Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap get

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap get.


V get(Object key);

Source Link


Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.


From source file:com.facebook.buck.apple.AppleSdkDiscovery.java

private static boolean buildSdkFromPath(Path sdkDir, AppleSdk.Builder sdkBuilder,
        ImmutableMap<String, AppleToolchain> xcodeToolchains, Optional<AppleToolchain> defaultToolchain,
        AppleConfig appleConfig) throws IOException {
    try (InputStream sdkSettingsPlist = Files.newInputStream(sdkDir.resolve("SDKSettings.plist"));
            BufferedInputStream bufferedSdkSettingsPlist = new BufferedInputStream(sdkSettingsPlist)) {
        NSDictionary sdkSettings;/*from  w  w  w .j a  va  2s  .c om*/
        try {
            sdkSettings = (NSDictionary) PropertyListParser.parse(bufferedSdkSettingsPlist);
        } catch (PropertyListFormatException | ParseException | SAXException e) {
            LOG.error(e, "Malformatted SDKSettings.plist. Skipping SDK path %s.", sdkDir);
            return false;
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        String name = sdkSettings.objectForKey("CanonicalName").toString();
        String version = sdkSettings.objectForKey("Version").toString();
        NSDictionary defaultProperties = (NSDictionary) sdkSettings.objectForKey("DefaultProperties");

        Optional<ImmutableList<String>> toolchains = appleConfig.getToolchainsOverrideForSDKName(name);
        boolean foundToolchain = false;
        if (!toolchains.isPresent()) {
            NSArray settingsToolchains = (NSArray) sdkSettings.objectForKey("Toolchains");
            if (settingsToolchains != null) {
                toolchains = Optional.of(Arrays.stream(settingsToolchains.getArray()).map(Object::toString)

        if (toolchains.isPresent()) {
            for (String toolchainId : toolchains.get()) {
                AppleToolchain toolchain = xcodeToolchains.get(toolchainId);
                if (toolchain != null) {
                    foundToolchain = true;
                } else {
                    LOG.debug("Specified toolchain %s not found for SDK path %s", toolchainId, sdkDir);
        if (!foundToolchain && defaultToolchain.isPresent()) {
            foundToolchain = true;
        if (!foundToolchain) {
            LOG.warn("No toolchains found and no default toolchain. Skipping SDK path %s.", sdkDir);
            return false;
        } else {
            NSString platformName = (NSString) defaultProperties.objectForKey("PLATFORM_NAME");
            ApplePlatform applePlatform = ApplePlatform.of(platformName.toString());
            ImmutableList<String> architectures = validArchitecturesForPlatform(applePlatform, sdkDir);
            return true;
    } catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
        LOG.warn(e, "Skipping SDK at path %s, no SDKSettings.plist found", sdkDir);
        return false;

From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.pms.core.obj.PortalObject.java

List<SetFilterDTO> getSetFilterDTOs() {
    ImmutableMap<String, SetFilterValue> filters = setFilters.get();
    final List<SetFilterDTO> list = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(filters.size());
    if (filters.isEmpty()) {
        return list;
    }/*from www .ja  v  a  2s.  c  om*/
    for (String set : Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(filters.keySet())) {
        SetFilterValue v = filters.get(set);
        SetFilterDTO dto = new SetFilterDTO();
    return list;

From source file:com.android.builder.shrinker.Shrinker.java

private void processChangedClassFile(File classFile, Map<ShrinkType, KeepRules> keepRules,
        ImmutableMap<ShrinkType, Set<T>> modifiedClasses) throws IOException {
    // TODO: Use the visitor API to save memory.
    ClassNode classNode = readClassNode(classFile);
    T klass = mGraph.getClassReference(classNode.name);

    for (ShrinkType shrinkType : keepRules.keySet()) {
        // If the class is in the output, it needs to be rewritten, to reflect changes.
        if (mGraph.isReachable(klass, shrinkType)) {
        }/*from   ww  w . ja v a 2 s . c  om*/

    Set<T> oldMembers = mGraph.getMethods(klass);

