List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
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private TieredKeyValueService(Set<String> tieredTables, KeyValueService primary, KeyValueService secondary, ExecutorService executor) { Set<String> badTables = Sets.intersection(AtlasDbConstants.hiddenTables, tieredTables); Preconditions.checkArgument(badTables.isEmpty(), "The hidden tables %s cannot be tiered.", badTables); this.tieredTables = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tieredTables); this.primary = primary; this.secondary = secondary; this.executor = executor; }
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/** * computes the adjusted rand, see <a href="">Rand_Index</a> in Wikipedia * * @param x//from w w w.j av a2 s. c o m * the collection of groups of the first stratification * @param y * the collection of groups of the second stratification * @return its adjusted rand */ public static float adjustedRand(Collection<Set<Integer>> x, Collection<Set<Integer>> y) { // // ARI = \frac{ \sum_{ij} \binom{n_{ij}}{2} - [\sum_i \binom{a_i}{2} \sum_j \binom{b_j}{2}] / \binom{n}{2} }{ // \frac{1}{2} [\sum_i \binom{a_i}{2} + \sum_j \binom{b_j}{2}] - [\sum_i \binom{a_i}{2} \sum_j \binom{b_j}{2}] / // \binom{n}{2} } // where n_{ij}, a_i, b_j are values from the contingency table. int n = 0; int ais = 0; int bjs = 0; int nijs = 0; int bj[] = new int[y.size()]; Arrays.fill(bj, 0); for (Set<Integer> xi : x) { int ai = 0; int j = 0; for (Set<Integer> yi : y) { int nij = Sets.intersection(xi, yi).size(); ai += nij; nijs += binom2(nij); bj[j] += nij; j++; } ais += binom2(ai); n += xi.size(); } for (int j = 0; j < bj.length; j++) bjs += binom2(bj[j]); float n2 = 1.f / binom2(n); float ari = (nijs - (ais * bjs) * n2) / (0.5f * (ais + bjs) - (ais * bjs) * n2); return ari; }
From source
/** * Merge this DrainData with the given DrainData object, appending any * channel data to the data in this DrainData (just as adding to a List * appends at the end)./*from ww w. j av a 2 s . com*/ * @param other the DrainData to merge with * @return a merged DrainData */ public DrainData merge(DrainData other) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Token, ImmutableList<Object>> dataBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Token t : Sets.union(data.keySet(), { ImmutableList<Object> us = getData(t) != null ? getData(t) : ImmutableList.of(); ImmutableList<Object> them = other.getData(t) != null ? other.getData(t) : ImmutableList.of(); dataBuilder.put(t, ImmutableList.builder().addAll(us).addAll(them).build()); } if (!Sets.intersection(state.rowKeySet(), other.state.rowKeySet()).isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad merge: one worker's state split across DrainData"); return new DrainData(, CollectionUtils.union(state, other.state)); }
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private Set<Integer> intersectImpl(TypedSet that) { Set<Integer> r;//w w w .j a v a2s. co m if (this.size() < that.size()) { // smaller at the beginning r = Sets.intersection(that.wrappee, this.wrappee); } else r = Sets.intersection(this.wrappee, that.wrappee); return r; }
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@Override protected List<Penalty> calculateSimulatedOverallPenalties(Pilot pilot) { List<Penalty> penalties = new ArrayList<Penalty>(1); if (eventNonAttendancePenalty != 0) { for (Event event : lazyEventRaces.get().keySet()) { if (!event.getAttendees().contains(pilot) && Sets .intersection(lazyEventRaces.get().get(event), pilot.getRaces().keySet()).isEmpty()) { penalties.add(new Penalty(Penalty.Type.EVENT_NON_ATTENDANCE, eventNonAttendancePenalty, event.getName())); }//from ww w. j av a 2s.c o m } } for (int i = 0; i < eventNonAttendanceDiscards && i < penalties.size(); i++) { penalties.get(penalties.size() - (i + 1)).setValue(0); } return penalties; }
From source
static void formatConfiguration(StringBuilder sb, AttributeContainer fromConfigurationAttributes, AttributesSchema consumerSchema, List<ConfigurationMetadata> matches, Set<String> requestedAttributes, int maxConfLength, final String conf) { Optional<ConfigurationMetadata> match = Iterables.tryFind(matches, new Predicate<ConfigurationMetadata>() { @Override// w w w . j a va 2s . c om public boolean apply(ConfigurationMetadata input) { return conf.equals(input.getName()); } }); if (match.isPresent()) { AttributeContainer producerAttributes = match.get().getAttributes(); Set<Attribute<?>> targetAttributes = producerAttributes.keySet(); Set<String> targetAttributeNames = Sets .newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(targetAttributes, ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); Set<Attribute<?