Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value from this object


From source file:act.installer.bing.BingSearchRanker.java

License:Open Source License

 * This function is used to write out the conditional reachability results with data on target chemical, root chemical,
 * depth of steps from root to target chemical, the bing search results, all the other names associated with the target
 * and inchi of the target in a tsv file. This function is not scalable since it has to have an in-memory representation
 * of the target and root molecule's bing results to input the data into the TSV file.
 * @param descendantInchiToRootInchi mapping of chemical to its root chemical in the conditional reachability tree
 * @param depthOfPathFromRootToMolecule Since a chemical can be associated with only one root, there is a unique mapping between
 *                        the chemical and it's depth from the root. This structure holds that information.
 * @param outputPath The output path of the tsv file.
 * @throws IOException//w  w  w .  j av a 2 s  . com
public void writeBingSearchRanksAsTSVUsingConditionalReachabilityFormat(Set<String> inchisToProcess,
        Map<String, String> descendantInchiToRootInchi, Map<String, Integer> depthOfPathFromRootToMolecule,
        String outputPath) throws IOException {

    // Define headers
    List<String> bingRankerHeaderFields = new ArrayList<>();

    LOGGER.info("The total number of inchis are: %d", inchisToProcess.size());

    LOGGER.info("Creating mappings between inchi and it's DB object");
    DBCursor cursor = mongoDB.fetchNamesAndUsageForInchis(inchisToProcess);

    // TODO: We have to do an in-memory calculation of all the inchis since we need to pair up the descendant and root
    // db objects. This can take up a lot of memory.
    Map<String, BasicDBObject> inchiToDBObject = new HashMap<>();

    int cursorCounter = 0;
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject o = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();
        String inchi = o.get("InChI").toString();

        if (inchi == null) {
            LOGGER.error("Inchi could not be parsed.");

        inchiToDBObject.put(inchi, o);

    LOGGER.info("The total number of inchis found in the db is: %d", cursorCounter);

    LOGGER.info("Going to write to TSV file.");
    try (TSVWriter<String, String> tsvWriter = new TSVWriter<>(bingRankerHeaderFields)) {
        tsvWriter.open(new File(outputPath));

        int counter = 0;

        for (String descendantInchi : descendantInchiToRootInchi.keySet()) {
            // Add all the descendant field results
            BasicDBObject descendentDBObject = inchiToDBObject.get(descendantInchi);
            if (descendentDBObject == null) {
                LOGGER.info("Could not find info on inchi %s", descendantInchi);

            // Add all descendant molecule fields
            Map<String, String> row = new HashMap<>();
            updateRowWithChemicalInformation(descendentDBObject, row);

            // Add all the root molecule fields
            String rootInchi = descendantInchiToRootInchi.get(descendantInchi);
            row.put(ConditionalReachabilityHeaderFields.ROOT_INCHI.name(), rootInchi);
            BasicDBObject rootDBObject = inchiToDBObject.get(rootInchi);
            if (rootDBObject != null) {
                BasicDBObject rootXref = (BasicDBObject) rootDBObject.get("xref");
                BasicDBObject rootBing = (BasicDBObject) rootXref.get("BING");
                BasicDBObject rootMetadata = (BasicDBObject) rootBing.get("metadata");

                String bestNameForRootMolecule = rootMetadata.get("best_name").toString();
                        bestNameForRootMolecule.equals("") ? rootInchi : bestNameForRootMolecule);

            } else {
                row.put(ConditionalReachabilityHeaderFields.ROOT_MOLECULE_BEST_NAME.name(), rootInchi);


        LOGGER.info("Wrote %d rows to %s", counter, outputPath);

From source file:act.installer.bing.BingSearchResults.java

License:Open Source License

/** This key function caches in a MongoDB collection and returns a set of SearchResults.
 * If present, the results are returned from the cache. If not, the results are queried and returned after updating
 * the cache./*from w  w  w. j  av a2s . c o  m*/
 * @param name (String) the name to return results for. Will be normalized to lower case.
 * @return a set of SearchResults
 * @throws IOException
public Set<SearchResult> getAndCacheTopSearchResults(String name) throws IOException {

