List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
/** * Handles GET /v1/stats./*from ww w . j av a2 s .c o m*/ * @param response * @param sources * @param channels * @param sinks * @throws IOException */ public static void get(HttpServletResponse response, ImmutableMap<String, SourceRunner> sources, ImmutableMap<String, Channel> channels, ImmutableMap<String, SinkRunner> sinks) throws IOException { response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); String jsonStr = "{\"success\":\"true\",\"stats\":{\"sources\":["; boolean first = true; for (String key : sources.keySet()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { jsonStr += ","; } // if else Source source; HTTPSourceHandler handler; try { SourceRunner sr = sources.get(key); source = sr.getSource(); Field f = source.getClass().getDeclaredField("handler"); f.setAccessible(true); handler = (HTTPSourceHandler) f.get(source); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } // try catch jsonStr += "{\"name\":\"" + source.getName() + "\"," + "\"status\":\"" + source.getLifecycleState().toString() + "\","; if (handler instanceof CygnusHandler) { CygnusHandler ch = (CygnusHandler) handler; jsonStr += "\"setup_time\":\"" + CommonUtils.getHumanReadable(ch.getBootTime(), true) + "\"," + "\"num_received_events\":" + ch.getNumReceivedEvents() + "," + "\"num_processed_events\":" + ch.getNumProcessedEvents() + "}"; } else { jsonStr += "\"setup_time\":\"unknown\"," + "\"num_received_events\":-1," + "\"num_processed_events\":-1}"; } // if else } // for jsonStr += "],\"channels\":["; first = true; for (String key : channels.keySet()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { jsonStr += ","; } // if else Channel channel = channels.get(key); jsonStr += "{\"name\":\"" + channel.getName() + "\"," + "\"status\":\"" + channel.getLifecycleState().toString() + "\","; if (channel instanceof CygnusChannel) { CygnusChannel cc = (CygnusChannel) channel; jsonStr += "\"setup_time\":\"" + CommonUtils.getHumanReadable(cc.getSetupTime(), true) + "\"," + "\"num_events\":" + cc.getNumEvents() + "," + "\"num_puts_ok\":" + cc.getNumPutsOK() + "," + "\"num_puts_failed\":" + cc.getNumPutsFail() + "," + "\"num_takes_ok\":" + cc.getNumTakesOK() + "," + "\"num_takes_failed\":" + cc.getNumTakesFail() + "}"; } else { jsonStr += "\"setup_time\":\"unknown\"," + "\"num_events\":-1," + "\"num_puts_ok\":-1," + "\"num_puts_failed\":-1," + "\"num_takes_ok\":-1," + "\"num_takes_failed\":-1}"; } // if else } // for jsonStr += "],\"sinks\":["; first = true; for (String key : sinks.keySet()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { jsonStr += ","; } // if else Sink sink; try { SinkRunner sr = sinks.get(key); SinkProcessor sp = sr.getPolicy(); Field f = sp.getClass().getDeclaredField("sink"); f.setAccessible(true); sink = (Sink) f.get(sp); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } // try catch jsonStr += "{\"name\":\"" + sink.getName() + "\"," + "\"status\":\"" + sink.getLifecycleState().toString() + "\","; if (sink instanceof CygnusSink) { CygnusSink cs = (CygnusSink) sink; jsonStr += "\"setup_time\":\"" + CommonUtils.getHumanReadable(cs.getSetupTime(), true) + "\"," + "\"num_processed_events\":" + cs.getNumProcessedEvents() + "," + "\"num_persisted_events\":" + cs.getNumPersistedEvents() + "}"; } else { jsonStr += "\"setup_time\":\"unknown\"," + "\"num_processed_events\":-1," + "\"num_persisted_events\":-1}"; } // if else } // for jsonStr += "]}}"; response.getWriter().println(jsonStr); }
From source
private static String makeUsage(final ImmutableMap<String, RyaKafkaClientCommand> commands) { final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); usage.append("Usage: ").append(CLIDriver.class.getSimpleName()).append(" <command> (<argument> ... )\n"); usage.append("\n"); usage.append("Possible Commands:\n"); // Sort and find the max width of the commands. final List<String> sortedCommandNames = Lists.newArrayList(commands.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedCommandNames); int maxCommandLength = 0; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { maxCommandLength = commandName.length() > maxCommandLength ? commandName.length() : maxCommandLength; }//w ww. j a v a2s . c om // Add each command to the usage. final String commandFormat = " %-" + maxCommandLength + "s - %s\n"; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { final String commandDescription = commands.get(commandName).getDescription(); usage.append(String.format(commandFormat, commandName, commandDescription)); } return usage.toString(); }