    //noinspection unchecked - ASM doesn't use generics.
    for (MethodNode methodNode : (List<MethodNode>) classNode.methods) {
        T method = mGraph.getMemberReference(classNode.name, methodNode.name, methodNode.desc);

        if (!oldMembers.contains(method)) {
            throw todo("added method");
        } else {
            Set<Dependency<T>> oldDeps = mGraph.getDependencies(method);
            Set<Dependency<T>> currentDeps = getDependencies(methodNode);

            for (Dependency<T> addedDep : Sets.difference(currentDeps, oldDeps)) {
                mGraph.addDependency(method, addedDep.target, addedDep.type);
                for (ShrinkType shrinkType : keepRules.keySet()) {
                    if (mGraph.isReachable(method, shrinkType)) {
                        incrementCounter(addedDep.target, addedDep.type, shrinkType);

            for (Dependency<T> removedDep : Sets.difference(oldDeps, currentDeps)) {
                mGraph.removeDependency(method, removedDep);
                for (ShrinkType shrinkType : keepRules.keySet()) {
                    if (mGraph.isReachable(method, shrinkType)) {
                        decrementCounter(removedDep.target, removedDep.type, shrinkType, modifiedClasses);

            // Keep only unprocessed members, so we know which ones were deleted.

    // TODO: process fields

    if (!oldMembers.isEmpty()) {
        throw todo("deleted member");

From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.impl.distributed.StreamJitAppManager.java

 * Setup the headchannel and tailchannel.
 * // w w  w.  ja  v  a 2s . co m
 * @param cfg
 * @param bufferMap
 * @param headToken
 * @param tailToken
private void setupHeadTail(Map<Token, TCPConnectionInfo> conInfoMap, ImmutableMap<Token, Buffer> bufferMap,
        Token headToken, Token tailToken) {

    TCPConnectionInfo headconInfo = conInfoMap.get(headToken);
    assert headconInfo != null : "No head connection info exists in conInfoMap";
    assert headconInfo.getSrcID() == controller.controllerNodeID || headconInfo
            .getDstID() == controller.controllerNodeID : "Head channel should start from the controller. "
                    + headconInfo;

    if (!bufferMap.containsKey(headToken))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No head buffer in the passed bufferMap.");

    headChannel = new HeadChannel(bufferMap.get(headToken), controller.getConProvider(), headconInfo,
            "headChannel - " + headToken.toString(), 0);

    TCPConnectionInfo tailconInfo = conInfoMap.get(tailToken);
    assert tailconInfo != null : "No tail connection info exists in conInfoMap";
    assert tailconInfo.getSrcID() == controller.controllerNodeID || tailconInfo
            .getDstID() == controller.controllerNodeID : "Tail channel should ends at the controller. "
                    + tailconInfo;

    if (!bufferMap.containsKey(tailToken))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No tail buffer in the passed bufferMap.");

    tailChannel = new TailChannel(bufferMap.get(tailToken), controller.getConProvider(), tailconInfo,
            "tailChannel - " + tailToken.toString(), 0, 1000);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.artifact_cache.AbstractAsynchronousCache.java

private void doMultiCheck(ImmutableMap<RuleKey, ClaimedFetchRequest> ruleKeyToRequest) {
    try {/*from   ww w .  j  a  va 2 s  .  c  om*/
        ImmutableMap<RuleKey, CacheResult> ruleKeyToResult = multiContainsImpl(ruleKeyToRequest.keySet())
        for (Map.Entry<RuleKey, CacheResult> result : ruleKeyToResult.entrySet()) {
            CacheResult cacheResult = result.getValue();
            ClaimedFetchRequest claimedFetchRequest = ruleKeyToRequest.get(result.getKey());
            if (claimedFetchRequest == null) {
                LOG.verbose("Recived cache result for not requested rule key.");
            if (!cacheResult.getType().isSuccess()) {
                // If rule key is not present in the cache, there is no point in trying to download
                // it.
            } else {
                // Otherwise reschedule it. It will be added to the fetch queue and it will be picked
                // by fetching thread.
    } catch (IOException e) {
        String msg = String.format("multicheck(<%s>): %s: %s", Joiner.on(", ").join(ruleKeyToRequest.keySet()),
                e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage());
        // Some of these might already be fulfilled. That's fine, this set() call will just be
        // ignored.
        for (ClaimedFetchRequest request : ruleKeyToRequest.values()) {
            request.setResult(CacheResult.error(name, mode, msg));

From source file:com.google.auto.value.processor.AutoAnnotationProcessor.java

private void validateParameters(TypeElement annotationElement, ExecutableElement method,
        ImmutableMap<String, Member> members, ImmutableMap<String, Parameter> parameters,
        ImmutableMap<String, AnnotationValue> defaultValues) {
    boolean error = false;
    for (String memberName : members.keySet()) {
        if (!parameters.containsKey(memberName) && !defaultValues.containsKey(memberName)) {
            reportError(method,/*  w  ww. j  a v a 2  s . com*/
                    "@AutoAnnotation method needs a parameter with name '%s' and type %s"
                            + " corresponding to %s.%s, which has no default value",
                    memberName, members.get(memberName).getType(), annotationElement, memberName);
            error = true;
    if (error) {
        throw new AbortProcessingException();

