Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets intersection

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets intersection


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets intersection.


public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2) 

Source Link


Returns an unmodifiable view of the intersection of two sets.


From source file:edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.PatternContainment.java

public boolean containedIn(Set<String> mappedNodes, Set<String> mappedLinks) {

    HashMap<String, List<Link>> mainLinks = new HashMap<String, List<Link>>();
    HashMap<String, List<Link>> newLinks = new HashMap<String, List<Link>>();

    for (Link e : mainGraph.edgeSet()) {
        String target = (e.getTarget() instanceof InternalNode) ? e.getTarget().getLabel().getUri() : "";
        String key = e.getSource().getLabel().getUri() + target + e.getLabel().getUri();
        List<Link> links = mainLinks.get(key);
        if (links == null) {
            links = new ArrayList<Link>();
            mainLinks.put(key, links);//from w  w  w. j  a  va  2 s  . c om

    for (Link e : newGraph.edgeSet()) {
        String target = (e.getTarget() instanceof InternalNode) ? e.getTarget().getLabel().getUri() : "";
        String key = e.getSource().getLabel().getUri() + target + e.getLabel().getUri();
        List<Link> links = newLinks.get(key);
        if (links == null) {
            links = new ArrayList<Link>();
            newLinks.put(key, links);

    Set<String> sharedLinks = Sets.intersection(mainLinks.keySet(), newLinks.keySet());
    for (String key : sharedLinks) {
        if (mainLinks.get(key).size() != newLinks.get(key).size())
            return false;

    if (sharedLinks.size() == newLinks.keySet().size()) {
        for (String key : sharedLinks) {
            List<Link> links = mainLinks.get(key);
            for (Link l : links) {
        return true;

    return false;


From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.threadsafety.AbstractLockMethodChecker.java

public Description matchMethod(MethodTree tree, final VisitorState state) {

    ImmutableList<String> lockExpressions = getLockExpressions(tree);
    if (lockExpressions.isEmpty()) {
        return Description.NO_MATCH;
    }//w  w  w .j  av a  2s . c  o  m

    Optional<ImmutableSet<GuardedByExpression>> expected = parseLockExpressions(lockExpressions, tree, state);
    if (!expected.isPresent()) {
        return buildDescription(tree).setMessage("Could not resolve lock expression.").build();

    Set<GuardedByExpression> unwanted = getUnwanted(tree, state);
    SetView<GuardedByExpression> mishandled = Sets.intersection(expected.get(), unwanted);
    if (!mishandled.isEmpty()) {
        String message = buildMessage(formatLockString(mishandled));
        return buildDescription(tree).setMessage(message).build();

    Set<GuardedByExpression> actual = getActual(tree, state);
    SetView<GuardedByExpression> unhandled = Sets.difference(expected.get(), actual);
    if (!unhandled.isEmpty()) {
        String message = buildMessage(formatLockString(unhandled));
        return buildDescription(tree).setMessage(message).build();

    return Description.NO_MATCH;

From source file:com.cloudera.gertrude.space.ExperimentInfo.java

Map<String, ? extends FlagValueCalculator<Object>> getOverrides(Set<Integer> newExperimentIds) {
    Set<Integer> interactions = Sets.intersection(newExperimentIds, launchOverrides.keySet());
    if (interactions.isEmpty()) {
        return baseOverrides;
    } else {//from w w w  . jav a 2 s  .  co  m
        Map<String, FlagValueCalculatorImpl<Object>> ret = Maps.newHashMap(baseOverrides);
        for (Integer launchLayerExperimentId : interactions) {
        return ret;

From source file:edu.cmu.lti.oaqa.baseqa.answer.score.scorers.ConceptOverlappingCountAnswerScorer.java

public Map<String, Double> score(JCas jcas, Answer answer) {
    Set<CandidateAnswerOccurrence> caos = TypeUtil.getCandidateAnswerVariants(answer).stream()
    double[] qconceptOverlappingRatios = caos.stream().map(TypeUtil::annotationOffset).map(offset2concepts::get)
            .mapToDouble(concepts -> Scorer.safeDividedBy(Sets.intersection(concepts, qconcepts).size(),
                    concepts.size()))/*from   ww w.  j a v  a 2 s  . c o m*/
    return Scorer.generateSummaryFeatures(qconceptOverlappingRatios, "concept-overlap", "avg", "pos-ratio",

From source file:org.caleydo.view.relationshipexplorer.ui.collection.AEntityCollection.java

public void setHighlightItems(Set<Object> elementIDs) {
    this.highlightElementIDs = new HashSet<>(Sets.intersection(elementIDs, allElementIDs));