    String formattedName = name.toLowerCase();
    BasicDBObject nameSearchResultDBObject = bingCacheMongoDB
    Set<SearchResult> searchResults = new HashSet<>();

    // There are 3 cases:
    // 1) There is a corresponding entry in the cache AND the topSearchResults are populated.
    //    In this case, we read from the cache and return the results.
    // 2) There is a corresponding entry in the cache BUT the topSearchResults are not populated.
    //    This case occurs when only totalCountSearchResults is populated.
    //    In this case, perform the relevant query, update the cache and return the results
    // 3) There is no corresponding entry in the cache.
    //    In this case, perform the relevant query, create a new entry in the cache and return the results.

    if (nameSearchResultDBObject == null) {
        // Case 3)
        LOGGER.debug("No corresponding entry in the cache. Fetching results and populating cache.");
        // Query the results
        searchResults = fetchTopSearchResults(formattedName, TOP_N);
        // Create new object and update it
        NameSearchResults nameSearchResults = new NameSearchResults(formattedName);
        // Save new document in the cache
        return searchResults;

    // There is an existing entry in the DB
    BasicDBList topSearchResultsList = (BasicDBList) nameSearchResultDBObject.get("topSearchResults");
    if (topSearchResultsList == null) {
        // Case 2)
                "Existing entry in the cache, with empty topSearchResults. Fetching results and updating cache.");
        // Query the results
        searchResults = fetchTopSearchResults(formattedName, TOP_N);
        // Create new object and update its instance variable
        NameSearchResults nameSearchResults = new NameSearchResults(formattedName);
        // Update the cache
        bingCacheMongoDB.updateTopSearchResults(formattedName, nameSearchResults);
        return searchResults;

    // Case 1)
    LOGGER.debug("Existing entry in the cache, with populated topSearchResults. Returning from the cache.");
    for (Object topSearchResult : topSearchResultsList) {
        SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult();
        BasicDBObject topSearchResultDBObject = (BasicDBObject) topSearchResult;
    return searchResults;

From source file:act.installer.bing.BingSearchResults.java

License:Open Source License

public Set<SearchResult> getTopSearchResultsFromCache(String name) {
    Set<SearchResult> searchResults = new HashSet<>();
    String formattedName = name.toLowerCase();
    BasicDBObject nameSearchResultDBObject = bingCacheMongoDB
    if (nameSearchResultDBObject == null) {
        return searchResults;
    }//  w ww. j a  va  2  s . c  o  m
    BasicDBList topSearchResultsList = (BasicDBList) nameSearchResultDBObject.get("topSearchResults");
    if (topSearchResultsList == null) {
        return searchResults;
    for (Object topSearchResult : topSearchResultsList) {
        SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult();
        BasicDBObject topSearchResultDBObject = (BasicDBObject) topSearchResult;
    return searchResults;

From source file:act.installer.bing.BingSearchResults.java

License:Open Source License

public Long getTotalCountSearchResultsFromCache(String name) {
    String formattedName = name.toLowerCase();
    BasicDBObject nameSearchResultDBObject = bingCacheMongoDB
    Long totalCountSearchResults;
    if (nameSearchResultDBObject == null) {
        return -1L;
    }/*from  www  .  j  a  v  a  2 s .c om*/
    totalCountSearchResults = (Long) nameSearchResultDBObject.get("totalCountSearchResults");
    if (totalCountSearchResults == null) {
        return -1L;
    return totalCountSearchResults;

From source file:act.installer.bing.BingSearchResults.java

License:Open Source License

/** This key function caches in a MongoDB collection and returns the total count of Bing search results.
 * If present, the results are returned from the cache. If not, the results are queried and returned after updating
 * the cache./*from w  w  w  .  j av a 2s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param name (String) the name to return results for. Will be normalized to lower case.
 * @return the total search result count
 * @throws IOException
public Long getAndCacheTotalCountSearchResults(String name) throws IOException {

    String formattedName = name.toLowerCase();
    BasicDBObject nameSearchResultDBObject = bingCacheMongoDB
    Long totalCountSearchResults;

