Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap get

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap get.


V get(Object key);

Source Link


Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.


From source file:com.facebook.buck.cxx.AbstractElfRewriteDynStrSectionStep.java

/** @return a processor for the `.dynamic` section. */
private SectionUsingDynamicStrings getDynamicProcessor(Elf elf) throws IOException {
    return new SectionUsingDynamicStrings() {

        // Load the dynamic section.
        private final ElfSection dynamicSection = elf.getMandatorySectionByName(getPath(), DYNAMIC)
                .getSection();// w  w w  . ja  v a 2 s  .  co m
        private final ElfDynamicSection dynamic = ElfDynamicSection.parse(elf.header.ei_class,

        public ImmutableList<Long> getStringReferences() {
            return RichStream.from(dynamic.entries)
                    .filter(e -> e.d_tag.getType() == ElfDynamicSection.DTag.Type.STRING).map(e -> e.d_un)

        public void processNewStringReferences(long newSize, ImmutableMap<Long, Long> newStringIndices) {
            ElfDynamicSection newDynamic = new ElfDynamicSection(RichStream.from(dynamic.entries).map(e -> {
                if (e.d_tag == ElfDynamicSection.DTag.DT_STRSZ) {
                    return new ElfDynamicSection.Entry(e.d_tag, newSize);
                } else if (e.d_tag.getType() == ElfDynamicSection.DTag.Type.STRING) {
                    return new ElfDynamicSection.Entry(e.d_tag,
                } else {
                    return e;
            newDynamic.write(elf.header.ei_class, dynamicSection.body);

From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.pms.core.obj.ConfigurationObject.java

 * Constructor.//from  w w w . jav  a 2  s. c  o m
 * @param definition Definition.
 * @param entity Configuration entity.
private ConfigurationObject(ConfigurationDefinition<?> definition, ConfigurationEntity entity) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> values = null;
    ImmutableMap.Builder<UUID, FileObject> files = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<UUID> usedContentTypes = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<UUID> usedCategories = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<String> extra = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<String> errors = null;
    final ImmutableMap<String, Item> parameters = definition.getParameters();
    for (Entry<String, ConfigurationValue> ecv : entity.getValues().entrySet()) {
        final String name = ecv.getKey();
        final Item item = parameters.get(name);
        if (item == null) {
            extra = add(extra, name);
        final Class<?> type = item.getType();
        Object value = null;
        final ConfigurationValue cv = ecv.getValue();
        if (item.isEnum()) {
            try {
                value = item.fromString(cv.getStringValue());
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                if (errors == null) {
                    errors = ImmutableSet.builder();

        } else if (String.class == type) {
            value = cv.getStringValue();
        } else if (Integer.class == type) {
            value = cv.getIntegerValue();
        } else if (Boolean.class == type) {
            value = cv.getBooleanValue();
        } else if (FileId.class == type) {
            final FileEntity fe = cv.getFileValue();
            if (fe != null) {
                final UUID id = fe.getId();
                final FileId fid = FileId.of(id, fe.getName());
                value = fid;
                files = put(files, id, new FileObject(fid, item));
        } else if (Category.class == type) {
            final CategoryEntity ce = cv.getCategoryValue();
            if (ce != null) {
                final UUID id = ce.getId();
                value = id;
                usedCategories = add(usedCategories, id);
        } else if (ContentType.class == type) {
            final ContentTypeEntity ce = cv.getContentTypeValue();
            if (ce != null) {
                final UUID id = ce.getId();
                value = id;
                usedContentTypes = add(usedContentTypes, id);
        if (value != null) {
            values = put(values, name, value);
    this.definition = definition;
    this.values = build(values);
    this.files = build(files);
    this.usedContentTypes = build(usedContentTypes);
    this.usedCategories = build(usedCategories);
    Set<String> missing = Sets.difference(definition.getMBPParameters().keySet(), this.values.keySet());
    if (errors == null) {
        this.errors = ImmutableSet.copyOf(missing);
    } else {
        this.errors = errors.addAll(missing).build();
    this.extra = build(extra);