>> allAttributes = Sets.union(fromConfigurationAttributes.keySet(), producerAttributes.keySet()); Set<String> commonAttributes = Sets.intersection(requestedAttributes, targetAttributeNames); Set<String> consumerOnlyAttributes = Sets.difference(requestedAttributes, targetAttributeNames); sb.append(" ").append("- Configuration '").append(StringUtils.rightPad(conf + "'", maxConfLength + 1)) .append(" :"); List<Attribute<?>> sortedAttributes = Ordering.usingToString().sortedCopy(allAttributes); List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(sortedAttributes.size()); formatAttributes(sb, fromConfigurationAttributes, consumerSchema, producerAttributes, commonAttributes, consumerOnlyAttributes, sortedAttributes, values); } }
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public PullFileLoader(Path rootDirectory, FileSystem fs, Collection<String> javaPropsPullFileExtensions, Collection<String> hoconPullFileExtensions) { Set<String> commonExtensions = Sets.intersection(Sets.newHashSet(javaPropsPullFileExtensions), Sets.newHashSet(hoconPullFileExtensions)); Preconditions.checkArgument(commonExtensions.isEmpty(), "Java props and HOCON pull file extensions intersect: " + Arrays.toString(commonExtensions.toArray())); this.rootDirectory = rootDirectory; this.fs = fs; this.javaPropsPullFileFilter = new ExtensionFilter(javaPropsPullFileExtensions); this.hoconPullFileFilter = new ExtensionFilter(hoconPullFileExtensions); }
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private static Set<DownloadDataType> filterClinical(Set<DownloadDataType> dataTypes) { return Sets.intersection(CLINICAL, dataTypes); }
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@Override public ScorePosNeg computeScore(OWLClassExpression concept) { if (isUseRetrievalForClassification()) { SortedSet<OWLIndividual> posClassified = getReasoner().getIndividuals(concept); SortedSet<OWLIndividual> negClassified = getReasoner() .getIndividuals(dataFactory.getOWLObjectComplementOf(concept)); Set<OWLIndividual> neutClassified = new TreeSet<>( Sets.intersection(getReasoner().getIndividuals(), posClassified)); neutClassified.retainAll(negClassified); return new ScoreThreeValued(OWLClassExpressionUtils.getLength(concept), accuracyPenalty, errorPenalty, penaliseNeutralExamples, getPercentPerLengthUnit(), posClassified, neutClassified, negClassified, positiveExamples, neutralExamples, negativeExamples); } else {/*from w w w .ja va 2s .c om*/ if (getReasoner().getReasonerType().isOWLAPIReasoner()) { if (penaliseNeutralExamples) throw new Error("It does not make sense to use single instance checks when" + "neutral examples are penalized. Use Retrievals instead."); // TODO: umschreiben in instance checks SortedSet<OWLIndividual> posClassified = new TreeSet<>(); SortedSet<OWLIndividual> negClassified = new TreeSet<>(); // Beispiele durchgehen // TODO: Implementierung ist ineffizient, da man hier schon in Klassen wie // posAsNeut, posAsNeg etc. einteilen koennte; so wird das extra in der Score-Klasse // gemacht; bei wichtigen Benchmarks des 3-wertigen Lernproblems muesste man das // umstellen // pos => pos for (OWLIndividual example : positiveExamples) { if (getReasoner().hasType(concept, example)) posClassified.add(example); } // neg => pos for (OWLIndividual example : negativeExamples) { if (getReasoner().hasType(concept, example)) posClassified.add(example); } OWLClassExpression negatedConcept = dataFactory.getOWLObjectComplementOf(concept); // pos => neg for (OWLIndividual example : positiveExamples) { if (getReasoner().hasType(negatedConcept, example)) negClassified.add(example); } // neg => neg for (OWLIndividual example : negativeExamples) { if (getReasoner().hasType(negatedConcept, example)) negClassified.add(example); } Set<OWLIndividual> neutClassified = new TreeSet<>( Sets.intersection(getReasoner().getIndividuals(), posClassified)); neutClassified.retainAll(negClassified); return new ScoreThreeValued(OWLClassExpressionUtils.getLength(concept), accuracyPenalty, errorPenalty, penaliseNeutralExamples, getPercentPerLengthUnit(), posClassified, neutClassified, negClassified, positiveExamples, neutralExamples, negativeExamples); } else throw new Error("score cannot be computed in this configuration"); } }
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void addDefaultModels() { for (final ModelBuilder<?, ?> b : defaultModels) { final ImmutableSet<Class<?>> providingTypes = b.getProvidingTypes(); if (providingTypes.isEmpty() || !providerMap.keySet().containsAll(providingTypes)) { checkArgument(Sets.intersection(providerMap.keySet(), providingTypes).isEmpty()); add(b);//from ww w . j a v a 2s . co m } } }