Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets intersection

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets intersection


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets intersection.


public static <E> SetView<E> intersection(final Set<E> set1, final Set<?> set2) 

Source Link


Returns an unmodifiable view of the intersection of two sets.


From source file:com.yahoo.yqlplus.engine.rules.NormalizeJoinExpression.java

private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> normalizeJoinClause(Set<String> leftSources, Set<String> rightSources,
        OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> joinExpr) {
    switch (joinExpr.getOperator()) {
    case AND: {// ww w  .j  av  a  2 s  .  c om
        List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> clauses = joinExpr.getArgument(0);
        List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> newClauses = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(clauses.size());
        boolean hasNew = false;
        for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> clause : clauses) {
            OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> newClause = normalizeJoinClause(leftSources, rightSources, clause);
            if (newClause != clause) {
                hasNew = true;
        if (hasNew) {
            return OperatorNode.create(joinExpr.getLocation(), joinExpr.getAnnotations(),
                    joinExpr.getOperator(), newClauses);
        return joinExpr;
    case EQ: {
        OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> leftExpr = joinExpr.getArgument(0);
        OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> rightExpr = joinExpr.getArgument(1);
        Set<String> leftReferenced = findReferencedSources(leftExpr);
        Set<String> rightReferenced = findReferencedSources(rightExpr);
        boolean ll = !Sets.intersection(leftSources, leftReferenced).isEmpty();
        boolean lr = !Sets.intersection(leftSources, rightReferenced).isEmpty();
        boolean rl = !Sets.intersection(rightSources, leftReferenced).isEmpty();
        boolean rr = !Sets.intersection(rightSources, rightReferenced).isEmpty();
        // ll - left expr references left sources
        // lr - left expr references right sources
        // rl - right expr references left sources
        // rr - right expr references right sources
        // verify neither expr references BOTH sides
        if (ll && lr) {
            throw new ProgramCompileException(joinExpr.getLocation(),
                    "JOIN expression equality LEFT side references BOTH sides of JOIN");
        } else if (rl && rr) {
            throw new ProgramCompileException(joinExpr.getLocation(),
                    "JOIN expression equality RIGHT side references BOTH sides of JOIN");
        } else if (!(ll || lr)) {
            throw new ProgramCompileException(joinExpr.getLocation(),
                    "JOIN expression equality LEFT side references NEITHER side of JOIN");
        } else if (!(rl || rr)) {
            throw new ProgramCompileException(joinExpr.getLocation(),
                    "JOIN expression equality RIGHT side references NEITHER side of JOIN");
        // normalize ordering so left side of EQ refers to left side of join
        if (lr) {
            assert rl : "lr without rl - if left side references right sources, then visa versa must be true";
            return OperatorNode.create(joinExpr.getLocation(), joinExpr.getAnnotations(),
                    joinExpr.getOperator(), rightExpr, leftExpr);
        return joinExpr;
        throw new ProgramCompileException(joinExpr.getLocation(),
                "Only EQ is a supported JOIN expression operator at this time (not %s)",

From source file:ezbake.groups.cli.commands.user.GetUserAuthorizations.java

private static Set<Long> getAuthorizations(EzGroupsGraphImpl graph, BaseVertex.VertexType userType,
        String userId, List<String> appFilterChain) throws GroupQueryException, UserNotFoundException {
    Set<Long> auths = Sets.newHashSet();

    // Only get auths if the user exists
    User user;//from  w  w w .  j av a 2s  . c o  m
    try {
        user = graph.getUser(userType, userId);
        if (!user.isActive()) {
            return auths; // just don't get groups
    } catch (UserNotFoundException | InvalidVertexTypeException e) {
        return auths; // just don't get groups

    // Add the user's own index

    // This can sometimes be null
    if (appFilterChain == null) {
        appFilterChain = Collections.emptyList();

    // These are the groups the user has on their own
    Set<Group> userGroups = getUserGroups(graph, userType, userId, false, false);
    logger.debug("Initial user groups: {}", userGroups);

