List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
@Override protected List<PinLaterJobInfo> scanJobsFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final Set<Integer> priorities, final PinLaterJobState jobState, final boolean scanFutureJobs, final String continuation, final int limit, final String bodyRegexTomatch) throws Exception { final String scanQuery = scanFutureJobs ? MySQLQueries.SCAN_FUTURE_JOBS : MySQLQueries.SCAN_CURRENT_JOBS; Connection conn = null;/*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ try { ImmutableMap<String, MySQLDataSources> shardMap = shardMapRef.get(); conn = shardMap.get(shardName).getGeneralDataSource().getConnection(); // First scan some jobs for the specified priorities. List<List<PinLaterJobInfo>> jobsPerPriority = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(priorities.size()); for (final int priority : priorities) { jobsPerPriority.add(, String.format(scanQuery, MySQLBackendUtils.constructJobsTableName(queueName, shardName, priority), getBodyRegexClause(bodyRegexTomatch)), new RowProcessor<PinLaterJobInfo>() { @Override public PinLaterJobInfo process(ResultSet rs) throws IOException, SQLException { PinLaterJobInfo ji = new PinLaterJobInfo(); ji.setJobDescriptor( new PinLaterJobDescriptor(queueName, shardName, priority, rs.getLong(1)) .toString()); String claimDescriptor = rs.getString(2); if (claimDescriptor != null) { ji.setClaimDescriptor(claimDescriptor); } ji.setAttemptsAllowed(rs.getInt(3)); ji.setAttemptsRemaining(rs.getInt(4)); ji.setCustomStatus(Strings.nullToEmpty(rs.getString(5))); ji.setCreatedAtTimestampMillis(rs.getTimestamp(6).getTime()); ji.setRunAfterTimestampMillis(rs.getTimestamp(7).getTime()); ji.setUpdatedAtTimestampMillis(rs.getTimestamp(8).getTime()); ji.setJobState(jobState); return ji; } }, jobState.getValue(), limit)); } // Merge jobsPerPriority and return the merged result. return PinLaterBackendUtils.mergeIntoList(jobsPerPriority, PinLaterBackendUtils.JobInfoComparator.getInstance()); } finally { JdbcUtils.closeConnection(conn); } }
From source
@Override protected void ackSingleJob(final String queueName, boolean succeeded, PinLaterJobAckInfo jobAckInfo, int numAutoRetries) throws SQLException, PinLaterException { PinLaterJobDescriptor jobDesc = new PinLaterJobDescriptor(jobAckInfo.getJobDescriptor()); String jobsTableName = MySQLBackendUtils.constructJobsTableName(queueName, jobDesc.getShardName(), jobDesc.getPriority());/*from ww w . ja va 2*/ Connection conn = null; try { ImmutableMap<String, MySQLDataSources> shardMap = shardMapRef.get(); conn = shardMap.get(jobDesc.getShardName()).getGeneralDataSource().getConnection(); if (succeeded) { // Handle succeeded job: change state to succeeded and append custom status. JdbcUtils.executeUpdate(conn, String.format(MySQLQueries.ACK_SUCCEEDED_UPDATE, jobsTableName), PinLaterJobState.SUCCEEDED.getValue(), jobAckInfo.getAppendCustomStatus(), jobDesc.getLocalId()); } else { // Handle failed job. Depending on whether the job has attempts remaining, we need // to either move it to pending or failed, and append custom status either way. // We do this by running two queries, first the 'failed done' one and then the // 'failed retry', so that the appropriate status change happens. JdbcUtils.executeUpdate(conn, String.format(MySQLQueries.ACK_FAILED_DONE_UPDATE, jobsTableName), PinLaterJobState.FAILED.getValue(), jobAckInfo.getAppendCustomStatus(), jobDesc.getLocalId(), PinLaterJobState.IN_PROGRESS.getValue()); JdbcUtils.executeUpdate(conn, String.format(MySQLQueries.ACK_FAILED_RETRY_UPDATE, jobsTableName), PinLaterJobState.PENDING.getValue(), jobAckInfo.getAppendCustomStatus(), new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + jobAckInfo.getRetryDelayMillis()), jobDesc.getLocalId(), PinLaterJobState.IN_PROGRESS.getValue()); } } catch (SQLException e) { boolean shouldRetry = checkExceptionIsRetriable(e, jobDesc.getShardName(), "ack"); if (shouldRetry && numAutoRetries > 0) { // Retry on the same shard. Stats.incr("ack-failures-retry"); ackSingleJob(queueName, succeeded, jobAckInfo, numAutoRetries - 1); return; } // Out of retries, throw the exception. Wrap it into a PinLaterException if the exception // is recognized and return the appropriate error code. if (MySQLBackendUtils.isDatabaseDoesNotExistException(e)) { throw new PinLaterException(ErrorCode.QUEUE_NOT_FOUND, "Queue not found: " + queueName); } throw e; } finally { JdbcUtils.closeConnection(conn); } }
