List of usage examples for ImmutableMap get
V get(Object key);
From source
/*** * Login the user./*from w w w . ja va 2 s . co m*/ * parameters: * username * password * appcode: the App Code (API KEY) * login_data: json serialized string containing info related to the device used by the user. In particular, for push notification, must by supplied: * deviceId * os: (android|ios) * @return * @throws SqlInjectionException * @throws IOException * @throws JsonProcessingException */ @With({ NoUserCredentialWrapFilter.class }) public static Result login() throws SqlInjectionException, JsonProcessingException, IOException { String username = ""; String password = ""; String appcode = ""; String loginData = null; RequestBody body = request().body(); //BaasBoxLogger.debug ("Login called. The body is: {}", body); if (body == null) return badRequest("missing data: is the body x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json? Detected: " + request().getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE)); Map<String, String[]> bodyUrlEncoded = body.asFormUrlEncoded(); if (bodyUrlEncoded != null) { if (bodyUrlEncoded.get("username") == null) return badRequest("The 'username' field is missing"); else username = bodyUrlEncoded.get("username")[0]; if (bodyUrlEncoded.get("password") == null) return badRequest("The 'password' field is missing"); else password = bodyUrlEncoded.get("password")[0]; if (bodyUrlEncoded.get("appcode") == null) return badRequest("The 'appcode' field is missing"); else appcode = bodyUrlEncoded.get("appcode")[0]; if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Username " + username); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Password " + password); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Appcode " + appcode); if (username.equalsIgnoreCase(BBConfiguration.getBaasBoxAdminUsername()) || username.equalsIgnoreCase(BBConfiguration.getBaasBoxUsername())) return forbidden(username + " cannot login"); if (bodyUrlEncoded.get("login_data") != null) loginData = bodyUrlEncoded.get("login_data")[0]; if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("LoginData" + loginData); } else { JsonNode bodyJson = body.asJson(); if (bodyJson == null) return badRequest("missing data : is the body x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json? Detected: " + request().getHeader(CONTENT_TYPE)); if (bodyJson.get("username") == null) return badRequest("The 'username' field is missing"); else username = bodyJson.get("username").asText(); if (bodyJson.get("password") == null) return badRequest("The 'password' field is missing"); else password = bodyJson.get("password").asText(); if (bodyJson.get("appcode") == null) return badRequest("The 'appcode' field is missing"); else appcode = bodyJson.get("appcode").asText(); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Username " + username); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Password " + password); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Appcode " + appcode); if (username.equalsIgnoreCase(BBConfiguration.getBaasBoxAdminUsername()) || username.equalsIgnoreCase(BBConfiguration.getBaasBoxUsername())) return forbidden(username + " cannot login"); if (bodyJson.get("login_data") != null) loginData = bodyJson.get("login_data").asText(); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("LoginData" + loginData); } /* other useful parameter to receive and to store...*/ //validate user credentials ODatabaseRecordTx db = null; String user = null; try { db =, username, password); user = prepareResponseToJson(UserService.getCurrentUser()); if (loginData != null) { JsonNode loginInfo = null; try { loginInfo = Json.parse(loginData); } catch (Exception e) { if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Error parsong login_data field"); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); return badRequest("login_data field is not a valid json string"); } Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = loginInfo.fields(); HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> element =; String key = element.getKey(); Object value = element.getValue().asText(); data.put(key, value); } UserService.registerDevice(data); } } catch (OSecurityAccessException e) { if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("UserLogin: " + ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return unauthorized("user " + username + " unauthorized"); } catch (InvalidAppCodeException e) { if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("UserLogin: " + ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); return badRequest("user " + username + " unauthorized"); } finally { if (db != null && !db.isClosed()) db.close(); } ImmutableMap<SessionKeys, ? extends Object> sessionObject = SessionTokenProvider.getSessionTokenProvider() .setSession(appcode, username, password); response().setHeader(SessionKeys.TOKEN.toString(), (String) sessionObject.get(SessionKeys.TOKEN)); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); user = user.substring(0, user.lastIndexOf("}")) + ",\"" + SessionKeys.TOKEN.toString() + "\":\"" + (String) sessionObject.get(SessionKeys.TOKEN) + "\"}"; JsonNode jn = mapper.readTree(user); return ok(jn); }
From source
public ImmutableSortedSet<Flavor> addImplicitFlavorsForRuleTypes(ImmutableSortedSet<Flavor> argDefaultFlavors, RuleType... types) {/*from ww w.j ava 2 s . c o m*/ Optional<Flavor> platformFlavor = getCxxPlatformsProvider().getUnresolvedCxxPlatforms() .getFlavor(argDefaultFlavors); for (RuleType type : types) { ImmutableMap<String, Flavor> libraryDefaults = cxxBuckConfig.getDefaultFlavorsForRuleType(type); if (!platformFlavor.isPresent()) { platformFlavor = Optional.ofNullable(libraryDefaults.get(CxxBuckConfig.DEFAULT_FLAVOR_PLATFORM)); } } if (platformFlavor.isPresent()) { return ImmutableSortedSet.of(platformFlavor.get()); } else { // To avoid changing the output path of binaries built without a flavor, // we'll default to no flavor, which implicitly builds the default platform. return ImmutableSortedSet.of(); } }
