List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
private static ImmutableSet<Path> getPaths(ImmutableMap<String, String> env) { ImmutableSet.Builder<Path> paths = ImmutableSet.builder(); // Add the empty path so that when we iterate over it, we can check for the suffixed version of // a given path, be it absolute or not. paths.add(Paths.get("")); String pathEnv = env.get("PATH"); if (pathEnv != null) { paths.addAll(FluentIterable.from(Splitter.on(pathSeparator).omitEmptyStrings().split(pathEnv)) .transform(TO_PATH));/*from w ww . j a v a 2s. co m*/ } if (Platform.isMac()) { Path osXPaths = Paths.get("/etc/paths"); if (Files.exists(osXPaths)) { try { paths.addAll(FluentIterable.from(Files.readAllLines(osXPaths, Charset.defaultCharset())) .transform(TO_PATH)); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return; }
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/** * Create, if necessary, the required encryption components (for either decrpyt or encrypt operations). * Note that in the case of encyption (this is, when writing out a new hints file), we need to write * the cipher's IV out to the header so it can be used when decrypting. Thus, we need to add an additional * entry to the {@code params} map./*from w w w. ja va2 s . c o m*/ * * @param params the base parameters into the descriptor. * @return null if not using encryption; else, the initialized {@link Cipher} and a possibly updated version * of the {@code params} map. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static EncryptionData createEncryption(ImmutableMap<String, Object> params) { if (params.containsKey(ENCRYPTION)) { Map<?, ?> encryptionConfig = (Map<?, ?>) params.get(ENCRYPTION); EncryptionContext encryptionContext = EncryptionContext.createFromMap(encryptionConfig, DatabaseDescriptor.getEncryptionContext()); try { Cipher cipher; if (encryptionConfig.containsKey(EncryptionContext.ENCRYPTION_IV)) { cipher = encryptionContext.getDecryptor(); } else { cipher = encryptionContext.getEncryptor(); ImmutableMap<String, Object> encParams = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder() .putAll(encryptionContext.toHeaderParameters()) .put(EncryptionContext.ENCRYPTION_IV, Hex.bytesToHex(cipher.getIV())).build(); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(params); map.put(ENCRYPTION, encParams); params = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().putAll(map).build(); } return new EncryptionData(cipher, encryptionContext.getCompressor(), params); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.warn("failed to create encyption context for hints file. ignoring encryption for hints.", ioe); return null; } } else { return null; } }
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/** * Retrieves the annotation name (i.e. "Value") that should be used for * proper xml parsing of model created by this Encapsulating Type Names * object./*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ */ protected static String getAnnotationName(final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType, final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> typeMap) { if (hasNoRootElement(encapsulatingType)) { return "Tape"; } if (hasContent(typeMap)) { final Ds3Type childType = typeMap.get(encapsulatingType.getSdkName()); if (childType != null && hasContent(childType.getNameToMarshal()) && !childType.getNameToMarshal().equals("Data")) { return childType.getNameToMarshal(); } } if (hasContent(encapsulatingType.getOriginalName())) { return encapsulatingType.getOriginalName(); } return stripPath(encapsulatingType.getSdkName()); }
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public static boolean isSwiftAvailable(ApplePlatform platform) { BuckConfig buckConfig = FakeBuckConfig.builder().build(); ImmutableMap<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> sdkPaths = discoverSystemSdkPaths(buckConfig); Optional<AppleSdk> anySdkOptional = anySdkForPlatform(platform, sdkPaths); if (!anySdkOptional.isPresent()) { return false; }/*from w ww . jav a 2*/ AppleSdk anySdk = anySdkOptional.get(); AppleCxxPlatform appleCxxPlatform = FakeProjectFilesystem(), anySdk, "fakeversion", "fakearch", sdkPaths.get(anySdk), buckConfig, new AppleConfig(buckConfig), Optional.of(new DefaultProcessExecutor(Console.createNullConsole())), Optional.empty()); return appleCxxPlatform.getSwiftPlatform().isPresent(); }