From source
private static ImmutableList<CodeBlock> getParameterCodeBlocks(ProductionBinding binding, ImmutableMap<BindingKey, FieldSpec> fields, String listArgName) { int argIndex = 0; ImmutableList.Builder<CodeBlock> codeBlocks = ImmutableList.builder(); for (DependencyRequest dependency : binding.explicitDependencies()) { if (isAsyncDependency(dependency)) { codeBlocks.add(// w 2 s . com CodeBlock.of("($T) $L.get($L)", asyncDependencyType(dependency), listArgName, argIndex)); argIndex++; } else { codeBlocks.add(frameworkTypeUsageStatement(CodeBlock.of("$N", fields.get(dependency.bindingKey())), dependency.kind())); } } return; }
From source
private static String makeUsage(final ImmutableMap<String, RyaStreamsCommand> commands) { final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); usage.append("Usage: ").append(CLIDriver.class.getSimpleName()).append(" <command> (<argument> ... )\n"); usage.append("\n"); usage.append("Possible Commands:\n"); // Sort and find the max width of the commands. final List<String> sortedCommandNames = Lists.newArrayList(commands.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedCommandNames); int maxCommandLength = 0; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { maxCommandLength = commandName.length() > maxCommandLength ? commandName.length() : maxCommandLength; }/*from w w w. j av a2s .co m*/ // Add each command to the usage. final String commandFormat = " %-" + maxCommandLength + "s - %s\n"; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { final String commandDescription = commands.get(commandName).getDescription(); usage.append(String.format(commandFormat, commandName, commandDescription)); } return usage.toString(); }
From source
/** * Create a cell provider at a given root. *//*from w ww .jav a 2s. c o m*/ public static CellProvider createForLocalBuild(ProjectFilesystem rootFilesystem, Watchman watchman, BuckConfig rootConfig, CellConfig rootCellConfigOverrides, KnownBuildRuleTypesFactory knownBuildRuleTypesFactory) throws IOException { DefaultCellPathResolver rootCellCellPathResolver = DefaultCellPathResolver .createWithConfigRepositoriesSection(rootFilesystem.getRootPath(), rootConfig.getEntriesForSection(DefaultCellPathResolver.REPOSITORIES_SECTION)); ImmutableMap<RelativeCellName, Path> transitiveCellPathMapping = rootCellCellPathResolver .getTransitivePathMapping(); ImmutableMap<Path, RawConfig> pathToConfigOverrides; try { pathToConfigOverrides = rootCellConfigOverrides.getOverridesByPath(transitiveCellPathMapping); } catch (CellConfig.MalformedOverridesException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage()); } ImmutableSet<Path> allRoots = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transitiveCellPathMapping.values()); return new CellProvider(cellProvider -> new CacheLoader<Path, Cell>() { @Override public Cell load(Path cellPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException { cellPath = cellPath.toRealPath().normalize(); Preconditions.checkState(allRoots.contains(cellPath), "Cell %s outside of transitive closure of root cell (%s).", cellPath, allRoots); RawConfig configOverrides = Optional.ofNullable(pathToConfigOverrides.get(cellPath)) .orElse(RawConfig.of(ImmutableMap.of())); Config config = Configs.createDefaultConfig(cellPath, configOverrides); DefaultCellPathResolver cellPathResolver = new DefaultCellPathResolver(cellPath, config); ProjectFilesystem cellFilesystem = new ProjectFilesystem(cellPath, config); BuckConfig buckConfig = new BuckConfig(config, cellFilesystem, rootConfig.getArchitecture(), rootConfig.getPlatform(), rootConfig.getEnvironment(), cellPathResolver); // TODO(13777679): cells in other watchman roots do not work correctly. return new Cell(cellPathResolver.getKnownRoots(), cellFilesystem, watchman, buckConfig, knownBuildRuleTypesFactory, cellProvider); } }, cellProvider -> { try { return new Cell(rootCellCellPathResolver.getKnownRoots(), rootFilesystem, watchman, rootConfig, knownBuildRuleTypesFactory, cellProvider); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while loading root cell", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HumanReadableException("Failed to load root cell", e); } }); }
