Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ezbake.groups.cli.commands.user; import; import; import; import ezbake.configuration.EzConfigurationLoaderException; import ezbake.groups.graph.EzGroupsGraphImpl; import ezbake.groups.graph.exception.InvalidVertexTypeException; import ezbake.groups.graph.exception.UserNotFoundException; import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.BaseVertex; import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.Group; import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User; import ezbake.groups.thrift.GroupQueryException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * User: jhastings * Date: 10/10/14 * Time: 10:04 AM */ public class GetUserAuthorizations extends UserCommand { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetUserAuthorizations.class); @Option(name = "-e", aliases = "--explicit-groups", usage = "Only display groups that the user has direct access to") boolean explicit = false; @Option(name = "-a", aliases = "--apps", usage = "Perform request as if these apps were part of the chain") String apps = ""; @Option(name = "-i", aliases = "--include-inactive", usage = "Include inactive groups in the results") boolean inactive = false; @Override public void runCommand() throws EzConfigurationLoaderException { EzGroupsGraphImpl graph = getGraph(); List<String> appChain = Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(apps); try { Set<Group> userGroups = getUserGroups(graph, userType(), user, explicit, inactive); System.out.println("Groups for user: " + user); for (Group group : userGroups) { System.out.println("Group name: " + group.getGroupName() + ", index: " + group.getIndex()); } Set<Long> authorizations = getAuthorizations(graph, userType(), user, appChain); System.out.println("User authorization set: " + authorizations.toString()); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("User does not exist"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (GroupQueryException e) { System.err.println("Failure getting authorizations"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static Set<Group> getUserGroups(EzGroupsGraphImpl graph, BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String id, boolean explicit, boolean includeInactive) throws UserNotFoundException { return graph.userGroups(userType, id, explicit, includeInactive); } private static Set<Long> getAuthorizations(EzGroupsGraphImpl graph, BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String userId, List<String> appFilterChain) throws GroupQueryException, UserNotFoundException { Set<Long> auths = Sets.newHashSet(); // Only get auths if the user exists User user; try { user = graph.getUser(userType, userId); if (!user.isActive()) { return auths; // just don't get groups } } catch (UserNotFoundException | InvalidVertexTypeException e) { return auths; // just don't get groups } // Add the user's own index auths.add(user.getIndex()); // This can sometimes be null if (appFilterChain == null) { appFilterChain = Collections.emptyList(); } // These are the groups the user has on their own Set<Group> userGroups = getUserGroups(graph, userType, userId, false, false); logger.debug("Initial user groups: {}", userGroups); // These are the groups the apps always include, even if the user doesn't have access List<Set<Group>> appsGroups = getAuthorizationsForApps(graph, appFilterChain, false); Set<Long> appsFilter = Sets.newHashSet(); // This is the intersection of all app auths Set<Long> groupsAppsAlwaysInclude = Sets.newTreeSet(); // This is all the groups the apps include anyways for (Set<Group> appGroup : appsGroups) { Set<Long> indices = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (Group group : appGroup) { indices.add(group.getIndex()); if (group.isRequireOnlyApp()) { groupsAppsAlwaysInclude.add(group.getIndex()); } } appsFilter.retainAll(indices); } logger.debug("Apps filter: {}", appsFilter); if (userType == BaseVertex.VertexType.USER) { // Split groups into 2 sets - those that users always have (even if app doesn't) and those that users only have if app has too Set<Long> groupsUserHasRegardless = Sets.newHashSet(auths); Set<Long> groupsDependingOnApp = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Group g : userGroups) { if (g.isRequireOnlyUser()) { groupsUserHasRegardless.add(g.getIndex()); } else { groupsDependingOnApp.add(g.getIndex()); } } // Filter the groups that depend on the app if (!groupsDependingOnApp.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Groups depending on app: {}", groupsDependingOnApp); groupsDependingOnApp = Sets.intersection(groupsDependingOnApp, appsFilter); } logger.debug("Groups user has regardless: {}", groupsUserHasRegardless); // Now union the sets to get the users final list auths = Sets.union(groupsUserHasRegardless, groupsDependingOnApp); } else if (userType == BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER) { // What to do here? Set<Long> appAuths = Sets.newHashSet(auths); for (Group g : userGroups) { appAuths.add(g.getIndex()); } auths = appAuths; } logger.debug("User auths before union: {}", auths); return Sets.union(auths, groupsAppsAlwaysInclude); } private static List<Set<Group>> getAuthorizationsForApps(EzGroupsGraphImpl graph, List<String> apps, boolean includeInactive) { List<Set<Group>> appAuthorizations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String securityId : apps) { try { appAuthorizations.add( getUserGroups(graph, BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, false, includeInactive)); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("No groups returned for app: " + securityId); } } return appAuthorizations; } }