Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value from this object


From source file:org.opencb.cellbase.mongodb.db.variation.VariantAnnotationMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

private void solveNonCodingNegativeTranscript(Boolean isInsertion, GenomicVariant variant,
        HashSet<String> SoNames, BasicDBObject transcriptInfo, Integer transcriptStart, Integer transcriptEnd,
        BasicDBObject miRnaInfo, Integer variantStart, Integer variantEnd,
        ConsequenceType consequenceTypeTemplate) {
    BasicDBList exonInfoList;// w w w.java2  s .  c  o  m
    BasicDBObject exonInfo;
    Integer exonStart;
    Integer exonEnd;
    String transcriptSequence;
    Boolean variantAhead;
    Integer cdnaExonEnd;
    Integer cdnaVariantStart;
    Integer cdnaVariantEnd;
    Boolean splicing;
    int exonCounter;
    Integer prevSpliceSite;
    Boolean[] junctionSolution = { false, false };

    exonInfoList = (BasicDBList) transcriptInfo.get("exons");
    exonInfo = (BasicDBObject) exonInfoList.get(0);
    exonStart = (Integer) exonInfo.get("start");
    exonEnd = (Integer) exonInfo.get("end");
    transcriptSequence = (String) exonInfo.get("sequence");
    variantAhead = true; // we need a first iteration within the while to ensure junction is solved in case needed
    cdnaExonEnd = (exonEnd - exonStart + 1); // cdnaExonEnd poinst to the same base than exonStart
    cdnaVariantStart = null; // cdnaVariantStart points to the same base than variantEnd
    cdnaVariantEnd = null; // cdnaVariantEnd points to the same base than variantStart

    junctionSolution[0] = false;
    junctionSolution[1] = false;
    splicing = false;

    if (variantEnd <= exonEnd) {
        if (variantEnd >= exonStart) { // Variant end within the exon
            cdnaVariantStart = cdnaExonEnd - (variantEnd - exonStart);
            if (variantStart >= exonStart) { // Both variant start and variant end within the exon  ----||||S|||||E||||----
                cdnaVariantEnd = cdnaExonEnd - (variantStart - exonStart);
    } else {
        if (variantStart >= exonStart) {
            //                                if(variantEnd >= exonStart) {  // Only variant end within the exon  ----||||||||||E||||----
            // We do not contemplate that variant end can be located before this exon since this is the first exon
            cdnaVariantEnd = cdnaExonEnd - (variantEnd - exonStart);
            //                                }
        } // Variant includes the whole exon. Variant end is located before the exon, variant start is located after the exon

    exonCounter = 1;
    while (exonCounter < exonInfoList.size() && variantAhead) { // This is not a do-while since we cannot call solveJunction  until
        //        while(exonCounter<exonInfoList.size() && !splicing && variantAhead) {  // This is not a do-while since we cannot call solveJunction  until
        exonInfo = (BasicDBObject) exonInfoList.get(exonCounter); // next exon has been loaded
        prevSpliceSite = exonStart - 1;
        exonStart = (Integer) exonInfo.get("start");
        exonEnd = (Integer) exonInfo.get("end");
        transcriptSequence = ((String) exonInfo.get("sequence")) + transcriptSequence;
        solveJunction(isInsertion, exonEnd + 1, prevSpliceSite, variantStart, variantEnd, SoNames,
                "splice_acceptor_variant", "splice_donor_variant", junctionSolution);
        splicing = (splicing || junctionSolution[0]);

        if (variantEnd <= exonEnd) {
            cdnaExonEnd += (exonEnd - exonStart + 1);
            if (variantEnd >= exonStart) { // Variant end within the exon
                cdnaVariantStart = cdnaExonEnd - (variantEnd - exonStart);
                if (variantStart >= exonStart) { // Both variant start and variant end within the exon  ----||||S|||||E||||----
                    cdnaVariantEnd = cdnaExonEnd - (variantStart - exonStart);
        } else {
            if (variantStart >= exonStart) {
                if (variantStart <= exonEnd) { // Only variant start within the exon  ----||||||||||E||||----
                    cdnaVariantEnd = cdnaExonEnd - (variantStart - exonStart);
                } else { // Variant does not include this exon, variant is located before this exon
                    variantAhead = false;
            } else { // Variant includes the whole exon. Variant start is located before the exon, variant end is located after the exon
                cdnaExonEnd += (exonEnd - exonStart + 1);

    if (miRnaInfo != null) { // miRNA with miRBase data
        BasicDBList matureMiRnaInfo = (BasicDBList) miRnaInfo.get("matures");
        int i = 0;
        while (i < matureMiRnaInfo.size()
                && !regionsOverlap((Integer) ((BasicDBObject) matureMiRnaInfo.get(i)).get("cdnaStart"),
                        (Integer) ((BasicDBObject) matureMiRnaInfo.get(i)).get("cdnaEnd"),
                        cdnaVariantStart == null ? 1 : cdnaVariantStart,
                        cdnaVariantEnd == null ? cdnaExonEnd : cdnaVariantEnd)) {
        if (i < matureMiRnaInfo.size()) { // Variant overlaps at least one mature miRNA
        } else {
            if (!junctionSolution[1]) { // Exon variant
    } else {
        if (!junctionSolution[1]) { // Exon variant

