/* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
//package cc.mallet.util;
* @author <a href="mailto:casutton@cs.umass.edu">Charles Sutton</a>
* @version $Id: ArrayUtils.java,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:40 mccallum Exp $
public class Util {
public static double factorial (int n) {
return Math.exp (logGamma(n+1));
// From libbow, dirichlet.c
// Written by Tom Minka <minka@stat.cmu.edu>
public static final double logGamma (double x)
double result, y, xnum, xden;
int i;
final double d1 = -5.772156649015328605195174e-1;
final double p1[] = {
4.945235359296727046734888e0, 2.018112620856775083915565e2,
2.290838373831346393026739e3, 1.131967205903380828685045e4,
2.855724635671635335736389e4, 3.848496228443793359990269e4,
2.637748787624195437963534e4, 7.225813979700288197698961e3
final double q1[] = {
6.748212550303777196073036e1, 1.113332393857199323513008e3,
7.738757056935398733233834e3, 2.763987074403340708898585e4,
5.499310206226157329794414e4, 6.161122180066002127833352e4,
3.635127591501940507276287e4, 8.785536302431013170870835e3
final double d2 = 4.227843350984671393993777e-1;
final double p2[] = {
4.974607845568932035012064e0, 5.424138599891070494101986e2,
1.550693864978364947665077e4, 1.847932904445632425417223e5,
1.088204769468828767498470e6, 3.338152967987029735917223e6,
5.106661678927352456275255e6, 3.074109054850539556250927e6
final double q2[] = {
1.830328399370592604055942e2, 7.765049321445005871323047e3,
1.331903827966074194402448e5, 1.136705821321969608938755e6,
5.267964117437946917577538e6, 1.346701454311101692290052e7,
1.782736530353274213975932e7, 9.533095591844353613395747e6
final double d4 = 1.791759469228055000094023e0;
final double p4[] = {
1.474502166059939948905062e4, 2.426813369486704502836312e6,
1.214755574045093227939592e8, 2.663432449630976949898078e9,
2.940378956634553899906876e10, 1.702665737765398868392998e11,
4.926125793377430887588120e11, 5.606251856223951465078242e11
final double q4[] = {
2.690530175870899333379843e3, 6.393885654300092398984238e5,
4.135599930241388052042842e7, 1.120872109616147941376570e9,
1.488613728678813811542398e10, 1.016803586272438228077304e11,
3.417476345507377132798597e11, 4.463158187419713286462081e11
final double c[] = {
-1.910444077728e-03, 8.4171387781295e-04,
-5.952379913043012e-04, 7.93650793500350248e-04,
-2.777777777777681622553e-03, 8.333333333333333331554247e-02,
final double a = 0.6796875;
if((x <= 0.5) || ((x > a) && (x <= 1.5))) {
if(x <= 0.5) {
result = -Math.log(x);
/* Test whether X < machine epsilon. */
if(x+1 == 1) {
return result;
else {
result = 0;
x = (x - 0.5) - 0.5;
xnum = 0;
xden = 1;
for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
xnum = xnum * x + p1[i];
xden = xden * x + q1[i];
result += x*(d1 + x*(xnum/xden));
else if((x <= a) || ((x > 1.5) && (x <= 4))) {
if(x <= a) {
result = -Math.log(x);
x = (x - 0.5) - 0.5;
else {
result = 0;
x -= 2;
xnum = 0;
xden = 1;
for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
xnum = xnum * x + p2[i];
xden = xden * x + q2[i];
result += x*(d2 + x*(xnum/xden));
else if(x <= 12) {
x -= 4;
xnum = 0;
xden = -1;
for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
xnum = xnum * x + p4[i];
xden = xden * x + q4[i];
result = d4 + x*(xnum/xden);
/* X > 12 */
else {
y = Math.log(x);
result = x*(y - 1) - y*0.5 + .9189385332046727417803297;
x = 1/x;
y = x*x;
xnum = c[6];
for(i=0;i<6;i++) {
xnum = xnum * y + c[i];
xnum *= x;
result += xnum;
return result;
Related examples in the same category
1. | Absolute value | | |
2. | Find absolute value of float, int, double and long using Math.abs | | |
3. | Find ceiling value of a number using Math.ceil | | |
4. | Find exponential value of a number using Math.exp | | |
5. | Find floor value of a number using Math.floor | | |
6. | Find minimum of two numbers using Math.min | | |
7. | Find power using Math.pow | | |
8. | Find square root of a number using Math.sqrt | | |
9. | Find natural logarithm value of a number using Math.log | | |
10. | Find maximum of two numbers using Math.max | | |
11. | Get the power value | |  |
12. | Using the Math Trig Methods | |  |
13. | Using BigDecimal for Precision | |  |