    // These are the groups the apps always include, even if the user doesn't have access
    List<Set<Group>> appsGroups = getAuthorizationsForApps(graph, appFilterChain, false);
    Set<Long> appsFilter = Sets.newHashSet(); // This is the intersection of all app auths
    Set<Long> groupsAppsAlwaysInclude = Sets.newTreeSet(); // This is all the groups the apps include anyways
    for (Set<Group> appGroup : appsGroups) {
        Set<Long> indices = Sets.newTreeSet();
        for (Group group : appGroup) {
            if (group.isRequireOnlyApp()) {
    logger.debug("Apps filter: {}", appsFilter);

    if (userType == BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) {
        // Split groups into 2 sets - those that users always have (even if app doesn't) and those that users only have if app has too
        Set<Long> groupsUserHasRegardless = Sets.newHashSet(auths);
        Set<Long> groupsDependingOnApp = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (Group g : userGroups) {
            if (g.isRequireOnlyUser()) {
            } else {

        // Filter the groups that depend on the app
        if (!groupsDependingOnApp.isEmpty()) {
            logger.debug("Groups depending on app: {}", groupsDependingOnApp);
            groupsDependingOnApp = Sets.intersection(groupsDependingOnApp, appsFilter);

        logger.debug("Groups user has regardless: {}", groupsUserHasRegardless);
        // Now union the sets to get the users final list
        auths = Sets.union(groupsUserHasRegardless, groupsDependingOnApp);
    } else if (userType == BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER) {
        // What to do here?
        Set<Long> appAuths = Sets.newHashSet(auths);
        for (Group g : userGroups) {
        auths = appAuths;

    logger.debug("User auths before union: {}", auths);
    return Sets.union(auths, groupsAppsAlwaysInclude);

From source file:grakn.core.server.kb.concept.ConceptUtils.java

 * perform an answer merge with optional explanation
 * NB:assumes answers are compatible (concept corresponding to join vars if any are the same)
 * @return merged answer//w  w w  .ja  va 2 s.  c  om
public static ConceptMap mergeAnswers(ConceptMap answerA, ConceptMap answerB) {
    if (answerB.isEmpty())
        return answerA;
    if (answerA.isEmpty())
        return answerB;

    Sets.SetView<Variable> varUnion = Sets.union(answerA.vars(), answerB.vars());
    Set<Variable> varIntersection = Sets.intersection(answerA.vars(), answerB.vars());
    Map<Variable, Concept> entryMap = Sets.union(answerA.map().entrySet(), answerB.map().entrySet()).stream()
            .filter(e -> !varIntersection.contains(e.getKey()))
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
    varIntersection.forEach(var -> {
        Concept concept = answerA.get(var);
        Concept otherConcept = answerB.get(var);
        if (concept.equals(otherConcept))
            entryMap.put(var, concept);
        else {
            if (concept.isSchemaConcept() && otherConcept.isSchemaConcept() && !ConceptUtils
                    .areDisjointTypes(concept.asSchemaConcept(), otherConcept.asSchemaConcept(), false)) {
                entryMap.put(var, Iterables.getOnlyElement(ConceptUtils.topOrMeta(
                        Sets.newHashSet(concept.asSchemaConcept(), otherConcept.asSchemaConcept()))));
    if (!entryMap.keySet().equals(varUnion))
        return new ConceptMap();
    return new ConceptMap(entryMap, answerA.explanation());

From source file:pt.ist.fenixedu.integration.ui.FenixEduISTLegacyContextListener.java

private static boolean partOf(Set<ExecutionCourse> degrees, StudentThesisCandidacy studentThesisCandidacy) {
    return Sets.intersection(degrees, studentThesisCandidacy.getThesisProposal().getExecutionDegreeSet())
            .isEmpty();//from   w ww .j a  va 2s. com

