List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
private static JobIdentifier jobIdentifier(ContainerInfo containerInfo) { ImmutableMap<String, String> labels = containerInfo.config().labels(); if (labels == null) { return null; }/* w ww. j a va2s . com*/ return JobIdentifier.fromJson(labels.get(JOB_IDENTIFIER_LABEL_KEY)); }
From source
/** * Compares two {@link ImmutableMap} of {@link Ds3Type} * @param oldTypes Map of {@link Ds3Type} from the older API * @param newTypes Map of {@link Ds3Type} from the newer API *//* w w w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ static ImmutableList<AbstractDs3TypeDiff> compareDs3Types(final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> oldTypes, final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> newTypes) { final ImmutableSet<String> typeNames = getTypeNameUnion(oldTypes, newTypes); final Ds3TypeComparator comparator = new Ds3TypeComparatorImpl(); return ->, newTypes.get(name))) .collect(GuavaCollectors.immutableList()); }
From source
/** * Like {@link #newInstance(TargetNode[])} but does not also add a node for unflavored version of * the given node.//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m */ public static TargetGraph newInstanceExact(TargetNode<?>... nodes) { Map<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : nodes) { builder.put(node.getBuildTarget(), node); } ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> map = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); MutableDirectedGraph<TargetNode<?>> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : map.values()) { graph.addNode(node); for (BuildTarget dep : node.getBuildDeps()) { graph.addEdge(node, Objects.requireNonNull(map.get(dep), dep::toString)); } } return new TargetGraph(graph, map); }
From source
/** * Prints the changes between two {@link ImmutableList} of {@link Ds3ResponseCode}. If both lists are * empty, then nothing is printed./* ww w. j a v a 2*/ */ private static void printResponseCodes(final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseCode> oldCodes, final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseCode> newCodes, final WriterHelper writer) { if (isEmpty(oldCodes) && isEmpty(newCodes)) { //do not print empty values return; } writer.append(indent(INDENT)).append("ResponseCodes:").append("\n"); final ImmutableSet<Integer> codes = getResponseCodeUnion(oldCodes, newCodes); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Ds3ResponseCode> oldCodeMap = toCodeMap(oldCodes); final ImmutableMap<Integer, Ds3ResponseCode> newCodeMap = toCodeMap(newCodes); codes.forEach(code -> printResponseCodeDiff(oldCodeMap.get(code), newCodeMap.get(code), writer)); }
From source
public static TargetGraph newInstance(Iterable<TargetNode<?>> nodes) { Map<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : nodes) { builder.put(node.getBuildTarget(), node); BuildTarget unflavoredTarget = node.getBuildTarget().withoutFlavors(); if (node.getBuildTarget().isFlavored() && !builder.containsKey(unflavoredTarget)) { builder.put(unflavoredTarget, node.withFlavors(ImmutableSet.of())); }/*ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> map = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder); MutableDirectedGraph<TargetNode<?>> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>(); for (TargetNode<?> node : map.values()) { graph.addNode(node); for (BuildTarget dep : node.getBuildDeps()) { graph.addEdge(node, Objects.requireNonNull(map.get(dep), dep::toString)); } } return new TargetGraph(graph, map); }
From source
/** * Checks if a Type Map generated by the createPopulatedMap function has * successfully changed all type names by removing the '$' symbol *///w w w . j a v a2 m public static void checkAutoPopulatedMap(final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> map) { assertThat(map.size(), is(2)); assertTrue(map.containsKey("com.test.package.Ds3Type_v1")); assertTrue(map.containsKey("com.test.package.Ds3Type_v2")); checkAutoPopulatedType(map.get("com.test.package.Ds3Type_v1"), "_v1"); checkAutoPopulatedType(map.get("com.test.package.Ds3Type_v2"), "_v2"); }
From source
/** * Gets the minimal log level for the given subsystem by checking: * 1. if logging_overrides has that subsystem as a key * 2. if not, checks if there is a default level set * 3. if not, uses default_log_level/*from ww w. jav a 2 s . c om*/ * Then returns if the passed in log level is above the minimal log level or not. * * @param level * @param logging_overrides * @param subsystem * @param default_log_level * @return */ public static boolean meetsLogLevelThreshold(final Level level, final ImmutableMap<String, Level> logging_overrides, final String subsystem, final Level default_log_level) { final Level curr_min_level = Optional.ofNullable(logging_overrides.get(subsystem)).orElseGet( () -> (Optional.ofNullable(logging_overrides.get(DEFAULT_LEVEL_KEY)).orElse(default_log_level))); return curr_min_level.isLessSpecificThan(level); }
From source
/** * Prints the changes between two {@link ImmutableList} of {@link Ds3Element}. If both lists are * empty, then nothing is printed./*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ private static void printElements(final ImmutableList<Ds3Element> oldElements, final ImmutableList<Ds3Element> newElements, final WriterHelper writer, final boolean printAllAnnotations) { if (isEmpty(oldElements) && isEmpty(newElements)) { //do not print empty values return; } writer.append(indent(INDENT)).append("Elements:").append("\n"); final ImmutableSet<String> elementNames = getElementNameUnion(oldElements, newElements); final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Element> oldMap = toElementMap(oldElements); final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Element> newMap = toElementMap(newElements); elementNames .forEach(name -> printElementDiff(oldMap.get(name), newMap.get(name), writer, printAllAnnotations)); }
From source
private static void mergeStep(Step currentStep, Step patternStep) { updateComment(currentStep, patternStep); currentStep.updatePattern(patternStep.getPattern()); final ImmutableMap<String, Comparator> comparators = FluentIterable.from(currentStep.getComparators()) .uniqueIndex(COMPARATOR_TO_MAP); for (Comparator patternComparator : patternStep.getComparators()) { if (comparators.containsKey(patternComparator.getName())) { updateComment(comparators.get(patternComparator.getName()), patternComparator); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ } }
From source
private static Optional<UnresolvedCxxPlatform> augmentSystemPlatform(Platform platform, ImmutableMap<Flavor, UnresolvedCxxPlatform> cxxSystemPlatformsMap, CxxPlatform defaultHostCxxPlatform, ImmutableSet<Flavor> possibleHostFlavors, Flavor flavor, CxxBuckConfig cxxConfig) { UnresolvedCxxPlatform baseUnresolvedCxxPlatform = cxxSystemPlatformsMap.get(flavor); CxxPlatform baseCxxPlatform;/*from w w w . j av a2s. com*/ if (baseUnresolvedCxxPlatform == null) { if (possibleHostFlavors.contains(flavor)) { // If a flavor is for an alternate host, it's safe to skip. return Optional.empty(); }"Applying \"%s\" overrides to default host platform", flavor); baseCxxPlatform = defaultHostCxxPlatform; } else { if (!(baseUnresolvedCxxPlatform instanceof StaticUnresolvedCxxPlatform)) { throw new HumanReadableException("Cannot override non-static cxx platform %s", flavor); } baseCxxPlatform = ((StaticUnresolvedCxxPlatform) baseUnresolvedCxxPlatform).getCxxPlatform(); } StaticUnresolvedCxxPlatform augmentedPlatform = new StaticUnresolvedCxxPlatform( CxxPlatforms.copyPlatformWithFlavorAndConfig(baseCxxPlatform, platform, cxxConfig, flavor)); return Optional.of(augmentedPlatform); }