From source file:org.opencb.cellbase.mongodb.db.variation.VariantAnnotationMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

public List<QueryResult> getAnnotationByVariantList(List<GenomicVariant> variantList,
        QueryOptions queryOptions) {/*w ww .j  a  v  a2 s. c o m*/

    // TODO: validation of queryoption 'include' values
    List<String> includeList = queryOptions.getAsStringList("include");
    if (includeList.isEmpty()) {
        includeList = Arrays.asList("variation", "clinical", "consequenceType", "conservation",

    List<QueryResult> annotations = null;
    List<QueryResult> variationQueryResultList = null;
    if (includeList.contains("variation")) {
        variationQueryResultList = variationDBAdaptor.getAllByVariantList(variantList, queryOptions);
        annotations = variationQueryResultList;
    List<QueryResult> clinicalQueryResultList = null;
    if (includeList.contains("clinical")) {
        clinicalQueryResultList = clinicalDBAdaptor.getAllByGenomicVariantList(variantList, queryOptions);
        if (annotations == null) {
            annotations = clinicalQueryResultList;
    //        List<QueryResult> variationConsequenceTypeList = null;
    //        if (includeList.contains("consequenceType")) {
    //            variationConsequenceTypeList = getAllConsequenceTypesByVariantList(variantList, queryOptions);
    //            if (annotations == null) {
    //                annotations = variationConsequenceTypeList;
    //            }
    //        }
    List<QueryResult> conservedRegionQueryResultList = null;
    if (includeList.contains("conservation")) {
        conservedRegionQueryResultList = conservedRegionDBAdaptor
                .getAllScoresByRegionList(variantListToRegionList(variantList), queryOptions);
        if (annotations == null) {
            annotations = conservedRegionQueryResultList;

    for (int i = 0; i < variantList.size(); i++) {
        // TODO: start & end are both being set to variantList.get(i).getPosition(), modify this for indels
        VariantAnnotation variantAnnotation = new VariantAnnotation(variantList.get(i).getChromosome(),
                variantList.get(i).getPosition(), variantList.get(i).getPosition(),
                variantList.get(i).getReference(), variantList.get(i).getAlternative());

        if (clinicalQueryResultList != null) {
            QueryResult clinicalQueryResult = clinicalQueryResultList.get(i);
            if (clinicalQueryResult.getResult() != null && clinicalQueryResult.getResult().size() > 0) {
                variantAnnotation.setClinical((Map<String, Object>) clinicalQueryResult.getResult().get(0));

        //            if (variationConsequenceTypeList != null) {
        if (includeList.contains("consequenceType")) {
                    (List<ConsequenceType>) getAllConsequenceTypesByVariant(variantList.get(i),
                            new QueryOptions()).getResult());

        if (includeList.contains("drugInteraction")) {
            Map<String, List<Object>> geneDrugInteractionMap = new HashMap<>(1);
            geneDrugInteractionMap.put("dgidb", getGeneDrugInteractions(variantList.get(i)));

        if (conservedRegionQueryResultList != null) {
                    .setConservationScores((List<Score>) conservedRegionQueryResultList.get(i).getResult());

        List<BasicDBObject> variationDBList = null;
        if (variationQueryResultList != null) {
            variationDBList = (List<BasicDBObject>) variationQueryResultList.get(i).getResult();

        if (variationDBList != null && variationDBList.size() > 0) {
            String id = variationDBList.get(0).get("id").toString();

            BasicDBList freqsDBList = (BasicDBList) variationDBList.get(0).get("populationFrequencies");
            if (freqsDBList != null) {
                BasicDBObject freqDBObject;
                for (int j = 0; j < freqsDBList.size(); j++) {
                    freqDBObject = ((BasicDBObject) freqsDBList.get(j));
                    if (freqDBObject != null) {
                        if (freqDBObject.containsKey("study")) {
                            variantAnnotation.addPopulationFrequency(new PopulationFrequency(
                                    freqDBObject.get("study").toString(), freqDBObject.get("pop").toString(),
                        } else {
                            variantAnnotation.addPopulationFrequency(new PopulationFrequency("1000G_PHASE_3",
                                    freqDBObject.get("pop").toString(), freqDBObject.get("superPop").toString(),
        List<VariantAnnotation> value = Collections.singletonList(variantAnnotation);

    return annotations;
    //        return clinicalQueryResultList;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.hadoop.variant.VariantHbaseDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

public QueryResult getSimpleVariantsByRegion(Region region, String sourceId, QueryOptions options) {
    Long start, end, dbstart, dbend;
    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    boolean includeStats;
    boolean includeEffects;
    if (!options.containsKey("stats") && !options.containsKey("effects")) {
        includeStats = true;/*from   ww  w .j av  a  2  s.  c om*/
        includeEffects = true;
    } else {
        includeStats = options.containsKey("stats") && options.getBoolean("stats");
        includeEffects = options.containsKey("effects") && options.getBoolean("effects");

