Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the CaracalDB distributed storage system. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) * Copyright (C) 2009 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.javatuples.Pair; import se.sics.caracaldb.Key; import se.sics.caracaldb.KeyRange; import se.sics.caracaldb.View; import se.sics.caracaldb.bootstrap.BootstrapServer; import se.sics.caracaldb.system.Configuration; import se.sics.caracaldb.utils.J6; import se.sics.kompics.address.Address; import se.sics.kompics.address.IdUtils; import; /** * @author Lars Kroll <> * @author Alex Ormenisan <> */ public class LookupTable { public static final int NUM_VIRT_GROUPS = 256; public static final Key RESERVED_PREFIX = new Key(0); // (00 00 00 00) public static final Key RESERVED_START = Key.ZERO_KEY; // (00) public static final Key RESERVED_END = new Key(1); // (00 00 00 01) public static final Key RESERVED_HEARTBEATS = RESERVED_PREFIX.append(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }).get(); // (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01) public static final Key RESERVED_LUTUPDATES = RESERVED_PREFIX.append(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 2 }).get(); // (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02) private static final String EMPTY_TXT = "<EMPTY>"; static final Random RAND = new Random(); private static LookupTable INSTANCE = null; // Don't tell anyone about this! (static fields and simulations oO) private SchemaData schemas; private ArrayList<Address> hosts; private ArrayList<Integer[]> replicationSets; private ArrayList<Integer> replicationSetVersions; private LookupGroup[] virtualHostGroups; private Long[] virtualHostGroupVersions; long versionId = 0; private int scatterWidth = -1; // don't forget to set this properly from the config! private int masterRepSize = -1; // set from schema information for heartbeats private LookupTable() { schemas = new SchemaData(); virtualHostGroups = new LookupGroup[NUM_VIRT_GROUPS]; virtualHostGroupVersions = new Long[NUM_VIRT_GROUPS]; Arrays.fill(virtualHostGroupVersions, 0l); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { virtualHostGroups[i] = new LookupGroup(Ints.toByteArray(i)[3]); } } public int getScatterWidth() { return this.scatterWidth; } public int getMasterReplicationGroupSize() { return this.masterRepSize; } public int numHosts() { return hosts.size(); } public Address getHost(int pos) { return hosts.get(pos); } public int numReplicationSets() { return replicationSets.size(); } public Address[] getHosts(int replicationGroupId) { Integer[] group = replicationSets.get(replicationGroupId); if (group == null) { return null; } Address[] hostAddrs = new Address[group.length]; for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) { hostAddrs[i] = getHost(group[i]); } return hostAddrs; } public Address[] getResponsibles(Key k) throws NoSuchSchemaException { Pair<Key, Integer> rg = virtualHostsGetResponsible(k); Integer rgId = rg.getValue1(); if (rgId == null) { return null; } //Integer rgVersion = replicationSetVersions.get(rgId); Address[] group = getVirtualHosts(rgId, rg.getValue0()); return group; } public Integer[] getResponsibleIds(Key k) throws NoSuchSchemaException { Pair<Key, Integer> rg = virtualHostsGetResponsible(k); if (rg == null) { return null; } Integer rgId = rg.getValue1(); if (rgId == null) { return null; } return replicationSets.get(rgId); } /** * * @param range * @return a map of sub-keyRanges and their respective replication group. * this map cannot be null, but it can be empty if the range itself is * emptyRange else it should contain at least one replicationGroup * @throws */ public NavigableMap<KeyRange, Address[]> getAllResponsibles(KeyRange range) throws BrokenLut, NoSuchSchemaException { TreeMap<KeyRange, Address[]> result = new TreeMap<KeyRange, Address[]>(); if (range.equals(KeyRange.EMPTY)) { return result; } Pair<Integer, Pair<Key, Integer>> rangeInfo = virtualHostsGetResponsibleWithGid(range.begin); if (rangeInfo == null) { throw BrokenLut.exception; } Integer lgId = rangeInfo.getValue0(); NavigableMap<Key, Integer> keyMap = new TreeMap<Key, Integer>(); KeyRange endRange = range; do { LookupGroup lg = virtualHostGroups[lgId]; Pair<NavigableMap<Key, Integer>, KeyRange> subSpace = lg.getRangeResponsible(endRange); keyMap.putAll(subSpace.getValue0()); endRange = subSpace.getValue1(); } while (!endRange.equals(KeyRange.EMPTY)); KeyRange.KRBuilder krb; Address[] group; Iterator<Entry<Key, Integer>> it = keyMap.entrySet().