List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
private static <T> Schedule<T> schedule(ImmutableSet<T> things, ImmutableSet<ExecutionConstraint<T>> executionConstraints, ImmutableSet<BufferingConstraint<T>> bufferingConstraints, int multiplier, int fireCost, int excessBufferCost) { ILPSolver solver = new ILPSolver(); //There's one variable for each thing, which represents the number of //times it fires. This uses the default bounds. (TODO: perhaps a bound //at 1 if we're steady-state scheduling, maybe by marking things as //must-fire and marking the bottommost thing?) ImmutableMap.Builder<T, ILPSolver.Variable> variablesBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (T thing : things) variablesBuilder.put(thing, solver.newVariable(thing.toString())); ImmutableMap<T, ILPSolver.Variable> variables =; for (ExecutionConstraint<T> constraint : executionConstraints) solver.constrainAtLeast(variables.get(constraint.thing).asLinearExpr(1), constraint.minExecutions); HashMap<ILPSolver.Variable, Integer> sumOfConstraints = new HashMap<>(); for (ILPSolver.Variable v : variables.values()) sumOfConstraints.put(v, 0);//from www .j a v a 2s. c o m for (BufferingConstraint<T> constraint : bufferingConstraints) { ILPSolver.Variable upstreamVar = variables.get(constraint.upstream), downstreamVar = variables.get(constraint.downstream); ILPSolver.LinearExpr expr = upstreamVar.asLinearExpr(constraint.pushRate).minus(constraint.popRate, downstreamVar); switch (constraint.condition) { case LESS_THAN_EQUAL: solver.constrainAtMost(expr, constraint.bufferDelta); break; case EQUAL: solver.constrainEquals(expr, constraint.bufferDelta); break; case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: solver.constrainAtLeast(expr, constraint.bufferDelta); break; default: throw new AssertionError(constraint.condition); } sumOfConstraints.put(upstreamVar, sumOfConstraints.get(upstreamVar) + constraint.pushRate); sumOfConstraints.put(downstreamVar, sumOfConstraints.get(downstreamVar) - constraint.popRate); } //Add a special constraint to ensure at least one filter fires. //TODO: in init schedules we might not always need this... Iterator<ILPSolver.Variable> variablesIter = variables.values().iterator(); ILPSolver.LinearExpr totalFirings =; while (variablesIter.hasNext()) totalFirings =,; solver.constrainAtLeast(totalFirings, 1); for (ILPSolver.Variable v : variables.values()) sumOfConstraints.put(v, sumOfConstraints.get(v) * excessBufferCost + fireCost); ILPSolver.ObjectiveFunction objFn = solver.minimize( solver.newLinearExpr(Maps.filterValues(sumOfConstraints, Predicates.not(Predicates.equalTo(0))))); try { solver.solve(); } catch (SolverException ex) { throw new ScheduleException(ex); } ImmutableMap.Builder<T, Integer> schedule = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<T, ILPSolver.Variable> e : variables.entrySet()) schedule.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().value() * multiplier); return new Schedule<>(things, bufferingConstraints,; }
From source
/** Returns a memoized supplier of the thing you pass to {@code setCssRenamingMap()}. */ public static Supplier<SoyCssRenamingMap> createCssRenamingMapSupplier(final URL cssMap, final URL cssMapDebug) { return memoize(new Supplier<SoyCssRenamingMap>() { @Override/*w w w . java 2 s . c om*/ public SoyCssRenamingMap get() { final ImmutableMap<String, String> renames = getCssRenames(cssMap, cssMapDebug); return new SoyCssRenamingMap() { @Override public String get(String cssClassName) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String part : CSS_CLASS_SPLITTER.split(cssClassName)) { result.add(firstNonNull(renames.get(part), part)); } return CSS_CLASS_JOINER.join(result); } }; } }); }
From source