From source file:se.sics.caracaldb.global.LookupTable.java

private void generateInitialVirtuals(ByteBuffer schemaId) {
    ImmutableMap<String, String> meta = schemas.metaData.get(schemaId);
    //String rfactorS = meta.getOrDefault("rfactor", "3");
    String rfactorS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("rfactor"), "3");
    Integer rfactor = Integer.parseInt(rfactorS);
    //String vnodesS = meta.getOrDefault("vnodes", "1");
    String vnodesS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("vnodes"), "1");
    long vnodes = Long.parseLong(vnodesS);
    //String forceMasterS = meta.getOrDefault("forceMaster", "false");
    String forceMasterS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("forceMaster"), "false"); // it would look so nice in Java8 -.-
    boolean forceMaster = Boolean.parseBoolean(forceMasterS);

    // boundary nodes
    Key start = new Key(schemaId);
    //Key end = start.inc();
    Integer rset = forceMaster ? 0 : findReplicationSetOfSize(rfactor);
    virtualHostsPut(start, rset);/*from ww w  .j  a va  2  s.  c  o  m*/
    //virtualHostsPut(end, rset); // this mind end up being override by the next schema, but that's ok since we only need it if there is no next schema
    if (vnodes == 1) { // single vnode needed
    vnodes--; // account for the initial vnode already created (the end-nodes doesn't count)
    Set<Key> subkeys = new TreeSet<Key>();
    if (vnodes <= UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) { // another byte for subkeys needed
        int incr = (int) UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE / (int) vnodes;
        int last = 0;
        int ceiling = (int) UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE - incr;
        while (last < ceiling) {
            last = last + incr;
            Key k = start.append(new byte[] { UnsignedBytes.saturatedCast(last) }).get();
    } else if (vnodes <= UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE.longValue()) { // another 4 bytes for subkeys needed
        long incr = UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE.longValue() / vnodes;
        long last = 0;
        long ceiling = UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE.longValue() - incr;
        while (last < ceiling) {
            last = last + incr;
            Key k = start.append(new Key(UnsignedInteger.valueOf(last).intValue())).get();
    } else { // another 8 bytes for subkeys needed (don't support more!)
        UnsignedLong incr = UnsignedLong.MAX_VALUE.dividedBy(UnsignedLong.valueOf(vnodes));
        UnsignedLong last = UnsignedLong.ZERO;
        UnsignedLong ceiling = UnsignedLong.MAX_VALUE.minus(incr);
        while (last.compareTo(ceiling) <= 0) {
            last = last.plus(incr);
            Key k = start.append(new Key(last.intValue())).get();
    for (Key subkey : subkeys) {
        virtualHostsPut(subkey, forceMaster ? 0 : findReplicationSetOfSize(rfactor));

From source file:org.ambud.marauder.sink.MarauderHBaseSink.java

 * Configure lookup table for serializers supported by the Cluster Sink. A Cluster sink should be able to serialize
 * anything and everything that comes it's way without any hickups
 * /*from   ww w  .  j  a v  a2s .c om*/
 * @param immutableMap
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
 * @throws InstantiationException
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
protected void configureSerializerLookupTable(ImmutableMap<String, String> immutableMap)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
    MarauderEventTypes[] eventTypes = MarauderEventTypes.values();
    MarauderBaseSerializer defaultSerializer = (isDisabledRealtimeIdx
            ? new MarauderGenericSerializer(this, aggregatorTimeWindow)
            : new MarauderGenericSolrIndexerSerializer(this, aggregatorTimeWindow));
    for (MarauderEventTypes eventType : eventTypes) {
        logger.info("Checking serializer for:" + eventType.name() + " events");
        if (immutableMap.containsKey(eventType.getTypeName())) {
            Class<MarauderBaseSerializer> serializer = (Class<MarauderBaseSerializer>) Class
            MarauderBaseSerializer temp = serializer.newInstance();
            serializerLookupTable.put(eventType.getTypeName(), temp);
            logger.info("Found dedicated serializer for:" + eventType.name() + " events");
        } else {
            serializerLookupTable.put(eventType.getTypeName(), defaultSerializer);
            logger.info("Using generic serializer for:" + eventType.name() + " events");