From source
public boolean equalsIgnoring(Config other, ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableSet<String>> ignoredFields) { if (this == other) { return true; }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableMap<String, String>> left = this.getSectionToEntries(); ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableMap<String, String>> right = other.getSectionToEntries(); Sets.SetView<String> sections = Sets.union(left.keySet(), right.keySet()); for (String section : sections) { ImmutableMap<String, String> leftFields = left.get(section); ImmutableMap<String, String> rightFields = right.get(section); if (leftFields == null || rightFields == null) { return false; } Sets.SetView<String> fields = Sets.difference(Sets.union(leftFields.keySet(), rightFields.keySet()), Optional.ofNullable(ignoredFields.get(section)).orElse(ImmutableSet.of())); for (String field : fields) { String leftValue = leftFields.get(field); String rightValue = rightFields.get(field); if (leftValue == null || rightValue == null || !leftValue.equals(rightValue)) { return false; } } } return true; }
From source
private ImmutableList<Snippet> getParameterSnippets(ProductionBinding binding, ImmutableMap<BindingKey, FrameworkField> fields, String listArgName) { int argIndex = 0; ImmutableList.Builder<Snippet> snippets = ImmutableList.builder(); for (DependencyRequest dependency : binding.dependencies()) { if (isAsyncDependency(dependency)) { snippets.add(/* ww w .java2 s .c o m*/ Snippet.format("(%s) %s.get(%s)", asyncDependencyType(dependency), listArgName, argIndex)); argIndex++; } else { snippets.add(frameworkTypeUsageStatement(Snippet.format(fields.get(dependency.bindingKey()).name()), dependency.kind())); } } return; }
From source
@Override protected PinLaterJobInfo lookupJobFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final int priority, final long localId, final boolean isIncludeBody) throws Exception { final String mySQLQuery = isIncludeBody ? MySQLQueries.LOOKUP_JOB_WITH_BODY : MySQLQueries.LOOKUP_JOB; String jobsTableName = MySQLBackendUtils.constructJobsTableName(queueName, shardName, priority); Connection conn = null;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ ImmutableMap<String, MySQLDataSources> shardMap = shardMapRef.get(); try { conn = shardMap.get(shardName).getGeneralDataSource().getConnection(); PinLaterJobInfo jobInfo = JdbcUtils.selectOne(conn, String.format(mySQLQuery, jobsTableName), new RowProcessor<PinLaterJobInfo>() { @Override public PinLaterJobInfo process(ResultSet rs) throws IOException, SQLException { PinLaterJobInfo ji = new PinLaterJobInfo(); ji.setJobDescriptor( new PinLaterJobDescriptor(queueName, shardName, priority, rs.getLong(1)) .toString()); ji.setJobState(PinLaterJobState.findByValue(rs.getInt(2))); ji.setAttemptsAllowed(rs.getInt(3)); ji.setAttemptsRemaining(rs.getInt(4)); ji.setCreatedAtTimestampMillis(rs.getTimestamp(5).getTime()); ji.setRunAfterTimestampMillis(rs.getTimestamp(6).getTime()); ji.setUpdatedAtTimestampMillis(rs.getTimestamp(7).getTime()); String claimDescriptor = rs.getString(8); if (claimDescriptor != null) { ji.setClaimDescriptor(claimDescriptor); } ; ji.setCustomStatus(Strings.nullToEmpty(rs.getString(9))); if (isIncludeBody) { ji.setBody(rs.getBytes(10)); } return ji; } }, localId); return jobInfo; } finally { JdbcUtils.closeConnection(conn); } }
From source