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { KeyRange subRange; Entry<Key, Integer> entry =; krb = new KeyRange.KRBuilder(range.beginBound, range.begin); group = getVirtualHosts(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); while (it.hasNext()) { entry =; subRange =; result.put(subRange, group); krb = new KeyRange.KRBuilder(KeyRange.Bound.CLOSED, entry.getKey()); group = getVirtualHosts(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } subRange = krb.endFrom(range); result.put(subRange, group); } return result; } public Pair<KeyRange, Address[]> getFirstResponsibles(KeyRange range) throws BrokenLut, NoSuchSchemaException { if (range.equals(KeyRange.EMPTY)) { return null; } Pair<Integer, Pair<Key, Integer>> rangeInfo = virtualHostsGetResponsibleWithGid(range.begin); Key rgKey = rangeInfo.getValue1().getValue0(); Integer rgId = rangeInfo.getValue1().getValue1(); if (rangeInfo == null) { throw BrokenLut.exception; } Key endR = virtualHostsGetSuccessor(rgKey); KeyRange firstRange; if (endR == null || endR.compareTo(range.end) >= 0) { firstRange = range; } else { firstRange = KeyRange.startFrom(range).open(endR); } Address[] group = getVirtualHosts(rgId, rgKey); return Pair.with(firstRange, group); } public View getView(Key nodeId) { Integer rgId = virtualHostsGet(nodeId); if (rgId == null) { return null; } Integer rgVersion = replicationSetVersions.get(rgId); Address[] group = getVirtualHosts(rgId, nodeId); View view = new View(ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(group), rgVersion); return view; } public Address[] getVirtualHosts(int replicationGroupId, Key nodeId) { Integer[] rGroup = replicationSets.get(replicationGroupId); if (rGroup == null) { return null; } Address[] group = new Address[rGroup.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rGroup.length; i++) { Address hostAdr = getHost(rGroup[i]); group[i] = hostAdr.newVirtual(nodeId.getArray()); } return group; } public KeyRange getResponsibility(Key nodeId) throws NoSuchSchemaException { Key succ = virtualHostsGetSuccessor(nodeId); //System.out.println("For node " + nodeId + " the successor is " + succ); if (succ == null) { ByteBuffer schemaId = getSchemaId(nodeId); Key schemaKey = new Key(schemaId); return KeyRange.closed(nodeId).open(; // until the end of the schema } KeyRange range = KeyRange.closed(nodeId).open(succ); return range; } public SchemaData.SingleSchema getSchema(Key k) throws NoSuchSchemaException { ByteBuffer schemaId = getSchemaId(k); if (schemaId != null) { return new SchemaData.SingleSchema(schemaId, schemas.schemaNames.get(schemaId), schemas.metaData.get(schemaId)); } return null; } /** * Find all the virtual nodes at a host. * <p> * More exactly, find the ids of all virtual nodes that are supposed to be * at the given host according to the state of the LUT. * <p> * This is a horribly slow operation. It's meant for bootup, use it later at * your own risk. * <p> * @param host * @return */ public Set<Key> getVirtualNodesAt(Address host) { // find host id int hostId = -1; for (ListIterator<Address> it = hosts.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int pos = it.nextIndex(); Address adr =; if (adr.equals(host)) { hostId = pos; break; } } if (hostId < 0) { return null; // could also throw an exeception...not sure what is nicer } // find all replication groups for hostId TreeSet<Integer> repGroupIds = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (ListIterator<Integer[]> it = replicationSets.