From source
@Nullable private static List<AttachmentContent> getAttachmentContents( HashMap<String, List<String>> releaseIdentifierToDownloadURL, ImmutableMap<String, AttachmentContent> URLtoAttachment, String releaseIdentifier) { List<AttachmentContent> attachmentContents = null; if (releaseIdentifierToDownloadURL.containsKey(releaseIdentifier)) { final List<String> URLs = releaseIdentifierToDownloadURL.get(releaseIdentifier); attachmentContents = new ArrayList<>(URLs.size()); for (String url : URLs) { if (URLtoAttachment.containsKey(url)) { final AttachmentContent attachmentContent = URLtoAttachment.get(url); attachmentContents.add(attachmentContent); }// w w w.j a v a2s . c om } } return attachmentContents; }
From source
/** Create a cell provider at a given root. */ public static CellProvider create(ProjectFilesystem rootFilesystem, BuckConfig rootConfig, CellConfig rootCellConfigOverrides, ImmutableMap<CellName, Path> cellPathMapping, CellPathResolver rootCellCellPathResolver, BuckModuleManager moduleManager, ToolchainProviderFactory toolchainProviderFactory, ProjectFilesystemFactory projectFilesystemFactory, UnconfiguredBuildTargetFactory unconfiguredBuildTargetFactory) { ImmutableMap<Path, RawConfig> pathToConfigOverrides; try {//from ww w .j a va 2 s.c o m pathToConfigOverrides = rootCellConfigOverrides.getOverridesByPath(cellPathMapping); } catch (InvalidCellOverrideException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage()); } ImmutableSet<Path> allRoots = ImmutableSet.copyOf(cellPathMapping.values()); return new CellProvider(cellProvider -> new CacheLoader<Path, Cell>() { @Override public Cell load(Path cellPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Path normalizedCellPath = cellPath.toRealPath().normalize(); Preconditions.checkState(allRoots.contains(normalizedCellPath), "Cell %s outside of transitive closure of root cell (%s).", normalizedCellPath, allRoots); RawConfig configOverrides = Optional.ofNullable(pathToConfigOverrides.get(normalizedCellPath)) .orElse(RawConfig.of(ImmutableMap.of())); Config config = Configs.createDefaultConfig(normalizedCellPath, configOverrides); ImmutableMap<String, Path> cellMapping = DefaultCellPathResolver .getCellPathsFromConfigRepositoriesSection(cellPath, config.get(DefaultCellPathResolver.REPOSITORIES_SECTION)); // The cell should only contain a subset of cell mappings of the root cell. cellMapping.forEach((name, path) -> { Path pathInRootResolver = rootCellCellPathResolver.getCellPaths().get(name); if (pathInRootResolver == null) { throw new HumanReadableException( "In the config of %s: %s.%s must exist in the root cell's cell mappings.", cellPath.toString(), DefaultCellPathResolver.REPOSITORIES_SECTION, name); } else if (!pathInRootResolver.equals(path)) { throw new HumanReadableException( "In the config of %s: %s.%s must point to the same directory as the root " + "cell's cell mapping: (root) %s != (current) %s", cellPath.toString(), DefaultCellPathResolver.REPOSITORIES_SECTION, name, pathInRootResolver, path); } }); CellPathResolver cellPathResolver = new CellPathResolverView(rootCellCellPathResolver, cellMapping.keySet(), cellPath); Optional<EmbeddedCellBuckOutInfo> embeddedCellBuckOutInfo = Optional.empty(); Optional<String> canonicalCellName = cellPathResolver.getCanonicalCellName(normalizedCellPath); if (rootConfig.getView(BuildBuckConfig.class).isEmbeddedCellBuckOutEnabled() && canonicalCellName.isPresent()) { embeddedCellBuckOutInfo = Optional .of(EmbeddedCellBuckOutInfo.of(rootFilesystem.resolve(rootFilesystem.getRootPath()), rootFilesystem.getBuckPaths(), canonicalCellName.get())); } ProjectFilesystem cellFilesystem = projectFilesystemFactory .createProjectFilesystem(normalizedCellPath, config, embeddedCellBuckOutInfo); BuckConfig buckConfig = new BuckConfig(config, cellFilesystem, rootConfig.getArchitecture(), rootConfig.getPlatform(), rootConfig.getEnvironment(), buildTargetName -> unconfiguredBuildTargetFactory.create(cellPathResolver, buildTargetName)); RuleKeyConfiguration ruleKeyConfiguration = ConfigRuleKeyConfigurationFactory.create(buckConfig, moduleManager); ToolchainProvider toolchainProvider = toolchainProviderFactory.create(buckConfig, cellFilesystem, ruleKeyConfiguration); // TODO(13777679): cells in other watchman roots do not work correctly. return ImmutableCell.of(cellPathResolver.getKnownRoots(), canonicalCellName, cellFilesystem, buckConfig, cellProvider, toolchainProvider, ruleKeyConfiguration, cellPathResolver); } }, cellProvider -> RootCellFactory.create(cellProvider, rootCellCellPathResolver, toolchainProviderFactory, rootFilesystem, moduleManager, rootConfig)); }
From source
public static TagCompound convert(MplCompilationResult result) { ImmutableMap<Coordinate3D, MplBlock> blockMap = result.getBlocks(); ImmutableSet<Coordinate3D> coordinates = blockMap.keySet(); Coordinate3D min = getMinCoordinate(coordinates); Coordinate3D max = getMaxCoordinate(coordinates); short width = (short) (1 + max.getX() - min.getX()); short heigth = (short) (1 + max.getY() - min.getY()); short length = (short) (1 + max.getZ() - min.getZ()); int volume = width * heigth * length; ByteBuffer blocks = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume); ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume); List<ITag> tileEntities = new ArrayList<>(blockMap.size()); for (int y = min.getY(); y <= max.getY(); y++) { for (int z = min.getZ(); z <= max.getZ(); z++) { for (int x = min.getX(); x <= max.getX(); x++) { Coordinate3D coord = new Coordinate3D(x, y, z); MplBlock block = blockMap.get(coord); if (block == null) { block = new AirBlock(coord); }//from ww w . ja v a2s . c o m // block blocks.put(block.getByteBlockId()); // data if (block instanceof CommandBlock) { data.put(((CommandBlock) block).getDamageValue()); } else { data.put((byte) 0); } // tile entity if (block instanceof CommandBlock) { tileEntities.add(toControl((CommandBlock) block)); } } } } TagCompound schematic = new TagCompound("Schematic"); schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Width", width)); schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Height", heigth)); schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Length", length)); schematic.setTag(new TagString("Materials", "Alpha")); schematic.setTag(new TagByteArray("Blocks", blocks.array())); schematic.setTag(new TagByteArray("Data", data.array())); schematic.setTag(new TagList("TileEntities", tileEntities)); schematic.setTag(new TagList("Entities", new ArrayList<>())); schematic.setTag(new TagList("TileTicks", new ArrayList<>())); return schematic; }
From source
public int getPropertyAsInt(@NonNull final String name, final int defaultValue) { final ImmutableMap<String, Object> params = getParams(); final Object value = params.get(name); return NumberUtils.asInt(value, defaultValue); }
From source
private static StorageTypeSetter createStorageTypeSetter() { final Method setStorageTypeMethod; try {/*ww w .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ setStorageTypeMethod = OpWriteBlockProto.Builder.class.getMethod("setStorageType", StorageTypeProto.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOG.debug("noSetStorageType method found, should be hadoop 2.5-", e); return new StorageTypeSetter() { @Override public Builder set(Builder builder, Enum<?> storageType) { return builder; } }; } ImmutableMap.Builder<String, StorageTypeProto> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (StorageTypeProto storageTypeProto : StorageTypeProto.values()) { builder.put(, storageTypeProto); } final ImmutableMap<String, StorageTypeProto> name2ProtoEnum =; return new StorageTypeSetter() { @Override public Builder set(Builder builder, Enum<?> storageType) { Object protoEnum = name2ProtoEnum.get(; try { setStorageTypeMethod.invoke(builder, protoEnum); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return builder; } }; }