private FieldSpec initModel(final ClassName className, final UniqueNameSet readNames, final ImmutableMap<String, FieldSpec> fieldMap) { ImmutableList<FieldDescriptor> constructorFields = descriptor.constructorFields(); CodeBlock constructorParameterList = CodeBlocks .join(FluentIterable.from(constructorFields).transform(new Function<FieldDescriptor, CodeBlock>() { @Override//from ww w.j av a 2 s . co m public CodeBlock apply(FieldDescriptor field) { return CodeBlock.of("$N", fieldMap.get(; } }), ", "); CodeBlock initializer; if (descriptor.isConstructorVisible()) { initializer = CodeBlock.of("new $T($L)", className, constructorParameterList); } else { // Constructor is private, init via reflection CodeBlock constructorArgClassList = CodeBlocks.join( FluentIterable.from(constructorFields).transform(new Function<FieldDescriptor, CodeBlock>() { @Override public CodeBlock apply(FieldDescriptor field) { return CodeBlock.of("$T.class", rawTypeFrom(field.type().get())); } }), ", "); initializer = CodeBlock.of("$T.init($T.class, new Class[] { $L }, new Object[] { $L })", UTILS, className, constructorArgClassList, constructorParameterList); } return FieldSpec.builder(className, readNames.getUniqueName("data")).initializer(initializer).build(); }
From source
@Override protected PinLaterDequeueResponse dequeueJobsFromShard(final String queueName, final String shardName, final int priority, String claimDescriptor, int jobsNeeded, int numAutoRetries, boolean dryRun) throws IOException, SQLException, PinLaterException { String jobsTableName = MySQLBackendUtils.constructJobsTableName(queueName, shardName, priority); Connection conn = null;//from w w w.jav a 2s . c o m PinLaterDequeueResponse shardResponse = new PinLaterDequeueResponse(); final long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!mySQLHealthMonitor.isHealthy(shardName)) { LOG.debug("Skipping unhealthy shard on dequeue: " + shardName); Stats.incr("mysql-unhealthy-shard-dequeue"); return shardResponse; } try { ImmutableMap<String, MySQLDataSources> shardMap = shardMapRef.get(); conn = shardMap.get(shardName).getGeneralDataSource().getConnection(); RowProcessor<Tuple6<String, Integer, Integer, Timestamp, Timestamp, ByteBuffer>> dequeueRowProcessor = constructDequeueRowProcessor( queueName, shardName, priority); if (dryRun) { // If this is a dry run, just retrieve the relevant pending jobs. List<Tuple6<String, Integer, Integer, Timestamp, Timestamp, ByteBuffer>> resultRows = JdbcUtils .select(conn, String.format(MySQLQueries.DEQUEUE_DRY_RUN_SELECT, jobsTableName), dequeueRowProcessor, PinLaterJobState.PENDING.getValue(), jobsNeeded); shardResponse = convertResultsIntoDequeueResponse(resultRows); } else { // If not a dry run, then we'll want to actually update the job state and claimDescriptor. int rowsUpdated = JdbcUtils.executeUpdate(conn, String.format(MySQLQueries.DEQUEUE_UPDATE, jobsTableName), claimDescriptor, PinLaterJobState.IN_PROGRESS.getValue(), PinLaterJobState.PENDING.getValue(), jobsNeeded); if (rowsUpdated > 0) { List<Tuple6<String, Integer, Integer, Timestamp, Timestamp, ByteBuffer>> resultRows = JdbcUtils .select(conn, String.format(MySQLQueries.DEQUEUE_SELECT, jobsTableName), dequeueRowProcessor, claimDescriptor); for (Tuple6<String, Integer, Integer, Timestamp, Timestamp, ByteBuffer> tuple : resultRows) { int attemptsAllowed = tuple._2(); int attemptsRemaining = tuple._3(); long updatedAtMillis = tuple._4().getTime(); long createdAtMillis = tuple._5().getTime(); if (attemptsAllowed == attemptsRemaining) { Stats.addMetric(String.format("%s_first_dequeue_delay_ms", queueName), (int) (currentTimeMillis - createdAtMillis)); } Stats.addMetric(String.format("%s_dequeue_delay_ms", queueName), (int) (currentTimeMillis - updatedAtMillis)); } shardResponse = convertResultsIntoDequeueResponse(resultRows); } } mySQLHealthMonitor.recordSample(shardName, true); } catch (SQLException e) { mySQLHealthMonitor.recordSample(shardName, false); boolean shouldRetry = checkExceptionIsRetriable(e, shardName, "dequeue"); if (shouldRetry && numAutoRetries > 0) { // Retry on the same shard. Stats.incr("dequeue-failures-retry"); return dequeueJobsFromShard(queueName, shardName, priority, claimDescriptor, jobsNeeded, numAutoRetries - 1, dryRun); } // Out of retries, throw the exception. Wrap it into a PinLaterException if the exception // is recognized and return the appropriate error code. if (MySQLBackendUtils.isDatabaseDoesNotExistException(e)) { throw new PinLaterException(ErrorCode.QUEUE_NOT_FOUND, "Queue not found: " + queueName); } throw e; } finally { JdbcUtils.closeConnection(conn); } return shardResponse; }