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int pos = it.nextIndex(); Integer[] group =; for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) { if (hostId == group[i]) { repGroupIds.add(pos); break; } } } System.out.println(host + " is in repGroups " + repGroupIds); if (repGroupIds.isEmpty()) { // just return an empty set. // if the host is not part of any replication groups // clearly there won't be any VNodes on it return new HashSet<Key>(); } // now find all the occurences in the lookup groups // this is the most horribly inefficient part^^ HashSet<Key> nodeSet = new HashSet<Key>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { if (!virtualHostGroups[i].isEmpty()) { for (Integer rgId : repGroupIds) { nodeSet.addAll(virtualHostGroups[i].getVirtualNodesIn(rgId)); } } } return nodeSet; } public Set<Key> getVirtualNodesFor(Integer replicationSetId) { HashSet<Key> nodeSet = new HashSet<Key>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { if (!virtualHostGroups[i].isEmpty()) { nodeSet.addAll(virtualHostGroups[i].getVirtualNodesIn(replicationSetId)); } } return nodeSet; } public Set<Key> getVirtualNodesInSchema(Key schemaId) { Set<Key> nodeSet = new TreeSet<Key>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { if (!virtualHostGroups[i].isEmpty()) { nodeSet.addAll(virtualHostGroups[i].getVirtualNodesInSchema(schemaId)); } } return nodeSet; } /** * Builds a readable format of the LUT. * <p> * This is probably not a good idea for large tables. Use for debugging of * small sets only. * <p> * @param sb */ public void printFormat(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("### LookupTable (v"); sb.append(versionId); sb.append(") ### \n \n"); sb.append("## Schemas ## \n"); for (Entry<String, ByteBuffer> e : schemas.schemaIDs.entrySet()) { String name = e.getKey(); byte[] id = e.getValue().array(); sb.append(IdUtils.printFormat(id)); sb.append(" : "); sb.append(schemas.schemaInfo(name)); sb.append('\n'); } sb.append('\n'); sb.append("## Hosts ## \n"); for (ListIterator<Address> it = hosts.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int pos = it.nextIndex(); Address adr =; sb.append(pos); sb.append(". "); if (adr == null) { sb.append(EMPTY_TXT); } else { sb.append(adr); } sb.append('\n'); } sb.append('\n'); sb.append("## Replication Groups ## \n"); for (ListIterator<Integer[]> it = replicationSets.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int pos = it.nextIndex(); Integer[] group =; sb.append(pos); sb.append(". "); sb.append("(v"); sb.append(replicationSetVersions.get(pos)); sb.append(") "); if (group == null) { sb.append(EMPTY_TXT); } else { sb.append('{'); for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) { sb.append(group[i]); if (i < (group.length - 1)) { sb.append(','); } } sb.append('}'); sb.append('\n'); } } sb.append('\n'); sb.append("## Virtual Node Groups ## \n"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { if (!virtualHostGroups[i].isEmpty()) { sb.append("# Group "); sb.append(i); sb.append(" (v"); sb.append(virtualHostGroupVersions[i]); sb.append(") # \n"); virtualHostGroups[i].printFormat(sb); sb.append('\n'); } // else { // sb.append(EMPTY_TXT); // } } sb.append('\n'); sb.append('\n'); } public byte[] serialise() { ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.buffer(); buf.writeLong(versionId); buf.writeInt(scatterWidth); // schemas schemas.serialise(buf); // hosts buf.writeInt(hosts.size()); for (Address addr : hosts) { SpecialSerializers.AddressSerializer.INSTANCE.toBinary(addr, buf); } // replicationgroups buf.writeInt(replicationSets.size()); for (ListIterator<Integer[]> it = replicationSets.