List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
@Override public List<IntFloat> apply(List<IntFloat> list) { List<Collection<Integer>> nonEmptyDimBands = new ArrayList<>(); for (Edge edge : cluster.getOverlappingEdges(dim)) { nonEmptyDimBands.add(edge.getOverlapIndices(dim)); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c om*/ if (nonEmptyDimBands.isEmpty()) // early abort no bands nothing todo return list; BandSorting dimConflicts = new BandSorting(nonEmptyDimBands); Set<IntFloat> finalDimSorting = new LinkedHashSet<IntFloat>(); ImmutableMap<Integer, IntFloat> byIndex = Maps.uniqueIndex(list, IntFloat.TO_INDEX); for (Integer i : dimConflicts) { finalDimSorting.add(byIndex.get(i)); } // fill up rest finalDimSorting.addAll(list); return new ArrayList<>(finalDimSorting); }
From source
@Override public IModel retexture(ImmutableMap<String, String> data) { return new ModelSprayBottleFluid( data.containsKey("bottle") ? new ResourceLocation(data.get("bottle")) : this.bottle, data.containsKey("filler") ? new ResourceLocation(data.get("filler")) : this.filler, this.fluid); }
From source
/** * Parses a Chrome trace and stops parsing once all of the specified matchers have been satisfied. * This method parses only one Chrome trace event at a time, which avoids loading the entire trace * into memory./*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param pathToTrace is a relative path [to the ProjectFilesystem] to a Chrome trace in the "JSON * Array Format." * @param chromeTraceEventMatchers set of matchers this invocation of {@code parse()} is trying to * satisfy. Once a matcher finds a match, it will not consider any other events in the trace. * @return a {@code Map} where every matcher that found a match will have an entry whose key is * the matcher and whose value is the one returned by {@link ChromeTraceEventMatcher#test(Map, * String)} without the {@link Optional} wrapper. */ public Map<ChromeTraceEventMatcher<?>, Object> parse(Path pathToTrace, Set<ChromeTraceEventMatcher<?>> chromeTraceEventMatchers) throws IOException { Set<ChromeTraceEventMatcher<?>> unmatchedMatchers = new HashSet<>(chromeTraceEventMatchers); Preconditions.checkArgument(!unmatchedMatchers.isEmpty(), "Must specify at least one matcher"); Map<ChromeTraceEventMatcher<?>, Object> results = new HashMap<>(); try (InputStream input = projectFilesystem.newFileInputStream(pathToTrace); MappingIterator<ImmutableMap<String, Object>> it = ObjectMappers.READER .forType(new TypeReference<ImmutableMap<String, Object>>() { }).readValues(input)) { featureSearch: while (it.hasNext()) { // Verify and extract the name property before invoking any of the matchers. ImmutableMap<String, Object> event =; Object nameEl = event.get("name"); if (!(nameEl instanceof String)) { continue; } String name = (String) nameEl; // Prefer Iterator to Iterable+foreach so we can use remove(). for (Iterator<ChromeTraceEventMatcher<?>> iter = unmatchedMatchers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ChromeTraceEventMatcher<?> chromeTraceEventMatcher =; Optional<?> result = chromeTraceEventMatcher.test(event, name); if (result.isPresent()) { iter.remove(); results.put(chromeTraceEventMatcher, result.get()); if (unmatchedMatchers.isEmpty()) { break featureSearch; } } } } } // We could throw if !unmatchedMatchers.isEmpty(), but that might be overbearing. return results; }
From source
/** Records the parsed {@code rawRule}. */ public void recordRule(ImmutableMap<String, Object> rawRule, FuncallExpression ast) throws EvalException { String name = Objects.requireNonNull((String) rawRule.get("name"), "Every target must have a name."); if (rawRules.containsKey(name)) { throw new EvalException(ast.getLocation(), String.format("Cannot register rule %s with content %s again.", name, rawRule)); }/*from www .ja v a2s . co m*/ rawRules.put(name, rawRule); }
From source
/** * A (possibly empty) sequence of paths to files that should be included by default when * evaluating a build file./* www. j a v a 2s. c om*/ */ public Iterable<String> getDefaultIncludes() { ImmutableMap<String, String> entries = delegate.getEntriesForSection(BUILDFILE_SECTION_NAME); String includes = Strings.nullToEmpty(entries.get("includes")); return Splitter.on(' ').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(includes); }
From source
@Override public AGGREGATE read(KEY key) throws Exception { ImmutableMap<KEY, AGGREGATE> remote =; if (remote == null) { return null; } else {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m return remote.get(key); } }
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@Override public void execute(TridentTuple tuple, TridentCollector collector) { ImmutableMap<String, String> kv = (ImmutableMap<String, String>) tuple.getValue(0); String key = kv.keySet().iterator().next(); Long startTime = Long.parseLong(key); UserVisit uv = UserVisitParser.parse(kv.get(key)); collector.emit(new Values(uv.getIp(), startTime)); }
From source
public Optional<String> getValue(String sectionName, String propertyName) { ImmutableMap<String, String> properties = get(sectionName); return Optional.fromNullable(properties.get(propertyName)); }
From source
@Override public AclFileAttributeView view(FileLookup lookup, ImmutableMap<String, FileAttributeView> inheritedViews) { return new View(lookup, (FileOwnerAttributeView) inheritedViews.get("owner")); }
From source
/** * Transform a map from scheme name to `TargetNode` to scheme name to the associated `PBXProject`. * * @param schemeToTargetNodes Map to transform. * @return Map of scheme name to associated `PXBProject`s. *///from ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m private static ImmutableSetMultimap<String, PBXTarget> mapFromSchemeToPBXProject( ImmutableSetMultimap<String, ? extends TargetNode<?>> schemeToTargetNodes, ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, PBXTarget> buildTargetToPBXTarget) { ImmutableSetMultimap<String, PBXTarget> schemeToPBXProject = ImmutableSetMultimap .copyOf(schemeToTargetNodes.entries().stream() .map(stringTargetNodeEntry -> Maps.immutableEntry(stringTargetNodeEntry.getKey(), buildTargetToPBXTarget.get(stringTargetNodeEntry.getValue().getBuildTarget()))) .filter(stringPBXTargetEntry -> { return stringPBXTargetEntry.getValue() != null; }).collect(Collectors.toList())); return schemeToPBXProject; }