Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx ApplicationListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx ApplicationListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx ApplicationListener interface-usage.


From source file com.github.fauu.helix.editor.World.java

public class World implements ApplicationListener {

    private static final float CAMERA_DRAG_FACTOR = 0.025f;

    private EditorFrame editorFrame;

From source file com.github.fauu.helix.game.Game.java

public class Game implements ApplicationListener {

    private Camera camera;
    private MapRegion mapRegion;
    private AssetManager assets;
    private Renderer renderer;

From source file com.group6.penguinsgame.DemoMap.java

public class DemoMap implements ApplicationListener {
     * The time the last frame was rendered, used for throttling framerate
    private long lastRender;
    private static final float JUMPER_WIDTH = 8;

From source file com.group6.penguinsgame.Penguins.java

public class Penguins implements ApplicationListener, InputProcessor, Screen {

    private GameWorld w;
    private WorldRenderer renderer;

    private int width;

From source file com.haxtastic.haxmasher.Haxmasher.java

public class Haxmasher implements ApplicationListener {
    public static final int FRAME_WIDTH = 1920;
    public static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 1080;

    private boolean running = true;
    private Screen screen;

From source file com.interakt.ar.outdoor.browsing.BrowsingRenderer.java

public class BrowsingRenderer implements ApplicationListener {

    public enum Mode {
        normal, prepare, preview, takePicture, waitForPictureReady,

From source file com.interakt.ar.outdoor.tagging.TaggingRenderer.java

public class TaggingRenderer implements ApplicationListener {

    public enum Mode {
        normal, prepare, preview, takePicture, waitForPictureReady,

From source file com.jmolina.orb.ImpulseOrb.java

 * Punto de entrada de la aplicacin. Implementa {@link ApplicationListener} para escuchar los
 * eventos de Android. Implementa {@link SuperManager} para gestionar el resto de managers de nivel
 * de aplicacin.
public class ImpulseOrb implements ApplicationListener, SuperManager {

From source file com.ldeng.dodge.GdxSample.java

public abstract class GdxSample extends InputAdapter implements ApplicationListener {
    protected static PlatformResolver m_platformResolver = null;

    public static PlatformResolver getPlatformResolver() {
        return m_platformResolver;

From source file com.LibGdxUtils.java

 * This is the main class of the game itself. It offers access to the
 * {@link Game}, {@link SpriteBatch}, {@link AssetManager} and {@link Logger}
 * instances and delegates everything to the {@link Game}.
 * @author Daniel Holderbaum