List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
@Nonnull @Override/* ww w. j av a2 s . c om*/ public IModel process(ImmutableMap<String, String> customData) { Map<BlockRenderLayer, List<ModelData>> newSubs = new HashMap<>(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); Map<String, String> unused = new HashMap<>(); for (String layerStr : customData.keySet()) if (LAYERS_BY_NAME.containsKey(layerStr)) { BlockRenderLayer layer = LAYERS_BY_NAME.get(layerStr); JsonElement ele = parser.parse(customData.get(layerStr)); if (ele.isJsonObject()) { ModelData data = ModelData.fromJson(ele.getAsJsonObject(), ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableMap.of()); newSubs.put(layer, ImmutableList.of(data)); } else if (ele.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray array = ele.getAsJsonArray(); List<ModelData> models = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement subEle : array) if (subEle.isJsonObject()) models.add(ModelData.fromJson(ele.getAsJsonObject(), ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableMap.of())); newSubs.put(layer, models); } } else unused.put(layerStr, customData.get(layerStr)); JsonObject unusedJson = ModelData.asJsonObject(unused); for (Entry<BlockRenderLayer, List<ModelData>> entry : newSubs.entrySet()) for (ModelData d : entry.getValue()) for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entryJ : unusedJson.entrySet()) if (!, entryJ.getValue()); if (!newSubs.equals(subModels)) return new MultiLayerModel(newSubs); return this; }
From source
/** * @return the value at sectionName, propertyName, without any decoding, * or absent() if the key is not present. *//*from w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ private Optional<String> getRawValue(String sectionName, String propertyName) { ImmutableMap<String, String> properties = get(sectionName); return Optional.fromNullable(properties.get(propertyName)); }
From source
/** * Parses the tree from the StAX stream reader, capturing references. * <p>/*from w w w. java 2 s . c o m*/ * The reader should be created using the factory returned from {@link #xmlInputFactory()}. * <p> * This method supports capturing attribute references, such as an id/href pair. * Wherever the parser finds an attribute with the specified name, the element is added * to the specified map. Note that the map is mutated. * * @param reader the StAX stream reader, positioned at or before the element to be parsed * @param refAttr the attribute name that should be parsed as a reference, null if not applicable * @param refs the mutable map of references to update, null if not applicable * @return the parsed element * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input cannot be parsed */ private static XmlElement parse(XMLStreamReader reader, String refAttr, Map<String, XmlElement> refs) { try { // parse start element String elementName = parseElementName(reader); ImmutableMap<String, String> attrs = parseAttributes(reader); // parse children or content ImmutableList.Builder<XmlElement> childBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); String content = ""; int event =; while (event != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { switch (event) { // parse child when start element found case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: childBuilder.add(parse(reader, refAttr, refs)); break; // append content when characters found // since XMLStreamReader has IS_COALESCING=true means there should only be one content call case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS: case XMLStreamConstants.CDATA: content += reader.getText(); break; default: break; } event =; } ImmutableList<XmlElement> children =; XmlElement parsed = children.isEmpty() ? XmlElement.ofContent(elementName, attrs, content) : XmlElement.ofChildren(elementName, attrs, children); String ref = attrs.get(refAttr); if (ref != null) { refs.put(ref, parsed); } return parsed; } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } }
From source
