Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value from this object


From source file:com.entrib.mongoslate.visitor.stmt.translator.select.SelectStatementTranslator.java

License:Apache License

 * Distinct keyword if used gets ignored.
 * For the select_clause find all the column names where aggr function is used
 *   //from  w w  w.  ja va 2s .  c o  m
 *   if alias clause is used
 * @param selectStatement
 * @return
private Aggregation buildMongoAggregation(SelectStatement selectStatement) {
    Aggregation aggregation = new Aggregation();

    BasicDBObject aggregate = new BasicDBObject();
    aggregate.append(AGGREGATE, selectStatement.getCollection().getValueAsString());

    BasicDBList pipeline = new BasicDBList();
    aggregate.append(PIPELINE, pipeline);

    Expression whereClause = selectStatement.getLogicalExpression();
    if (whereClause != null) {
        BasicDBObject query = (BasicDBObject) selectStatement.getLogicalExpression()
        pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", query));

    // if group by clause is used, go through tag list expressions
    // through each tag and prepare the $group pipeline object

    LimitExpression limitExpression = selectStatement.getLimitExpression();
    if (limitExpression != null) {
        BasicDBObject skipAndLimit = (BasicDBObject) limitExpression.accept(expressionTranslatorVisitor);
        pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject("$skip", ((IntValue) skipAndLimit.get("skip")).getValueAsObject()));
        pipeline.add(new BasicDBObject("$limit", ((IntValue) skipAndLimit.get("skip")).getValueAsObject()));

    return aggregation;

From source file:com.epam.dlab.auth.dao.UserInfoDAOMongoImpl.java

License:Apache License

public UserInfo getUserInfoByAccessToken(String accessToken) {
    BasicDBObject uiSearchDoc = new BasicDBObject();
    uiSearchDoc.put("_id", accessToken);
    MongoCollection<BasicDBObject> mc = ms.getCollection("security", BasicDBObject.class);
    FindIterable<BasicDBObject> res = mc.find(uiSearchDoc);
    BasicDBObject uiDoc = res.first();
    if (uiDoc == null) {
        log.warn("UI not found {}", accessToken);
        return null;
    }/*from w ww  .  j a v  a2 s  .  c  om*/
    Date lastAccess = uiDoc.getDate("expireAt");
    if (inactiveUserTimeoutMsec < Math.abs(new Date().getTime() - lastAccess.getTime())) {
        log.warn("UI for {} expired but were not evicted from DB. Contact MongoDB admin to create expireable "
                + "index" + " on 'expireAt' key.", accessToken);
        return null;
    String name = uiDoc.get("name").toString();
    String firstName = uiDoc.getString("firstName", "");
    String lastName = uiDoc.getString("lastName", "");
    String remoteIp = uiDoc.getString("remoteIp", "");
    BasicDBList roles = (BasicDBList) uiDoc.get("roles");
    Boolean awsUser = uiDoc.getBoolean("awsUser", false);
    UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(name, accessToken);
    Object awsKeys = uiDoc.get("awsKeys");
    if (awsKeys != null) {
        ((BasicDBObject) awsKeys).forEach((key, val) -> ui.addKey(key, val.toString()));
    roles.forEach(o -> ui.addRole("" + o));
    log.debug("Found persistent {}", ui);
    return ui;

From source file:com.flyingdonut.implementation.helpers.MongoDbConsumerAssociationStore.java

License:Apache License

private void mongoEnsureIndex(BasicDBObject query, BasicDBObject sort) {
    if (query.containsField(id) || query.keySet().isEmpty()) {
        return;//from w  w w .ja  v a 2s. c o  m

    DBObject indexDoc = new BasicDBObject();
    for (String k : query.keySet()) {
        if (k.startsWith("$")) {
            mongoEnsureIndexAddAll(indexDoc, (BasicDBList) query.get(k));
        } else {
            indexDoc.put(k, 1);

    if (sort != null) {
        for (String k : sort.keySet()) {
            indexDoc.put(k, sort.get(k));


From source file:com.foodtruckdata.mongodb.UsersInput.java

public String AddTruck(String title, String logo_img, String menu_img, String phone, String email,
        String password) {//  ww w. j a v  a2  s  .  c om
    BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
    document.put("title", title);
    document.put("phone", phone);
    document.put("email", email);
    document.put("Schedules", (new Object[] {}));
    document.put("Followers", (new Object[] {}));
    document.put("Ratings", (new Object[] {}));
    document.put("password", password);
    DBCollection coll = mongoDB.getCollection("Trucks");
    ObjectId truck_id = (ObjectId) document.get("_id");
    if (logo_img != null && logo_img != "") {
        this.storeFile(logo_img, title, truck_id);
    if (menu_img != null && menu_img != "") {
        this.storeFile(menu_img, title, truck_id);
    return truck_id.toString();