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { int pos = it.nextIndex(); Integer[] group =; Integer version = replicationSetVersions.get(pos); serialiseReplicationSet(version, group, buf); } // virtualHostGroups for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { buf.writeLong(virtualHostGroupVersions[i]); byte[] lgbytes = virtualHostGroups[i].serialise(); buf.writeInt(lgbytes.length); buf.writeBytes(lgbytes); } byte[] data = new byte[buf.readableBytes()]; buf.readBytes(data); buf.release(); return data; } public static LookupTable deserialise(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes); INSTANCE = new LookupTable(); INSTANCE.versionId = buf.readLong(); INSTANCE.scatterWidth = buf.readInt(); // schemas INSTANCE.schemas = SchemaData.deserialise(buf); // hosts int numHosts = buf.readInt(); INSTANCE.hosts = new ArrayList<Address>(numHosts); for (int i = 0; i < numHosts; i++) { Address addr = (Address) SpecialSerializers.AddressSerializer.INSTANCE.fromBinary(buf, Optional.absent()); INSTANCE.hosts.add(addr); } // replicationgroups int numRGs = buf.readInt(); INSTANCE.replicationSets = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(numRGs); INSTANCE.replicationSetVersions = new ArrayList<Integer>(numRGs); for (int i = 0; i < numRGs; i++) { Pair<Integer, Integer[]> group = deserialiseReplicationGroup(buf); INSTANCE.replicationSets.add(group.getValue1()); INSTANCE.replicationSetVersions.add(group.getValue0()); } // virtualHostGroups for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VIRT_GROUPS; i++) { INSTANCE.virtualHostGroupVersions[i] = buf.readLong(); int groupLength = buf.readInt(); byte[] groupBytes = new byte[groupLength]; buf.readBytes(groupBytes); INSTANCE.virtualHostGroups[i] = LookupGroup.deserialise(groupBytes); } return INSTANCE; } private static void serialiseReplicationSet(Integer version, Integer[] group, ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(version); byte groupSize = UnsignedBytes.checkedCast(group.length); buf.writeByte(groupSize); for (Integer i : group) { buf.writeInt(i); } } private static Pair<Integer, Integer[]> deserialiseReplicationGroup(ByteBuf buf) { int version = buf.readInt(); int groupSize = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buf.readByte()); Integer[] group = new Integer[groupSize]; for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++) { group[i] = buf.readInt(); } return Pair.with(version, group); } public static LookupTable generateInitial(Set<Address> hosts, Configuration config, Address self) { LookupTable lut = new LookupTable(); lut.scatterWidth = config.getInt("caracal.scatterWidth"); lut.generateHosts(hosts); lut.loadSchemas(config); // Generate initial replication sets for all requested sizes Set<Integer> rfSizes = lut.findReplicationSetSizes(); lut.replicationSets = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); for (Integer rf : rfSizes) { ArrayList<Integer[]> rss = lut.generateReplicationSetsOfSize(hosts, rf); lut.replicationSets.addAll(rss); } lut.fixRepSetsToIncludeBootstrapNodeInMasterGroup(self); // This is optional but a simple optimisation // Set all versions to 0 lut.replicationSetVersions = new ArrayList<Integer>(lut.replicationSets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < lut.replicationSets.size(); i++) { lut.replicationSetVersions.add(i, 0); } for (ByteBuffer schemaId : lut.schemas.metaData.keySet()) { lut.generateInitialVirtuals(schemaId); } INSTANCE = lut; return lut; } private void generateHosts(Set<Address> hosts) { this.hosts = new ArrayList<Address>(hosts); } private void loadSchemas(Configuration config) { schemas = SchemaReader.importSchemas(config); } private Set<Integer> findReplicationSetSizes() { Set<Integer> sizes = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (Entry<ByteBuffer, ImmutableMap<String, String>> e : schemas.metaData.entrySet()) { ByteBuffer id = e.getKey(); ImmutableMap<String, String> meta = e.getValue(); String rfS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("rfactor"), "3"); Integer rf = Integer.parseInt(rfS); String forceMasterS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("forceMaster"), "false"); boolean forceMaster = Boolean.parseBoolean(forceMasterS); if (forceMaster) { // they better all have the same rfactor or weird things are going to happen^^ masterRepSize = rf; } sizes.add(rf); if (UnsignedInts.remainder(rf, 2) == 0) { BootstrapServer.LOG.warn( "Schema {} uses a replication factor of {}. " + "It is recommended to use uneven factors.", schemas.schemaNames.get(id), rf); } if (rf < 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Replication factor for any schema must be >=3!"); } if (rf > hosts.size()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Replication factor for any schema can't be larger than the initial number of hosts!" + "If you think you have enough hosts for rf=" + rf + " consider incrementing the value of caraca.bootThreshold."); } } if (masterRepSize < 0) { // in case there are no forceMaster schemata masterRepSize = 3; } return sizes; } public ArrayList<Integer[]> generateReplicationSetsOfSize(Set<Address> hosts, int rfactor) { /* For an explanation of the algorithm used here see: "Copysets: Reducing the Frequency of Data Loss in Cloud Storage" */ int numberOfPermutations = (int) Math.ceil((double) scatterWidth / (double) (rfactor - 1)); if (numberOfPermutations < 1) { numberOfPermutations = 1; System.out.println( "WARNING: The Number of Permutations should not be below 1! Something is weird with your scatterWidth!"); } System.out.println( "INFO: Using " + numberOfPermutations + " permutations to generate initial replication sets."); List<Integer> nats = naturals(hosts.size()); HashSet<TreeSet<Integer>> copysets = new HashSet<TreeSet<Integer>>(); int p = 0; while (p < numberOfPermutations) { List<Integer> perm = new ArrayList<Integer>(nats); Collections.shuffle(perm, RAND); // split permutation into sets of size rfactor List<TreeSet<Integer>> permSets = new ArrayList<TreeSet<Integer>>(perm.size() / rfactor); boolean invalidPerm = false; for (int i = 0; i <= perm.size() - rfactor; i += rfactor) { TreeSet<Integer> set = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (int j = 0; j < rfactor; j++) { set.add(perm.get(i + j)); } if (copysets.contains(set)) { // if we create duplicate sets we need to generate another permutation invalidPerm = true; break; } permSets.add(set); } if (invalidPerm) { continue; // see above } copysets.addAll(permSets); p++; } ArrayList<Integer[]> res = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(); for (TreeSet<Integer> copyset : copysets) { Integer[] set = new Integer[copyset.size()]; copyset.toArray(set); res.add(set); } return res; /* Old code below */ // ArrayList<Integer> dup1, dup2, dup3; // List<Integer> nats = naturals(hosts.size()); // dup1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(nats); // dup2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(nats); // dup3 = new ArrayList<Integer>(nats); // // replicationSets = new ArrayList<Integer[]>(INIT_REP_FACTOR * hosts.size()); // replicationSetVersions = new ArrayList<Integer>(INIT_REP_FACTOR * hosts.size()); // // for (int n = 0; n < INIT_REP_FACTOR; n++) { // Collections.shuffle(dup1, RAND); // Collections.shuffle(dup2, RAND); // Collections.shuffle(dup3, RAND); // for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { // int h1, h2, h3; // h1 = dup1.get(i); // h2 = dup2.get(i); // h3 = dup3.get(i); // while (h2 == h1) { // h2 = RAND.nextInt(hosts.size()); // } // while ((h3 == h1) || (h3 == h2)) { // h3 = RAND.nextInt(hosts.size()); // } // Integer[] group = new Integer[]{h1, h2, h3}; // int pos = n * hosts.size() + i; // replicationSets.add(pos, group); // replicationSetVersions.add(pos, 0); // } // } } private void generateInitialVirtuals(ByteBuffer schemaId) { ImmutableMap<String, String> meta = schemas.metaData.get(schemaId); //String rfactorS = meta.getOrDefault("rfactor", "3"); String rfactorS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("rfactor"), "3"); Integer rfactor = Integer.parseInt(rfactorS); //String vnodesS = meta.getOrDefault("vnodes", "1"); String vnodesS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("vnodes"), "1"); long vnodes = Long.parseLong(vnodesS); //String forceMasterS = meta.getOrDefault("forceMaster", "false"); String forceMasterS = J6.orDefault(meta.get("forceMaster"), "false"); // it would look so nice in Java8 -.- boolean forceMaster = Boolean.parseBoolean(forceMasterS); // boundary nodes Key start = new Key(schemaId); //Key end =; Integer rset = forceMaster ? 