From source file:auto.parcel.processor.AutoParcelProcessor.java

private void defineVarsForType(TypeElement type, AutoParcelTemplateVars vars) {
    Types typeUtils = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
    List<ExecutableElement> methods = new ArrayList<ExecutableElement>();
    findLocalAndInheritedMethods(type, methods);
    determineObjectMethodsToGenerate(methods, vars);
    ImmutableSet<ExecutableElement> methodsToImplement = methodsToImplement(methods);
    Set<TypeMirror> types = new TypeMirrorSet();
    //    TypeMirror javaxAnnotationGenerated = getTypeMirror(Generated.class);
    //    types.add(javaxAnnotationGenerated);
    TypeMirror javaUtilArrays = getTypeMirror(Arrays.class);
    if (containsArrayType(types)) {
        // If there are array properties then we will be referencing java.util.Arrays.
        // Arrange to import it unless that would introduce ambiguity.
        types.add(javaUtilArrays);/*w  ww  .j a  va  2  s . c o m*/
    BuilderSpec builderSpec = new BuilderSpec(type, processingEnv, errorReporter);
    Optional<BuilderSpec.Builder> builder = builderSpec.getBuilder();
    ImmutableSet<ExecutableElement> toBuilderMethods;
    if (builder.isPresent()) {
        toBuilderMethods = builder.get().toBuilderMethods(typeUtils, methodsToImplement);
    } else {
        toBuilderMethods = ImmutableSet.of();
    vars.toBuilderMethods = FluentIterable.from(toBuilderMethods).transform(SimpleNameFunction.INSTANCE)
    Set<ExecutableElement> propertyMethods = Sets.difference(methodsToImplement, toBuilderMethods);
    String pkg = TypeSimplifier.packageNameOf(type);
    TypeSimplifier typeSimplifier = new TypeSimplifier(typeUtils, pkg, types, type.asType());
    vars.imports = typeSimplifier.typesToImport();
    //    vars.generated = typeSimplifier.simplify(javaxAnnotationGenerated);
    vars.arrays = typeSimplifier.simplify(javaUtilArrays);
    vars.bitSet = typeSimplifier.simplifyRaw(getTypeMirror(BitSet.class));
    ImmutableMap<ExecutableElement, String> methodToPropertyName = methodToPropertyNameMap(propertyMethods);
    Map<ExecutableElement, String> methodToIdentifier = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(methodToPropertyName);
    List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
    for (ExecutableElement method : propertyMethods) {
        String propertyType = typeSimplifier.simplify(method.getReturnType());
        String propertyName = methodToPropertyName.get(method);
        String identifier = methodToIdentifier.get(method);
        props.add(new Property(propertyName, identifier, method, propertyType, typeSimplifier));
    // If we are running from Eclipse, undo the work of its compiler which sorts methods.
    vars.props = props;
    vars.serialVersionUID = getSerialVersionUID(type);
    vars.formalTypes = typeSimplifier.formalTypeParametersString(type);
    vars.actualTypes = TypeSimplifier.actualTypeParametersString(type);
    vars.wildcardTypes = wildcardTypeParametersString(type);

    TypeElement parcelable = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement("android.os.Parcelable");
    vars.parcelable = parcelable != null
            && processingEnv.getTypeUtils().isAssignable(type.asType(), parcelable.asType());
    // Check for @AutoParcel.Builder and add appropriate variables if it is present.
    if (builder.isPresent()) {
        builder.get().defineVars(vars, typeSimplifier, methodToPropertyName);

From source file:com.aitorvs.autoparcel.internal.codegen.AutoParcelProcessor.java

private MethodSpec generateWriteToParcel(int version, ProcessingEnvironment env,
        ImmutableList<Property> properties, ImmutableMap<TypeMirror, FieldSpec> typeAdapters) {
    ParameterSpec dest = ParameterSpec.builder(ClassName.get("android.os", "Parcel"), "dest").build();
    ParameterSpec flags = ParameterSpec.builder(int.class, "flags").build();
    MethodSpec.Builder builder = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("writeToParcel").addAnnotation(Override.class)

    // write first the parcelable object version...
    builder.addCode(Parcelables.writeVersion(version, dest));

    // ...then write all the properties
    for (Property p : properties) {
        if (p.typeAdapter != null && typeAdapters.containsKey(p.typeAdapter)) {
            FieldSpec typeAdapter = typeAdapters.get(p.typeAdapter);
            builder.addCode(Parcelables.writeValueWithTypeAdapter(typeAdapter, p, dest));
        } else {/*  w ww  .  ja  v  a 2 s .c o m*/
            builder.addCode(Parcelables.writeValue(p, dest, flags, env.getTypeUtils()));

    return builder.build();