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 * Copyright 2015 TrentoRISE  ( .
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package eu.trentorise.opendata.semtext;

import static;
import eu.trentorise.opendata.commons.Dict;
import static eu.trentorise.opendata.commons.OdtUtils.checkNotEmpty;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Utilities toolbox for semtexts.
 * @author David Leoni
public final class SemTexts {

    private SemTexts() {


     * Convenience instance for empty metadata
    public static final ImmutableMap<String, ?> EMPTY_METADATA = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of();

     * Tolerance for probabilities
    public static final double TOLERANCE = 0.001;

     * A meaning score must be {@code DISAMBIGUATION_FACTOR} times greater than
     * any other meaning to be automatically considered as SELECTED. This factor
     * can be used during automated conversions.
    static final double DISAMBIGUATION_FACTOR = 1.5;

     * Determines the best meaning among the given ones according to their
     * probabilities. If no best meaning is found null is returned.
     * @param meanings a sorted list of meanings, with the first ones being the
     * most important.
     * @return the disambiguated meaning or null if no meaning can be clearly
     * identified.
    public static Meaning disambiguate(Iterable<Meaning> meanings) {

        if (Iterables.isEmpty(meanings)) {
            return null;

        int size = Iterables.size(meanings);

        if (size == 1) {
            Meaning m = meanings.iterator().next();
            if (m.getId() == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return m;

        Meaning first = Iterables.getFirst(meanings, null);

        if (first.getProbability() > DISAMBIGUATION_FACTOR / size && first.getId() != null) {
            return first;
        } else {
            return null;


     * Checks that the provided couple meaning status / selected meaning is
     * valid. For {@code SELECTED} and {@code REVIEWED} statuses there must be a
     * {@code selectedMeaning} with valid id, while {@code TO_DISAMBIGUATE} and
     * {@code NOT_SURE} statuses must have a null {@code selectedMeaning}.
     * @param prependedErrorMessage the exception message to use if the check
     * fails; will be converted to a string using String.valueOf(Object) and
     * prepended to more specific error messages.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid meaning status /
     * selectedMeaning couple
    public static void checkMeaningStatus(@Nullable MeaningStatus meaningStatus, @Nullable Meaning selectedMeaning,
            @Nullable Object prependedErrorMessage) {
        checkArgument(meaningStatus != null, "%s -- meaningStatus is null!", prependedErrorMessage);
        if (MeaningStatus.SELECTED.equals(meaningStatus) || MeaningStatus.REVIEWED.equals(meaningStatus)) {
            checkArgument(selectedMeaning != null, String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage)
                    + " -- Reason: Selected meaning can't be null when status is " + meaningStatus);
            checkNotEmpty(selectedMeaning.getId(), String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage)
                    + " -- Reason: Selected meaning must have a valid id when status is " + meaningStatus);
        } else {
            if (selectedMeaning != null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage)
                        + " -- Reason: Selected meaning must be null when meaning status is " + meaningStatus
                        + ". Found instead meaning " + selectedMeaning);

     * Checks whether provided score has tolerance above -{@link #TOLERANCE}
     * @param prependedErrorMessage the exception message to use if the check
     * fails; will be converted to a string using String.valueOf(Object) and
     * prepended to more specific error messages.
     * @return the provided score if positive within tolerance
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException on invalid score
    public static double checkPositiveScore(double score, @Nullable Object prependedErrorMessage) {
        if (score < -TOLERANCE) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage) + " -- Reason: Score must be greater or equal than -"
                            + TOLERANCE + ", found instead: " + score);
        return score;

     * Checks the provided score is within valid bounds.
     * @param score must be between -{@link #TOLERANCE}  score  1 + {@link
     * #TOLERANCE}
     * @param prependedErrorMessage the exception message to use if the check
     * fails; will be converted to a string using String.valueOf(Object) and
     * prepended to more specific error messages.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException on invalid score
    public static void checkScore(double score, @Nullable Object prependedErrorMessage) {
        double prec = TOLERANCE;

        if (score < -prec || score > 1.0 + prec) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage) + " -- Score " + score
                    + " exceeds bounds [" + (-prec) + ", " + 1.0 + prec + "].");

     * Checks provided offsets represent a valid span.
     * {@code startOffset} must be less or equal than {@code endOffset} and they
     * must be both greater or equal than 0
     * @param prependedErrorMessage the exception message to use if the check
     * fails; will be converted to a string using String.valueOf(Object) and
     * prepended to more specific error messages.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException on invalid span.
    public static void checkSpan(int startOffset, int endOffset, @Nullable Object prependedErrorMessage) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(startOffset >= 0 && startOffset <= endOffset,
                "%s -- Reason: invalid bounds [%s , %s)", prependedErrorMessage, startOffset, endOffset);