    QueryResult<Variant> queryResult = new QueryResult<>(
            String.format("%s:%d-%d", region.getChromosome(), region.getStart(), region.getEnd()));
    List<Variant> results = new ArrayList<>();
    String startRow = buildRowkey(region.getChromosome(), Long.toString(region.getStart()));
    String stopRow = buildRowkey(region.getChromosome(), Long.toString(region.getEnd()));
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("position",
            new BasicDBObject("$gte", startRow).append("$lte", stopRow)).append("sources.sourceId", sourceId);
    DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("variants");
    dbstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
    DBCursor variantInStudies = collection.find(query);
    dbend = System.currentTimeMillis();
    queryResult.setDbTime(dbend - dbstart);

    for (DBObject result : variantInStudies) {
        String[] rowkeyParts = result.get("position").toString().split("_");
        String chromosome = rowkeyParts[0].replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "");
        int position = Integer.parseInt(rowkeyParts[1]);
        BasicDBList studies = (BasicDBList) result.get("sources");
        BasicDBObject st = (BasicDBObject) studies.get(0);
        String ref = (String) st.get("ref");
        String alt = StringUtils.join((ArrayList<String>) st.get("alt"), ",");

        // TODO Needs rework
        Variant variant = new Variant(chromosome, position, position, ref, alt);

        // Set stats informations
        if (includeStats) {
            VariantStats stats = new VariantStats();
            BasicDBObject mongoStats = (BasicDBObject) st.get("stats");
            stats.setMaf((float) (double) mongoStats.get("maf"));
            stats.setMafAllele((String) mongoStats.get("alleleMaf"));
            stats.setMissingGenotypes((int) mongoStats.get("missing"));
            List<Genotype> genotypeCount = new ArrayList<>();
            for (BasicDBObject s : (List<BasicDBObject>) mongoStats.get("genotypeCount")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : s.entrySet()) {
                    Genotype genotype = new Genotype(entry.getKey());
                    genotype.setCount((Integer) entry.getValue());

        // TODO Set consequence type names
        if (includeEffects) {
            BasicDBList mongoEffects = (BasicDBList) st.get("effects");
            if (mongoEffects != null) {
                for (Object e : mongoEffects) {
                    String effectObo = e.toString();
                    VariantEffect effect = new VariantEffect();


    end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    queryResult.setTime(end - start);
    return queryResult;

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.DBObjectToSamplesConverter.java

License:Apache License

private VariantSourceEntry getLegacyNoncompressedSamples(BasicDBObject object) {
    VariantSourceEntry variantSourceEntry = new VariantSourceEntry(object.get(FILEID_FIELD).toString(),

    BasicDBObject mongoGenotypes = (BasicDBObject) object.get(GENOTYPES_FIELD);
    for (Object entry : mongoGenotypes.toMap().entrySet()) {
        Map.Entry sample = (Map.Entry) entry;
        variantSourceEntry.addSampleData(sample.getKey().toString(), ((DBObject) sample.getValue()).toMap());
    }//from  ww w.j  av a 2  s .  co m
    //            for (String sample : samples) {
    //                Map<String, String> sampleData = ((DBObject) mongoGenotypes.get(sample)).toMap();
    //                fileWithSamples.addSampleData(sample, sampleData);
    //                System.out.println("Sample processed: " + sample);
    //            }
    return variantSourceEntry;

From source file:org.opendaylight.controller.samples.onftappingapp.PortChain.java

License:Apache License

public PortChain(DBObject portChainObj) {
    this.setObjectId(((ObjectId) portChainObj.get("_id")).toString());
    this.setName((String) portChainObj.get("name"));
    this.setType((String) portChainObj.get("type"));
    this.setReferenceCount((long) portChainObj.get("refCount"));

    BasicDBObject outPortObj = (BasicDBObject) portChainObj.get("outPort");
    BasicDBObject returnPortObj = (BasicDBObject) portChainObj.get("returnPort");

    BasicDBObject outRewriteObj = (BasicDBObject) portChainObj.get("outRewriteParams");
    BasicDBObject returnRewriteObj = (BasicDBObject) portChainObj.get("returnRewriteParams");

    RewriteParams outRewrite = null;//  w w w.  j av  a 2  s  . c o  m
    RewriteParams returnRewrite = null;

    try {
        outRewrite = new RewriteParams(outRewriteObj);
        returnRewrite = new RewriteParams(returnRewriteObj);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        logger.error("Unable to resolve IP address", e);


    SwitchAndPort outPort = new SwitchAndPort();
    // outPort.setObjectId((String) outPortObj.get("_id"));
    outPort.setName((String) outPortObj.get("name"));
    outPort.setSwitchId((String) outPortObj.get("switchId"));
    outPort.setSwitchPort((int) outPortObj.get("switchPort"));

    SwitchAndPort returnPort = new SwitchAndPort();
    // returnPort.setObjectId((String) returnPortObj.get("_id"));
    returnPort.setName((String) returnPortObj.get("name"));
    returnPort.setSwitchId((String) returnPortObj.get("switchId"));
    returnPort.setSwitchPort((int) returnPortObj.get("switchPort"));

