List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
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void addBindings(Map<Input<?>, Object> newBindings) { Sets.SetView<Input<?>> intersection = Sets.intersection(bindings.keySet(), newBindings.keySet()); checkState(intersection.isEmpty(), "Duplicate binding for inputs: %s", intersection); bindings.putAll(newBindings);// w w w.j a v a2s .co m }
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private Sets.SetView<String> intersection(List<String> list1, List<String> list2) { return Sets.intersection(Sets.<String>newHashSet(list1), Sets.<String>newHashSet(list2)); }
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@VisibleForTesting static Map<String, VTLExpression> mergeArguments(VTLFunction.Signature signature, List<VTLExpression> arguments, Map<String, VTLExpression> namedArguments) { // Check unnamed arguments count. checkArgument(arguments.size() <= signature.size(), TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, signature.size(), arguments.size()); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, VTLExpression> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); // Match the list with the signature names. Iterator<String> namesIterator = signature.keySet().iterator(); for (VTLExpression argument : arguments) { builder.put(, argument); }// ww w . ja v a2 s. c om // Check for duplicates Set<String> duplicates = Sets.intersection(namedArguments.keySet(),; checkArgument(duplicates.isEmpty(), DUPLICATE_ARGUMENTS, String.join(", ", duplicates)); ImmutableMap<String, VTLExpression> computedArguments = builder.putAll(namedArguments).build(); // Check for unknown arguments. Set<String> unknown = Sets.difference(computedArguments.keySet(), signature.keySet()); checkArgument(unknown.isEmpty(), UNKNOWN_ARGUMENTS, String.join(", ", unknown)); // Check for missing arguments Set<String> required = Maps.filterValues(signature, VTLFunction.Argument::isRequired).keySet(); Set<String> missing = Sets.difference(required, computedArguments.keySet()); checkArgument(missing.isEmpty(), MISSING_ARGUMENTS, String.join(", ", missing)); return computedArguments; }
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@Override public void init() throws ComponentInitException { // check if some positive examples have been set if (positiveExamples.isEmpty()) { throw new ComponentInitException("No positive examples have been set."); }/*w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om*/ // check if some negative examples have been set and give warning if not if (negativeExamples.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("No negative examples have been set, but you decided to use the positive-negative learning" + "problem. We recommend to use the positive-only learning problem for the case of no negative examples instead."); } // check if there is some overlap between positive and negative examples and give warning // in that case SetView<OWLIndividual> overlap = Sets.intersection(positiveExamples, negativeExamples); if (!overlap.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("You declared some individuals as both positive and negative examples."); } allExamples = Sets.union(positiveExamples, negativeExamples); if (accuracyMethod == null) { accuracyMethod = new AccMethodPredAcc(true); } if (accuracyMethod instanceof AccMethodApproximate) { ((AccMethodApproximate) accuracyMethod).setReasoner(reasoner); } // sanity check whether examples are contained in KB if (reasoner != null && !reasoner.getIndividuals().containsAll(allExamples) && !reasoner.getClass().isAssignableFrom(SPARQLReasoner.class)) { Set<OWLIndividual> missing = Sets.difference(allExamples, reasoner.getIndividuals()); double percentage = missing.size() / allExamples.size(); percentage = Math.round(percentage * 1000) / 1000; String str = "The examples (" + (percentage * 100) + " % of total) below are not contained in the knowledge base (check spelling and prefixes)\n"; str += missing.toString(); if (missing.size() == allExamples.size()) { throw new ComponentInitException(str); } if (percentage < 0.10) { logger.warn(str); } else { logger.error(str); } } }
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private void collectChildrenProducingTheSameParentInputs(final Map<String, Set<Entity>> parentToProductsMap, final EntityTreeNode parentOperation) { final Set<Long> parentInProdIds = getProductIdsFromOperationComponent(parentOperation, OPERATION_PRODUCT_IN_COMPONENTS); Map<Long, Set<Long>> intersections = Maps.newHashMap(); for (EntityTreeNode subOperation : parentOperation.getChildren()) { final Set<Long> childOutProdIds = getProductIdsFromOperationComponent(subOperation, OPERATION_PRODUCT_OUT_COMPONENTS); Set<Long> intersection = Sets.intersection(parentInProdIds, childOutProdIds); intersections.put(subOperation.getId(), intersection); }/* ww w. ja v a 2 s. com*/ for (Entry<Long, Set<Long>> entry : intersections.entrySet()) { for (Entry<Long, Set<Long>> entry1 : intersections.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals(entry1.getKey())) { continue; } Set<Long> commonProds = Sets.intersection(entry.getValue(), entry1.getValue()); if (!commonProds.isEmpty()) { appendProductsToMap(parentToProductsMap, parentOperation, commonProds); } } } for (EntityTreeNode subOperation : parentOperation.getChildren()) { collectChildrenProducingTheSameParentInputs(parentToProductsMap, subOperation); } }
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/** * compute resolution priority based on provided substitution variables * @param subbedVars variables having a substitution * @return resolution priority value/*from ww w .j a va 2 m*/ */ public int computePriority(Set<Var> subbedVars) { int priority = 0; priority += Sets.intersection(getVarNames(), subbedVars).size() * ResolutionStrategy.PARTIAL_SUBSTITUTION; priority += isRuleResolvable() ? ResolutionStrategy.RULE_RESOLVABLE_ATOM : 0; priority += isRecursive() ? ResolutionStrategy.RECURSIVE_ATOM : 0; priority += getTypeConstraints().size() * ResolutionStrategy.GUARD; Set<Var> otherVars = getParentQuery().getAtoms().stream().filter(a -> a != this) .flatMap(at -> at.getVarNames().stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); priority += Sets.intersection(getVarNames(), otherVars).size() * ResolutionStrategy.BOUND_VARIABLE; return priority; }
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/** * Checks whether user is authorized to access file. Checks regardless of UI filter. * * @param user username// w w w.j a v a2 s .c o m * @param fileName file name to access */ public boolean isAuthorizedLogUser(String user, String fileName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(user) || StringUtils.isEmpty(fileName) || getLogUserGroupWhitelist(fileName) == null) { return false; } else { LogUserGroupWhitelist whitelist = getLogUserGroupWhitelist(fileName); List<String> logsUsers = new ArrayList<>(); logsUsers.addAll(ObjectReader.getStrings(stormConf.get(DaemonConfig.LOGS_USERS))); logsUsers.addAll(ObjectReader.getStrings(stormConf.get(Config.NIMBUS_ADMINS))); logsUsers.addAll(whitelist.getUserWhitelist()); List<String> logsGroups = new ArrayList<>(); logsGroups.addAll(ObjectReader.getStrings(stormConf.get(DaemonConfig.LOGS_GROUPS))); logsGroups.addAll(whitelist.getGroupWhitelist()); String userName = principalToLocal.toLocal(user); Set<String> groups = getUserGroups(userName); return -> u.equals(userName)) || Sets.intersection(groups, new HashSet<>(logsGroups)).size() > 0; } }
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@Override public final Set<ByteString> contained(Iterable<ByteString> keys) { Set<K> ikRequested = toInternalKeySet(keys); if (ikRequested.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableSet.of(); }//from w w w . jav a2 s . c o m Set<K> ikCached = Sets.intersection(ikRequested, cache.asMap().keySet()).immutableCopy(); Set<K> ikNotCached = Sets.difference(ikRequested, ikCached).immutableCopy(); Set<ByteString> kCached = toKeySet(ikCached); if (ikNotCached.isEmpty()) { return kCached; } Set<ByteString> kFound = bocas.contained(toKeySet(ikNotCached)); return Sets.union(kCached, kFound).immutableCopy(); }
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private String formatMessage(long extraSleepTime, Map<String, GcTimes> gcTimesAfterSleep, Map<String, GcTimes> gcTimesBeforeSleep) { Set<String> gcBeanNames = Sets.intersection(gcTimesAfterSleep.keySet(), gcTimesBeforeSleep.keySet()); List<String> gcDiffs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String name : gcBeanNames) { GcTimes diff = gcTimesAfterSleep.get(name).subtract(gcTimesBeforeSleep.get(name)); if (diff.gcCount != 0) { gcDiffs.add("GC pool '" + name + "' had collection(s): " + diff.toString()); }/*w w w . j a va 2 s .co m*/ } String ret = "Detected pause in JVM or host machine (eg GC): pause of approximately " + extraSleepTime + "ms\n"; if (gcDiffs.isEmpty()) { ret += "No GCs detected"; } else { ret += Joiner.on("\n").join(gcDiffs); } return ret; }
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private boolean checkIfUserHasAccess(LdapUser user, LdapAuthDefinition authDefinition) { return authDefinition.accessGroups.isEmpty() || !Sets.intersection(authDefinition.accessGroups, user.getGroups().stream().map(LdapGroup::getName).collect(Collectors.toSet())).isEmpty(); }