Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Jens Lehmann * * This file is part of DL-Learner. * * DL-Learner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DL-Learner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.dllearner.experiments; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dllearner.utilities.URLencodeUTF8; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * a container for examples used for operations like randomization * * @author Sebastian Hellmann <> * */ public class Examples { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Examples.class); public static DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("00.#%"); public static DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("00.##%"); public static DecimalFormat df3 = new DecimalFormat("00.###%"); private DecimalFormat myDf = df2; private final SortedSet<String> posTrain = new TreeSet<>(); private final SortedSet<String> negTrain = new TreeSet<>(); private final SortedSet<String> posTest = new TreeSet<>(); private final SortedSet<String> negTest = new TreeSet<>(); /** * default constructor */ public Examples() { } /** * constructor to add training examples * * @param posTrain * @param negTrain */ public Examples(SortedSet<String> posTrain, SortedSet<String> negTrain) { this.addPosTrain(posTrain); this.addNegTrain(negTrain); } /** * adds all examples, doublettes are removed automatically * * @param posTrain * @param negTrain * @param posTest * @param negTest */ public Examples(SortedSet<String> posTrain, SortedSet<String> negTrain, SortedSet<String> posTest, SortedSet<String> negTest) { this.addPosTrain(posTrain); this.addPosTest(posTest); this.addNegTrain(negTrain); this.addNegTest(negTest); } /** * calculates precision based on the test set removes all training data from * retrieved first * * @param retrieved * @return */ public double precision(SortedSet<String> retrieved) { if (retrieved.size() == 0) { return 0.0d; } SortedSet<String> retrievedClean = new TreeSet<>(retrieved); retrievedClean.removeAll(posTrain); retrievedClean.removeAll(negTrain); int posAsPos = Sets.intersection(retrievedClean, getPosTest()).size(); return ((double) posAsPos) / ((double) retrievedClean.size()); } /** * calculates recall based on the test set * * * @param retrieved * @return */ public double recall(SortedSet<String> retrieved) { if (sizeTotalOfPositives() == 0) { return 0.0d; } int posAsPos = Sets.intersection(getPosTest(), retrieved).size(); return ((double) posAsPos) / ((double) posTest.size()); } private void _remove(String toBeRemoved) { _removeAll(Arrays.asList(toBeRemoved)); } private void _removeAll(Collection<String> toBeRemoved) { if (posTrain.removeAll(toBeRemoved) || negTrain.removeAll(toBeRemoved) || posTest.removeAll(toBeRemoved) || negTest.removeAll(toBeRemoved)) { logger.warn("There has been some overlap in the examples, but it was removed automatically"); } } public void addPosTrain(Collection<String> pos) { _removeAll(pos); posTrain.addAll(pos); } public void addPosTest(Collection<String> pos) { _removeAll(pos); posTest.addAll(pos); } public void addNegTrain(Collection<String> neg) { _removeAll(neg); negTrain.addAll(neg); } public void addNegTest(Collection<String> neg) { _removeAll(neg); negTest.addAll(neg); } public void addPosTrain(String pos) { _remove(pos); posTrain.add(pos); } public void addPosTest(String pos) { _remove(pos); posTest.add(pos); } public void addNegTrain(String neg) { _remove(neg); negTrain.add(neg); } public void addNegTest(String neg) { _remove(neg); negTest.add(neg); } public boolean checkConsistency() { for (String one : posTrain) { if (negTrain.contains(one)) { logger.error("positve and negative example overlap " + one); return false; } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { String ret = "Total: " + size(); double posPercent = posTrain.size() / (double) sizeTotalOfPositives(); double negPercent = negTrain.size() / (double) sizeTotalOfNegatives(); ret += "\nPositive: " + posTrain.size() + " | " + posTest.size() + " (" + myDf.format(posPercent) + ")"; ret += "\nNegative: " + negTrain.size() + " | " + negTest.size() + " (" + myDf.format(negPercent) + ")"; return ret; } public String toFullString() { String ret = "Training:\n"; for (String one : posTrain) { ret += "+\"" + one + "\"\n"; } for (String one : negTrain) { ret += "-\"" + one + "\"\n"; } ret += "Testing:\n"; for (String one : posTest) { ret += "+\"" + one + "\"\n"; } for (String one : negTest) { ret += "-\"" + one + "\"\n"; } return ret + this.toString(); } public void writeExamples(String filename) { try { FileWriter a = new FileWriter(filename, false); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("\n\n\n\n\n"); for (String s : posTrain) { a.write("import(\"" + URLencodeUTF8.encode(s) + "\");\n"); buffer.append("+\"").append(s).append("\"\n"); } for (String s : negTrain) { a.write("import(\"" + URLencodeUTF8.encode(s) + "\");\n"); buffer.append("-\"").append(s).append("\"\n"); } a.write(buffer.toString()); a.flush(); a.close();"wrote examples to " + filename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * sum of training and test data * @return */ public int size() { return posTrain.size() + negTrain.size() + posTest.size() + negTest.size(); } public int sizeTotalOfPositives() { return posTrain.size() + posTest.size(); } public int sizeTotalOfNegatives() { return negTrain.size() + negTest.size(); } public int sizeOfTrainingSets() { return posTrain.size() + negTrain.size(); } public int sizeOfTestSets() { return posTest.size() + negTest.size(); } public SortedSet<String> getAllExamples() { SortedSet<String> total = new TreeSet<>(); total.addAll(getPositiveExamples()); total.addAll(getNegativeExamples()); return total; } public SortedSet<String> getPositiveExamples() { SortedSet<String> total = new TreeSet<>(); total.addAll(posTrain); total.addAll(posTest); return total; } public SortedSet<String> getNegativeExamples() { SortedSet<String> total = new TreeSet<>(); total.addAll(negTrain); total.addAll(negTest); return total; } public SortedSet<String> getTestExamples() { SortedSet<String> total = new TreeSet<>(); total.addAll(posTest); total.addAll(negTest); return total; } public SortedSet<String> getTrainExamples() { SortedSet<String> total = new TreeSet<>(); total.addAll(posTrain); total.addAll(negTrain); return total; } public SortedSet<String> getPosTrain() { return posTrain; } public SortedSet<String> getNegTrain() { return negTrain; } public SortedSet<String> getPosTest() { return posTest; } public SortedSet<String> getNegTest() { return negTest; } }