From source file:org.opendaylight.controller.samples.onftappingapp.RewriteParams.java

License:Apache License

public RewriteParams(BasicDBObject objDoc) throws UnknownHostException {
    this.setIPAddress((String) objDoc.get("IPAddress"));
    this.setMacAddr((String) objDoc.getString("MACAddress"));
    this.setVlanId((int) objDoc.getInt("VLAN_ID"));

From source file:org.opengrid.data.impl.PlenarioDataProvider.java

private String getGeoFilter(String options) throws ParseException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    String geoType = "Polygon";
    // String geoCoordinates =
    // properties.getStringProperty("plenario.geo.default");

    String geoCoordinates = properties.getStringProperty("plenario.geo.default");

    if (options != null && options.length() > 0) {
        BasicDBObject o = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(options);

        if (o.containsField("geoFilter")) {
            BasicDBObject qo = (BasicDBObject) o.get("geoFilter");

            geoType = (String) qo.get("type");

            BasicDBList coordinatesList = (BasicDBList) qo.get("coordinates");

            geoCoordinates = coordinatesList.toString().replace(" ", "%20");

        }//from  ww w.  ja  v a 2 s. co m

    return "&location_geom__within={\"type\":\"Feature\",\"properties\":{},\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"" + geoType
            + "\",\"coordinates\":" + geoCoordinates + "}}";

From source file:org.ossmeter.platform.mining.msr14.Extractor.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    Mongo msrMongo = new Mongo(new ServerAddress("localhost", 1234)); // GitHub challenge data
    Mongo bioMongo = new Mongo(new ServerAddress("localhost", 12345));// Extracted data

    // Create indexes
    Biodiversity bio = new Biodiversity(bioMongo.getDB("biodiversity"));
    bio.setClearPongoCacheOnSync(true);// w  w  w.ja  v  a  2  s  .  c o m
    bioMongo.getDB("biodiversity").getCollection("users").ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("login", 1));

    BasicDBObject index = new BasicDBObject();
    index.put("name", 1);
    index.put("ownerName", 1);

    index = new BasicDBObject();
    index.put("projectName", 1);
    index.put("projectOwner", 1);

    index = new BasicDBObject();
    index.put("projectName", 1);
    index.put("userName", 1);

            .ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("userName", 1));

    DB msrDb = msrMongo.getDB("msr14");

    //      #1 User extraction
    System.out.println("Extracting users...");
    DBCursor cursor = msrDb.getCollection("users").find();
    Iterator<DBObject> it = cursor.iterator();

    int count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         User user = new User();
    //         user.setGhId(obj.getString("id"));
    //         user.setLogin(obj.getString("login"));
    //         user.setLocation(obj.getString("location"));
    //         user.setPublicRepos(obj.getInt("public_repos", 0));
    //         user.setJoinedDate(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setFollowerCount(obj.getInt("followers", 0));
    //         user.setFollowingCount(obj.getInt("following", 0));
    //         user.setPublicGists(obj.getInt("public_gists", 0));
    //         bio.getUsers().add(user);
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    ////      #1.2 Project extraction
    //      System.out.println("Extracting projects...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("repos").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         Project project = new Project();
    //         project.setName(obj.getString("name"));
    //         project.setGhId(obj.getString("id"));
    //         project.setCreatedAt(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         project.setSize(obj.getInt("size", 0));
    //         project.setWatchersCount(obj.getInt("watchers",0));
    //         project.setWatchersCount2(obj.getInt("watchers_count",0));
    //         project.setLanguage(obj.getString("language"));
    //         project.setForks(obj.getInt("forks", 0));
    //         project.setForksCount(obj.getInt("forks_count", 0));
    //         project.setOpenIssues(obj.getInt("open_issues",0));
    //         project.setOpenIssuesCount(obj.getInt("open_issues_count",0));
    //         project.setOpenIssues(obj.getInt("open_issues",0));
    //         project.setNetworkCount(obj.getInt("network_count", 0));
    //         BasicDBObject ownerObj = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("owner");
    //         User owner = null;
    //         if (ownerObj != null) {
    //            owner = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(ownerObj.getString("login")));
    //            if (owner !=null) {
    //               project.setOwner(owner);
    //               project.setOwnerName(owner.getLogin());
    //            }
    //         }
    //         bio.getProjects().add(project);
    //         if (owner != null) { // This comes here as to reference the project, we need to have added to the project list first
    //            ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, owner, project);
    //            pm.setOwner(true);
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #2 Follower/following extraction
    //      System.out.println("Extracting followers...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("followers").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String followerLogin = obj.getString("login");
    //         String followedLogin = obj.getString("follows");
    //         User follower = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(followerLogin));
    //         User followed = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(followedLogin));
    //         if (follower != null && followed != null) {
    //            follower.getFollowing().add(followed);
    //            followed.getFollowers().add(follower);
    //         } else{
    ////            System.err.println("Follower or followed is null. Follower: " +follower + ". followed: " + followed);
    //         }
    //         if (follower != null) follower.setFollowingCount(follower.getFollowingCount()+1);
    //         if (followed != null) followed.setFollowerCount(followed.getFollowerCount()+1);
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    System.out.println("Clearing ProjectMembership commit data");

    for (ProjectMembership pm : bio.getProjectMemberships()) {

    //      #3 Commits
    System.out.println("Extracting commits...");
    cursor = msrDb.getCollection("commits").find();
    it = cursor.iterator();

    count = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();