    // There are 3 cases:
    // 1) There is a corresponding entry in the cache AND the totalCountSearchResults are populated.
    //    In this case, we read from the cache and return the results.
    // 2) There is a corresponding entry in the cache BUT the totalCountSearchResults are not populated.
    //    This case occurs when only topSearchResults is populated.
    //    In this case, perform the relevant query, update the cache and return the total count
    // 3) There is no corresponding entry in the cache.
    //    In this case, perform the relevant query, create a new entry in the cache and return the total count.

    if (nameSearchResultDBObject == null) {
        // Case 3)
        LOGGER.debug("No corresponding entry in the cache. Fetching results and populating cache.");
        // Query the results
        totalCountSearchResults = fetchTotalCountSearchResults(formattedName);
        // Create new object and update it
        NameSearchResults nameSearchResults = new NameSearchResults(formattedName);
        // Save new document in the cache
        return totalCountSearchResults;

    // There is an existing entry in the cache
    totalCountSearchResults = (Long) nameSearchResultDBObject.get("totalCountSearchResults");

    if (totalCountSearchResults == null || totalCountSearchResults < 0) {
        // Case 2)
        LOGGER.debug("Existing entry in the cache, with empty totalCountSearchResults. "
                + "Fetching results and updating cache.");
        // Query the results
        totalCountSearchResults = fetchTotalCountSearchResults(formattedName);
        // Create new object and update its instance variable
        NameSearchResults nameSearchResults = new NameSearchResults(formattedName);
        // Update the cache
        bingCacheMongoDB.updateTotalCountSearchResults(formattedName, nameSearchResults);
        return totalCountSearchResults;

    // Case 1)
            "Existing entry in the cache, with populated totalCountSearchResults. Returning from the cache.");
    return totalCountSearchResults;

From source file:act.installer.bing.SearchResult.java

License:Open Source License

public void populateFromBasicDBObject(BasicDBObject result) {
    setDescription((String) result.get("description"));
    setTitle((String) result.get("title"));
    setUrl((String) result.get("url"));

From source file:act.installer.reachablesexplorer.FreemarkerRenderer.java

License:Open Source License

private Object buildReachableModel(Reachable r, List<PathwayDoc> pathwayDocs) {
    /* Freemarker's template language is based on a notion of "hashes," which are effectively just an untyped hierarchy
     * of maps and arrays culminating in scalar values (think of it like a JSON doc done up in plain Java types).
     * There are new facilities to run some Java accessors from within freemarker templates, but the language is
     * sufficiently brittle on its own that complicating things seems like a recipe for much pain.
     */*from  ww w.j  a  va 2 s .  c o m*/
     * This is just how Freemarker works.  Oh well.
    Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>();

    model.put("pageTitle", r.getPageName());

    model.put("inchi", r.getInchi());

    model.put("smiles", r.getSmiles());

    model.put("structureRendering", r.getStructureFilename());

    model.put("cascade", r.getPathwayVisualization());

    if (hidePathways) {
        model.put("hidePathways", true);
        // TODO: is there a cleaner way to make this URL?
                String.format("{{SERVER}}%s?%s=%s", ORDER_PATH, ORDER_INCHI_KEY_PARAM, r.getInchiKey()));

    if (r.getWordCloudFilename() != null) {
        model.put("wordcloudRendering", r.getWordCloudFilename());

    List<Object> pathways = new ArrayList<>();
    for (PathwayDoc doc : pathwayDocs) {
        pathways.add(new HashMap<String, String>() {
                put("link", doc.getPageName());
                put("name", doc.getPathText());
                // With help from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13183982/html-entity-for-check-mark
                put("hasDna", doc.getHasDNA() ? "&#10003;" : "");
    if (pathways.size() > 0) {
        model.put("pathways", pathways);

    List<PatentSummary> patentSummaries = r.getPatentSummaries();
    if (patentSummaries != null && !patentSummaries.isEmpty()) {
        List<Map<String, String>> patentModel = patentSummaries.stream().map(p -> {
            return new HashMap<String, String>() {
                    put("title", p.getTitle());
                    put("link", p.generateUSPTOURL());
                    put("id", p.getId().replaceFirst("-.*$", "")); // Strip date + XML suffix, just leave grant number.
        model.put("patents", patentModel);