@Override public List<Task> parseTasks(final String source, final TaskTags taskTags) { ArrayList<Task> _xblockexpression = null; {//from w w w. j ava2s . co m boolean _isEmpty = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(taskTags); if (_isEmpty) { return Collections.<Task>unmodifiableList(CollectionLiterals.<Task>newArrayList()); } final Function<TaskTag, String> _function = (TaskTag it) -> { return it.getName().toLowerCase(); }; final ImmutableMap<String, TaskTag> taskTagsByName = Maps.<String, TaskTag>uniqueIndex(taskTags, _function); final Matcher matcher = this.toPattern(taskTags).matcher(source); final ArrayList<Task> tasks = CollectionLiterals.<Task>newArrayList(); int prevLine = 1; int prevOffset = 0; while (matcher.find()) { { final Task task = new Task(); task.setTag(taskTagsByName.get(; task.setDescription(; task.setOffset(matcher.start(2)); int _countLineBreaks = Strings.countLineBreaks(source, prevOffset, task.getOffset()); int _plus = (_countLineBreaks + prevLine); task.setLineNumber(_plus); prevLine = task.getLineNumber(); prevOffset = task.getOffset(); tasks.add(task); } } _xblockexpression = tasks; } return _xblockexpression; }
From source
private void collectPackagesUnder(final RepositoryName repository, Set<TraversalInfo> traversals, ImmutableList.Builder<PathFragment> builder) throws InterruptedException { Map<TraversalInfo, SkyKey> traversalToKeyMap = Maps.asMap(traversals, new Function<TraversalInfo, SkyKey>() { @Override//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m public SkyKey apply(TraversalInfo traversalInfo) { return CollectPackagesUnderDirectoryValue.key(repository, traversalInfo.rootedDir, traversalInfo.excludedSubdirectories); } }); Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> values = graph.getSuccessfulValues(traversalToKeyMap.values()); ImmutableSet.Builder<TraversalInfo> subdirTraversalBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Map.Entry<TraversalInfo, SkyKey> entry : traversalToKeyMap.entrySet()) { TraversalInfo info = entry.getKey(); SkyKey key = entry.getValue(); SkyValue val = values.get(key); CollectPackagesUnderDirectoryValue collectPackagesValue = (CollectPackagesUnderDirectoryValue) val; if (collectPackagesValue != null) { if (collectPackagesValue.isDirectoryPackage()) { builder.add(info.rootedDir.getRelativePath()); } ImmutableMap<RootedPath, Boolean> subdirectoryTransitivelyContainsPackages = collectPackagesValue .getSubdirectoryTransitivelyContainsPackages(); for (RootedPath subdirectory : subdirectoryTransitivelyContainsPackages.keySet()) { if (subdirectoryTransitivelyContainsPackages.get(subdirectory)) { PathFragment subdirectoryRelativePath = subdirectory.getRelativePath(); ImmutableSet<PathFragment> excludedSubdirectoriesBeneathThisSubdirectory = PathFragment .filterPathsStartingWith(info.excludedSubdirectories, subdirectoryRelativePath); subdirTraversalBuilder.add( new TraversalInfo(subdirectory, excludedSubdirectoriesBeneathThisSubdirectory)); } } } } ImmutableSet<TraversalInfo> subdirTraversals =; if (!subdirTraversals.isEmpty()) { collectPackagesUnder(repository, subdirTraversals, builder); } }
From source
private void generateStats() throws InterruptedException, VersionControlCommandFailedException {"Starting generation of version control stats."); VersionControlCmdLineInterface vcCmdLineInterface = versionControlCmdLineInterfaceFactory .createCmdLineInterface();//w ww . j av a 2 s .co m if (!vcCmdLineInterface.isSupportedVersionControlSystem()) { LOG.warn("Skipping generation of version control stats as unsupported repository type."); return; } VersionControlStats.Builder versionControlStats = VersionControlStats.builder(); try (SimplePerfEvent.Scope ignored = SimplePerfEvent.scope(buckEventBus, "gen_source_control_info")) { try { // Get a list of the revision ids of all the tracked bookmarks. ImmutableMap<String, String> bookmarksRevisionIds = vcCmdLineInterface .bookmarksRevisionsId(TRACKED_BOOKMARKS); // Get the current revision id. String currentRevisionId = vcCmdLineInterface.currentRevisionId(); // Get the common ancestor of master and current revision String branchedFromMasterRevisionId = vcCmdLineInterface.commonAncestor(currentRevisionId, bookmarksRevisionIds.get("remote/master")); // Get the list of tracked changes files. ImmutableSet<String> changedFiles = vcCmdLineInterface.changedFiles("."); ImmutableSet.Builder<String> baseBookmarks = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> bookmark : bookmarksRevisionIds.entrySet()) { if (bookmark.getValue().startsWith(currentRevisionId)) { baseBookmarks.add(bookmark.getKey()); } } versionControlStats.setPathsChangedInWorkingDirectory(changedFiles) .setCurrentRevisionId(currentRevisionId) .setBranchedFromMasterRevisionId(branchedFromMasterRevisionId) .setBaseBookmarks(; } catch (VersionControlCommandFailedException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to gather source control stats."); } }"Stats generated successfully. \n%s", versionControlStats); VersionControlStatsEvent(; }