        // Author and committer
        BasicDBObject commitAuthor = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("author");
        BasicDBObject commitCommitter = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("committer");

        String authorLogin = "";
        if (commitAuthor != null)
            authorLogin = commitAuthor.getString("login");
        String committerLogin = "";
        if (commitCommitter != null)
            committerLogin = commitCommitter.getString("login");

        // Stats
        BasicDBObject stats = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("stats");
        if (stats == null)
            stats = new BasicDBObject(); // Create a new one so we can get zeroed values
        int total = stats.getInt("total", 0);
        int additions = stats.getInt("additions", 0);
        int deletions = stats.getInt("deletions", 0);

        String commitDate = ((BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBObject) obj.get("commit")).get("author"))

        BasicDBList files = (BasicDBList) obj.get("files");
        String[] url = convertUrlIntoProjectNameAndOwner(obj.getString("url"));

        ProjectMembership authorPm = null;
        ProjectMembership committerPm = null;

        if (authorLogin != null) {
            authorPm = getProjectMembership(bio, authorLogin, url[1], url[0]);
            authorPm.setCommitCount(authorPm.getCommitCount() + 1);
            authorPm.setCommitTotalChanges(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + total);
            authorPm.setCommitAdditions(authorPm.getCommitAdditions() + additions);
            authorPm.setCommitDeletions(authorPm.getCommitDeletions() + deletions);
            authorPm.setCommitsAsAuthor(authorPm.getCommitsAsAuthor() + 1);
            if (files != null)
                authorPm.setCommitTotalFiles(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + files.size());
            authorPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(authorPm.getCommitTotalFiles() / authorPm.getCommitCount());

        if (authorLogin != null && !authorLogin.equals(committerLogin)) {
            committerPm = getProjectMembership(bio, committerLogin, url[1], url[0]);

            committerPm.setCommitCount(committerPm.getCommitCount() + 1);
            //            committerPm.setCommitTotalChanges(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
            //            committerPm.setCommitAdditions(committerPm.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
            //            committerPm.setCommitDeletions(committerPm.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
            committerPm.setCommitsAsCommitter(committerPm.getCommitsAsCommitter() + 1);
            committerPm.setCommitTotalFiles(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + files.size());
            committerPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(committerPm.getCommitTotalFiles() / authorPm.getCommitCount());
            if (files != null)
                committerPm.setCommitTotalFiles(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + files.size());
                    .setAverageFilesPerCommit(committerPm.getCommitTotalFiles() / committerPm.getCommitCount());

        if (count % 1000 == 0) {
            System.out.print(count + ", ");


    //         if (author != null) {
    ////            if (author.getCommits() ==null) author.setCommits(new Commits());
    //            author.setCommitCount(author.getCommitCount()+1);
    //            author.setCommitTotalChanges(author.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //            author.setCommitAdditions(author.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //            author.setCommitDeletions(author.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //            author.setCommitsAsAuthor(author.getCommitsAsAuthor()+1);
    //            author.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //         }
    //         if (committer != null) {
    ////            if (committer.getCommits() ==null) committer.setCommits(new Commits());
    //            committer.setCommitCount(committer.getCommitCount()+1);
    //            committer.setCommitTotalChanges(committer.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //            committer.setCommitAdditions(committer.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //            committer.setCommitDeletions(committer.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //            committer.setCommitsAsCommitter(committer.getCommitsAsCommitter()+1);
    //            committer.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //         }
    //         ProjectMembership authorPm = null;
    //         ProjectMembership committerPm = null;
    ////          Only a very small number of commit comments actually reference the repo
    ////          Instead we're going to have to strip the string 
    //         String[] url = convertUrlIntoProjectNameAndOwner(obj.getString("url"));
    //         Project project = null;
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(url[1]), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(url[0])).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setCommitCount(project.getCommitCount()+1);
    //               project.setCommitTotalChanges(project.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //               project.setCommitAdditions(project.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //               project.setCommitDeletions(project.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //               project.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //               if (author != null) {
    //                  authorPm = getProjectMembership(bio, author, project);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitCount(authorPm.getCommitCount()+1);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitTotalChanges(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitAdditions(authorPm.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitDeletions(authorPm.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitsAsAuthor(authorPm.getCommitsAsAuthor()+1);
    //                  // Avoid duplicating information
    //                  if (committer != null && author.getLogin().equals(committer.getLogin())) {
    //                     authorPm.setCommitsAsCommitter(authorPm.getCommitsAsCommitter()+1);
    //                  }
    //                  authorPm.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //               }
    //               if (committer != null && author != null && !author.getLogin().equals(committer.getLogin())) {
    //                  committerPm = getProjectMembership(bio, committer, project);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitCount(committerPm.getCommitCount()+1);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitTotalChanges(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitAdditions(committerPm.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitDeletions(committerPm.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitsAsCommitter(committerPm.getCommitsAsCommitter()+1);
    //                  committerPm.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //               }
    //            } 
    //         }
    //         else {
    //            System.err.println("Didn't find project:" + url[0] + ":"+url[1] + ", prestrip: " + obj.getString("url"));
    //         }
    //         bio.getProjectMemberships().sync();
    //         bio.sync();
    //         // Files
    //         BasicDBList files = (BasicDBList) obj.get("files");
    //         if (files != null) {
    //            for (Object f : files) {
    //               BasicDBObject file = (BasicDBObject)f;
    //               String filename = file.getString("filename");
    //               if (filename.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { // If it has an extension, we want that. If not, use the entire filename
    //                  filename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
    //                  filename = filename.toLowerCase(); // Ensure consistency
    //               }
    //         // FIXME: Should strip any /'s if there is no '.' - i.e. just the last one
    //               if (author != null) addArtefact(author, filename);
    //               if (committer != null) addArtefact(committer, filename);
    ////               if (project != null) addArtefact(project, filename);
    //            }
    //         }
    //         if (author != null && files !=null) {
    //            author.setCommitTotalFiles(author.getCommitTotalFiles()+files.size());
    //            author.setAverageFilesPerCommit(author.getCommitTotalFiles()/author.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (committer != null && files !=null && (author==null || !committer.getLogin().equals(author.getLogin()))) {
    //            committer.setCommitTotalFiles(committer.getCommitTotalFiles()+files.size());
    //            committer.setAverageFilesPerCommit(committer.getCommitTotalFiles()/committer.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (authorPm !=null && files != null) {
    //            authorPm.setCommitTotalFiles(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+files.size());
    //            authorPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(authorPm.getCommitTotalFiles()/authorPm.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (committerPm != null && files != null) {
    //            committerPm.setCommitTotalFiles(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+files.size());
    //            committerPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(committerPm.getCommitTotalFiles()/committerPm.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (project!=null && files != null) {
    //            project.setCommitTotalFiles(project.getCommitTotalChanges()+files.size());
    //            project.setAverageFilesPerCommit(project.getCommitTotalFiles()/project.getCommitCount());
    //         }