From source file:org.caleydo.view.histogram.v2.BarDistributionElement.java

protected void render(GLGraphics g, float w, float h) {
    final float factor = (vertical ? h : w) / data.size();
    float x = 0;//ww w. j av  a2  s  .c  o m
    final List<DistributionEntry> entries = data.getEntries();
    final int size = entries.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        DistributionEntry bucket = entries.get(i);
        float v = bucket.getValue() * factor;
        g.color(toHighlight(bucket.getColor(), i));
        if (vertical)
            g.fillRect(0, x, w, v);
            g.fillRect(x, 0, v, h);
        x += v;
    if (!g.isPickingPass()) {
        if (RenderStyle.COLOR_BORDER != null) {
            x = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                DistributionEntry bucket = entries.get(i);
                float v = bucket.getValue() * factor;
                if (vertical)
                    g.drawRect(0, x, w, v);
                    g.drawRect(x, 0, v, h);
                x += v;
        for (SelectionType selectionType : SELECTIONTYPES) {
            Set<Integer> elements = data.getElements(selectionType);
            if (elements.isEmpty())
            x = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                DistributionEntry bucket = entries.get(i);
                float v = Sets.intersection(elements, bucket.getIDs()).size() * factor;
                if (vertical)
                    g.fillRect(0, x, w, v);
                    g.fillRect(x, 0, v, h);
                v = bucket.getValue() * factor;
                x += v;

From source file:eu.lp0.cursus.xml.data.entity.DataXMLSeries.java

public DataXMLSeries(Series series, SortedSet<Event> events, SortedSet<Race> races, Set<Pilot> pilots) {

    name = series.getName();//from  w  ww  .  j  a  v  a  2  s  .  c  om
    description = series.getDescription();

    Set<Class> classes_ = new HashSet<Class>();
    for (Pilot pilot : pilots) {

    classes = new ArrayList<DataXMLClass>(classes_.size());
    for (Class class_ : classes_) {
        classes.add(new DataXMLClass(class_));

    this.pilots = new ArrayList<DataXMLPilot>(pilots.size());
    for (Pilot pilot : pilots) {
        this.pilots.add(new DataXMLPilot(pilot));

    this.events = new ArrayList<DataXMLEvent>(events.size());
    for (Event event : events) {
                new DataXMLEvent(event, Sets.intersection(new TreeSet<Race>(event.getRaces()), races), pilots));

From source file:ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.query.QueryAnswerStream.java

private static Answer joinOperator(Answer m1, Answer m2) {
    boolean isCompatible = true;
    Set<Var> joinVars = Sets.intersection(m1.keySet(), m2.keySet());
    Iterator<Var> it = joinVars.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext() && isCompatible) {
        Var var = it.next();
        isCompatible = m1.get(var).equals(m2.get(var));
    }/*from  ww  w  . j av a  2  s.  c om*/
    return isCompatible ? m1.merge(m2) : new QueryAnswer();

From source file:edu.isi.karma.reserach.alignment.PatternContainment.java

public boolean containedIn(Set<String> mappedNodes, Set<String> mappedLinks) {

    HashMap<String, List<LabeledLink>> mainLinks = new HashMap<String, List<LabeledLink>>();
    HashMap<String, List<LabeledLink>> newLinks = new HashMap<String, List<LabeledLink>>();

    for (LabeledLink e : mainGraph.edgeSet()) {
        String target = (e.getTarget() instanceof InternalNode) ? e.getTarget().getLabel().getUri() : "";
        String key = e.getSource().getLabel().getUri() + target + e.getLabel().getUri();
        List<LabeledLink> links = mainLinks.get(key);
        if (links == null) {
            links = new ArrayList<LabeledLink>();
            mainLinks.put(key, links);/*from   w ww  .j  av a2  s.co m*/

    for (LabeledLink e : newGraph.edgeSet()) {
        String target = (e.getTarget() instanceof InternalNode) ? e.getTarget().getLabel().getUri() : "";
        String key = e.getSource().getLabel().getUri() + target + e.getLabel().getUri();
        List<LabeledLink> links = newLinks.get(key);
        if (links == null) {
            links = new ArrayList<LabeledLink>();
            newLinks.put(key, links);

    Set<String> sharedLinks = Sets.intersection(mainLinks.keySet(), newLinks.keySet());
    for (String key : sharedLinks) {
        if (mainLinks.get(key).size() != newLinks.get(key).size())
            return false;

    if (sharedLinks.size() == newLinks.keySet().size()) {
        for (String key : sharedLinks) {
            List<LabeledLink> links = mainLinks.get(key);
            for (LabeledLink l : links) {
        return true;

    return false;


From source file:org.magnum.mcc.building.guessers.LocationGuesserImpl.java

public void narrowLocationsByType(LocationType t) {
    rootType_ = floorplan_.typeByName(t.getName());
    Set<FloorplanLocation> newpossible = floorplan_.getLocationsOfType(t);
    possibleLocations_ = Sets.intersection(new HashSet<FloorplanLocation>(possibleLocations_), newpossible);