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 * ******************************************************************************
 *   Copyright 2014-2015 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
 *   this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at
 *   or in the "license" file accompanying this file.
 *   This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 *   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 *   specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * ****************************************************************************

package com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.converters;

import com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.api.models.apispec.*;
import com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.models.EncapsulatingTypeNames;
import org.atteo.evo.inflector.English;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.utils.ConverterUtil.hasContent;
import static com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.utils.ConverterUtil.isEmpty;
import static com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.utils.Helper.stripPath;

 * Converts Ds3ResponseTypes that contain component types into new types that
 * encapsulate the array of the original Ds3ResponseType. These new encapsulating
 * types are also added to the Types list within the Ds3ApiContract. This is used
 * to ensure that generated code can easily parse response payloads.
public final class ResponseTypeConverter {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResponseTypeConverter.class);

    private static final String NAMESPACE_ARRAY_RESPONSE_TYPES = "List";

    private ResponseTypeConverter() {

     * Converts a Ds3ApiSpec to use updated response types. This includes
     * updating all response types that have component types to new types
     * without component types.
     * These new types are then added to the Spec's Ds3Types list.
    public static Ds3ApiSpec convertResponseTypes(final Ds3ApiSpec ds3ApiSpec) {
        return new Ds3ApiSpec(createAllUpdatedDs3RequestResponseTypes(ds3ApiSpec.getRequests()),
                createEncapsulatingModelResponseTypes(ds3ApiSpec.getRequests(), ds3ApiSpec.getTypes()));

     * Updates all Ds3ResponseTypes that have component types within the
     * list of Ds3Requests
    protected static ImmutableList<Ds3Request> createAllUpdatedDs3RequestResponseTypes(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3Request> requests) {
        if (isEmpty(requests)) {
            LOG.debug("No requests to update response types");
            return ImmutableList.of();

        final ImmutableList.Builder<Ds3Request> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final Ds3Request request : requests) {

     * Updates all Ds3ResponseTypes that have component types within a Ds3Request
    protected static Ds3Request toUpdatedDs3RequestResponseTypes(final Ds3Request request) {
        return new Ds3Request(request.getName(), request.getHttpVerb(), request.getClassification(),
                request.getBucketRequirement(), request.getObjectRequirement(), request.getAction(),
                request.getResource(), request.getResourceType(), request.getOperation(), request.includeIdInPath(),
                toUpdatedDs3ResponseCodeList(request.getDs3ResponseCodes()), request.getOptionalQueryParams(),

     * Updates all Ds3ResponseTypes that have component types within the
     * list of Ds3ResponseCodes
    protected static ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseCode> toUpdatedDs3ResponseCodeList(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseCode> responseCodes) {
        if (isEmpty(responseCodes)) {
            LOG.debug("No response codes to update response types");
            return ImmutableList.of();

        final ImmutableList.Builder<Ds3ResponseCode> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final Ds3ResponseCode responseCode : responseCodes) {
            builder.add(new Ds3ResponseCode(responseCode.getCode(),

     * Updates all Ds3ResponseTypes that have component types
    protected static ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseType> toUpdatedDs3ResponseTypesList(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseType> responseTypes) {
        if (isEmpty(responseTypes)) {
            LOG.debug("No response types to update");
            return ImmutableList.of();

        final ImmutableList.Builder<Ds3ResponseType> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (final Ds3ResponseType responseType : responseTypes) {

     * Updates a Ds3ResponseType so that it will not have a component type. If
     * there is currently a component type, then the type is replaced with a
     * namespaced version of the component type, and the component type is set
     * to null.
    protected static Ds3ResponseType toUpdatedDs3ResponseType(final Ds3ResponseType responseType) {
        if (isEmpty(responseType.getComponentType())) {
            return responseType;

        return new Ds3ResponseType(responseType.getComponentType() + NAMESPACE_ARRAY_RESPONSE_TYPES, null,

     * Creates new types for generating encapsulating models. This occurs when a response
     * handler has a return type with a component type. This is done to ensure that all
     * response types can be properly parsed within the generated code.
     * @param requests A Ds3Request
     * @param types A list of Ds3Types
     * @return The list of Ds3Types with the additionally generated types to handle the
     * response payloads that return arrays
    protected static ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> createEncapsulatingModelResponseTypes(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3Request> requests, final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> types) {
        if (isEmpty(requests)) {
            LOG.debug("No requests to generate encapsulating models for");
            return types;
        final ImmutableSet<EncapsulatingTypeNames> encapsulatingTypes = getResponseComponentTypesFromRequests(
        if (isEmpty(encapsulatingTypes)) {
            LOG.debug("Requests do not contain any responses with component types");
            return types;
        final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Ds3Type> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        if (hasContent(types)) {
        for (final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType : encapsulatingTypes) {
            final Ds3Type ds3Type = toDs3Type(encapsulatingType, types);
            builder.put(ds3Type.getName(), ds3Type);