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.android.ParsedAndroidDataSubject.java

private <T extends DataValue> void compareDataValues(Iterable<Entry<DataKey, T>> actual,
        Iterable<Entry<DataKey, T>> expected, List<String> out, String valueType) {
    List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>();
    ImmutableMap<DataKey, T> actualMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(actual);
    ImmutableMap<DataKey, T> expectedMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(expected);
    for (DataKey key : Sets.union(actualMap.keySet(), expectedMap.keySet())) {
        if (!(actualMap.containsKey(key) && expectedMap.containsKey(key))) {
            if (!actualMap.containsKey(key)) {
                errors.add(error("\tExpected %s.", key.toPrettyString()));
            }/*from   w w  w  .  j  a va 2 s .  co m*/
            if (!expectedMap.containsKey(key)) {
                errors.add(error("\tHad unexpected %s.", key.toPrettyString()));
        } else {
            T actualValue = actualMap.get(key);
            T expectedValue = expectedMap.get(key);
            if (!actualValue.equals(expectedValue)) {
                errors.add(error("\t%s is not equal", key.toPrettyString()));
                if (!actualValue.source().equals(expectedValue.source())) {
                    if (!actualValue.source().getPath().equals(expectedValue.source().getPath())) {
                        errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected path", expectedValue.source().getPath()));
                        errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual path", actualValue.source().getPath()));
                    if (!actualValue.source().overrides().equals(expectedValue.source().overrides())) {
                        errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected overrides", expectedValue.source()));
                        errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual overrides", actualValue.source()));
                if (!actualValue.getClass().equals(expectedValue.getClass())) {
                    errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected class", expectedValue.getClass()));
                    errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual class", actualValue.getClass()));
                } else if (actualValue instanceof DataResourceXml) {
                    errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Expected xml", expectedValue));
                    errors.add(error("\t\t%-10s: %s", "Actual xml", actualValue));
    if (errors.isEmpty()) {

From source file:se.sics.caracaldb.global.DefaultPolicy.java

private long guessAddedSize(LUTWorkingBuffer lut, Integer[] member, ImmutableMap<Address, Stats.Report> stats) {
    // Use the average of the average node size of all live members to guess the size for this group
    ArrayList<Long> avgSizes = new ArrayList<Long>(member.length);
    for (Integer id : member) {
        Address addr = lut.getHost(id);/*from  w w  w .jav  a  2 s .c  o m*/
        Stats.Report rep = stats.get(addr);
        if (rep != null) {
    long sum = 0;
    for (Long l : avgSizes) {
        sum += l;
    return Stats.floorDiv(sum, avgSizes.size());

From source file:se.sics.caracaldb.global.DefaultPolicy.java

private void addMoreCandidates(LUTWorkingBuffer lut, TreeMultimap<Long, Integer> candidates,
        ImmutableMap<Address, Stats.Report> stats) {
    if (candidates.values().size() >= stats.size()) {
        return; // Already everyone a candidate...nothing to do
    }/*from  w  ww .j ava  2 s  .  c  o m*/
    int index = 0;
    for (Address addr : lut.hosts()) {
        if (!candidates.containsValue(index)) {
            Stats.Report rep = stats.get(addr);
            if (rep != null) {
                long curSize = rep.averageSize * rep.numberOfVNodes;
                candidates.put(curSize, index);

From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.pms.core.obj.PortalConfigurationObject.java

 * Constructor.//from  w w  w  .  jav a 2 s  .c  o m
 * @param definition Definition.
 * @param entity Configuration entity.
private PortalConfigurationObject(PortalConfigurationDefinition<?> definition, ConfigurationEntity entity) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> values = null;
    ImmutableMap.Builder<UUID, PortalFileObject> files = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<UUID> usedContentTypes = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<UUID> usedCategories = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<String> extra = null;
    ImmutableSet.Builder<String> errors = null;
    final ImmutableMap<String, Item> parameters = definition.getParameters();
    for (Entry<String, ConfigurationValue> ecv : entity.getValues().entrySet()) {
        final String name = ecv.getKey();
        final Item item = parameters.get(name);
        if (item == null) {
            extra = add(extra, name);
        final Class<?> type = item.getType();
        Object value = null;
        final ConfigurationValue cv = ecv.getValue();
        if (item.isEnum()) {
            try {
                value = item.fromString(cv.getStringValue());
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                if (errors == null) {
                    errors = ImmutableSet.builder();

        } else if (String.class == type) {
            value = cv.getStringValue();
        } else if (Integer.class == type) {
            value = cv.getIntegerValue();
        } else if (Boolean.class == type) {
            value = cv.getBooleanValue();
        } else if (FileId.class == type) {
            final FileEntity fe = cv.getFileValue();
            if (fe != null) {
                final UUID id = fe.getId();
                final FileId fid = FileId.of(id, fe.getName());
                value = fid;
                files = put(files, id, new PortalFileObject(fid, item));
        } else if (Category.class == type) {
            final CategoryEntity ce = cv.getCategoryValue();
            if (ce != null) {
                final UUID id = ce.getId();
                value = id;
                usedCategories = add(usedCategories, id);
        } else if (ContentType.class == type) {
            final ContentTypeEntity ce = cv.getContentTypeValue();
            if (ce != null) {
                final UUID id = ce.getId();
                value = id;
                usedContentTypes = add(usedContentTypes, id);
        if (value != null) {
            values = put(values, name, value);
    this.definition = definition;
    this.values = build(values);
    this.files = build(files);
    this.usedContentTypes = build(usedContentTypes);
    this.usedCategories = build(usedCategories);
    Set<String> missing = Sets.difference(definition.getMBPParameters().keySet(), this.values.keySet());
    if (errors == null) {
        this.errors = ImmutableSet.copyOf(missing);
    } else {
        this.errors = errors.addAll(missing).build();
    this.extra = build(extra);