From source
/** * Create a plan using Edmonds' algorithm with greedy approach to execute a single conjunction * * @param query the conjunction query to find a traversal plan * @return a semi-optimal traversal plan to execute the given conjunction *///from www . jav a2s . c o m private static List<Fragment> planForConjunction(ConjunctionQuery query, TransactionOLTP tx) { // a query plan is an ordered list of fragments final List<Fragment> plan = new ArrayList<>(); // flatten all the possible fragments from the conjunction query (these become edges in the query graph) final Set<Fragment> allFragments = query.getEquivalentFragmentSets().stream() .flatMap(EquivalentFragmentSet::stream).collect(Collectors.toSet()); // if role players' types are known, we can infer the types of the relation, adding label & isa fragments Set<Fragment> inferredFragments = inferRelationTypes(tx, allFragments); allFragments.addAll(inferredFragments); // convert fragments into nodes - some fragments create virtual middle nodes to ensure the Janus edge is traversed ImmutableMap<NodeId, Node> queryGraphNodes = buildNodesWithDependencies(allFragments); // it's possible that some (or all) fragments are disconnected, e.g. $x isa person; $y isa dog; Collection<Set<Fragment>> connectedFragmentSets = getConnectedFragmentSets(allFragments); // build a query plan for each query subgraph separately for (Set<Fragment> connectedFragments : connectedFragmentSets) { // one of two cases - either we have a connected graph > 1 node, which is used to compute a MST, OR exactly 1 node Arborescence<Node> subgraphArborescence = computeArborescence(connectedFragments, queryGraphNodes, tx); if (subgraphArborescence != null) { // collect the mapping from directed edge back to fragments -- inverse operation of creating virtual middle nodes Map<Node, Map<Node, Fragment>> middleNodeFragmentMapping = virtualMiddleNodeToFragmentMapping( connectedFragments, queryGraphNodes); List<Fragment> subplan = GreedyTreeTraversal.greedyTraversal(subgraphArborescence, queryGraphNodes, middleNodeFragmentMapping); plan.addAll(subplan); } else { // find and include all the nodes not touched in the MST in the plan Set<Node> unhandledNodes = .flatMap(fragment -> fragment.getNodes().stream()) .map(node -> queryGraphNodes.get(node.getNodeId())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (unhandledNodes.size() != 1) { throw GraknServerException .create("Query planner exception - expected one unhandled node, found " + unhandledNodes.size()); } plan.addAll(nodeVisitedDependenciesFragments(Iterators.getOnlyElement(unhandledNodes.iterator()), queryGraphNodes)); } } // this shouldn't be necessary, but we keep it just in case of an edge case that we haven't thought of List<Fragment> remainingFragments = fragmentsForUnvisitedNodes(queryGraphNodes, queryGraphNodes.values()); if (remainingFragments.size() > 0) { LOG.warn("Expected all fragments to be handled, but found these: " + remainingFragments); plan.addAll(remainingFragments); } LOG.trace("Greedy Plan = {}", plan); return plan; }
From source
/** * Sets up Actor connections based on the worker's predecessor/successor * relationships, creating TokenActors and Storages as required. This * method depends on all Storage objects initially being single-input, * single-output, and all Tokens being single-input, single-output (which * they should always be by their nature). * @param workers an immutable map of Workers to their Actors; workers not * in the map are not in this blob/*from ww w . j a va 2 s .co m*/ * @param tokens a map of Tokens to their Actors, being constructed as we go * @param storage a table of (upstream, downstream) Actor to the Storage * that connects them, being constructed as we go * @param inputTokenId an int-by-value containing the next input TokenActor id, to be * incremented after use * @param outputTokenId an int-by-value containing the next output TokenActor id, to be * decremented after use */ public void connect(ImmutableMap<Worker<?, ?