/** Extracts command line options from a file identified by {@code arg} with AT-file syntax. */ private static Iterable<String> expandFile(String arg, ImmutableMap<CellName, Path> cellMapping) { BuckCellArg argfile = BuckCellArg.of(arg); String[] parts = argfile.getArg().split("#", 2); String unresolvedArgsPath = parts[0]; Path projectRoot = null;/*from ww w.j ava 2s .c om*/ // Try to resolve the name to a path if present if (argfile.getCellName().isPresent()) { projectRoot = cellMapping.get(CellName.of(argfile.getCellName().get())); if (projectRoot == null) { String cellName = argfile.getCellName().get(); throw new HumanReadableException(String.format("The cell '%s' was not found. Did you mean '%s/%s'?", cellName, cellName, unresolvedArgsPath)); } } else { projectRoot = cellMapping.get(CellName.ROOT_CELL_NAME); } Objects.requireNonNull(projectRoot, "Project root not resolved"); Path argsPath = projectRoot.resolve(Paths.get(unresolvedArgsPath)); if (!Files.exists(argsPath)) { throw new HumanReadableException("The file " + unresolvedArgsPath + " can't be found. Please make sure the path exists relative to the " + "project root."); } Optional<String> flavors = parts.length == 2 ? Optional.of(parts[1]) : Optional.empty(); try { return getArgsFromPath(argsPath, flavors); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e, "Could not read options from " + arg); } }
From source
/** * Recursively traverses two objects using reflection and constructs the modified * rows that represent the changes and differences between the objects. *///ww w . j a va2 s . c o m public static <T> ImmutableList<Row> createModifiedRows(final T oldObject, final T newObject, final int indent) { if (oldObject == null && newObject == null) { return ImmutableList.of(); } final Field[] fields = getFields(oldObject, newObject); final ImmutableList.Builder<Row> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final Field field : fields) { final String property = field.getName(); final Optional<String> oldValue = getPropertyValue(oldObject, property); final Optional<String> newValue = getPropertyValue(newObject, property); if (oldValue.isPresent() || newValue.isPresent()) { final int fieldIndent = toModifiedFieldIndent(indent, oldObject, newObject, field); if (field.getType() == ImmutableList.class) { //Field is a list, recursively print each element in the list builder.add(new NoChangeRow(fieldIndent, property, "")); final ImmutableList<Object> oldObjList = getListPropertyFromObject(field, oldObject); final ImmutableList<Object> newObjList = getListPropertyFromObject(field, newObject); if (hasContent(oldObjList) || hasContent(newObjList)) { final String uniqueProperty = getPropertyNameFromList(oldObjList, newObjList); final ImmutableSet<String> parameterUnion = toPropertyUnion(oldObjList, newObjList, uniqueProperty); final ImmutableMap<String, Object> oldMap = toPropertyMap(oldObjList, uniqueProperty); final ImmutableMap<String, Object> newMap = toPropertyMap(newObjList, uniqueProperty); parameterUnion.forEach(param -> builder .addAll(createModifiedRows(oldMap.get(param), newMap.get(param), fieldIndent + 1))); } } else if (oldValue.isPresent() && newValue.isPresent() && oldValue.get().equals(newValue.get())) { //Element is the same in both contracts builder.add(new NoChangeRow(fieldIndent, property, oldValue.get())); } else { //Element is different between old and new contracts builder.add(new ModifiedRow(fieldIndent, property, oldValue.orElse(RowConstants.NA), newValue.orElse(RowConstants.NA))); } } } return; }
From source
private static AutoCloseableCache<String, WindowedChannelFactory> buildCache( final ObjectChannelBuilder channelBuilder, final ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableMultimap<BulkObject, Range>> objectRanges) { return new AutoCloseableCache<>(new ValueBuilder<String, WindowedChannelFactory>() { @Override// w w w .ja va2 s . c o m public WindowedChannelFactory get(final String key) { try { LOG.debug("Opening channel for: {}", key); return new WindowedChannelFactory(RangedSeekableByteChannel .wrap(channelBuilder.buildChannel(key), objectRanges.get(key), key)); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); }
From source