From source file:com.android.builder.shrinker.Shrinker.java

private void decrementCounter(T member, DependencyType dependencyType, ShrinkType shrinkType,
        @Nullable ImmutableMap<ShrinkType, Set<T>> modifiedClasses) {
    if (mGraph.decrementAndCheck(member, dependencyType, shrinkType)) {
        if (modifiedClasses != null) {
        }/*  w w  w.ja  v  a 2 s.  c o  m*/
        for (Dependency<T> dependency : mGraph.getDependencies(member)) {
            decrementCounter(dependency.target, dependency.type, shrinkType, modifiedClasses);

From source file:com.clearclouds.driver.monitor.jvm.DeadlockAnalyzer.java

private Set<LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo>> calculateCycleDeadlockChains(
        ImmutableMap<Long, ThreadInfo> threadInfoMap, Set<LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo>> cycles) {
    ThreadInfo allThreads[] = threadBean.getThreadInfo(threadBean.getAllThreadIds());
    Set<LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo>> deadlockChain = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Long> knownDeadlockedThreads = threadInfoMap.keySet();
    for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : allThreads) {
        Thread.State state = threadInfo.getThreadState();
        if (state == Thread.State.BLOCKED && !knownDeadlockedThreads.contains(threadInfo.getThreadId())) {
            for (LinkedHashSet cycle : cycles) {
                if (cycle.contains(threadInfoMap.get(Long.valueOf(threadInfo.getLockOwnerId())))) {
                    LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo> chain = new LinkedHashSet<>();
                    for (ThreadInfo node = threadInfo; !chain.contains(node); node = threadInfoMap

                }//  ww  w  . ja  v  a  2  s.c  o  m


    return deadlockChain;

From source file:com.google.idea.blaze.cpp.BlazeResolveConfigurationTemporaryBase.java

private void collectHeaderRoots(ImmutableMap<File, VirtualFile> virtualFileCache,
        ImmutableList.Builder<HeadersSearchRoot> roots, ImmutableCollection<ExecutionRootPath> paths,
        boolean isUserHeader) {
    for (ExecutionRootPath executionRootPath : paths) {
        ImmutableList<File> possibleDirectories = workspacePathResolver
        for (File f : possibleDirectories) {
            VirtualFile vf = virtualFileCache.get(f);
            if (vf != null) {
                roots.add(new IncludedHeadersRoot(project, vf, false /* recursive */, isUserHeader));
            }/*w  w w.ja va 2 s  . c o m*/

From source file:de.faustedition.genesis.lines.VerseStatisticsResource.java

public Representation chartData() {
    final List<Map<String, Object>> chartData = Lists.newLinkedList();
    final ImmutableMap<String, MaterialUnit> documentIndex = Maps.uniqueIndex(verseStatistics.keySet(),
            new Function<MaterialUnit, String>() {
                @Override/*from   w w  w  . j a v  a2s .  c  om*/
                public String apply(@Nullable MaterialUnit input) {
                    return input.toString() + " [" + input.node.getId() + "]";
    for (String documentDesc : Ordering.natural().immutableSortedCopy(documentIndex.keySet())) {
        final List<Map<String, Object>> intervals = Lists.newLinkedList();
        for (VerseInterval interval : Ordering.from(VerseManager.INTERVAL_COMPARATOR)
                .immutableSortedCopy(verseStatistics.get(documentIndex.get(documentDesc)))) {
            intervals.add(new ModelMap().addAttribute("start", Math.max(from, interval.getStart()))
                    .addAttribute("end", Math.min(to, interval.getEnd())));
        chartData.add(new ModelMap().addAttribute("sigil", documentDesc.substring(0, documentDesc.indexOf('[')))
                /*.addAttribute("transcript", documentIndex.get(documentDesc).node.getId())*/
                .addAttribute("source", ((Document) documentIndex.get(documentDesc)).getSource().toString())
                .addAttribute("intervals", intervals));
    return jsonRepresentationFactory.map(chartData, false);