    Map<Chemical.REFS, BasicDBObject> xrefs = r.getXref();
    // We check that xrefs is not null to avoid NPEs when a Reachable does not have xrefs (cross-references) populated.
    // It is expected that projections such as L3 or L4 are in that situation.
    if (xrefs != null) {
        // Each XREF being populated in a Reachable as DBObjects, serialization and deserialization causes funky problems
        // to appear. In particular, casting to BasicDBObjects fails because Jackson deserialized it as a LinkedHashMap
        // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28821715/java-lang-classcastexception-java-util-linkedhashmap-cannot-be-cast-to-com-test
        if (xrefs.containsKey(Chemical.REFS.BING)) {
            BasicDBObject bingXref = xrefs.get(Chemical.REFS.BING);
            Map<String, Object> bingMetadata = (Map) bingXref.get("metadata");
            List<Map> bingUsageTerms = (List) bingMetadata.get("usage_terms");
            if (bingUsageTerms.size() > 0) {
                List<Map<String, Object>> bingUsageTermsModel = bingUsageTerms.stream()
                        .map(usageTerm -> new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                                put("usageTerm", usageTerm.get("usage_term"));
                                put("urls", usageTerm.get("urls"));
                        (o1, o2) -> ((ArrayList) o2.get("urls")).size() - ((ArrayList) o1.get("urls")).size());
                model.put("bingUsageTerms", bingUsageTermsModel);

        if (xrefs.containsKey(Chemical.REFS.WIKIPEDIA)) {
            BasicDBObject wikipediaXref = xrefs.get(Chemical.REFS.WIKIPEDIA);
            String wikipediaUrl = wikipediaXref.getString("dbid");
            model.put("wikipediaUrl", wikipediaUrl);

    if (r.getSynonyms() != null) {
        if (r.getSynonyms().getPubchemSynonyms() != null) {
            List<Map<String, Object>> pubchemSynonymModel = r.getSynonyms().getPubchemSynonyms().entrySet()
                    .stream().map(entry -> new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                            put("synonymType", entry.getKey().toString());
                            put("synonyms", entry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()));
            model.put("pubchemSynonyms", pubchemSynonymModel);
        if (r.getSynonyms().getMeshHeadings() != null) {
            List<Map<String, Object>> meshHeadingModel = r.getSynonyms().getMeshHeadings().entrySet().stream()
                    .map(entry -> new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                            String key = entry.getKey().toString();
                            put("synonymType", "NONE".equals(key) ? "MeSH" : key);
                            put("synonyms", entry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()));

            model.put("meshHeadings", meshHeadingModel);

    if (r.getPhysiochemicalProperties() != null) {
        PhysiochemicalProperties physiochemicalProperties = r.getPhysiochemicalProperties();
        model.put("physiochemicalProperties", new HashMap<String, String>() {
                put("pka", String.format("%.2f", physiochemicalProperties.getPkaAcid1()));
                put("logp", String.format("%.2f", physiochemicalProperties.getLogPTrue()));
                put("hlb", String.format("%.2f", physiochemicalProperties.getHlbVal()));

    return model;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

private String getReactantFromMongoDocument(BasicDBObject family, String which, int i) {
    BasicDBList o = (BasicDBList) ((DBObject) family.get("enz_summary")).get(which);
    if (i >= o.size())
        return "";
    return "" + (Long) ((DBObject) o.get(i)).get("pubchem");

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public NamesOfMolecule getNamesFromBasicDBObject(BasicDBObject c) {

    String inchi = (String) c.get("InChI");

    NamesOfMolecule moleculeNames = new NamesOfMolecule(inchi);
    BasicDBObject names = (BasicDBObject) c.get("names");
    if (names != null) {
        BasicDBList brendaNamesList = (BasicDBList) names.get("brenda");
        if (brendaNamesList != null) {
            Set<String> brendaNames = new HashSet<>();
            for (Object brendaName : brendaNamesList) {
                brendaNames.add((String) brendaName);
            }/*from  w ww.  j ava2  s.c om*/
    // XREF
    BasicDBObject xref = (BasicDBObject) c.get("xref");
    if (xref != null) {
        // CHEBI
        BasicDBObject chebi = (BasicDBObject) xref.get("CHEBI");
        if (chebi != null) {
            Set<String> chebiNames = new HashSet<>();
            BasicDBObject chebiMetadata = (BasicDBObject) chebi.get("metadata");
            BasicDBList chebiSynonymsList = (BasicDBList) chebiMetadata.get("Synonym");
            if (chebiSynonymsList != null) {
                for (Object chebiName : chebiSynonymsList) {
                    chebiNames.add((String) chebiName);
        // METACYC
        BasicDBObject metacyc = (BasicDBObject) xref.get("METACYC");
        if (metacyc != null) {
            Set<String> metacycNames = new HashSet<>();
            BasicDBList metacycMetadata = (BasicDBList) metacyc.get("meta");
            if (metacycMetadata != null) {
                for (Object metaCycMeta : metacycMetadata) {
                    BasicDBObject metaCycMetaDBObject = (BasicDBObject) metaCycMeta;
                    String metaCycName = (String) metaCycMetaDBObject.get("sname");
                    if (metaCycName == null) {
        // DRUGBANK
        BasicDBObject drugbank = (BasicDBObject) xref.get("DRUGBANK");
        if (drugbank != null) {
            Set<String> drugbankNames = new HashSet<>();
            BasicDBObject drugbankMetadata = (BasicDBObject) drugbank.get("metadata");
            drugbankNames.add((String) drugbankMetadata.get("name"));
            BasicDBObject drugbankSynonyms = (BasicDBObject) drugbankMetadata.get("synonyms");
            if (drugbankSynonyms != null) {
                if (drugbankSynonyms.get("synonym") instanceof String) {
                    drugbankNames.add((String) drugbankSynonyms.get("synonym"));
                } else {
                    BasicDBList drugbankSynonymsList = (BasicDBList) drugbankSynonyms.get("synonym");
                    if (drugbankSynonymsList != null) {
                        for (Object drugbankSynonym : drugbankSynonymsList) {
                            drugbankNames.add((String) drugbankSynonym);
            Set<String> drugbankBrands = new HashSet<>();
            BasicDBObject drugbankBrandsObject = (BasicDBObject) drugbankMetadata.get("brands");
            if (drugbankBrandsObject != null) {
                if (drugbankBrandsObject.get("brand") instanceof String) {
                    drugbankBrands.add((String) drugbankBrandsObject.get("brand"));
                } else {
                    BasicDBList drugbankBrandsList = (BasicDBList) drugbankBrandsObject.get("brand");
                    if (drugbankBrandsList != null) {
                        for (Object drugbankBrand : drugbankBrandsList) {
                            drugbankBrands.add((String) drugbankBrand);
        // WIKIPEDIA
        BasicDBObject wikipedia = (BasicDBObject) xref.get("WIKIPEDIA");
        if (wikipedia != null) {
            BasicDBObject wikipediaMetadata = (BasicDBObject) wikipedia.get("metadata");
            if (wikipediaMetadata != null) {
                String wikipediaName = (String) wikipediaMetadata.get("article");
    return moleculeNames;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

 * This function retrieves the ChEBI ID corresponding to an InChI. In the (frequent) case where no ChEBI xref is
 * present, null is returned.//from   ww w  . j ava  2  s .c o m
 * @param inchi input InChI representation of the chemical
 * @return String: the ChEBI ID corresponding to the InChI representation provided
public String getChebiIDFromInchi(String inchi) {
    BasicDBObject whereQuery = new BasicDBObject("InChI", inchi);
    BasicDBObject existsQuery = new BasicDBObject("$exists", true);
    whereQuery.put("xref.CHEBI", existsQuery);
    BasicDBObject c = (BasicDBObject) dbChemicals.findOne(whereQuery, new BasicDBObject());
    if (c == null) {
        return null;
    } else {
        BasicDBObject xref = (BasicDBObject) c.get("xref");
        BasicDBObject chebi = (BasicDBObject) xref.get("CHEBI");
        return (String) chebi.get("dbid");