>, WorkerActor> workers, Map<Token, TokenActor> tokens, Table<Actor, Actor, Storage> storage, int[] inputTokenId, int[] outputTokenId) { List<? extends Worker<?, ?>> predecessors = Workers.getPredecessors(worker); if (predecessors.isEmpty()) { Blob.Token t = Blob.Token.createOverallInputToken(worker); TokenActor ta = new TokenActor(t, inputTokenId[0]++); tokens.put(t, ta); Storage s = new Storage(ta, this); inputs().add(s); ta.outputs().add(s); storage.put(ta, this, s); } for (Worker<?, ?> w : predecessors) { Actor pred = workers.get(w); if (pred == null) { Token t = new Blob.Token(w, worker()); pred = new TokenActor(t, inputTokenId[0]++); tokens.put(t, (TokenActor) pred); } Storage s = storage.get(pred, this); if (s == null) { s = new Storage(pred, this); storage.put(pred, this, s); } inputs().add(s); if (pred instanceof TokenActor) pred.outputs().add(s); } List<? extends Worker<?, ?>> successors = Workers.getSuccessors(worker); if (successors.isEmpty()) { Blob.Token t = Blob.Token.createOverallOutputToken(worker); TokenActor ta = new TokenActor(t, outputTokenId[0]--); tokens.put(t, ta); Storage s = new Storage(this, ta); outputs().add(s); ta.inputs().add(s); storage.put(this, ta, s); } for (Worker<?, ?> w : successors) { Actor succ = workers.get(w); if (succ == null) { Token t = new Blob.Token(worker(), w); succ = new TokenActor(t, outputTokenId[0]--); tokens.put(t, (TokenActor) succ); } Storage s = storage.get(this, succ); if (s == null) { s = new Storage(this, succ); storage.put(this, succ, s); } outputs().add(s); if (succ instanceof TokenActor) succ.inputs().add(s); } inputIndexFunctions().addAll(Collections.nCopies(inputs().size(), IndexFunction.identity())); outputIndexFunctions().addAll(Collections.nCopies(outputs().size(), IndexFunction.identity())); }
From source
/** * Translates the 'cell name'->override map into a 'Path'->override map. * * @param pathMapping a map containing paths to all of the cells we want to query. * @return 'Path'->override map/*from w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ */ public ImmutableMap<Path, RawConfig> getOverridesByPath(ImmutableMap<CellName, Path> pathMapping) throws InvalidCellOverrideException { ImmutableSet<CellName> relativeNamesOfCellsWithOverrides = FluentIterable.from(getValues().keySet()) .filter(Predicates.not(CellName.ALL_CELLS_SPECIAL_NAME::equals)).toSet(); ImmutableSet.Builder<Path> pathsWithOverrides = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (CellName cellWithOverride : relativeNamesOfCellsWithOverrides) { if (!pathMapping.containsKey(cellWithOverride)) { throw new InvalidCellOverrideException( String.format("Trying to override settings for unknown cell %s", cellWithOverride)); } pathsWithOverrides.add(pathMapping.get(cellWithOverride)); } ImmutableMultimap<Path, CellName> pathToRelativeName = Multimaps.index(pathMapping.keySet(), Functions.forMap(pathMapping)); for (Path pathWithOverrides : { ImmutableList<CellName> namesForPath = RichStream.from(pathToRelativeName.get(pathWithOverrides)) .filter(name -> name.getLegacyName().isPresent()).toImmutableList(); if (namesForPath.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidCellOverrideException( String.format("Configuration override is ambiguous: cell rooted at %s is reachable " + "as [%s]. Please override the config by placing a .buckconfig.local file in the " + "cell's root folder.", pathWithOverrides, Joiner.on(',').join(namesForPath))); } } Map<Path, RawConfig> overridesByPath = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<CellName, Path> entry : pathMapping.entrySet()) { CellName cellRelativeName = entry.getKey(); Path cellPath = entry.getValue(); RawConfig configFromOtherRelativeName = overridesByPath.get(cellPath); RawConfig config = getForCell(cellRelativeName); if (configFromOtherRelativeName != null) { // Merge configs RawConfig mergedConfig = RawConfig.builder().putAll(configFromOtherRelativeName).putAll(config) .build(); overridesByPath.put(cellPath, mergedConfig); } else { overridesByPath.put(cellPath, config); } } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(overridesByPath); }