List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
public VmConfig getVmConfig(String name) { checkNotNull(name);//from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c om ImmutableMap<String, String> vmGroupMap = subgroupMap(properties, "vm"); ImmutableMap<String, String> vmMap = subgroupMap(vmGroupMap, name); VmConfig.Builder builder = VmConfig.builder().name(name); String type = vmMap.get("type"); if (type != null) { builder.type(VmType.of(type)); } String home = vmMap.get("home"); if (home != null) { builder.home(home); } String executable = vmMap.get("executable"); if (executable != null) { builder.executable(executable); } return builder.addAllArgs(getVmArgs()).addAllArgs(getArgs(vmMap)).build(); }
From source
/** * Configure void./*from w w w. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param context the context */ @Override public void configure(Context context) { this.context = context; ImmutableMap<String, String> props = context.getParameters(); this.parameters = new Properties(); for (String key : props.keySet()) { String value = props.get(key); this.parameters.put(key, value); } //source monitoring count if (sourceCounter == null) { sourceCounter = new SourceCounter(getName()); } }
From source
/** * Parse CLI arguments and run Checksims from them. * * TODO add unit tests//from ww w . j a v a 2s. co m * * @param args CLI arguments to parse * @throws ParseException Thrown on error parsing CLI arguments * @throws ChecksimsException Thrown on invalid CLI arguments or error running Checksims * @throws IOException Thrown on error building a submission from files or writing output to file */ public static void runCLI(String[] args) throws ParseException, ChecksimsException, IOException { checkNotNull(args); // Parse options, first round: nothing required, so we can check for --help and --version CommandLine cli = parseOpts(args, false); // Print CLI Help if (cli.hasOption("h")) { printHelp(); } // Print version if (cli.hasOption("version")) { System.err.println("Checksims version " + ChecksimsRunner.getChecksimsVersion()); System.exit(0); } // Parse options, second round: required arguments are required cli = parseOpts(args, true); // Parse verbose setting if (cli.hasOption("vv")) { logs = startLogger(2); } else if (cli.hasOption("v")) { logs = startLogger(1); } else { logs = startLogger(0); } // First, parse basic flags ChecksimsConfig config = parseBaseFlags(cli); // Parse file flags ChecksimsConfig finalConfig = parseFileFlags(cli, config); // Run Checksims with this config ImmutableMap<String, String> output = ChecksimsRunner.runChecksims(finalConfig); // Check if file output specified if (cli.hasOption("f")) { // Writing to a file // Get the filename String outfileBaseName = cli.getOptionValue("f"); // Output for all specified strategies for (String strategy : output.keySet()) { // Final filename is the basename specified through CLI, with the strategy name as its extension. File outfile = new File(outfileBaseName + "." + strategy);"Writing " + strategy + " output to " + outfile.getName()); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outfile, output.get(strategy), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } } else { // Just outputting to STDOUT for (String strategy : output.keySet()) { System.out.println("\n\n"); System.out.println("Output from " + strategy + "\n"); System.out.println(output.get(strategy)); } } logs.trace("CLI parsing complete!"); }
From source
@Override Expression getDependencyExpression(ClassName requestingClass) { ImmutableMap<DependencyRequest, Expression> arguments = ImmutableMap.copyOf(Maps .asMap(provisionBinding.dependencies(), request -> dependencyArgument(request, requestingClass))); Function<DependencyRequest, CodeBlock> argumentsFunction = request -> arguments.get(request).codeBlock(); return requiresInjectionMethod(provisionBinding, arguments.values().asList(), compilerOptions, requestingClass.packageName(), types) ? invokeInjectionMethod(argumentsFunction, requestingClass) : invokeMethod(argumentsFunction, requestingClass); }
From source
@Override public CompletableFuture<Set<io.github.mywarp.mywarp.platform.Profile>> getByUniqueId( Iterable<UUID> uniqueIds) { return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { ImmutableMap<UUID, Profile> allPresent = cache.getAllPresent(uniqueIds); Set<io.github.mywarp.mywarp.platform.Profile> ret = new HashSet<>(); uniqueIds.forEach(uuid -> {//w w w.j a v a2 s . co m Profile profile = allPresent.get(uuid); if (profile != null) { ret.add(BukkitProfile.of(profile)); } }); return ret; }, executorService); }
From source
public Result indexInfo(String indexName) { try {//from ww w . j a v a2s .c om final List<Index> indexes = indexService.all(); final ImmutableMap<String, Index> map = Maps.uniqueIndex(indexes, new Function<Index, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(Index input) { return input.getName(); } }); final Index index = map.get(indexName); if (index == null) { return notFound(); } final String currentTarget = indexService.getDeflectorInfo().currentTarget; return ok(views.html.partials.indices.index_info.render(currentTarget, index)); } catch (APIException | IOException e) { return internalServerError(); } }
From source
public YetusPhase(TestConfiguration configuration, List<HostExecutor> hostExecutors, LocalCommandFactory localCommandFactory, ImmutableMap<String, String> templateDefaults, String workingDir, File scratchDir, Logger logger, File logDir, File patchFile) { super(hostExecutors, localCommandFactory, templateDefaults, logger); this.mPatchFile = patchFile; this.buildTag = templateDefaults.get("buildTag"); this.mWorkingDir = new File(workingDir, YETUS_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "_" + this.buildTag); this.mLogFile = new File(logDir, YETUS_LOG_FILE); this.mOutputDir = new File(logDir, YETUS_OUTPUT_FOLDER); this.mScratchDir = scratchDir; this.conf = configuration; this.buildUrl = conf.getLogsURL() + "/" + this.buildTag + "/"; }
From source
public SignState enterFunction(ImmutableMap<String, SIGN> pArguments) { PersistentMap<String, SIGN> newMap = signMap; for (String var : pArguments.keySet()) { if (!pArguments.get(var).equals(SIGN.ALL)) { newMap = newMap.putAndCopy(var, pArguments.get(var)); }/*from www .j a va 2s . c o m*/ } return signMap == newMap ? this : new SignState(newMap); }
From source
public VmConfig getVmConfig(String name) throws InvalidConfigurationException { checkNotNull(name);/*w w w.j a v a 2s . c o m*/ ImmutableMap<String, String> vmGroupMap = subgroupMap(properties, "vm"); ImmutableMap<String, String> vmMap = subgroupMap(vmGroupMap, name); File homeDir = getJdkHomeDir(vmGroupMap.get("baseDirectory"), vmMap.get("home"), name); return new VmConfig.Builder(homeDir).addAllOptions(getArgs(vmGroupMap)).addAllOptions(getArgs(vmMap)) .build(); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends Name> ImmutableBiMap<T, T> apply(ImmutableBiMap<T, T> mappings, ImmutableMap<String, BaseName> base, Consumer<T> consumer) { ImmutableBiMap.Builder<T, T> builder = ImmutableBiMap.builder(); mappings.forEach((original, mapped) -> { BaseName name = base.get(original.getName()); if (name != null) { T result = (T) original.apply(context, name); if (consumer != null) { consumer.accept(result); }/*from w w w. j a va2s . co m*/ builder.put(original, result); } }); return; }