDs)); }
From source
public void doVerb(final MessageIn<RepairMessage> message, final int id) { // TODO add cancel/interrupt message RepairJobDesc desc = message.payload.desc; try {//from ww w .j a v a2s.c o m switch (message.payload.messageType) { case PREPARE_GLOBAL_MESSAGE: case PREPARE_MESSAGE: PrepareMessage prepareMessage = (PrepareMessage) message.payload; logger.debug("Preparing, {}", prepareMessage); List<ColumnFamilyStore> columnFamilyStores = new ArrayList<>(prepareMessage.cfIds.size()); for (UUID cfId : prepareMessage.cfIds) { Pair<String, String> kscf = Schema.instance.getCF(cfId); ColumnFamilyStore columnFamilyStore =; columnFamilyStores.add(columnFamilyStore); } CassandraVersion peerVersion = SystemKeyspace.getReleaseVersion(message.from); // note that we default isGlobal to true since old version always default to true: boolean isGlobal = peerVersion == null || peerVersion.compareTo(ActiveRepairService.SUPPORTS_GLOBAL_PREPARE_FLAG_VERSION) < 0 || message.payload.messageType.equals(RepairMessage.Type.PREPARE_GLOBAL_MESSAGE); logger.debug("Received prepare message: global message = {}, peerVersion = {},", message.payload.messageType.equals(RepairMessage.Type.PREPARE_GLOBAL_MESSAGE), peerVersion); ActiveRepairService.instance.registerParentRepairSession(prepareMessage.parentRepairSession, columnFamilyStores, prepareMessage.ranges, prepareMessage.isIncremental, isGlobal); MessagingService.instance().sendReply(new MessageOut(MessagingService.Verb.INTERNAL_RESPONSE), id, message.from); break; case SNAPSHOT: logger.debug("Snapshotting {}", desc); final ColumnFamilyStore cfs =; final Range<Token> repairingRange = desc.range; Set<SSTableReader> snapshottedSSSTables = cfs.snapshot(desc.sessionId.toString(), new Predicate<SSTableReader>() { public boolean apply(SSTableReader sstable) { return sstable != null && !(sstable.partitioner instanceof LocalPartitioner) && // exclude SSTables from 2i new Bounds<>(sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken()) .intersects(Collections.singleton(repairingRange)); } }, true); //ephemeral snapshot, if repair fails, it will be cleaned next startup Set<SSTableReader> currentlyRepairing = ActiveRepairService.instance .currentlyRepairing(cfs.metadata.cfId, desc.parentSessionId); if (!Sets.intersection(currentlyRepairing, snapshottedSSSTables).isEmpty()) { // clear snapshot that we just created cfs.clearSnapshot(desc.sessionId.toString()); logger.error("Cannot start multiple repair sessions over the same sstables"); MessageOut reply = new MessageOut(MessagingService.Verb.INTERNAL_RESPONSE) .withParameter(MessagingService.FAILURE_RESPONSE_PARAM, MessagingService.ONE_BYTE); MessagingService.instance().sendReply(reply, id, message.from); return; } ActiveRepairService.instance.getParentRepairSession(desc.parentSessionId) .addSSTables(cfs.metadata.cfId, snapshottedSSSTables); logger.debug("Enqueuing response to snapshot request {} to {}", desc.sessionId, message.from); MessagingService.instance().sendReply(new MessageOut(MessagingService.Verb.INTERNAL_RESPONSE), id, message.from); break; case VALIDATION_REQUEST: ValidationRequest validationRequest = (ValidationRequest) message.payload; logger.debug("Validating {}", validationRequest); // trigger read-only compaction ColumnFamilyStore store =; Validator validator = new Validator(desc, message.from, validationRequest.gcBefore); CompactionManager.instance.submitValidation(store, validator); break; case SYNC_REQUEST: // forwarded sync request SyncRequest request = (SyncRequest) message.payload; logger.debug("Syncing {}", request); long repairedAt = ActiveRepairService.UNREPAIRED_SSTABLE; if (desc.parentSessionId != null && ActiveRepairService.instance.getParentRepairSession(desc.parentSessionId) != null) repairedAt = ActiveRepairService.instance.getParentRepairSession(desc.parentSessionId) .getRepairedAt(); StreamingRepairTask task = new StreamingRepairTask(desc, request, repairedAt);; break; case ANTICOMPACTION_REQUEST: AnticompactionRequest anticompactionRequest = (AnticompactionRequest) message.payload; logger.debug("Got anticompaction request {}", anticompactionRequest); ListenableFuture<?> compactionDone = ActiveRepairService.instance.doAntiCompaction( anticompactionRequest.parentRepairSession, anticompactionRequest.successfulRanges); compactionDone.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessagingService.instance().sendReply( new MessageOut(MessagingService.Verb.INTERNAL_RESPONSE), id, message.from); } }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); break; case CLEANUP: logger.debug("cleaning up repair"); CleanupMessage cleanup = (CleanupMessage) message.payload; ActiveRepairService.instance.removeParentRepairSession(cleanup.parentRepairSession); MessagingService.instance().sendReply(new MessageOut(MessagingService.Verb.INTERNAL_RESPONSE), id, message.from); break; default: ActiveRepairService.instance.handleMessage(message.from, message.payload); break; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Got error, removing parent repair session"); if (desc != null && desc.parentSessionId != null) ActiveRepairService.instance.removeParentRepairSession(desc.parentSessionId); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }