Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2018 B2i Healthcare Pte Ltd, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.b2international.index.revision; import static com.b2international.index.query.Expressions.matchAnyInt; import static com.b2international.index.query.Expressions.matchAnyLong; import static; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import com.b2international.collections.PrimitiveMaps; import com.b2international.collections.PrimitiveSets; import com.b2international.collections.longs.LongIterator; import com.b2international.collections.longs.LongKeyMap; import com.b2international.collections.longs.LongSet; import com.b2international.commons.collect.LongSets; import com.b2international.index.Hits; import com.b2international.index.Index; import com.b2international.index.Searcher; import com.b2international.index.Writer; import com.b2international.index.admin.IndexAdmin; import com.b2international.index.mapping.DocumentMapping; import com.b2international.index.query.Expressions; import com.b2international.index.query.Expressions.ExpressionBuilder; import com.b2international.index.query.Query; import com.b2international.index.revision.RevisionCompare.Builder; import; import; import; /** * @since 4.7 */ public final class DefaultRevisionIndex implements InternalRevisionIndex { private static final String SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE = "2m"; private static final int SCROLL_LIMIT = 10_000; private static final int PURGE_LIMIT = 100_000; private static final int COMPARE_DEFAULT_LIMIT = 100_000; private final Index index; private final RevisionBranchProvider branchProvider; public DefaultRevisionIndex(Index index, RevisionBranchProvider branchProvider) { this.index = index; this.branchProvider = branchProvider; } @Override public IndexAdmin admin() { return index.admin(); } @Override public String name() { return; } @Override public <T> T read(final String branchPath, final RevisionIndexRead<T> read) { if (RevisionIndex.isBaseRefPath(branchPath)) { final String branchPathWithoutBaseRef = branchPath.substring(0, branchPath.length() - 1); if (RevisionBranch.MAIN_PATH.equals(branchPathWithoutBaseRef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot query base of MAIN branch"); } final RevisionBranch parent = getParentBranch(branchPathWithoutBaseRef); final RevisionBranch branch = getBranch(branchPathWithoutBaseRef); final Set<Integer> commonPath = Sets.intersection(branch.segments(), parent.segments()); final RevisionBranch baseOfBranch = new RevisionBranch(parent.path(), Ordering.natural().max(commonPath), commonPath); return read(baseOfBranch, read); } else if (RevisionIndex.isRevRangePath(branchPath)) { final String[] branches = RevisionIndex.getRevisionRangePaths(branchPath); final String basePath = branches[0]; final String comparePath = branches[1]; final RevisionBranch base = getBranch(basePath); final RevisionBranch compare = getBranch(comparePath); final Set<Integer> compareSegments = Sets.difference(compare.segments(), base.segments()); return read(new RevisionBranch(comparePath, compare.segmentId(), compareSegments), read); } else { return read(getBranch(branchPath), read); } } @Override public <T> T read(final RevisionBranch branch, final RevisionIndexRead<T> read) { return -> read.execute(new DefaultRevisionSearcher(branch, index))); } @Override public <T> T write(final String branchPath, final long commitTimestamp, final RevisionIndexWrite<T> write) { if (branchPath.endsWith(BASE_REF_CHAR)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("It is illegal to modify a branch's base point (%s).", branchPath)); } return index.write(index -> { final RevisionBranch branch = getBranch(branchPath); final RevisionWriter writer = new DefaultRevisionWriter(branch, commitTimestamp, index, new DefaultRevisionSearcher(branch, index.searcher())); return write.execute(writer); }); } @Override public RevisionCompare compare(final String branch) { return compare(getParentBranch(branch), getBranch(branch), COMPARE_DEFAULT_LIMIT); } @Override