14. | Demonstrate our own version round() | |  |
15. | Demonstrate a few of the Math functions for Trigonometry | |  |
16. | Exponential Demo | |  |
17. | Min Demo | | |
18. | Basic Math Demo | |  |
19. | Using strict math in applications | |  |
20. | Conversion between polar and rectangular coordinates | | |
21. | Using the pow() function | | |
22. | Using strict math at the method level | | |
23. | Calculating hyperbolic functions | | |
24. | Calculating trigonometric functions | | |
25. | Weighted floating-point comparisons | | |
26. | Solving right triangles | | |
27. | Applying the quadratic formula | | |
28. | Calculate the floor of the log, base 2 | | |
29. | Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of positive integer numbers | | |
30. | Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two strictly positive integer numbers | | |
31. | Moving Average | | |
32. | Make Exponention | | |
33. | Caclulate the factorial of N | | |
34. | Trigonometric Demo | |  |
35. | Complex Number Demo | | |
36. | sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without under/overflow | | |
37. | Returns an integer hash code representing the given double array value. | | |
38. | Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value. | | |
39. | Returns n!. Shorthand for n Factorial, the product of the numbers 1,...,n as a double. | | |
40. | Returns n!. Shorthand for n Factorial, the product of the numbers 1,...,n. | | |
41. | Returns the hyperbolic sine of x. | | |
42. | Contains static definition for matrix math methods. | | |
43. | For a double precision value x, this method returns +1.0 if x >= 0 and -1.0 if x < 0. Returns NaN if x is NaN. | | |
44. | For a float value x, this method returns +1.0F if x >= 0 and -1.0F if x < 0. Returns NaN if x is NaN. | | |
45. | Normalize an angle in a 2&pi wide interval around a center value. | | |
46. | Normalizes an angle to a relative angle. | | |
47. | Normalizes an angle to an absolute angle | | |
48. | Normalizes an angle to be near an absolute angle | | |
49. | Returns the natural logarithm of n!. | | |
50. | Returns the least common multiple between two integer values. | | |
51. | Gets the greatest common divisor of the absolute value of two numbers | | |
52. | Matrix manipulation | | |
53. | Returns exact (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BinomialCoefficient.html) Binomial Coefficient | | |
54. | Returns a double representation of the (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BinomialCoefficient.html) Binomial Coefficient | | |
55. | Returns the natural log of the (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BinomialCoefficient.html) Binomial Coefficient | | |
56. | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x. | | |
57. | Math Utils | | |
58. | Implements the methods which are in the standard J2SE's Math class, but are not in in J2ME's. | | |
59. | Utility methods for mathematical problems. | | |
60. | A math utility class with static methods. | | |
61. | Computes the binomial coefficient "n over k" | | |
62. | Log Gamma | | |
63. | Log Beta | | |
64. | Beta | | |
65. | Gamma | | |
66. | Computes p(x;n,p) where x~B(n,p) | | |
67. | Returns the sum of two doubles expressed in log space | | |
68. | sigmod | | |
69. | sigmod rev | | |
70. | Numbers that are closer than this are considered equal | | |
71. | Returns the KL divergence, K(p1 || p2). | | |
72. | Returns the sum of two doubles expressed in log space | | |
73. | Returns the difference of two doubles expressed in log space | | |
74. | Is Prime | | |
75. | Statistical functions on arrays of numbers, namely, the mean, variance, standard deviation, covariance, min and max | | |
76. | This class calculates the Factorial of a numbers passed into the program through command line arguments. | |  |
77. | Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers passed into the program through command line arguments. | | |
78. | Variance: the square of the standard deviation. | | |
79. | Population Standard Deviation | | |
80. | Returns from a static prime table the least prime that is greater than or equal to a specified value. | | |