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/** * Merges current and pattern suite. All comments, version and patterns in current suite are overwritten from pattern suite. * * @param current - current run suite./*from w ww . j ava 2s . co m*/ * @param pattern - pattern suite, usually the last run. * @return merged suite. */ public static Suite merge(Suite current, Suite pattern) { final ImmutableMap<String, Test> tests = FluentIterable.from(current.getTests()).uniqueIndex(TEST_TO_MAP); if (pattern != null) { current.setVersion(pattern.getVersion() + 1); updateComment(current, pattern); for (Test patternTest : pattern.getTests()) { if (tests.containsKey(patternTest.getName())) { mergeTest(tests.get(patternTest.getName()), patternTest); } } } else { current.setVersion(1L); } return current; }
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public static CellProvider createForDistributedBuild(ImmutableMap<Path, BuckConfig> cellConfigs, ImmutableMap<Path, ProjectFilesystem> cellFilesystems, KnownBuildRuleTypesFactory knownBuildRuleTypesFactory) { return new CellProvider(cellProvider -> new CacheLoader<Path, Cell>() { @Override//from w w w.j av a 2 s. c om public Cell load(Path cellPath) throws Exception { ProjectFilesystem cellFilesystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cellFilesystems.get(cellPath)); BuckConfig buckConfig = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cellConfigs.get(cellPath)); return new Cell(cellConfigs.keySet(), cellFilesystem, Watchman.NULL_WATCHMAN, buckConfig, knownBuildRuleTypesFactory, cellProvider); } }, null); }
From source
/** * Given a path to an Xcode developer directory and a map of * (xctoolchain ID: path) pairs as returned by * {@link AppleToolchainDiscovery}, walks through the platforms * and builds a map of ({@link AppleSdk}: {@link AppleSdkPaths}) * objects describing the paths to the SDKs inside. * * The {@link AppleSdk#getName()} strings match the ones displayed by {@code xcodebuild -showsdks} * and look like {@code macosx10.9}, {@code iphoneos8.0}, {@code iphonesimulator8.0}, * etc./* w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ public static ImmutableMap<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> discoverAppleSdkPaths(Optional<Path> developerDir, ImmutableList<Path> extraDirs, ImmutableMap<String, AppleToolchain> xcodeToolchains, AppleConfig appleConfig) throws IOException { Optional<AppleToolchain> defaultToolchain = Optional.ofNullable(xcodeToolchains.get(DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_ID)); ImmutableMap.Builder<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> appleSdkPathsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); HashSet<Path> platformPaths = new HashSet<Path>(extraDirs); if (developerDir.isPresent()) { Path platformsDir = developerDir.get().resolve("Platforms"); LOG.debug("Searching for Xcode platforms under %s", platformsDir); platformPaths.add(platformsDir); } // We need to find the most recent SDK for each platform so we can // make the fall-back SDKs with no version number in their name // ("macosx", "iphonesimulator", "iphoneos"). // // To do this, we store a map of (platform: [sdk1, sdk2, ...]) // pairs where the SDKs for each platform are ordered by version. TreeMultimap<ApplePlatform, AppleSdk> orderedSdksForPlatform = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), APPLE_SDK_VERSION_ORDERING); for (Path platforms : platformPaths) { if (!Files.exists(platforms)) { LOG.debug("Skipping platform search path %s that does not exist", platforms); continue; } LOG.debug("Searching for Xcode SDKs in %s", platforms); try (DirectoryStream<Path> platformStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(platforms, "*.platform")) { for (Path platformDir : platformStream) { Path developerSdksPath = platformDir.resolve("Developer/SDKs"); try (DirectoryStream<Path> sdkStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(developerSdksPath, "*.sdk")) { Set<Path> scannedSdkDirs = new HashSet<>(); for (Path sdkDir : sdkStream) { LOG.debug("Fetching SDK name for %s", sdkDir); sdkDir = sdkDir.toRealPath(); if (scannedSdkDirs.contains(sdkDir)) { LOG.debug("Skipping already scanned SDK directory %s", sdkDir); continue; } AppleSdk.Builder sdkBuilder = AppleSdk.builder(); if (buildSdkFromPath(sdkDir, sdkBuilder, xcodeToolchains, defaultToolchain, appleConfig)) { AppleSdk sdk =; LOG.debug("Found SDK %s", sdk); AppleSdkPaths.Builder xcodePathsBuilder = AppleSdkPaths.builder(); for (AppleToolchain toolchain : sdk.getToolchains()) { xcodePathsBuilder.addToolchainPaths(toolchain.getPath()); } AppleSdkPaths xcodePaths = xcodePathsBuilder.setDeveloperPath(developerDir) .setPlatformPath(platformDir).setSdkPath(sdkDir).build(); appleSdkPathsBuilder.put(sdk, xcodePaths); orderedSdksForPlatform.put(sdk.getApplePlatform(), sdk); } scannedSdkDirs.add(sdkDir); } } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { LOG.warn(e, "Couldn't discover SDKs at path %s, ignoring platform %s", developerSdksPath, platformDir); } } } } // Get a snapshot of what's in appleSdkPathsBuilder, then for each // ApplePlatform, add to appleSdkPathsBuilder the most recent // SDK with an unversioned name. ImmutableMap<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> discoveredSdkPaths =; for (ApplePlatform platform : orderedSdksForPlatform.keySet()) { Set<AppleSdk> platformSdks = orderedSdksForPlatform.get(platform); boolean shouldCreateUnversionedSdk = true; for (AppleSdk sdk : platformSdks) { shouldCreateUnversionedSdk &= !sdk.getName().equals(platform.getName()); } if (shouldCreateUnversionedSdk) { AppleSdk mostRecentSdkForPlatform = orderedSdksForPlatform.get(platform).last(); appleSdkPathsBuilder.put(mostRecentSdkForPlatform.withName(platform.getName()), discoveredSdkPaths.get(mostRecentSdkForPlatform)); } } // This includes both the discovered SDKs with versions in their names, as well as // the unversioned aliases added just above. return; }
From source
/** * Prints all stack traces to the given stream. * * @param out Stream to print to//ww w . j ava2 s. com */ public static void printAll(PrintStream out) { out.println("Starting full thread dump ...\n"); ThreadMXBean mb = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); // ThreadInfo has comprehensive information such as locks. ThreadInfo[] threadInfos = mb.dumpAllThreads(true, true); // But we can know whether a thread is daemon only from Thread Set<Thread> threads = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet(); ImmutableMap<Long, Thread> threadMap = Maps.uniqueIndex(threads, new Function<Thread, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(Thread thread) { return thread.getId(); } }); // Dump non-daemon threads first for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : threadInfos) { Thread thread = threadMap.get(threadInfo.getThreadId()); if (thread != null && !thread.isDaemon()) { dumpThreadInfo(threadInfo, thread, out); } } // Dump daemon threads for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : threadInfos) { Thread thread = threadMap.get(threadInfo.getThreadId()); if (thread != null && thread.isDaemon()) { dumpThreadInfo(threadInfo, thread, out); } } long[] deadlockedThreads = mb.findDeadlockedThreads(); if (deadlockedThreads != null) { out.println("Detected deadlocked threads: " + Arrays.toString(deadlockedThreads)); } long[] monitorDeadlockedThreads = mb.findMonitorDeadlockedThreads(); if (monitorDeadlockedThreads != null) { out.println("Detected monitor deadlocked threads: " + Arrays.toString(monitorDeadlockedThreads)); } out.println("\nDone full thread dump."); out.flush(); }
From source
/** * Given a path to an Xcode developer directory and a map of (xctoolchain ID: path) pairs as * returned by {@link AppleToolchainDiscovery}, walks through the platforms and builds a map of * ({@link AppleSdk}: {@link AppleSdkPaths}) objects describing the paths to the SDKs inside. * * <p>The {@link AppleSdk#getName()} strings match the ones displayed by {@code xcodebuild * -showsdks} and look like {@code macosx10.9}, {@code iphoneos8.0}, {@code iphonesimulator8.0}, * etc.