Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Rinde van Lon, iMinds-DistriNet, KU Leuven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.rinde.rinsim.central; import static; import static; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.GlobalStateObject.VehicleStateObject; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.core.model.pdp.Parcel; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.StochasticSupplier; import com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.StochasticSuppliers; import; import; import; /** * Provides methods for validating input to and output from {@link Solver}s. * Also provides {@link #wrap(Solver)} method which decorates any solver such * that both inputs and outputs are validated every time it is is called. * @author Rinde van Lon */ public final class SolverValidator { private SolverValidator() { } /** * Decorates the original {@link Solver} such that both the inputs to the * solver and the outputs from the solver are validated. When an invalid input * or output is detected a {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * @param delegate The {@link Solver} that will be used for the actual * solving. * @return The wrapped solver. */ public static Solver wrap(Solver delegate) { return new SolverValidator.ValidatedSolver(delegate); } /** * Decorates the original {@link StochasticSupplier} such that all generated * {@link Solver} instances are wrapped using {@link #wrap(Solver)}. * @param sup The supplier to wrap. * @return The wrapper supplier. */ public static StochasticSupplier<Solver> wrap(StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> sup) { return new ValidatedSupplier(sup); } /** * Validates the inputs for {@link Solver#solve(GlobalStateObject)} method. If * the input is not correct an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * @param state The state to validate. * @return The state. */ public static GlobalStateObject validateInputs(GlobalStateObject state) { checkArgument(state.getTime() >= 0, "Time must be >= 0, is %s.", state.getTime()); checkArgument(!state.getVehicles().isEmpty(), "At least one vehicle must be present."); final Set<Parcel> inventoryParcels = newHashSet(); final boolean routeIsPresent = state.getVehicles().get(0).getRoute().isPresent(); final Set<Parcel> allParcels = newHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) { final VehicleStateObject vs = state.getVehicles().get(i); checkArgument(vs.getRoute().isPresent() == routeIsPresent, "Either a route should be present for all vehicles, or no route " + "should be present for all vehicles."); if (vs.getRoute().isPresent()) { for (final Parcel p : vs.getRoute().get()) { checkArgument(!allParcels.contains(p), "Found parcel which is already present in the route of another " + "vehicle. %s is found in vehicle %s.", p, i); } allParcels.addAll(vs.getRoute().get()); } } for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) { final VehicleStateObject vs = state.getVehicles().get(i); checkArgument(vs.getRemainingServiceTime() >= 0, "Remaining service time must be >= 0, is %s.", vs.getRemainingServiceTime()); final Set<Parcel> intersection = Sets.intersection(state.getAvailableParcels(), vs.getContents()); checkArgument(intersection.isEmpty(), "Parcels can not be available AND in the inventory of a vehicle, " + "found: %s.", intersection); final Set<Parcel> inventoryIntersection = Sets.intersection(inventoryParcels, vs.getContents()); checkArgument(inventoryIntersection.isEmpty(), "Parcels can not be in the inventory of two vehicles at the same " + "time, found: %s.", inventoryIntersection); inventoryParcels.addAll(vs.getContents()); // if the destination parcel is not available, it must be in the // cargo of the vehicle if (vs.getDestination().isPresent()) { final boolean isAvailable = state.getAvailableParcels().contains(vs.getDestination().get()); final boolean isInCargo = vs.getContents().contains(vs.getDestination().get()); checkArgument(isAvailable != isInCargo, "Destination must be either available (%s) or in the current " + "vehicle's cargo (%s), but not both (i.e. XOR). Destination: " + "%s, vehicle: %s (out of %s), remaining service time: %s.", isAvailable, isInCargo, vs.getDestination(), i, state.getVehicles().size(), vs.getRemainingServiceTime()); } if (vs.getRoute().isPresent()) { checkRoute(vs, i); } } return state; } /** * Validate the route of a vehicle. * @param vs The vehicle to check. * @param i The index of the vehicle, only used to generate nice error * messages. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the route is not correct. */ public static void checkRoute(VehicleStateObject vs, int i) { checkArgument(vs.getRoute().isPresent()); checkArgument(vs.getRoute().get().containsAll(vs.getContents()), "Vehicle %s's route doesn't contain all locations it has in cargo. " + "Route: %s, cargo: %s.", i, vs.getRoute().get(), vs.getContents()); if (vs.getDestination().isPresent()) { checkArgument(!vs.getRoute().get().isEmpty() && vs.getRoute().get().get(0) == vs.getDestination().get(), "First location in route must equal destination (%s), route is: %s.", vs.getDestination(), vs.getRoute().get()); } for (final Parcel dp : vs.getRoute().get()) { final int freq = Collections.frequency(vs.getRoute().get(), dp); if (vs.getContents().contains(dp)) { checkArgument(freq == 1, "A parcel already in cargo should occur once in the route, found %s" + " instance(s). Parcel: %s, route: %s.", freq, dp, vs.getRoute().get()); } else { checkArgument(freq == 2, "A parcel that is not yet in cargo should occur twice in the route, " + "found %s instance(s). Parcel: %s, route: %s.", freq, dp, vs.getRoute().get(), vs.getRemainingServiceTime()); } } } /** * Validates the routes that are produced by a {@link Solver}. If one of the * routes is infeasible an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * @param routes The routes that are validated. * @param state Parameter as specified by * {@link Solver#solve(GlobalStateObject)}. * @return The routes. */ public static ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Parcel>> validateOutputs(ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Parcel>> routes, GlobalStateObject state) { checkArgument(routes.size() == state.getVehicles().size(), "There must be exactly one route for every vehicle, found %s routes " + "with %s vehicles.", routes.size(), state.getVehicles().size()); final Set<Parcel> inputParcels = newHashSet(state.getAvailableParcels()); final Set<Parcel> outputParcels = newHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); i++) { final List<Parcel> route = routes.get(i); final Set<Parcel> routeSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(route); checkArgument(routeSet.containsAll(state.getVehicles().get(i).getContents()), "The route of vehicle %s doesn't visit all parcels in its cargo.", i); inputParcels.addAll(state.getVehicles().get(i).getContents()); if (state.getVehicles().get(i).getDestination().isPresent()) { checkArgument(state.getVehicles().get(i).getDestination().asSet().contains(route.get(0)), "The route of vehicle %s should start with its current destination:" + " %s.", i, state.getVehicles().get(i).getDestination()); } for (final Parcel p : route) { checkArgument(!outputParcels.contains(p), "Found a parcel which is already in another route: %s.", p); final int frequency = Collections.frequency(route, p); if (state.getAvailableParcels().contains(p)) { // if the parcel is available, it needs to occur twice in // the route (once for pickup, once for delivery). checkArgument(frequency == 2, "Route %s: a parcel that is picked up needs to be delivered as " + "well, so it should occur twice in the route, found %s " + "occurence(s) of parcel %s.", i, frequency, p); } else { checkArgument(state.getVehicles().get(i).getContents().contains(p), "The parcel in this route is not available, which means it should" + " be in the contents of this vehicle. Parcel: %s.", p); checkArgument(frequency == 1, "A parcel that is already in cargo should occur once in the " + "route, found %s occurences of parcel %s.", frequency, p); } } outputParcels.addAll(route); } checkArgument(inputParcels.equals(outputParcels), "The number of distinct parcels in the routes should equal the number " + "of parcels in the input, parcels that should be added in routes:" + " %s, parcels that should be removed from routes: %s.", Sets.difference(inputParcels, outputParcels), Sets.difference(outputParcels, inputParcels)); return routes; } private static class ValidatedSolver implements Solver { private final Solver delegateSolver; ValidatedSolver(Solver delegate) { delegateSolver = delegate; } @Override public ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Parcel>> solve(GlobalStateObject state) throws InterruptedException { return validateOutputs(delegateSolver.solve(validateInputs(state)), state); } } private static final class ValidatedSupplier extends StochasticSuppliers.AbstractStochasticSupplier<Solver> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2408333654270668182L; private final StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> supplier; ValidatedSupplier(StochasticSupplier<? extends Solver> sup) { supplier = sup; } @Override public Solver get(long seed) { return SolverValidator.wrap(supplier.get(seed)); } } }