public RevisionCompare compare(final String branch, final int limit) { return compare(getParentBranch(branch), getBranch(branch), limit); } @Override public RevisionCompare compare(final String baseBranch, final String compareBranch) { return compare(getBranch(baseBranch), getBranch(compareBranch), COMPARE_DEFAULT_LIMIT); } @Override public RevisionCompare compare(final String baseBranch, final String compareBranch, final int limit) { return compare(getBranch(baseBranch), getBranch(compareBranch), limit); } private RevisionCompare compare(final RevisionBranch base, final RevisionBranch compare, final int limit) { return -> { final Set<Integer> commonPath = Sets.intersection(compare.segments(), base.segments()); final Set<Integer> segmentsToCompare = Sets.difference(compare.segments(), base.segments()); final RevisionBranch baseOfCompareBranch = new RevisionBranch(base.path(), Ordering.natural().max(commonPath), commonPath); final Set<Class<? extends Revision>> typesToCompare = getRevisionTypes(); final Builder result = RevisionCompare.builder(DefaultRevisionIndex.this, baseOfCompareBranch, compare, limit); LongSet newOrChangedKeys = PrimitiveSets.newLongOpenHashSet(); LongKeyMap<String> newOrChangedHashes = PrimitiveMaps.newLongKeyOpenHashMap(); LongSet deletedOrChangedKeys = PrimitiveSets.newLongOpenHashSet(); // Don't need to keep track of deleted-or-changed hashes // query all registered revision types for new, changed and deleted components for (Class<? extends Revision> type : typesToCompare) { // The current storage key-hash pairs from the "compare" segments final Query<String[]> newOrChangedQuery =[].class).from(type) .fields(Revision.STORAGE_KEY, DocumentMapping._HASH) .where(Revision.branchSegmentFilter(segmentsToCompare)).scroll(SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE) .limit(SCROLL_LIMIT).build(); for (final Hits<String[]> newOrChangedHits : searcher.scroll(newOrChangedQuery)) { newOrChangedKeys.clear(); newOrChangedHashes.clear(); for (final String[] newOrChangedHit : newOrChangedHits) { final long storageKey = Long.parseLong(newOrChangedHit[0]); final String hash = newOrChangedHit[1]; newOrChangedKeys.add(storageKey); if (hash != null) { newOrChangedHashes.put(storageKey, hash); } } /* * Create "dependent sub-query": try to find the same IDs in the "base" segments, which * will be either changed or "same" revisions from a compare point of view * (in case of a matching content hash value) */ final Query<String[]> changedOrSameQuery =[].class).from(type) .fields(Revision.STORAGE_KEY, DocumentMapping._HASH) .where(Expressions.builder() .filter(matchAnyLong(Revision.STORAGE_KEY, LongSets.toList(newOrChangedKeys))) .filter(matchAnyInt(Revision.SEGMENT_ID, commonPath)) .filter(matchAnyInt(Revision.REPLACED_INS, segmentsToCompare)).build()) .scroll(SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE).limit(SCROLL_LIMIT).build(); for (Hits<String[]> changedOrSameHits : searcher.scroll(changedOrSameQuery)) { for (final String[] changedOrSameHit : changedOrSameHits) { final long storageKey = Long.parseLong(changedOrSameHit[0]); final String hash = changedOrSameHit[1]; // CHANGED, unless the hashes tell us otherwise if (hash == null || !newOrChangedHashes.containsKey(storageKey) || !Objects.equals(newOrChangedHashes.get(storageKey), hash)) { result.changedRevision(type, storageKey); } // Remove this storage key from newOrChanged, it is decidedly changed-or-same newOrChangedKeys.remove(storageKey); newOrChangedHashes.remove(storageKey); } } // changedOrSameHits // Everything remaining in newOrChanged is NEW, as it had no previous revision in the common segments for (LongIterator itr = newOrChangedKeys.