0 : findReplicationSetOfSize(rfactor); virtualHostsPut(start, rset); //virtualHostsPut(end, rset); // this mind end up being override by the next schema, but that's ok since we only need it if there is no next schema if (vnodes == 1) { // single vnode needed return; } vnodes--; // account for the initial vnode already created (the end-nodes doesn't count) Set<Key> subkeys = new TreeSet<Key>(); if (vnodes <= UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) { // another byte for subkeys needed int incr = (int) UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE / (int) vnodes; int last = 0; int ceiling = (int) UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE - incr; while (last < ceiling) { last = last + incr; Key k = start.append(new byte[] { UnsignedBytes.saturatedCast(last) }).get(); subkeys.add(k); } } else if (vnodes <= UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE.longValue()) { // another 4 bytes for subkeys needed long incr = UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE.longValue() / vnodes; long last = 0; long ceiling = UnsignedInteger.MAX_VALUE.longValue() - incr; while (last < ceiling) { last = last + incr; Key k = start.append(new Key(UnsignedInteger.valueOf(last).intValue())).get(); subkeys.add(k); } } else { // another 8 bytes for subkeys needed (don't support more!) UnsignedLong incr = UnsignedLong.MAX_VALUE.dividedBy(UnsignedLong.valueOf(vnodes)); UnsignedLong last = UnsignedLong.ZERO; UnsignedLong ceiling = UnsignedLong.MAX_VALUE.minus(incr); while (last.compareTo(ceiling) <= 0) { last =; Key k = start.append(new Key(last.intValue())).get(); subkeys.add(k); } } for (Key subkey : subkeys) { virtualHostsPut(subkey, forceMaster ? 0 : findReplicationSetOfSize(rfactor)); } } private Integer findReplicationSetOfSize(int rfactor) { int bound = replicationSets.size() * 3; // just trying to avoid endless loops...if it takes longer than this to find one something is probably wrong int it = 0; while (it < bound) { int id = RAND.nextInt(replicationSets.size()); Integer[] rset = replicationSets.get(id); if ((rset != null) && (rset.length == rfactor)) { return id; } it++; } System.out.println("ERROR: Couldn't find a replication set of the correct size in a realistic time frame."); return -1; // this will end up with an index out of bounds exception...not sure if that's the best way to handle things } private void fixRepSetsToIncludeBootstrapNodeInMasterGroup(Address self) { int index = 0; int selfId = -1; for (Address addr : hosts) { if (addr.equals(self)) { selfId = index; break; } index++; } assert (selfId >= 0); int target = -1; index = 0; for (Integer[] rs : replicationSets) { if ((rs.length == masterRepSize) && (positionInSet(rs, selfId) >= 0)) { target = index; break; } index++; } if (target < 0) { // bootstrap node doesn't occur in any group of the right size (this can happen depending on the values for scatterWidth and the number of nodes) // find any group of the right size instead index = 0; for (Integer[] rs : replicationSets) { if ((rs.length == masterRepSize)) { target = index; break; } index++; } assert (target >= 0); // the MUST be any group of the right size // simply pick a node from that group and replace it Integer[] rs = replicationSets.get(target); rs[0] = selfId; } // and switch the target with pos 0 Integer[] tmp = replicationSets.get(target); replicationSets.set(0, replicationSets.get(0)); replicationSets.set(0, tmp); } Iterator<Address> hostIterator() { return hosts.iterator(); } void virtualHostsPut(Key key, Integer value) { int groupId = key.getFirstByte(); LookupGroup group = virtualHostGroups[groupId]; group.put(key, value); } Integer virtualHostsGet(Key key) { LookupGroup group = virtualHostGroups[key.getFirstByte()]; return group.get(key); } Address findDest(Key k, Address self, Random rand) throws NoResponsibleForKeyException, NoSuchSchemaException { Address[] repGroup = getResponsibles(k); if (repGroup == null) { throw new NoResponsibleForKeyException(k); } // Try to deliver locally for (Address adr : repGroup) { if (adr.sameHostAs(self)) { return adr; } } // Otherwise just pick at random int nodePos = RAND.nextInt(repGroup.length); Address dest = repGroup[nodePos]; return dest; } /* * Expose internal variable for updates via LUTUpdate. Don't use this for * anything else! */ SchemaData schemas() { return this.schemas; } ArrayList<Address> hosts() { return this.hosts; } ArrayList<Integer> replicationSetVersions() { return this.replicationSetVersions; } ArrayList<Integer[]> replicationSets() { return this.replicationSets; } /** * @param key * @return <hostGroupId, <replicationGroupKey, replicationGroupId>> */ private Pair<Integer, Pair<Key, Integer>> virtualHostsGetResponsibleWithGid(Key key) throws NoSuchSchemaException { int groupId = key.getFirstByte(); LookupGroup keyGroup = virtualHostGroups[groupId]; ByteBuffer schemaId = getSchemaId(key); while (true) { try { Pair<Key, Integer> i = keyGroup.getResponsible(key); if (i.getValue0().hasPrefix(schemaId)) { return Pair.with(groupId, i); } else { return Pair.with(groupId, null); // the node that should be responsible for key is not in the same schema } } catch (NoResponsibleInGroup e) { groupId--; if (groupId < 0) { return null; } keyGroup = virtualHostGroups[groupId]; } } } /** * @param key * @return <replicationGroupKey, replicationGroupId> */ Pair<Key, Integer> virtualHostsGetResponsible(Key key) throws NoSuchSchemaException { Pair<Integer, Pair<Key, Integer>> result = virtualHostsGetResponsibleWithGid(key); return result == null ? null : result.getValue1(); } Key virtualHostsGetSuccessor(Key vnodeKey) throws NoSuchSchemaException { int groupId = vnodeKey.getFirstByte(); LookupGroup keyGroup = virtualHostGroups[groupId]; ByteBuffer schemaId = getSchemaId(vnodeKey); while (true) { try { Key k = keyGroup.getSuccessor(vnodeKey); if (k.hasPrefix(schemaId)) { return k; } else { //System.out.println("Node " + k + " doesn't have prefix " + schemaId + " of node " + vnodeKey); return null; // the node's at the schema's end } } catch (NoResponsibleInGroup e) { groupId++; if (groupId >= virtualHostGroups.length) { //System.out.println("End of vHostGroups for key " + vnodeKey); return null; } keyGroup = virtualHostGroups[groupId]; } } } Map<Address, Integer> getIdsForAddresses(ImmutableSet<Address> addresses) { TreeSet<Address> remaining = new TreeSet<Address>(addresses); TreeMap<Address, Integer> m = new TreeMap<Address, Integer>(); int index = 0; for (Address addr : hosts) { if (remaining.isEmpty()) { return m; } if (remaining.remove(addr)) { m.put(addr, index); } index++; } return m; } public ByteBuffer getSchemaId(Key k) throws NoSuchSchemaException { for (ByteBuffer schemaId : schemas.schemaNames.keySet()) { if (k.hasPrefix(schemaId)) { return schemaId; } } throw new NoSuchSchemaException(k); } private static List<Integer> naturals(int upTo) { ArrayList<Integer> nats = new ArrayList<Integer>(upTo); for (int i = 0; i < upTo; i++) { nats.add(i); } return nats; } public Integer[] getReplicationGroup(Key key) { int groupId = key.getFirstByte(); LookupGroup keyGroup = virtualHostGroups[groupId]; Integer rgId = keyGroup.get(key); if (rgId == null) { return null; } return replicationSets.get(rgId); } public static class NoResponsibleInGroup extends Throwable { public static final NoResponsibleInGroup exception = new NoResponsibleInGroup(); } public static class BrokenLut extends Throwable { public static final BrokenLut exception = new BrokenLut(); } public static int positionInSet(Integer[] set, Integer id) { int index = 0; for (int i : set) { if (i == id) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } public static class NoResponsibleForKeyException extends Exception { public final Key key; public NoResponsibleForKeyException(Key k) { key = k; } @Override public String getMessage() { return "No Node found reponsible for key " + key; } } public static class NoSuchSchemaException extends Exception { public final Key key; public NoSuchSchemaException(Key k) { this.key = k; } @Override public String getMessage() { return "No Schema found that contains key " + key; } } }