    //         bio.getProjectMemberships().sync();
    //         bio.sync();
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      cursor.close();
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #4 Commit comments
    //      System.out.println("Extracting commit comments...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("commit_comments").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    //            System.err.println("Found commit comment with unrecognised user: " + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         user.setNumberOfCommitComments(user.getNumberOfCommitComments()+1);
    ////         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("commitCommentTimes")) {
    ////            user.getDbObject().put("commitCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    ////         }
    ////         user.getCommitCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         // Only a very small number of commit comments actually reference the repo
    //         // Instead we're going to have to strip the string 
    //         String[] url = convertUrlIntoProjectNameAndOwner(obj.getString("url"));
    ////         System.out.println("Querying project " + url[1] + " and owner " + url[0]);
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(url[1]), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(url[0])).iterator();
    ////         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfCommitComments(project.getNumberOfCommitComments()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("commitCommentTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("commitCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getCommitCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfCommitComments(pm.getNumberOfCommitComments()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("commitCommentTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("commitCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getCommitCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    ////         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      cursor.close();
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    //      #5 Pull requests
    System.out.println("Extracting pull requests...");
    cursor = msrDb.getCollection("pull_requests").find();
    it = cursor.iterator();

    System.out.println("Clearing previous data");
    for (User u : bio.getUsers()) {
        if (!u.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            u.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());
    for (Project u : bio.getProjects()) {
        if (!u.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            u.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());

    for (ProjectMembership u : bio.getProjectMemberships()) {
        if (!u.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            u.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());


    count = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {

        BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();

        String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
        User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
        if (user == null) {
            //            System.err.println("Found pull request with unrecognised user:" + username);

        if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            user.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());

        user.setNumberOfPullRequests(user.getNumberOfPullRequests() + 1);

        // Project
        System.out.println(obj.getString("repo") + " " + obj.getString("owner") + obj.getString("_id"));

        ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user.getLogin(), obj.getString("repo"),
        pm.setNumberOfPullRequests(pm.getNumberOfPullRequests() + 1);

        if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            pm.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());

        //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
        //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) { // FIXME Causes it to run out of heap!
        //            Project project = repoIt.next();
        //            if (project != null) {
        //               project.setNumberOfPullRequests(project.getNumberOfPullRequests()+1);
        //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
        //                  project.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());
        //               }
        //               project.getPullRequestTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
        //            }
        //         } else {
        //            System.err.println("Didn't find project:" + obj.getString("repo") + ":"+obj.getString("owner"));
        //         }

        if (count % 1000 == 0) {
            System.out.print(count + ", ");