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private Set<Path> findConfiguredGeneratedSourcePathsUsingDeps(TargetNode<T, ?> targetNode) { ImmutableMap<String, String> depToGeneratedSourcesMap = projectConfig.getDepToGeneratedSourcesMap(); BuildTarget buildTarget = targetNode.getBuildTarget(); Set<Path> generatedSourcePaths = new HashSet<>(); for (BuildTarget dependencyTarget : targetNode.getBuildDeps()) { String buildTargetName = dependencyTarget.toString(); String generatedSourceWithPattern = depToGeneratedSourcesMap.get(buildTargetName); if (generatedSourceWithPattern != null) { String generatedSource = generatedSourceWithPattern.replaceAll("%name%", buildTarget.getShortNameAndFlavorPostfix()); Path generatedSourcePath = BuildTargets.getGenPath(projectFilesystem, buildTarget, generatedSource); generatedSourcePaths.add(generatedSourcePath); }/*w ww. jav a 2s . co m*/ } return generatedSourcePaths; }
From source
private SnapshotsStatusResponse buildResponse(SnapshotsStatusRequest request, ImmutableList<SnapshotMetaData.Entry> currentSnapshots, TransportNodesSnapshotsStatus.NodesSnapshotStatus nodeSnapshotStatuses) { // First process snapshot that are currently processed ImmutableList.Builder<SnapshotStatus> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); Set<SnapshotId> currentSnapshotIds = newHashSet(); if (!currentSnapshots.isEmpty()) { Map<String, TransportNodesSnapshotsStatus.NodeSnapshotStatus> nodeSnapshotStatusMap; if (nodeSnapshotStatuses != null) { nodeSnapshotStatusMap = nodeSnapshotStatuses.getNodesMap(); } else {//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. c o m nodeSnapshotStatusMap = newHashMap(); } for (SnapshotMetaData.Entry entry : currentSnapshots) { currentSnapshotIds.add(entry.snapshotId()); ImmutableList.Builder<SnapshotIndexShardStatus> shardStatusBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (ImmutableMap.Entry<ShardId, SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus> shardEntry : entry.shards() .entrySet()) { SnapshotMetaData.ShardSnapshotStatus status = shardEntry.getValue(); if (status.nodeId() != null) { // We should have information about this shard from the shard: TransportNodesSnapshotsStatus.NodeSnapshotStatus nodeStatus = nodeSnapshotStatusMap .get(status.nodeId()); if (nodeStatus != null) { ImmutableMap<ShardId, SnapshotIndexShardStatus> shardStatues = nodeStatus.status() .get(entry.snapshotId()); if (shardStatues != null) { SnapshotIndexShardStatus shardStatus = shardStatues.get(shardEntry.getKey()); if (shardStatus != null) { // We have full information about this shard shardStatusBuilder.add(shardStatus); continue; } } } } final SnapshotIndexShardStage stage; switch (shardEntry.getValue().state()) { case FAILED: case ABORTED: case MISSING: stage = SnapshotIndexShardStage.FAILURE; break; case INIT: case WAITING: case STARTED: stage = SnapshotIndexShardStage.STARTED; break; case SUCCESS: stage = SnapshotIndexShardStage.DONE; break; default: throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException( "Unknown snapshot state " + shardEntry.getValue().state()); } SnapshotIndexShardStatus shardStatus = new SnapshotIndexShardStatus( shardEntry.getKey().getIndex(), shardEntry.getKey().getId(), stage); shardStatusBuilder.add(shardStatus); } builder.add(new SnapshotStatus(entry.snapshotId(), entry.state(),; } } // Now add snapshots on disk that are not currently running if (Strings.hasText(request.repository())) { if (request.snapshots() != null && request.snapshots().length > 0) { for (String snapshotName : request.snapshots()) { SnapshotId snapshotId = new SnapshotId(request.repository(), snapshotName); if (currentSnapshotIds.contains(snapshotId)) { // This is a snapshot the is currently running - skipping continue; } Snapshot snapshot = snapshotsService.snapshot(snapshotId); ImmutableList.Builder<SnapshotIndexShardStatus> shardStatusBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); if (snapshot.state().completed()) { ImmutableMap<ShardId, IndexShardSnapshotStatus> shardStatues = snapshotsService .snapshotShards(snapshotId); for (ImmutableMap.Entry<ShardId, IndexShardSnapshotStatus> shardStatus : shardStatues .entrySet()) { shardStatusBuilder.add( new SnapshotIndexShardStatus(shardStatus.getKey(), shardStatus.getValue())); } final SnapshotMetaData.State state; switch (snapshot.state()) { case FAILED: state = SnapshotMetaData.State.FAILED; break; case SUCCESS: case PARTIAL: // Translating both PARTIAL and SUCCESS to SUCCESS for now // TODO: add the differentiation on the metadata level in the next major release state = SnapshotMetaData.State.SUCCESS; break; default: throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException( "Unknown snapshot state " + snapshot.state()); } builder.add(new SnapshotStatus(snapshotId, state,; } } } } return new SnapshotsStatusResponse(; }
From source
@CheckReturnValue @Override//from ww w. j a va 2s. co m public <T> T populate(CellPathResolver cellRoots, ProjectFilesystem filesystem, BuildTarget buildTarget, Class<T> dtoClass, ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildTarget> declaredDeps, Map<String, ?> instance) throws ParamInfoException { Pair<Object, Function<Object, T>> dtoAndBuild = CoercedTypeCache.instantiateSkeleton(dtoClass, buildTarget); ImmutableMap<String, ParamInfo> allParamInfo = CoercedTypeCache.INSTANCE.getAllParamInfo(typeCoercerFactory, dtoClass); for (ParamInfo info : allParamInfo.values()) { info.setFromParams(cellRoots, filesystem, buildTarget, buildTarget.getTargetConfiguration(), dtoAndBuild.getFirst(), instance); } T dto = dtoAndBuild.getSecond().apply(dtoAndBuild.getFirst()); collectDeclaredDeps(cellRoots, allParamInfo.get("deps"), declaredDeps, dto); return dto; }
From source
private OutOfBandManagementDriverResponse execute(final OutOfBandManagementDriverPowerCommand cmd) { if (cmd == null || cmd.getPowerOperation() == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "Invalid out-of-band management power command provided to the nested-cloudstack driver"); }/*from w w w .jav a 2s . c o m*/ final ImmutableMap<OutOfBandManagement.Option, String> options = cmd.getOptions(); ensureOptionExists(options, OutOfBandManagement.Option.ADDRESS); ensureOptionExists(options, OutOfBandManagement.Option.PORT); ensureOptionExists(options, OutOfBandManagement.Option.USERNAME); ensureOptionExists(options, OutOfBandManagement.Option.PASSWORD); final String url = options.get(OutOfBandManagement.Option.ADDRESS); final String vmUuid = options.get(OutOfBandManagement.Option.PORT); final String apiKey = options.get(OutOfBandManagement.Option.USERNAME); final String secretKey = options.get(OutOfBandManagement.Option.PASSWORD); final ApacheCloudStackUser apacheCloudStackUser = new ApacheCloudStackUser(secretKey, apiKey); final ApacheCloudStackClient client = new ApacheCloudStackClient(url, apacheCloudStackUser); client.setValidateServerHttpsCertificate(false); client.setShouldRequestsExpire(false); client.setConnectionTimeout((int) cmd.getTimeout().getStandardSeconds()); String apiName = "listVirtualMachines"; switch (cmd.getPowerOperation()) { case ON: apiName = "startVirtualMachine"; break; case OFF: case SOFT: apiName = "stopVirtualMachine"; break; case CYCLE: case RESET: apiName = "rebootVirtualMachine"; break; } final ApacheCloudStackRequest apacheCloudStackRequest = new ApacheCloudStackRequest(apiName); apacheCloudStackRequest.addParameter("response", "json"); apacheCloudStackRequest.addParameter("forced", "true"); apacheCloudStackRequest.addParameter("id", vmUuid); final String apiResponse; try { apiResponse = client.executeRequest(apacheCloudStackRequest); } catch (final ApacheCloudStackClientRequestRuntimeException e) { LOG.error("Nested CloudStack oobm plugin failed due to API error: ", e); final OutOfBandManagementDriverResponse failedResponse = new OutOfBandManagementDriverResponse( e.getResponse(), "HTTP error code: " + e.getStatusCode(), false); if (e.getStatusCode() == 401) { failedResponse.setAuthFailure(true); } return failedResponse; } final OutOfBandManagementDriverResponse response = new OutOfBandManagementDriverResponse(apiResponse, null, true); if (OutOfBandManagement.PowerOperation.STATUS.equals(cmd.getPowerOperation())) { response.setPowerState(getNestedVMPowerState(apiResponse)); } return response; }