From source file:org.eclipse.sw360.portal.tags.DisplayReleaseChanges.java

private void renderReleaseIdToRelationship(StringBuilder display, User user) {

    if (ensureSomethingTodoAndNoNull(Release._Fields.RELEASE_ID_TO_RELATIONSHIP)) {

        Set<String> changedReleaseIds = Sets.intersection(additions.getReleaseIdToRelationship().keySet(),
        Set<String> releaseIdsInDb = nullToEmptyMap(actual.getReleaseIdToRelationship()).keySet();
        //keep only releases that are still in the database
        changedReleaseIds = Sets.intersection(changedReleaseIds, releaseIdsInDb);

        Set<String> removedReleaseIds = Sets.difference(deletions.getReleaseIdToRelationship().keySet(),
                changedReleaseIds);// www  . j  a  v  a 2 s.co m
        removedReleaseIds = Sets.intersection(removedReleaseIds, releaseIdsInDb);

        Set<String> addedReleaseIds = Sets.difference(additions.getReleaseIdToRelationship().keySet(),

        display.append("<h3> Changes in linked releases </h3>");
        LinkedReleaseRenderer renderer = new LinkedReleaseRenderer(display, tableClasses, idPrefix, user);
        renderer.renderReleaseLinkList(display, deletions.getReleaseIdToRelationship(), removedReleaseIds,
                "Removed Release Links");
        renderer.renderReleaseLinkList(display, additions.getReleaseIdToRelationship(), addedReleaseIds,
                "Added Release Links");
        renderer.renderReleaseLinkListCompare(display, actual.getReleaseIdToRelationship(),
                deletions.getReleaseIdToRelationship(), additions.getReleaseIdToRelationship(),

From source file:org.dishevelled.venn.model.VennModelImpl.java

 * Create and return the map of exclusive set views keyed by bit set.
 * @return the map of exclusive set views keyed by bit set
 *//*from w  w  w. ja v  a2 s.co m*/
private Map<ImmutableBitSet, Set<E>> createExclusives() {
    Map<ImmutableBitSet, Set<E>> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize((int) Math.pow(2, this.sets.size()) - 1);

    // construct a set containing 0...n integers
    Set<Integer> input = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (int i = 0, size = size(); i < size; i++) {

    // calculate the power set (note n > 30 will overflow int)
    Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet = Sets.powerSet(ImmutableSet.copyOf(input));
    for (Set<Integer> set : powerSet) {
        if (!set.isEmpty()) {
            // intersect all in set
            Iterator<Integer> indices = set.iterator();
            Set<E> view = sets.get(indices.next());
            while (indices.hasNext()) {
                view = Sets.intersection(view, sets.get(indices.next()));

            // subtract all in input not in set
            for (Integer index : input) {
                if (!set.contains(index)) {
                    view = Sets.difference(view, sets.get(index));

            // add to exclusives map
            map.put(toImmutableBitSet(set), view);

    // make an immutable copy?
    return map;

From source file:com.siemens.sw360.moderation.db.ModerationRequestGenerator.java

protected void dealWithStringMap(U field) {
    Map<String, String> addedMap = (Map<String, String>) updateDocument.getFieldValue(field);
    if (addedMap == null) {
        addedMap = new HashMap<>();
    }//from   ww w.ja va 2  s .  co m
    Map<String, String> actualMap = (Map<String, String>) actualDocument.getFieldValue(field);
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : actualMap.entrySet()) {

    Map<String, String> deletedMap = (Map<String, String>) actualDocument.getFieldValue(field);
    if (deletedMap == null) {
        deletedMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, String> updateMap = (Map<String, String>) updateDocument.getFieldValue(field);
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : updateMap.entrySet()) {