    ////      #6 Pull request comments
    //      System.out.println("Extracting pull request comments...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("pull_request_comments").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found pull request comment with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestCommentTimes")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("pullRequestCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         user.getPullRequestCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setNumberOfPullRequestComments(user.getNumberOfPullRequestComments()+1);
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    ////         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfPullRequestComments(project.getNumberOfPullRequestComments()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestCommentTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("pullRequestCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getPullRequestCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfPullRequestComments(pm.getNumberOfPullRequestComments()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestCommentTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("pullRequestCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getPullRequestCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    ////         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #7 Issues
    //      System.out.println("Extracting issues...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("issues").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found issue with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("issueTimes")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("issueTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         user.getIssueTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setNumberOfIssues(user.getNumberOfIssues()+1);
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfIssues(project.getNumberOfIssues()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("issueTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("issueTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getIssueTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfIssues(pm.getNumberOfIssues()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("issueTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("issueTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getIssueTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #8 Issue comments
    //      System.out.println("Extracting issue comments...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("issue_comments").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found issue comment with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("issueCommentTimes")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("issueCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         user.getIssueCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setNumberOfIssueComments(user.getNumberOfIssueComments()+1);
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfIssueComments(project.getNumberOfIssueComments()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("issueCommentTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("issueCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getIssueCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfIssueComments(pm.getNumberOfIssueComments()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("issueCommentTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("issueCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getIssueCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #9 Issue events
    //      System.out.println("Extracting issue events...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("issue_events").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "actor", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found issue event with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         String eventKind = obj.getString("event");
    //         IssueEventKind kind = null; //FIXME
    //         switch (eventKind) {
    //            case "closed": kind = IssueEventKind.CLOSED; break;
    //            case "assigned": kind = IssueEventKind.ASSIGNED; break;
    //            case "mentioned": kind = IssueEventKind.MENTIONED; break;
    //            case "merged": kind = IssueEventKind.MERGED; break;
    //            case "referenced": kind = IssueEventKind.REFERENCED; break;
    //            case "reopened": kind = IssueEventKind.REOPENED; break;
    //            case "subscribed": kind = IssueEventKind.SUBSCRIBED; break;
    //            case "head_ref_deleted" : kind = IssueEventKind.HEAD_REF_DELETED; break;
    //            case "head_ref_restored" : kind = IssueEventKind.HEAD_REF_RESTORED; break;
    //            case "head_ref_cleaned" : kind = IssueEventKind.HEAD_REF_CLEANED; break;
    //            case "unsubscribed" : kind = IssueEventKind.UNSUBSCRIBED; break;
    //            default:
    //               System.err.println("Unrecognised issue event kind: " + eventKind);
    //         }
    //         if (kind == null) continue;
    //         boolean eventKindFound = false;
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("issueEvents")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("issueEvents", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         for (IssueEvent ie : user.getIssueEvents()) {
    //            if (ie.getEventKind().equals(kind)) {
    //               ie.setCount(ie.getCount()+1);
    //               eventKindFound = true;
    //               break;
    //            }
    //         }
    //         if (!eventKindFound) {
    //            IssueEvent ie = new IssueEvent();
    //            ie.setEventKind(kind);
    //            ie.setCount(1);
    //            user.getIssueEvents().add(ie);
    //         }
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("issueEvents")) {
    //               project.getDbObject().put("issueEvents", new BasicDBList());
    //            }
    //            eventKindFound = false;
    //            for (IssueEvent ie : project.getIssueEvents()) {
    //               if (ie.getEventKind().equals(kind)) {
    //                  ie.setCount(ie.getCount()+1);
    //                  eventKindFound = true;
    //                  break;
    //               }
    //            }
    //            if (!eventKindFound) {
    //               IssueEvent ie = new IssueEvent();
    //               ie.setEventKind(kind);
    //               ie.setCount(1);
    //               project.getIssueEvents().add(ie);
    //            }
    //            ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //            if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("issueEvents")) {
    //               pm.getDbObject().put("issueEvents", new BasicDBList());
    //            }
    //            eventKindFound = false;
    //            for (IssueEvent ie : pm.getIssueEvents()) {
    //               if (ie.getEventKind().equals(kind)) {
    //                  ie.setCount(ie.getCount()+1);
    //                  eventKindFound = true;
    //                  break;
    //               }
    //            }
    //            if (!eventKindFound) {
    //               IssueEvent ie = new IssueEvent();
    //               ie.setEventKind(kind);
    //               ie.setCount(1);
    //               pm.getIssueEvents().add(ie);
    //            }
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);
    ////      Watchers
    //      System.out.println("Extracting watchers...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("watchers").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(obj.getString("login")));
    //         if (user == null) continue;
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null && !project.getWatchers().contains(user)) project.getWatchers().add(user);
    //            if (!user.getWatches().contains(project)) user.getWatches().add(project);
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();

    ////      Org members FIXME: INCOMPLETE: Cannot match the org name against ANYTHING....
    //      System.out.println("Extracting org members...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("org_members").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String login = obj.getString("login");
    //         String orgName = obj.getString("org");
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(login));
    //         User org = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(orgName));
    //         if (org!=null){
    //            System.err.println("Found org! " + orgName);
    //         }
    ////         Project project = bio.getProjects().findOne(Project.OWNERNAME.eq("orgName"));
    ////         if (project==null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Didn't find project: " + orgName);
    ////            continue;
    ////         }
    ////         ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    ////         pm.setOrgMember(true);
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();