     * Converts a response Component Type into a simple Ds3Type that contains a
     * list of the given component type, and where the new Ds3Type is namespaced.
     * The element name is pluralized, and an annotation is added to denote the
     * original name for xml parsing.
    protected static Ds3Type toDs3Type(final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType,
            final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> typeMap) {
        if (isEmpty(encapsulatingType.getSdkName())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot generate Ds3Type from empty response component type");
        //Create the annotation for non-pluralized name scheme
        final ImmutableList<Ds3Annotation> annotations = ImmutableList
                .of(new Ds3Annotation("com.spectralogic.util.marshal.CustomMarshaledName",
                        ImmutableList.of(new Ds3AnnotationElement("Value",
                                getAnnotationName(encapsulatingType, typeMap), "java.lang.String"))));
        return new Ds3Type(encapsulatingType.getSdkName() + NAMESPACE_ARRAY_RESPONSE_TYPES,
                ImmutableList.of(new Ds3Element(English.plural(stripPath(encapsulatingType.getSdkName())), "array",
                        encapsulatingType.getSdkName(), annotations, false)),

     * Determines the name to marshal value for the encapsulating type.
     * Note: NameToMarshal = "" denotes no encapsulating xml tag
    protected static String getNameToMarshalForEncapsulatingType(final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType) {
        if (hasNoRootElement(encapsulatingType)) {
            return "";
        return "Data";

     * Determines if this encapsulating type lacks a root element. This
     * is used to special case NamedDetailedTypeList
    protected static boolean hasNoRootElement(final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType) {
        return hasContent(encapsulatingType.getSdkName())
                && encapsulatingType.getSdkName().endsWith(".NamedDetailedTape");

     * Retrieves the annotation name (i.e. "Value") that should be used for
     * proper xml parsing of model created by this Encapsulating Type Names
     * object.
    protected static String getAnnotationName(final EncapsulatingTypeNames encapsulatingType,
            final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> typeMap) {
        if (hasNoRootElement(encapsulatingType)) {
            return "Tape";
        if (hasContent(typeMap)) {
            final Ds3Type childType = typeMap.get(encapsulatingType.getSdkName());
            if (childType != null && hasContent(childType.getNameToMarshal())
                    && !childType.getNameToMarshal().equals("Data")) {
                return childType.getNameToMarshal();
        if (hasContent(encapsulatingType.getOriginalName())) {
            return encapsulatingType.getOriginalName();
        return stripPath(encapsulatingType.getSdkName());

     * Gets a list of response Component Types and original type names that are being
     * converted into new models that are within the Ds3Requests list.
    protected static ImmutableSet<EncapsulatingTypeNames> getResponseComponentTypesFromRequests(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3Request> requests) {
        if (isEmpty(requests)) {
            LOG.debug("No requests for model generation of response component types");
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        final ImmutableSet.Builder<EncapsulatingTypeNames> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (final Ds3Request request : requests) {

     * Gets a list of response Component Types and original type names that are being converted
     * into new models that are within the Ds3ResponseCodes list.
    protected static ImmutableSet<EncapsulatingTypeNames> getResponseComponentTypesFromResponseCodes(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseCode> responseCodes) {
        if (isEmpty(responseCodes)) {
            LOG.debug("No response codes for model generation of response component types");
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        final ImmutableSet.Builder<EncapsulatingTypeNames> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (final Ds3ResponseCode responseCode : responseCodes) {

     * Gets a list of response Component Types and original type names that are being converted
     * into new models that are within the Ds3ResponseTypes list.
    protected static ImmutableSet<EncapsulatingTypeNames> getResponseTypesToUpdateFromResponseTypes(
            final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseType> responseTypes) {
        if (isEmpty(responseTypes)) {
            LOG.debug("No response types for model generation of response component types");
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        final ImmutableSet.Builder<EncapsulatingTypeNames> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (final Ds3ResponseType responseType : responseTypes) {
            if (hasContent(responseType.getComponentType())) {
                builder.add(new EncapsulatingTypeNames(responseType.getComponentType(),