From source
public synchronized void recordSample(String shardName, boolean success) { ImmutableMap<String, ShardState> shardHealthMap = shardHealthMapRef.get(); ShardState shardState = shardHealthMap.get(shardName); if (shardState.healthSamples.remainingCapacity() == 0) { shardState.numSuccessesInWindow -= shardState.healthSamples.removeLast(); }//from ww w. jav a 2 s. c o m int successVal = success ? 1 : 0; shardState.numSuccessesInWindow += successVal; shardState.healthSamples.addFirst(successVal); }
From source
@Override public void init(Configuration configuration) throws InitializationException { String[] repoNames = configuration.getString(Configurations.REPOSITORY_PREFIX).trim().split(","); for (String repoName : repoNames) { logger.debug("Repository {} configuration found.", repoName); ImmutableMap<String, String> resourceConfig = configuration .getSubProperties(Configurations.REPOSITORY_PREFIX + "." + repoName + "."); String className = resourceConfig.get(Configurations.REPOSITORY_CLASS); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(className)) throw new InitializationException(); try {// w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className); Object repository = clazz.newInstance(); if (repository instanceof Configurable) { ((Configurable) repository).init(new Configuration(resourceConfig)); } repositories.put(repoName, repository); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new InitializationException(); } } }
From source
private ImmutableSet<String> getExecutableSuffixes(ImmutableMap<String, String> env) { if (platform == Platform.WINDOWS) { String pathext = env.get("PATHEXT"); if (pathext == null) { return DEFAULT_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS; }/*from ww w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ return ImmutableSet.<String>builder().addAll(Splitter.on(";").omitEmptyStrings().split(pathext)) .build(); } return ImmutableSet.of(""); }
From source
public GendreauResultWriter(File target, Gendreau06ObjectiveFunction objFunc) { super(target, objFunc); try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ImmutableMap<Property, String>> mapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final ImmutableMap<Property, String> map : MeasureGendreau .read(new File(MeasureGendreau.PROPS_FILE))) { final String id = map.get(Property.PROBLEM_CLASS) + SEPARATOR + map.get(Property.INSTANCE_ID); mapBuilder.put(id, map); } properties =; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
From source
/** * Authenticate a request from a bewit./*from ww w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param request the HTTP request * @return the authenticated principal, or <code>Optional.absent()</code> if the request was not authenticated * @throws DataError if there is a problem with the data that prevents the authentication attempt */ private Optional<T> authenticateFromBewit(final ContainerRequest request) { checkState((request.getMethod().equals("GET")), "HTTP method %s not supported with bewit", request.getMethod()); final String bewit = server.extractBewit(request.getRequestUri()); final ImmutableMap<String, String> bewitFields = server.splitBewit(bewit); final Optional<T> principal = provider.getFromKey(bewitFields.get("id")); if (!principal.isPresent()) { // Could not find the principal, reject this authentication request return Optional.absent(); } final HawkCredentials credentials = principal.get().getHawkCredentials(bewitFields.get("id")); this.server.authenticate(credentials, request.getRequestUri()); return principal; }
From source
public ImmutableSortedSet<Flavor> addImplicitFlavorsForRuleTypes(ImmutableSortedSet<Flavor> argDefaultFlavors, RuleType... types) {//from w w w . java 2s .c o m Optional<Flavor> typeFlavor = CxxLibraryDescription.LIBRARY_TYPE.getFlavor(argDefaultFlavors); CxxPlatformsProvider cxxPlatformsProvider = getCxxPlatformsProvider(); Optional<Flavor> platformFlavor = cxxPlatformsProvider.getUnresolvedCxxPlatforms() .getFlavor(argDefaultFlavors); LOG.debug("Got arg default type %s platform %s", typeFlavor, platformFlavor); for (RuleType type : types) { ImmutableMap<String, Flavor> libraryDefaults = cxxBuckConfig.getDefaultFlavorsForRuleType(type); if (!typeFlavor.isPresent()) { typeFlavor = Optional.ofNullable(libraryDefaults.get(CxxBuckConfig.DEFAULT_FLAVOR_LIBRARY_TYPE)); } if (!platformFlavor.isPresent()) { platformFlavor = Optional.ofNullable(libraryDefaults.get(CxxBuckConfig.DEFAULT_FLAVOR_PLATFORM)); } } ImmutableSortedSet<Flavor> result = ImmutableSortedSet.of( // Default to static if not otherwise specified. typeFlavor.orElse(CxxDescriptionEnhancer.STATIC_FLAVOR), platformFlavor.orElse(cxxPlatformsProvider.getDefaultUnresolvedCxxPlatform().getFlavor())); LOG.debug("Got default flavors %s for rule types %s", result, Arrays.toString(types)); return result; }
From source
public @Nullable Template getTemplate(final ConceptNameTemplate conceptName) { checkArgument(conceptName != null, "Uninitialized or invalid concept name"); final ImmutableMap<String, Template> templates = templates(null); return templates != null ? templates.get(Id.getId(conceptName)) : null; }
From source
@Override public Optional<ImmutableZkWorker> findWorkerForTask(RemoteTaskRunnerConfig config, ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableZkWorker> zkWorkers, Task task) { String worker = fnSelector.apply(config, zkWorkers, task); return Optional.fromNullable(worker == null ? null : zkWorkers.get(worker)); }