List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get
public Object get(final String key)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean onWizardCommand(MongoCommand cmd, BasicDBObject dbo) { if (!cmd.getClass().getName().equals(AggregateMongoCommand.class.getName())) return false; if (!dbo.containsField("aggregateArg")) return false; BasicDBList args = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("aggregateArg"); if (args.size() == 0) return false; // remove all the tabs while (tabFolder.getItemCount() > 0) tabFolder.getItem(0).dispose();/*from w ww. jav a2 s . com*/ for (int x = 0; x < args.size(); x++) { TabItem tbtmPipe = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmPipe.setText("Pipe#" + (x + 1)); Text textPipe = MSwtUtil.createText(tabFolder); textPipe.setText(JSONFormatter.format(args.get(x))); tbtmPipe.setControl(textPipe); } if (tabFolder.getItemCount() > 1) btnRemovePipe.setEnabled(true); else btnRemovePipe.setEnabled(false); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean onWizardCommand(MongoCommand cmd, BasicDBObject dbo) { if (!cmd.getClass().getName().equals(FindMongoCommand.class.getName())) return false; if (!dbo.containsField("findArg")) return false; BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("findArg"); if (dbList.size() == 1) { textKeys.setText(""); textQuery.setText(JSONFormatter.format(dbList.get(0))); } else if (dbList.size() == 2) { textKeys.setText(JSONFormatter.format(dbList.get(1))); textQuery.setText(JSONFormatter.format(dbList.get(0))); } else {/*from w ww . j ava2s . c o m*/ textKeys.setText(""); textQuery.setText(""); } if (dbo.containsField("sort")) { textSort.setText(JSONFormatter.format(dbo.get("sort"))); } else { textSort.setText(""); } return true; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean onWizardCommand(MongoCommand cmd, BasicDBObject dbo) { if (!cmd.getClass().getName().equals(GroupMongoCommand.class.getName())) return false; if (!dbo.containsField("groupArg")) return false; DBObject gmap = (DBObject) dbo.get("groupArg"); if (gmap.containsField("cond")) { textGroupCondition.setText(JSONFormatter.format(gmap.get("cond"))); } else {//from ww w . ja v a2 s . co m textGroupCondition.setText(""); } if (gmap.containsField("initial")) { textGroupInitial.setText(JSONFormatter.format(gmap.get("initial"))); } else { textGroupInitial.setText(""); } if (gmap.containsField("key")) { textGroupKey.setText(JSONFormatter.format(gmap.get("key"))); } else { textGroupKey.setText(""); } if (gmap.containsField("keyf")) { org.bson.types.Code c = (org.bson.types.Code) gmap.get("key"); textGroupKeyF.setText(c.toString()); } else { textGroupKeyF.setText(""); } if (gmap.containsField("reduce")) { org.bson.types.Code c = (org.bson.types.Code) gmap.get("reduce"); textGroupReduce.setText(c.toString()); } else { textGroupReduce.setText(""); } if (gmap.containsField("finalize")) { org.bson.types.Code c = (org.bson.types.Code) gmap.get("finalize"); textGroupFinalize.setText(c.toString()); } else { textGroupFinalize.setText(""); } return true; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean onWizardCommand(MongoCommand cmd, BasicDBObject dbo) { if (!cmd.getClass().getName().equals(MapReduceMongoCommand.class.getName())) return false; if (!dbo.containsField("mapreduceArgs")) return false; BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("mapreduceArgs"); BasicDBObject options = (BasicDBObject) dbList.get(2); // Input section if (options.containsField("query")) { textMRQuery.setText(JSONFormatter.format(options.get("query"))); } else {// w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m textMRQuery.setText(""); } if (options.containsField("sort")) { textMRSort.setText(JSONFormatter.format(options.get("sort"))); } else { textMRSort.setText(""); } if (options.containsField("limit")) { textMRLimit.setText((String) options.get("sort")); } else { textMRLimit.setText(""); } // Scope section if (options.containsField("scope")) { textMRScope.setText(JSONFormatter.format(options.get("scope"))); } else { textMRScope.setText(""); } // Map section textMRMap.setText(((Code) (dbList.get(0))).getCode()); // Reduce Section textMRReduce.setText(((Code) (dbList.get(1))).getCode()); // Finalize if (options.containsField("finalize")) { textMRFinalize.setText(((Code) options.get("finalize")).getCode()); } else { textMRFinalize.setText(""); } // Output section; textMRCollection.setText(""); textMRDatabase.setText(""); btnSharded.setSelection(false); btnJsmode.setSelection(false); btnNonatomic.setSelection(false); btnVerbose.setSelection(false); if (options.get("out") instanceof String) { textMRCollection.setText((String) options.get("out")); } else if (options.get("out") instanceof BasicDBObject) { BasicDBObject out = (BasicDBObject) options.get("out"); if (out.containsField("inline")) { } else if (out.containsField("replace")) {; textMRCollection.setText((String) out.get("replace")); } else if (out.containsField("merge")) {; textMRCollection.setText((String) out.get("merge")); } else if (out.containsField("reduce")) {; textMRCollection.setText((String) out.get("reduce")); } if (out.containsField("sharded")) btnSharded.setSelection(StringUtil.toBoolean(out.get("sharded"), false)); if (out.containsField("nonAtomic")) btnNonatomic.setSelection(StringUtil.toBoolean(out.get("nonAtomic"), false)); if (out.containsField("db")) textMRDatabase.setText((String) out.get("db")); } if (options.containsField("jsMode")) btnJsmode.setSelection(StringUtil.toBoolean(options.get("jsMode"), false)); if (options.containsField("verbose")) btnVerbose.setSelection(StringUtil.toBoolean(options.get("verbose"), false)); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean onWizardCommand(MongoCommand cmd, BasicDBObject dbo) { if (!cmd.getClass().getName().equals(UpdateMongoCommand.class.getName())) return false; if (!dbo.containsField("updateArg")) return false; BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("updateArg"); // Set the fields of the wizard from the command textUpdateQuery.setText(JSONFormatter.format(((BasicDBObject) list.get(0)).toMap())); textUpdateUpdate.setText(JSONFormatter.format(((BasicDBObject) list.get(1)).toMap())); if (list.size() >= 3) btnUpdateUpsert.setSelection(StringUtil.toBoolean(list.get(2), false)); else//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m btnUpdateUpsert.setSelection(false); if (list.size() >= 4) btnUpdateMulti.setSelection(StringUtil.toBoolean(list.get(3), false)); else btnUpdateMulti.setSelection(false); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
@Resource @Route("/sendMeetingNotes") public Response.Content sendMeetingNotes(String user, String token, String room, String fromTimestamp, String toTimestamp) throws IOException { if (!tokenService.hasUserWithToken(user, token)) { return Response.notFound("Petit malin !"); }/*from w w w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ Long from = null; Long to = null; String html = ""; try { if (fromTimestamp != null && !"".equals(fromTimestamp)) from = Long.parseLong(fromTimestamp); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {"fromTimestamp is not a valid Long number"); } try { if (toTimestamp != null && !"".equals(toTimestamp)) to = Long.parseLong(toTimestamp); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {"fromTimestamp is not a valid Long number"); } String data =, userService, false, from, to); BasicDBObject datao = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(data); if (datao.containsField("messages")) { List<UserBean> users = userService.getUsers(room); ReportBean reportBean = new ReportBean(); reportBean.fill((BasicDBList) datao.get("messages"), users); ArrayList<String> tos = new ArrayList<String>(); String senderFullname = user; for (UserBean userBean : users) { if (!"".equals(userBean.getEmail())) { tos.add(userBean.getEmail()); } if (user.equals(userBean.getName())) { senderFullname = userBean.getFullname(); } } String roomName = ""; List<SpaceBean> spaces = userService.getSpaces(user); for (SpaceBean spaceBean : spaces) { if (room.equals(spaceBean.getRoom())) { roomName = spaceBean.getDisplayName(); } } List<RoomBean> roomBeans = userService.getTeams(user); for (RoomBean roomBean : roomBeans) { if (room.equals(roomBean.getRoom())) { roomName = roomBean.getFullname(); } } SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String date = formatter.format(new GregorianCalendar().getTime()); String title = roomName + " : Meeting Notes [" + date + "]"; html = reportBean.getAsHtml(title); try { sendMailWithAuth(senderFullname, tos, html.toString(), title); } catch (Exception e) {; } } return Response.ok("sent").withMimeType("text/event-stream; charset=UTF-8").withHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); }
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License:Open Source License
@Resource @Route("/getMeetingNotes") public Response.Content getMeetingNotes(String user, String token, String room, String fromTimestamp, String toTimestamp, String serverBase) throws IOException { if (!tokenService.hasUserWithToken(user, token)) { return Response.notFound("Petit malin !"); }/*from w w w . j a va 2 s. com*/ Long from = null; Long to = null; String xwiki = ""; try { if (fromTimestamp != null && !"".equals(fromTimestamp)) from = Long.parseLong(fromTimestamp); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {"fromTimestamp is not a valid Long number"); } try { if (toTimestamp != null && !"".equals(toTimestamp)) to = Long.parseLong(toTimestamp); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {"fromTimestamp is not a valid Long number"); } String data =, userService, false, from, to); BasicDBObject datao = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(data); if (datao.containsField("messages")) { List<UserBean> users = userService.getUsers(room); ReportBean reportBean = new ReportBean(); reportBean.fill((BasicDBList) datao.get("messages"), users); String roomName = ""; List<SpaceBean> spaces = userService.getSpaces(user); for (SpaceBean spaceBean : spaces) { if (room.equals(spaceBean.getRoom())) { roomName = spaceBean.getDisplayName(); } } List<RoomBean> roomBeans = userService.getTeams(user); for (RoomBean roomBean : roomBeans) { if (room.equals(roomBean.getRoom())) { roomName = roomBean.getFullname(); } } xwiki = reportBean.getAsXWiki(serverBase); } return Response.ok(xwiki).withMimeType("text/event-stream; charset=UTF-8").withHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); }
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License:Open Source License
public void setSpaces(String user, List<SpaceBean> spaces) { List<String> spaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_ROOMS_COLLECTION); for (SpaceBean bean : spaces) { String room = ChatUtils.getRoomId(bean.getId()); spaceIds.add(room);/*from w ww.ja v a2 s . com*/ BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("_id", room); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); if (!cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", room); doc.put("space_id", bean.getId()); doc.put("displayName", bean.getDisplayName()); doc.put("groupId", bean.getGroupId()); doc.put("shortName", bean.getShortName()); doc.put("type", ChatService.TYPE_ROOM_SPACE); coll.insert(doc); } else { DBObject doc =; String displayName = doc.get("displayName").toString(); if (!bean.getDisplayName().equals(displayName)) { doc.put("_id", room); doc.put("displayName", bean.getDisplayName()); doc.put("groupId", bean.getGroupId()); doc.put("shortName", bean.getShortName());; } } } coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; doc.put("spaces", spaceIds);, WriteConcern.SAFE); } else { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", user); doc.put("user", user); doc.put("spaces", spaceIds); coll.insert(doc); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public TMap readMapBegin() throws TException { //System.out.println("readMapBegin"); // Get the IO Stack Stack<ThriftIO> stack = threadSafeSIOStack.get(); ThriftIO currentIO = stack.peek();/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ ThriftFieldMetadata thriftFieldMetadata = currentIO.fieldsStack.peek(); // field related to the list MapMetaData mapMetaData = (MapMetaData) thriftFieldMetadata.fieldMetaData.valueMetaData; // extract the DBMap (BasicDbObject) BasicDBObject dbObject = null; BasicDBObject securedDObject = null; if (thriftFieldMetadata.securedFieldMetaData.isSecured()) { // from the mongoIO securedWrap for a secured map BasicDBObject securedWrap = (BasicDBObject) currentIO.mongoIO.get("securedwrap"); securedDObject = (BasicDBObject) securedWrap .get(Short.toString(currentIO.fieldsStack.peek(); dbObject = securedDObject; } else { // from the mongoIO field for an unsecured map dbObject = (BasicDBObject) currentIO.mongoIO.get(currentIO.fieldsStack.peek(); } ThriftIO thriftListIO = null; if (mapMetaData.valueMetaData.isStruct()) { thriftListIO = new ThriftIO(((StructMetaData) mapMetaData.valueMetaData).structClass, dbObject, securedDObject, true, false); } else { thriftListIO = new ThriftIO(null, dbObject, securedDObject, true, false); } thriftListIO.mapIterator = dbObject.entrySet().iterator(); stack.push(thriftListIO); threadSafeSIOStack.set(stack); return new TMap(TType.STRING, TType.STRING, dbObject.size()); }
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License:Apache License
public List<Fields> list(int offset, int count) { if (logger.isDebug()) logger.debug("Listing entities, Database is {0}, Collection is {1}, offset is {2}, count is {3}.", getSchema(), getName(), offset, count); List<Fields> rlt = new ArrayList<Fields>(); BasicDBObject options = new BasicDBObject(); DBCursor cursor = null;/*www.ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ try { validateState(); MongoExpressionFactory expFactory = new MongoExpressionFactory.Impl(); BasicDBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(); Limiter limiter = new Limiter.Default(); BasicDBObject sorter = new BasicDBObject(); IntentParser.parse(getIntent(), expFactory, null, projection, limiter, sorter, options); if (!options.isEmpty()) prepareOptions(options); if (null != getCache()) {// cache cursor = getCollection().find(expFactory.toQuery(), new BasicDBObject().append("_id", 1)); } else {// no cache // projection if (projection.isEmpty()) cursor = getCollection().find(expFactory.toQuery()); else cursor = getCollection().find(expFactory.toQuery(), projection); } // sort if (!sorter.isEmpty()) cursor.sort(sorter); if (offset > 0) limiter.offset(offset); if (count > 0) limiter.count(count); if (limiter.offset() > 0) cursor.skip(limiter.offset()); if (limiter.count() > 0) cursor.limit(limiter.count()); if (null != getCache()) { Map<Object, MongoFields> missedCacheHits = new HashMap<Object, MongoFields>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject); Object key = dbo.get("_id"); String cacheKey = getKey().concat("#").concat(key.toString()); MongoFields ele = null; if (getCache().isAlive(cacheKey)) {// load from cache MongoFields mf = (MongoFields) getCache().restore(cacheKey); if (null != mf) ele = mf.clone();// pooling } if (null != ele && !projection.isEmpty()) ele.project(projection.keySet()); if (null == ele) { ele = new MongoFields(this, getIntent()); missedCacheHits.put(key, ele); } rlt.add(ele); } // load missed cache hits. if (!missedCacheHits.isEmpty()) { loadForMissedCacheHits(missedCacheHits, projection.keySet()); missedCacheHits.clear(); } if (logger.isDebug()) logger.debug("Listed entities hit cache ..."); } else { while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject); rlt.add(new MongoFields(this, getIntent(), dbo)); } if (logger.isDebug()) logger.debug("Listed entities ..."); } return rlt; } catch (AnalyzeBehaviourException abe) { if (logger.isDebug()) logger.debug(abe, "Analyzing behaviour failure, cause by: {0}.", abe.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(abe); } finally { if (!options.getBoolean(Options.RETAIN)) getIntent().reset(); if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } }