List of usage examples for Sets intersection
public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2)
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@Override public boolean supports(Dockable dockable) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dockable, "Attempt to probe a null dockable."); Preconditions.checkState(dockable.getState() != Dockable.STATE_DISPOSED, "Attempt to operate on a disposed dockable."); return (this.constraints.isEmpty() || !Sets.intersection(dockable.getConstraints(), this.constraints).isEmpty()) && (null == this.dockModel || this.dockModel == dockable.getDockModel()); }
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@Override public void init() throws ComponentInitException { super.init(); // compute neutral examples, i.e. those which are neither positive // nor negative (we have to take care to copy sets instead of // modifying them) neutralExamples = Sets.intersection(getReasoner().getIndividuals(), positiveExamples); neutralExamples.retainAll(negativeExamples); }
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/** * calculates precision based on the test set removes all training data from * retrieved first//from w w w. java 2s .co m * * @param retrieved * @return */ public double precision(SortedSet<String> retrieved) { if (retrieved.size() == 0) { return 0.0d; } SortedSet<String> retrievedClean = new TreeSet<>(retrieved); retrievedClean.removeAll(posTrain); retrievedClean.removeAll(negTrain); int posAsPos = Sets.intersection(retrievedClean, getPosTest()).size(); return ((double) posAsPos) / ((double) retrievedClean.size()); }
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public Collection<? extends BinarySpec> filterBinaries(VariantsMetaData variantsMetaData, Collection<BinarySpec> binaries) { if (binaries.isEmpty()) { return binaries; }//from w w w . j ava 2 s. c o m Set<String> resolveDimensions = variantsMetaData.getNonNullVariantAxes(); TreeMultimap<String, VariantValue> selectedVariants = TreeMultimap.create(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER, SPEC_COMPARATOR); Set<BinarySpec> removedSpecs = Sets.newHashSet(); for (BinarySpec binarySpec : binaries) { if (binarySpecType.isAssignableFrom(binarySpec.getClass())) { VariantsMetaData binaryVariants = DefaultVariantsMetaData.extractFrom(binarySpec, schemaStore.getSchema(((BinarySpecInternal) binarySpec).getPublicType())); Set<String> commonsDimensions = Sets.intersection(resolveDimensions, binaryVariants.getNonNullVariantAxes()); Set<String> incompatibleDimensionTypes = VariantsMetaDataHelper .determineAxesWithIncompatibleTypes(variantsMetaData, binaryVariants, commonsDimensions); if (incompatibleDimensionTypes.isEmpty()) { for (String dimension : commonsDimensions) { Class<?> dimensionType = variantsMetaData.getVariantAxisType(dimension).getConcreteClass(); boolean isStringType = String.class == dimensionType; Object requestedValue = isStringType ? variantsMetaData.getValueAsString(dimension) : variantsMetaData.getValueAsType( Cast.<Class<? extends Named>>uncheckedCast(dimensionType), dimension); Object binaryValue = isStringType ? binaryVariants.getValueAsString(dimension) : binaryVariants.getValueAsType( Cast.<Class<? extends Named>>uncheckedCast(dimensionType), dimension); VariantAxisCompatibility<Object> selector = createSelector(requestedValue); if (selector.isCompatibleWithRequirement(requestedValue, binaryValue)) { VariantValue value = new VariantValue(binaryValue, binarySpec); SortedSet<VariantValue> variantValues = selectedVariants.get(dimension); for (VariantValue variantValue : variantValues) { // all the values are equal, but we store all the binaries that match that value // and incrementally build a list of binaries which are excluded because of a better match if (selector.betterFit(requestedValue, variantValue.value, binaryValue)) { // the new value is a better fit than the old one removedSpecs.add(variantValue.spec); } else if (selector.betterFit(requestedValue, binaryValue, variantValue.value)) { // the old value is a better fit than the new one, let's ignore the new one altogether removedSpecs.add(value.spec); } } selectedVariants.put(dimension, value); } else { removedSpecs.add(binarySpec); } } } } } Set<BinarySpec> union = null; for (String dimension : selectedVariants.keySet()) { Set<BinarySpec> variantValues = ImmutableSet .copyOf(Iterables.transform(selectedVariants.get(dimension), VariantValue.SPEC_FUNCTION)); union = union == null ? variantValues : Sets.union(union, variantValues); } return union == null ? Collections.<BinarySpec>emptySet() : Sets.difference(union, removedSpecs); }
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@Override public boolean canWrite(@NonNull File file) { try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m return !Sets.intersection(Files.getPosixFilePermissions(toPath(new File(getAgnosticAbsPath(file)))), ImmutableSet.of(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_WRITE, PosixFilePermission.GROUP_WRITE, PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE)) .isEmpty(); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } }
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/** * Validate style.//from ww w . j a va2 s .c o m * * @see MXMLInvalidStyleProblem */ private void validateStyle(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, ISourceLocation source) { final IDefinition definition = getDefinition(); if (definition instanceof IStyleDefinition) { final IStyleDefinition styleTag = (IStyleDefinition) definition; final Set<String> applicableThemes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(styleTag.getThemes()); if (!applicableThemes.isEmpty()) { final Set<String> themeNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(builder.getProject().getThemeNames()); final boolean isStyleValid = !Sets.intersection(themeNames, applicableThemes).isEmpty(); if (!isStyleValid) { final String componentType; if (getParent() instanceof IMXMLClassReferenceNode) componentType = ((IMXMLClassReferenceNode) getParent()) .getClassReference(builder.getProject()).getBaseName(); else componentType = ""; final MXMLInvalidStyleProblem problem = new MXMLInvalidStyleProblem(source, this.getName(), componentType, styleTag.getThemes()); builder.addProblem(problem); } } } }
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@Override public Collection<V> get(final Range<K> range) { // Find all items which start before this range ends ImmutableSet.Builder<V> startersB = ImmutableSet.builder(); Map.Entry<K, List<V>> startEntry = startMap.floorEntry(range.upperEndpoint()); while (startEntry != null) { // Because our range is [) we don't include anything on the upper endpoint itself if (!startEntry.getKey().equals(range.upperEndpoint())) { startersB.addAll(startEntry.getValue()); }/* w ww . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ startEntry = startMap.lowerEntry(startEntry.getKey()); } final ImmutableSet<V> starters =; // Final all items which end after this range starts ImmutableSet.Builder<V> finishersB = ImmutableSet.builder(); Map.Entry<K, List<V>> finishEntry = endMap.ceilingEntry(range.lowerEndpoint()); while (finishEntry != null) { // Because our range is [) we don't include anything on the lower endpoint itself if (!finishEntry.getKey().equals(range.lowerEndpoint())) { finishersB.addAll(finishEntry.getValue()); } finishEntry = endMap.higherEntry(finishEntry.getKey()); } final ImmutableSet<V> finishers =; // Our result is everything which is in both sets return Sets.intersection(starters, finishers); }
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@Override public String apply(SuffixFormSequence suffixFormSequence, Set<PhoneticAttribute> phoneticAttributesOfSurface) { final Sets.SetView<PhoneticAttribute> intersection = Sets.intersection(MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTES, phoneticAttributesOfSurface); return this.suffixFormSequenceTable.get(suffixFormSequence, intersection); }
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/** * Removes any optional flags on constraints. If the constraint is optional and the provider produced no value, then the constraint is removed. If the provider produced values for the constraint, * and an intersection exists, then the intersection is used. Otherwise the maximal value set is used to satisfy the original constraint. * /*www.j ava 2 s. c o m*/ * @param constraints the requested constraints, not null * @param properties the provider's value specification properties, not null * @return the builder for constraints */ private static ValueProperties.Builder intersectOptional(final ValueProperties constraints, final ValueProperties properties) { ValueProperties.Builder builder = constraints.copy(); // TODO: [PLAT-3446] Return the builder immediately to recreate the observed fault for (String property : constraints.getProperties()) { final Set<String> providerValues = properties.getValues(property); if (providerValues != null) { // Remove optional flag and take intersection if there is one builder.notOptional(property); final Set<String> constrainedValues = constraints.getValues(property); if (!providerValues.isEmpty()) { if (constrainedValues.isEmpty()) { builder.with(property, providerValues); } else { final Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(constrainedValues, providerValues); if (!intersection.isEmpty()) { builder.withoutAny(property).with(property, intersection); } } } } else { if (constraints.isOptional(property)) { // Constraint is optional, remove builder.withoutAny(property); } } } return builder; }
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@Override public OAuth2AccessTokenEntity createRequestingPartyToken(OAuth2Authentication o2auth, PermissionTicket ticket, Policy policy) {/*from www . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ OAuth2AccessTokenEntity token = new OAuth2AccessTokenEntity(); AuthenticationHolderEntity authHolder = new AuthenticationHolderEntity(); authHolder.setAuthentication(o2auth); authHolder =; token.setAuthenticationHolder(authHolder); ClientDetailsEntity client = clientService.loadClientByClientId(o2auth.getOAuth2Request().getClientId()); token.setClient(client); Set<String> ticketScopes = ticket.getPermission().getScopes(); Set<String> policyScopes = policy.getScopes(); Permission perm = new Permission(); perm.setResourceSet(ticket.getPermission().getResourceSet()); perm.setScopes(new HashSet<>(Sets.intersection(ticketScopes, policyScopes))); token.setPermissions(Sets.newHashSet(perm)); JWTClaimsSet.Builder claims = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder(); claims.audience(Lists.newArrayList(ticket.getPermission().getResourceSet().getId().toString())); claims.issuer(config.getIssuer()); claims.jwtID(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); if (config.getRqpTokenLifeTime() != null) { Date exp = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + config.getRqpTokenLifeTime() * 1000L); claims.expirationTime(exp); token.setExpiration(exp); } JWSAlgorithm signingAlgorithm = jwtService.getDefaultSigningAlgorithm(); JWSHeader header = new JWSHeader(signingAlgorithm, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, jwtService.getDefaultSignerKeyId(), null, null); SignedJWT signed = new SignedJWT(header,; jwtService.signJwt(signed); token.setJwt(signed); tokenService.saveAccessToken(token); return token; }