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); /* empty */) { result.newRevision(type,; } } // newOrChangedHits // Revisions which existed on "base", but where replaced by another revision on "compare" segments final Query<String[]> deletedOrChangedQuery =[].class).from(type) .fields(Revision.STORAGE_KEY) .where(Expressions.builder().filter(matchAnyInt(Revision.SEGMENT_ID, commonPath)) .filter(matchAnyInt(Revision.REPLACED_INS, segmentsToCompare)).build()) .scroll(SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE).limit(SCROLL_LIMIT).build(); for (Hits<String[]> deletedOrChangedHits : searcher.scroll(deletedOrChangedQuery)) { deletedOrChangedKeys.clear(); for (String[] deletedOrChanged : deletedOrChangedHits) { final long storageKey = Long.parseLong(deletedOrChanged[0]); deletedOrChangedKeys.add(storageKey); } /* * Create "dependent sub-query": try to find the same IDs in the "compare" segments, * if they are present, the revision is definitely not deleted */ final Query<String[]> changedOrSameQuery =[].class).from(type) .fields(Revision.STORAGE_KEY) .where(Expressions.builder() .filter(matchAnyLong(Revision.STORAGE_KEY, LongSets.toList(deletedOrChangedKeys))) .filter(Revision.branchSegmentFilter(segmentsToCompare)).build()) .scroll(SCROLL_KEEP_ALIVE).limit(SCROLL_LIMIT).build(); for (Hits<String[]> changedOrSameHits : searcher.scroll(changedOrSameQuery)) { for (final String[] changedOrSameHit : changedOrSameHits) { final long storageKey = Long.parseLong(changedOrSameHit[0]); // Remove this storage key from deletedOrChanged, it is decidedly still existing deletedOrChangedKeys.remove(storageKey); } } // Everything remaining in deletedOrChanged is DELETED, as it had successor in the "compare" segments for (LongIterator itr = deletedOrChangedKeys.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); /* empty */) { result.deletedRevision(type,; } } // deletedOrChangedHits } // type return; }); } @Override public void purge(final String branchPath, final Purge purge) { final RevisionBranch branch = getBranch(branchPath); index.write(index -> { // TODO support selective type purging final Set<Class<? extends Revision>> typesToPurge = getRevisionTypes(); switch (purge) { case ALL: purge(branch.path(), index, typesToPurge, branch.segments()); break; case HISTORY: final Set<Integer> segmentsToPurge = newHashSet(branch.segments()); segmentsToPurge.remove(branch.segmentId()); purge(branch.path(), index, typesToPurge, segmentsToPurge); break; case LATEST: purge(branch.path(), index, typesToPurge, Collections.singleton(branch.segmentId())); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported purge: " + purge); } return null; }); } private void purge(final String branchToPurge, Writer writer, Set<Class<? extends Revision>> typesToPurge, Set<Integer> segmentsToPurge) throws IOException { // if nothing to purge return if (typesToPurge.isEmpty() || segmentsToPurge.isEmpty()) { return; } final Searcher searcher = writer.searcher(); final ExpressionBuilder purgeQuery = Expressions.builder(); // purge only documents added to the selected branch purgeQuery.filter(Expressions.exactMatch(Revision.BRANCH_PATH, branchToPurge)); for (Integer segmentToPurge : segmentsToPurge) { purgeQuery.should(Expressions.builder().filter(Expressions.match(Revision.SEGMENT_ID, segmentToPurge)) .filter(Expressions.match(Revision.REPLACED_INS, segmentToPurge)).build()); } for (Class<? extends Revision> revisionType : typesToPurge) { final String type = DocumentMapping.getType(revisionType); final Query<String> query = .where(; int purged = 0; for (Hits<String> revisionsToPurge : searcher.scroll(query)) { purged += revisionsToPurge.getHits().size(); admin().log().info("Purging {}/{} '{}' documents...", purged, revisionsToPurge.getTotal(), type); writer.removeAll(ImmutableMap.of(revisionType, newHashSet(revisionsToPurge))); writer.commit(); } } } private RevisionBranch getBranch(final String branchPath) { return branchProvider.getBranch(branchPath); } private RevisionBranch getParentBranch(final String branchPath) { return branchProvider.getParentBranch(branchPath); } private Set<Class<? extends Revision>> getRevisionTypes() { final Set<Class<? extends Revision>> revisionTypes = newHashSet(); for (DocumentMapping mapping : admin().mappings().getMappings()) { if (Revision.class.isAssignableFrom(mapping.type())) { revisionTypes.add((Class<? extends Revision>) mapping.type()); } } return revisionTypes; } }