Java tutorial
/** * Automated Exploratory Tests * * Copyright (C) 2013 Cognifide Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cognifide.aet.runner.conversion; import; import; import; import com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.Commentable; import com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.Comparator; import com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.Step; import com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.Suite; import com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.Test; import com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.Url; public final class SuiteMergeStrategy { private static final NamedToMapFunction<Test> TEST_TO_MAP = new NamedToMapFunction<>(); private static final NamedToMapFunction<Url> URL_TO_MAP = new NamedToMapFunction<>(); private static final NamedToMapFunction<Step> STEP_TO_MAP = new NamedToMapFunction<>(); private static final NamedToMapFunction<Comparator> COMPARATOR_TO_MAP = new NamedToMapFunction<>(); private static final Predicate<Step> COMPARATORS_FILTER = new Predicate<Step>() { @Override public boolean apply(Step input) { return input != null && isCollector(input); } }; private SuiteMergeStrategy() { //util private constructor } /** * Merges current and pattern suite. All comments, version and patterns in current suite are overwritten from pattern suite. * * @param current - current run suite. * @param pattern - pattern suite, usually the last run. * @return merged suite. */ public static Suite merge(Suite current, Suite pattern) { final ImmutableMap<String, Test> tests = FluentIterable.from(current.getTests()).uniqueIndex(TEST_TO_MAP); if (pattern != null) { current.setVersion(pattern.getVersion() + 1); updateComment(current, pattern); for (Test patternTest : pattern.getTests()) { if (tests.containsKey(patternTest.getName())) { mergeTest(tests.get(patternTest.getName()), patternTest); } } } else { current.setVersion(1L); } return current; } private static void mergeTest(Test currentTest, Test patternTest) { updateComment(currentTest, patternTest); currentTest.setComment(patternTest.getComment()); final ImmutableMap<String, Url> urlsMap = FluentIterable.from(currentTest.getUrls()) .uniqueIndex(URL_TO_MAP); for (Url patternUrl : patternTest.getUrls()) { if (urlsMap.containsKey(patternUrl.getName())) { mergeUrl(urlsMap.get(patternUrl.getName()), patternUrl); } } } private static void mergeUrl(Url currentUrl, Url patternUrl) { updateComment(currentUrl, patternUrl); final ImmutableMap<String, Step> collectors = FluentIterable.from(currentUrl.getSteps()) .filter(COMPARATORS_FILTER).uniqueIndex(STEP_TO_MAP); for (Step patternStep : patternUrl.getSteps()) { if (isCollector(patternStep) && collectors.containsKey(patternStep.getName())) { mergeStep(collectors.get(patternStep.getName()), patternStep); } } } private static void mergeStep(Step currentStep, Step patternStep) { updateComment(currentStep, patternStep); currentStep.updatePattern(patternStep.getPattern()); final ImmutableMap<String, Comparator> comparators = FluentIterable.from(currentStep.getComparators()) .uniqueIndex(COMPARATOR_TO_MAP); for (Comparator patternComparator : patternStep.getComparators()) { if (comparators.containsKey(patternComparator.getName())) { updateComment(comparators.get(patternComparator.getName()), patternComparator); } } } private static void updateComment(Commentable current, Commentable pattern) { current.setComment(pattern.getComment()); } private static boolean isCollector(Step step) { return step.getComparators() != null && !step.getComparators().isEmpty(); } }