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 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Adam Dudas, Istvan Rath and Daniel Varro
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *   Adam Dudas - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.matchers.planning.helpers;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;


 * Helper utility class for functional dependency analysis.
 * Throughout this class attribute sets are represented as generic sets and functional dependencies as maps from
 * attribute set (generic sets) to attribute set (generic sets)
 * @author Adam Dudas
public class FunctionalDependencyHelper {

    private FunctionalDependencyHelper() {
        // Hiding constructor for utility class

     * Get the closure of the specified attribute set relative to the specified functional dependencies.
     * @param attributes
     *            The attributes to get the closure of.
     * @param dependencies
     *            The functional dependencies of which the closure operation is relative to.
     * @return The closure of the specified attribute set relative to the specified functional dependencies.
    public static <A> Set<A> closureOf(Collection<A> attributes, Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> dependencies) {
        Set<A> closureSet = new HashSet<A>();

        for (Set<A> closureSet1 = new HashSet<A>(attributes); closureSet.addAll(closureSet1);) {
            closureSet1 = new HashSet<A>();
            for (Entry<Set<A>, Set<A>> dependency : dependencies.entrySet()) {
                if (closureSet.containsAll(dependency.getKey()))

        return closureSet;

     * @return true if the dependency from the left set to the right set is trivial
     * @since 1.5
    public static <A> boolean isTrivial(Set<A> left, Set<A> right) {
        return left.containsAll(right);

     * Returns the dependency set over attributes in {@link targetAttributes} that are implied by a given source dependency set.
     * <p> Note: exponential in the size of the target attribute set.
     * <p> Note: minimality of the returned dependency set is currently not guaranteed.
     * @param originalDependencies all dependencies that are known to hold on a wider set of attributes
     * @param targetAttributes the set of attributes we are interested in
     * @since 1.5
    public static <A> Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> projectDependencies(Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> originalDependencies,
            Set<A> targetAttributes) {
        // only those attributes are considered as left-hand-side candidates that occur at least once in dependencies
        Set<A> leftCandidates = new HashSet<A>();
        for (Entry<Set<A>, Set<A>> dependency : originalDependencies.entrySet()) {
            if (!isTrivial(dependency.getKey(), dependency.getValue())) // only if non-trivial
                leftCandidates.addAll(Sets.intersection(dependency.getKey(), targetAttributes));

        // Compute an initial list of nontrivial projected dependencies - it does not have to be minimal yet
        Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> initialDependencies = new HashMap<Set<A>, Set<A>>();
        for (Set<A> leftSet : Sets.powerSet(leftCandidates)) {
            Set<A> rightSet = Sets.intersection(closureOf(leftSet, originalDependencies), targetAttributes);
            if (!isTrivial(leftSet, rightSet)) {
                initialDependencies.put(leftSet, rightSet);
        // Don't forget to include constants!
        Set<A> constants = Sets.intersection(closureOf(Collections.<A>emptySet(), originalDependencies),
        if (!constants.isEmpty()) {
            initialDependencies.put(Collections.<A>emptySet(), constants);

        // Omit those dependencies where the LHS has superfluous attributes
        Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> solidDependencies = new HashMap<Set<A>, Set<A>>();
        for (Entry<Set<A>, Set<A>> dependency : initialDependencies.entrySet()) {
            Set<A> leftSet = dependency.getKey();
            Set<A> rightSet = dependency.getValue();
            boolean solid = true;
            for (A skipped : leftSet) { // what if we skip one attribute from the left set?
                Set<A> singleton = Collections.singleton(skipped);
                Set<A> candidate = Sets.difference(leftSet, singleton);
                Set<A> rightCandidate = initialDependencies.get(candidate);
                if (rightCandidate != null) {
                    if (Sets.union(rightCandidate, singleton).containsAll(rightSet)) {
                        solid = false;
            if (solid) {
                solidDependencies.put(leftSet, rightSet);

        // TODO perform proper minimization, 
        // see e.g. page 45 in

        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(solidDependencies);

     * Adds a given dependency to a mutable accumulator.
     * @since 1.5
    public static <A> void includeDependency(Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> accumulator, Set<A> left, Set<A> right) {
        Set<A> accumulatorRights = accumulator.computeIfAbsent(left, l -> new HashSet<>());

     * Adds all given dependencies to a mutable accumulator.
     * @since 1.5
    public static <A> void includeDependencies(Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> accumulator,
            Map<Set<A>, Set<A>> additionalDependencies) {
        for (Entry<Set<A>, Set<A>> entry : additionalDependencies.entrySet()) {
            includeDependency(accumulator, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());