Example usage for Java com.google.common.collect Sets fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
| cartesianProduct(List extends Set extends B>> sets) Returns every possible list that can be formed by choosing one element from each of the given sets in order; the "n-ary Cartesian product" of the sets. |
| cartesianProduct(Set extends B>... sets) Returns every possible list that can be formed by choosing one element from each of the given sets in order; the "n-ary Cartesian product" of the sets. |
EnumSet | complementOf(Collection Creates an EnumSet consisting of all enum values that are not in the specified collection. |
EnumSet | complementOf(Collection Creates an EnumSet consisting of all enum values that are not in the specified collection. |
SetView | difference(final Set Returns an unmodifiable view of the difference of two sets. |
Set | filter(Set Returns the elements of unfiltered that satisfy a predicate. |
SortedSet | filter(SortedSet Returns the elements of a SortedSet , unfiltered , that satisfy a predicate. |
NavigableSet | filter(NavigableSet Returns the elements of a NavigableSet , unfiltered , that satisfy a predicate. |
ImmutableSet | immutableEnumSet(Iterable Returns an immutable set instance containing the given enum elements. |
ImmutableSet | immutableEnumSet(E anElement, E... otherElements) Returns an immutable set instance containing the given enum elements. |
SetView | intersection(final Set Returns an unmodifiable view of the intersection of two sets. |
Set | newConcurrentHashSet() Creates a thread-safe set backed by a hash map. |
Set | newConcurrentHashSet(Iterable extends E> elements) Creates a thread-safe set backed by a hash map and containing the given elements. |
CopyOnWriteArraySet | newCopyOnWriteArraySet(Iterable extends E> elements) Creates a CopyOnWriteArraySet instance containing the given elements. |
CopyOnWriteArraySet | newCopyOnWriteArraySet() Creates an empty CopyOnWriteArraySet instance. |
EnumSet | newEnumSet(Iterable Returns a new, mutable EnumSet instance containing the given elements in their natural order. |
HashSet | newHashSet() Creates a mutable, initially empty HashSet instance. |
HashSet | newHashSet(E... elements) Creates a mutable HashSet instance initially containing the given elements. |
HashSet | newHashSet(Iterable extends E> elements) Creates a mutable HashSet instance containing the given elements. |
HashSet | newHashSet(Iterator extends E> elements) Creates a mutable HashSet instance containing the given elements. |
HashSet | newHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) Creates a HashSet instance, with a high enough initial table size that it should hold expectedSize elements without resizing. |
Set | newIdentityHashSet() Creates an empty Set that uses identity to determine equality. |
LinkedHashSet | newLinkedHashSet() Creates a mutable, empty LinkedHashSet instance. |
LinkedHashSet | newLinkedHashSet(Iterable extends E> elements) Creates a mutable LinkedHashSet instance containing the given elements in order. |
LinkedHashSet | newLinkedHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) Creates a LinkedHashSet instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth. |
Set | newSetFromMap(Map Returns a set backed by the specified map. |
TreeSet | newTreeSet(Iterable extends E> elements) Creates a mutable TreeSet instance containing the given elements sorted by their natural ordering. |
TreeSet | newTreeSet(Comparator super E> comparator) Creates a mutable, empty TreeSet instance with the given comparator. |
TreeSet | newTreeSet() Creates a mutable, empty TreeSet instance sorted by the natural sort ordering of its elements. |
Set | powerSet(Set Returns the set of all possible subsets of set . |
SetView | symmetricDifference(final Set extends E> set1, final Set extends E> set2) Returns an unmodifiable view of the symmetric difference of two sets. |
NavigableSet | synchronizedNavigableSet(NavigableSet Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable set backed by the specified navigable set. |
SetView | union(final Set extends E> set1, final Set extends E> set2) Returns an unmodifiable view of the union of two sets. |