static <T> List<T> createMethodConfigs(ImmutableMap<String, T> methodConfigMap, InterfaceConfigProto interfaceConfigProto) { List<T> methodConfigs = new ArrayList<>(); for (MethodConfigProto methodConfigProto : interfaceConfigProto.getMethodsList()) { methodConfigs.add(methodConfigMap.get(methodConfigProto.getName())); }/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . com*/ return methodConfigs; }
From source
/** * Returns a copy of provided metadata with {@code newMetadata} set under * the given namespace./*w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ * * @param newMetadata Must be an immutable object. */ static ImmutableMap<String, ?> replaceMetadata(ImmutableMap<String, ?> metadata, String namespace, Object newMetadata) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> mapb = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String ns : metadata.keySet()) { if (!ns.equals(namespace)) { mapb.put(ns, metadata.get(ns)); } } mapb.put(namespace, newMetadata); return; }
From source
/** * Returns the effective visibility of the given name. This can differ * from the name's declared visibility if the file's {@code @fileoverview} * JsDoc specifies a default visibility. * * @param name The name node to compute effective visibility for. * @param var The name to compute effective visibility for. * @param fileVisibilityMap A map of {@code @fileoverview} visibility * annotations, used to compute the name's default visibility. *///from w w w . j a v a2 m static Visibility getEffectiveNameVisibility(Node name, Var var, ImmutableMap<StaticSourceFile, Visibility> fileVisibilityMap) { JSDocInfo jsDocInfo = var.getJSDocInfo(); Visibility raw = (jsDocInfo == null || jsDocInfo.getVisibility() == null) ? Visibility.INHERITED : jsDocInfo.getVisibility(); if (raw != Visibility.INHERITED) { return raw; } Visibility defaultVisibilityForFile = fileVisibilityMap.get(var.getSourceFile()); JSType type = name.getJSType(); boolean createdFromGoogProvide = (type instanceof PrototypeObjectType && ((PrototypeObjectType) type).isAnonymous()); // Ignore @fileoverview visibility when computing the effective visibility // for names created by goog.provide. // // ProcessClosurePrimitives rewrites goog.provide()s as object literal // declarations, but the exact form depends on the ordering of the // input files. If goog.provide('a.b') occurs in the inputs before // goog.provide('a'), it is rewritten like // // var a={};a.b={}; // // If the file containing goog.provide('a.b') also declares a @fileoverview // visibility, it must not apply to a, as this would make every a.* namespace // effectively package-private. return (createdFromGoogProvide || defaultVisibilityForFile == null) ? raw : defaultVisibilityForFile; }
From source
/** * Contains the patterns for all sites that define an appropriate handler. */// ww w. j a v a 2s . c o m private static SiteRequestCondition forSiteMap(SiteResolver siteResolver, ImmutableMap<Site, PatternsRequestCondition> requestConditionMap) { Objects.requireNonNull(siteResolver); Objects.requireNonNull(requestConditionMap); return new SiteRequestCondition() { @Override protected PatternsRequestCondition resolve(HttpServletRequest request) { return requestConditionMap.get(siteResolver.resolveSite(request)); } @Override protected SiteRequestCondition narrow(HttpServletRequest request) { Site site = siteResolver.resolveSite(request); PatternsRequestCondition condition = requestConditionMap.get(site); return forSingleSite(siteResolver, site, condition); } }; }
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@VisibleForTesting static String replacePlaceholders(String content, ImmutableMap<String, String> placeholders) { Iterable<String> escaped = Iterables.transform(placeholders.keySet(), Pattern::quote); Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("|"); String patternString = Pattern.quote("${") + "(" + joiner.join(escaped) + ")" + Pattern.quote("}"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement(sb, placeholders.get(; }/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ matcher.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); }