    //determine changes in common linkedProjects
    Set<String> commonKeys = Sets.intersection(updateMap.keySet(), actualMap.keySet());
    for (String id : commonKeys) {
        String actual = actualMap.get(id);
        String update = updateMap.get(id);
        if (!actual.equals(update)) {
            addedMap.put(id, update);
            deletedMap.put(id, actual);
    if (!addedMap.isEmpty()) {
        documentAdditions.setFieldValue(field, addedMap);
    if (!deletedMap.isEmpty()) {
        documentDeletions.setFieldValue(field, deletedMap);

From source file:org.dllearner.utilities.ReasoningUtils.java

 * binary partition a list of sets into true and false, depending on whether they satisfy concept
 * @param concept the OWL concept used for partition
 * @param sets list of sets to partition
 * @return an array of Coverage data, one entry for each input set
 *///from w w w. j av a 2  s.  c  o m
public final Coverage[] getCoverage(OWLClassExpression concept, Set<OWLIndividual>... sets) {
    Coverage[] rv = new Coverage[sets.length];

    if (!reasoner.isUseInstanceChecks()) {
        if (reasoner instanceof SPARQLReasoner && ((SPARQLReasoner) reasoner).isUseValueLists()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; ++i) {
                SortedSet<OWLIndividual> trueSet = reasoner.hasType(concept, sets[i]);

                rv[i] = new Coverage();
                rv[i].total = sets[i].size();

                rv[i].falseSet.addAll(Sets.difference(sets[i], trueSet));

                rv[i].trueCount = rv[i].trueSet.size();
                rv[i].falseCount = rv[i].falseSet.size();
        } else {
            SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = reasoner.getIndividuals(concept);
            for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; ++i) {
                rv[i] = new Coverage();
                rv[i].total = sets[i].size();

                rv[i].trueSet.addAll(Sets.intersection(sets[i], individuals));
                rv[i].falseSet.addAll(Sets.difference(sets[i], individuals));

                rv[i].trueCount = rv[i].trueSet.size();
                rv[i].falseCount = rv[i].falseSet.size();
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; ++i) {
            rv[i] = new Coverage();
            rv[i].total = sets[i].size();

            for (OWLIndividual example : sets[i]) {
                if (getReasoner().hasType(concept, example)) {
                } else {
                if (interrupted()) {
                    return null;

            rv[i].trueCount = rv[i].trueSet.size();
            rv[i].falseCount = rv[i].falseSet.size();
    return rv;

From source file:fr.norad.jaxrs.oauth2.core.service.TokenSpecService.java

private Set<String> checkScopes(Set<String> requestedScopes, Client client, User user)
        throws InvalidScopeOauthException {
    Set<String> allowedScopes = client.getAllowedScopes();
    if (user != null) {
        for (Group group : user.getGroups()) {
            allowedScopes = Sets.union(allowedScopes, group.getAllowedScopes());
        }//from w  w w  .  j  av a2s.  c om
    Sets.SetView<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(allowedScopes, requestedScopes);
    if (intersection.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidScopeOauthException("No scope allowed requested");
    return intersection;

From source file:org.apache.aurora.scheduler.state.StateManagerImpl.java

public void insertPendingTasks(MutableStoreProvider storeProvider, final ITaskConfig task,
        Set<Integer> instanceIds) {

    requireNonNull(storeProvider);/*from  w ww  . jav  a2  s. c  o m*/

    // Done outside the write transaction to minimize the work done inside a transaction.
    Set<IScheduledTask> scheduledTasks = FluentIterable.from(instanceIds)
            .transform(instanceId -> createTask(instanceId, task)).toSet();

    Iterable<IScheduledTask> existingTasks = storeProvider.getTaskStore()

    Set<Integer> existingInstanceIds = FluentIterable.from(existingTasks).transform(Tasks::getInstanceId)

    if (!Sets.intersection(existingInstanceIds, instanceIds).isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instance ID collision detected.");


    for (IScheduledTask scheduledTask : scheduledTasks) {
        updateTaskAndExternalState(storeProvider.getUnsafeTaskStore(), Tasks.id(scheduledTask),
                Optional.of(scheduledTask), Optional.of(PENDING), Optional.absent());