From source file:com.foodtruckdata.mongodb.UsersInput.java

public String AddUser(String firstName, String lastName, String email, Double lat_h, Double lng_h, Double lat_w,
        Double lng_w) {/*from   w  w  w.  j a v a  2 s .co m*/
    BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
    document.put("FirstName", firstName);
    document.put("LastName", lastName);
    document.put("Email", email);
    document.put("Latitude_home", lat_h);
    document.put("Longitude_home", lng_h);
    document.put("Latitude_work", lat_w);
    document.put("Longitude_work", lng_w);

    DBCollection coll = mongoDB.getCollection("Users");
    ObjectId user_id = (ObjectId) document.get("_id");
    return user_id.toString();

From source file:com.foodtruckdata.mongodb.UsersInput.java

public void AddSchedule(Date dateTime, String address, String truck_id) {
    //remove all outdated schedules
    BasicDBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(truck_id));
    DBCollection coll = mongoDB.getCollection("Trucks");
    Cursor cursor = coll.find(filter);
    if (cursor.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject truck = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();
        BasicDBObject[] schedules = (BasicDBObject[]) truck.get("Schedules");
        for (BasicDBObject schedule : schedules) {
            if (((Date) schedule.get("Time")).compareTo(new Date()) < 0) {
                coll.update(filter, (new BasicDBObject("$pull", (new BasicDBObject("Schedules", schedule)))));
            }/*  www. jav a  2  s.  co  m*/
    //insert the new schedule
    if (dateTime.compareTo((new Date())) > 0) {
        BasicDBObject schedule = new BasicDBObject();
        schedule.put("Time", dateTime);
        schedule.put("Address", address);
        //put lat long also
        coll.update(filter, (new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", (new BasicDBObject("Schedules", schedule)))));

From source file:com.fpt.xml.hth.db.lib.converter.MovieTheaterSessionConverter.java

 * To convert from BasicDBObject object to MovieDBTheaterSessionDTO object
 * @param object/*w  w  w  .jav  a 2s  .c  o  m*/
 * @return MovieDBTheaterSessionDTO
//TODO: remove
public MovieTheaterSessionDTO convertBasicObjectToModel(BasicDBObject object) {
    MovieTheaterSessionDTO dto = new MovieTheaterSessionDTO();
    ObjectId id = object.getObjectId("_id");
    BasicDBObject basicMovie = (BasicDBObject) object.get("movie");
    BasicDBList basicLstSession = (BasicDBList) object.get("theaters");
    //convert basicMovie object movie
    MovieDB movie = movieConverter.convertBasicObjectToModel(basicMovie);
    //convert basicLstSession to theaters
    List<TheaterSessionDTO> theaters = new ArrayList<TheaterSessionDTO>();
    if (basicLstSession != null && !basicLstSession.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < basicLstSession.size(); i++) {
            BasicDBObject basic = (BasicDBObject) basicLstSession.get(i);
            TheaterSessionDTO theaterSessionDTO = tsConverter.convertBasicObjectToModel(basic);

    //set value for object MovieTheaterSessionDTO
    return dto;

From source file:com.fpt.xml.hth.db.lib.converter.TheaterSessionConverter.java

 * To convert from BasicDBObject object to TheaterDBSessionDTO object
 * @param object//from  w  ww .ja  v a2 s .  co  m
 * @return TheaterDBSessionDTO
public TheaterSessionDTO convertBasicObjectToModel(BasicDBObject object) {
    String cinemaName = object.getString("cinemaName");
    String id = object.getString("id");
    BasicDBObject basicTheater = (BasicDBObject) object.get("theater");
    BasicDBList basicSessions = (BasicDBList) object.get("sessions");
    // convert basicTheater to theater
    TheaterDB theater = conveter.convertBasicObjectToModel(basicTheater);
    // convert basicSessions to session
    List<String> sessions = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < basicSessions.size(); i++) {
        String session = basicSessions.get(i).toString();
    TheaterSessionDTO theaterSessionDTO = new TheaterSessionDTO();
    return theaterSessionDTO;

From source file:com.geeksanon.SessionDAO.java

License:Open Source License

 * Insert the session ID and username in the sessions collection, where the
 * ID session ID generated is 32bytes.//from   w w w .  j  a v a  2 s .  c om
 * @param string
 * @return
public String startSession(String username) {
    SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
    byte randomBytes[] = new byte[32];
    BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
    String sessionID = encoder.encode(randomBytes);

    BasicDBObject session = new BasicDBObject("username", username).append("_id", sessionID);

    return session.get("_id").toString();

From source file:com.github.camellabs.iot.cloudlet.document.driver.mongodb.MongoQueryBuilder.java

License:Apache License

private void addRestriction(BasicDBObject query, String propertyWithOperator, String propertyOperator,
        String operator, Object value) {
    String property = propertyWithOperator.replaceAll(propertyOperator + "$", "");
    if (query.containsField(property)) {
        BasicDBObject existingRestriction = (BasicDBObject) query.get(property);
        existingRestriction.put(operator, value);
    } else {//from ww w .ja v a  2  s. c  o  m
        query.put(property, new BasicDBObject(operator, value));