    //      Repo collaborators
    //      System.out.println("Extracting repo collaborators...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("repo_collaborators").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String login = obj.getString("login");
    //         String projectName = obj.getString("repo");
    //         String ownerName = obj.getString("owner");
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(login));
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.OWNERNAME.eq(ownerName), Project.NAME.eq(projectName)).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //            pm.setCollaborator(true);
    //         } else {
    //            System.err.println("Couldn't find repo. owner: " + ownerName + ", repo: " + projectName);
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Finished at " + new Date());

    long duration = end - start;
    System.out.println("Duration: " + duration);


From source file:org.ossmeter.platform.mining.msr14.Extractor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Some 'user' field in commit_comments are Strings. Some are objects. Seriously.
 * @param bio//  w  ww .  ja v a2s.com
 * @param obj
 * @return
protected static String getUserLoginName(Biodiversity bio, String userField, String loginField,
        BasicDBObject obj) {
    String username = null;
    if (obj.get(userField) == null)
        return null;
    if (obj.get(userField) instanceof String) {
        username = obj.getString(userField);
    } else {
        username = ((BasicDBObject) obj.get(userField)).getString(loginField);
    return username;

From source file:org.ossmeter.platform.visualisation.Chart.java

License:Open Source License

protected ArrayNode createDatatable(JsonNode datatableSpec, DBCollection collection, DBObject query) {
    String rowName = null;/*from   w  w w .j a  v a  2  s . c  o m*/
    if (datatableSpec.has("rows")) {
        // TODO: May need more checking here if rows can be more complex
        rowName = datatableSpec.path("rows").textValue();
        rowName = rowName.replace("$", "");
    ArrayNode colNames = (ArrayNode) datatableSpec.path("cols");

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ArrayNode results = mapper.createArrayNode();

    // Ensure data is sorted correctly
    DBObject orderBy = new BasicDBObject("__datetime", 1);

    if (rowName != null) {
        Iterator<DBObject> it = collection.find(query).sort(orderBy).iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            DBObject dbobj = it.next();
            BasicDBList rows = (BasicDBList) dbobj.get(rowName);

            Iterator<Object> rowsIt = rows.iterator();
            while (rowsIt.hasNext()) {
                BasicDBObject row = (BasicDBObject) rowsIt.next();
                ObjectNode r = mapper.createObjectNode();

                boolean validRow = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < colNames.size(); i++) {
                    JsonNode col = colNames.get(i);
                    String name = col.get("name").asText();
                    String field = col.get("field").asText();

                    field = field.replace("$", "");
                    Object value = null;
                    if (field.equals("__date")) {
                        value = dbobj.get(field);
                    } else {
                        // U.G.L.Y. FIXME
                        if (field.contains("[")) {
                            String[] _ = field.split("\\[");
                            String[] __ = _[1].split("\\]");
                            int _index = Integer.valueOf(__[0]);
                            String _field = __[1].replace(".", "");
                            BasicDBList _row = (BasicDBList) row.get(_[0]);

                            BasicDBObject _entry = (BasicDBObject) _row.get(_index);
                            value = _entry.get(_field);
                        } else {
                            value = row.get(field);

                    // Fix invalid data: 
                    //    - If value is null, then we ignore row.
                    //   - If value is NaN or Infinity, then we set to 0.
                    if (value == null) {
                        validRow = false;
                    if (value.toString().equals("NaN")) {
                        value = 0;
                    } else if (value.toString().equals("Infinity")) {
                        value = -1;

                    r.put(name, mapper.valueToTree(value));
                if (validRow)
    } else {
        Iterator<DBObject> it = collection.find(query).sort(orderBy).iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            DBObject dbobj = it.next();
            ObjectNode r = mapper.createObjectNode();

            boolean validRow = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < colNames.size(); i++) {
                JsonNode col = colNames.get(i);
                String name = col.get("name").asText();
                String field = col.get("field").asText();

                field = field.replace("$", "");
                Object value = null;
                if (field.equals("__date")) {
                    value = dbobj.get(field);
                } else {
                    // U.G.L.Y. FIXME
                    if (field.contains("[")) {
                        String[] _ = field.split("\\[");
                        String[] __ = _[1].split("\\]");
                        int _index = Integer.valueOf(__[0]);
                        String _field = __[1].replace(".", "");
                        BasicDBList _row = (BasicDBList) dbobj.get(_[0]);

                        BasicDBObject _entry = (BasicDBObject) _row.get(_index);
                        value = _entry.get(_field);
                    } else {
                        value = dbobj.get(field);

                        //                     if (value.toString().equals("NaN")) {
                        //                        System.out.println(value);
                        //                     }
                //               Object value = null;
                //               value = dbobj.get(field);
                //               mapper.valueToTree(value);

                // Fix invalid data: 
                //    - If value is null, then we ignore row.
                //   - If value is NaN, then we set to 0.
                if (value == null) {
                    validRow = false;
                if (value.toString().equals("NaN")) {
                    value = 0;
                } else if (value.toString().equals("Infinity")) {
                    value = -1;

                r.put(name, mapper.valueToTree(value));
            if (validRow)
    return results;