//w w w. java2s . c o m */ public static ImmutableMap<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> discoverAppleSdkPaths(Optional<Path> developerDir, ImmutableList<Path> extraDirs, ImmutableMap<String, AppleToolchain> xcodeToolchains, AppleConfig appleConfig) throws IOException { Optional<AppleToolchain> defaultToolchain = Optional.ofNullable(xcodeToolchains.get(DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_ID)); ImmutableMap.Builder<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> appleSdkPathsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); HashSet<Path> platformPaths = new HashSet<Path>(extraDirs); if (developerDir.isPresent()) { Path platformsDir = developerDir.get().resolve("Platforms"); LOG.debug("Searching for Xcode platforms under %s", platformsDir); platformPaths.add(platformsDir); } // We need to find the most recent SDK for each platform so we can // make the fall-back SDKs with no version number in their name // ("macosx", "iphonesimulator", "iphoneos"). // // To do this, we store a map of (platform: [sdk1, sdk2, ...]) // pairs where the SDKs for each platform are ordered by version. TreeMultimap<ApplePlatform, AppleSdk> orderedSdksForPlatform = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), APPLE_SDK_VERSION_ORDERING); for (Path platforms : platformPaths) { if (!Files.exists(platforms)) { LOG.debug("Skipping platform search path %s that does not exist", platforms); continue; } LOG.debug("Searching for Xcode SDKs in %s", platforms); try (DirectoryStream<Path> platformStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(platforms, "*.platform")) { for (Path platformDir : platformStream) { Path developerSdksPath = platformDir.resolve("Developer/SDKs"); try (DirectoryStream<Path> sdkStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(developerSdksPath, "*.sdk")) { Set<Path> scannedSdkDirs = new HashSet<>(); for (Path sdkDir : sdkStream) { LOG.debug("Fetching SDK name for %s", sdkDir); try { sdkDir = sdkDir.toRealPath(); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { LOG.warn(e, "SDK at path %s is a dangling link, ignoring", sdkDir); continue; } if (scannedSdkDirs.contains(sdkDir)) { LOG.debug("Skipping already scanned SDK directory %s", sdkDir); continue; } AppleSdk.Builder sdkBuilder = AppleSdk.builder(); if (buildSdkFromPath(sdkDir, sdkBuilder, xcodeToolchains, defaultToolchain, appleConfig)) { AppleSdk sdk =; LOG.debug("Found SDK %s", sdk); AppleSdkPaths.Builder xcodePathsBuilder = AppleSdkPaths.builder(); for (AppleToolchain toolchain : sdk.getToolchains()) { xcodePathsBuilder.addToolchainPaths(toolchain.getPath()); } AppleSdkPaths xcodePaths = xcodePathsBuilder.setDeveloperPath(developerDir) .setPlatformPath(platformDir).setSdkPath(sdkDir).build(); appleSdkPathsBuilder.put(sdk, xcodePaths); orderedSdksForPlatform.put(sdk.getApplePlatform(), sdk); } scannedSdkDirs.add(sdkDir); } } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { LOG.warn(e, "Couldn't discover SDKs at path %s, ignoring platform %s", developerSdksPath, platformDir); } } } } // Get a snapshot of what's in appleSdkPathsBuilder, then for each // ApplePlatform, add to appleSdkPathsBuilder the most recent // SDK with an unversioned name. ImmutableMap<AppleSdk, AppleSdkPaths> discoveredSdkPaths =; for (ApplePlatform platform : orderedSdksForPlatform.keySet()) { Set<AppleSdk> platformSdks = orderedSdksForPlatform.get(platform); boolean shouldCreateUnversionedSdk = true; for (AppleSdk sdk : platformSdks) { shouldCreateUnversionedSdk &= !sdk.getName().equals(platform.getName()); } if (shouldCreateUnversionedSdk) { AppleSdk mostRecentSdkForPlatform = orderedSdksForPlatform.get(platform).last(); appleSdkPathsBuilder.put(mostRecentSdkForPlatform.withName(platform.getName()), discoveredSdkPaths.get(mostRecentSdkForPlatform)); } } // This includes both the discovered SDKs with versions in their names, as well as // the unversioned aliases added just above. return; }
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@Nullable private static PrimitiveType getPrimitiveRangeOrProgressionElementType(@NotNull KotlinType rangeOrProgression, @NotNull ImmutableMap<FqName, PrimitiveType> map) { ClassifierDescriptor declarationDescriptor = rangeOrProgression.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor(); if (declarationDescriptor == null) return null; FqNameUnsafe fqName = DescriptorUtils.getFqName(declarationDescriptor); if (!fqName.isSafe()) return null; return map.get(fqName.toSafe()); }