     * Checks spans are all be valid spans (see {@link SemTexts#checkSpan(int, int, Object)
     * }
     * and are non-overlapping (a span end offset may coincide with next span
     * start offset). Spans must be contained within {@code leftOffset} and
     * {@code rightOffset} (last span end offset may coincide with
     * {@code rightOffset}).
     * @param prependedErrorMessage the exception message to use if the check
     * fails; will be converted to a string using String.valueOf(Object) and
     * prepended to more specific error messages.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException on invalid spans
    public static void checkSpans(Iterable<? extends Span> spans, int leftOffset, int rightOffset,
            @Nullable Object prependedErrorMessage) {

        checkArgument(spans != null, "%s -- spans are null!", prependedErrorMessage);
        checkSpan(leftOffset, rightOffset, prependedErrorMessage);

        // check containment        
        if (!Iterables.isEmpty(spans)) {
            int lowerBound = Iterables.getFirst(spans, null).getStart();
            int upperBound = Iterables.getLast(spans).getEnd();
            if (lowerBound < leftOffset || upperBound > rightOffset) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage)
                        + " -- Reason: Provided spans exceed container span! Expected: [" + leftOffset + ","
                        + rightOffset + "] - Found: [" + lowerBound + "," + upperBound + "]");

        // check overlaps
        Span lastSpan = null;
        for (Span span : spans) {
            checkSpan(span.getStart(), span.getEnd(), prependedErrorMessage);
            if (lastSpan != null && lastSpan.getEnd() > span.getStart()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(prependedErrorMessage)
                        + " -- Found overlapping span! Span " + lastSpan + " overlaps with span " + span);
            lastSpan = span;


     * Creates a Dict out of the provided semantic texts.
    public static Dict semTextsToDict(Iterable<SemText> semTexts) {
        Dict.Builder dictb = Dict.builder();
        for (SemText st : semTexts) {
            dictb.put(st.getLocale(), st.getText());

     * Returns the provided dictionary as an immutable list of semantic texts
    public static ImmutableList<SemText> dictToSemTexts(Dict dict) {
        ImmutableList.Builder<SemText> retb = ImmutableList.builder();

        for (Locale locale : dict.locales()) {
            for (String s : dict.strings(locale)) {
                retb.add(SemText.of(locale, s));

     * A new immutable list of sorted meanings is returned with the provided
     * meanings merged to the existing ones. The first one has highest prob and
     * probabilities are normalized so they sum up to 1.0. If a new meaning
     * equals an existing meaning it will replace it.
    public static ImmutableList<Meaning> mergeMeanings(Iterable<Meaning> oldMeanings,
            Iterable<Meaning> newMeanings) {

        Set<Meaning> dedupMeanings = new HashSet();

        for (Meaning m1 : oldMeanings) {

        for (Meaning m2 : newMeanings) {

        double total = 0;
        for (Meaning m : dedupMeanings) {
            total += m.getProbability();
        if (total <= 0) {
            total = dedupMeanings.size();

        List<Meaning> mgs = new ArrayList();
        for (Meaning m : dedupMeanings) {
            Meaning newM = m.withProbability(m.getProbability() / total);


        Collections.sort(mgs, Collections.reverseOrder());

        return ImmutableList.copyOf(mgs);

     * Converts provided span to a Guava Range of the [start, end) form.
    public static Range spanToRange(Span span) {
        return Range.closedOpen(span.getStart(), span.getEnd());

     * Returns whether the two provided spans have equal boundaries.
    public static boolean spanEqual(@Nullable Span span1, @Nullable Span span2) {
        if (span1 == null) {
            return span2 == null;
        if (span2 == null) {
            return false;
        return span1.getStart() == span2.getStart() && span1.getEnd() == span2.getEnd();

     * Returns a copy of provided metadata with {@code newMetadata} set under
     * the given namespace.
     * @param newMetadata Must be an immutable object.
    static ImmutableMap<String, ?> replaceMetadata(ImmutableMap<String, ?> metadata, String namespace,
            Object newMetadata) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> mapb = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (String ns : metadata.keySet()) {
            if (!ns.equals(namespace)) {
                mapb.put(ns, metadata.get(ns));
        mapb.put(namespace, newMetadata);