List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get
public Object get(final String key)
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protected static String getString(BasicDBObject dbObject, String fieldName) { return (String) dbObject.get(fieldName); }
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protected static Long getLong(BasicDBObject dbObject, String fieldName) { Object object = dbObject.get(fieldName); if (object == null) { return null; }// www . j av a 2 s . c o m if (object instanceof Long) { return (Long) object; } return ((Number) object).longValue(); }
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protected static Boolean getBoolean(BasicDBObject dbObject, String fieldName) { return (Boolean) dbObject.get(fieldName); }
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protected static LocalDateTime getTime(BasicDBObject dbObject, String fieldName) { Date date = (Date) dbObject.get(fieldName); return (date != null ? new LocalDateTime(date) : null); }
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public WorkflowInstanceImpl readWorkflowInstanceImpl(BasicDBObject dbWorkflowInstance) { if (dbWorkflowInstance == null) { return null; }//w w w .j a v a m WorkflowInstanceImpl workflowInstance = new WorkflowInstanceImpl(); = readWorkflowInstanceId(dbWorkflowInstance, _ID); workflowInstance.businessKey = readString(dbWorkflowInstance, BUSINESS_KEY); Object workflowIdObject = readObject(dbWorkflowInstance, WORKFLOW_ID); // workflowId is ObjectId in the MongoConfiguration // workflowId is String in the MongoMemoryConfiguration // The code is written to work dynamically (and not according to the // configuration field storeWorkflowIdsAsStrings) because the test // suite cleanup might encounter workflow instances created by the other engine WorkflowId workflowId = new WorkflowId(workflowIdObject.toString()); WorkflowImpl workflow = workflowEngine.getWorkflowImpl(workflowId); if (workflow == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No workflow for instance " +; } workflowInstance.workflow = workflow; workflowInstance.workflowInstance = workflowInstance; workflowInstance.scope = workflow; workflowInstance.configuration = configuration; workflowInstance.callingWorkflowInstanceId = readWorkflowInstanceId(dbWorkflowInstance, CALLING_WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_ID); workflowInstance.callingActivityInstanceId = readString(dbWorkflowInstance, CALLING_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID); workflowInstance.nextActivityInstanceId = readLong(dbWorkflowInstance, NEXT_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID); workflowInstance.nextVariableInstanceId = readLong(dbWorkflowInstance, NEXT_VARIABLE_INSTANCE_ID); workflowInstance.lock = readLock((BasicDBObject) dbWorkflowInstance.get(LOCK)); = readJobs(readList(dbWorkflowInstance, JOBS)); Map<ActivityInstanceImpl, String> allActivityIds = new HashMap<>(); readScopeImpl(workflowInstance, dbWorkflowInstance, allActivityIds); resolveActivityReferences(workflowInstance, workflow, allActivityIds); = readWork(dbWorkflowInstance, WORK, workflowInstance); workflowInstance.workAsync = readWork(dbWorkflowInstance, WORK_ASYNC, workflowInstance); = readObjectMap(dbWorkflowInstance, PROPERTIES); workflowInstance.setProperty(ORGANIZATION_ID, readObject(dbWorkflowInstance, ORGANIZATION_ID)); copyProperties(dbWorkflowInstance, workflowInstance); return workflowInstance; }
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/** * Reads database fields (that do not have Java fields) and copies them to workflow instance properties. * This makes it possible to write non-standard fields to the database and read them from properties. *///from w w w . j a v a 2s. co m private void copyProperties(BasicDBObject dbWorkflowInstance, WorkflowInstanceImpl workflowInstance) { if (dbWorkflowInstance == null || workflowInstance == null) { return; } Set<String> invalidPropertyKeys = Extensible.getInvalidPropertyKeys(WorkflowInstance.class); // Map<String,?> mappedBeanFields = mongoMapper.write(workflowInstance.toWorkflowInstance()); for (String fieldName : dbWorkflowInstance.keySet()) { boolean property = !invalidPropertyKeys.contains(fieldName); if (property) { workflowInstance.setProperty(fieldName, dbWorkflowInstance.get(fieldName)); } } }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Queue<ActivityInstanceImpl> readWork(BasicDBObject dbWorkflowInstance, String fieldName, WorkflowInstanceImpl workflowInstance) { Queue<ActivityInstanceImpl> workQueue = null; List<String> workActivityInstanceIds = (List<String>) dbWorkflowInstance.get(fieldName); if (workActivityInstanceIds != null) { workQueue = new LinkedList<>(); for (String workActivityInstanceId : workActivityInstanceIds) { ActivityInstanceImpl workActivityInstance = workflowInstance .findActivityInstance(workActivityInstanceId); workQueue.add(workActivityInstance); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ } return workQueue; }
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@Override public WorkflowId findLatestWorkflowIdBySource(String sourceWorkflowId) { Exceptions.checkNotNullParameter(sourceWorkflowId, "sourceWorkflowId"); Query query = new Query().equal(SOURCE_WORKFLOW_ID, sourceWorkflowId).orderDesc(CREATE_TIME).page(0, 1); Fields fields = new Fields().include(_ID); BasicDBObject dbWorkflow = workflowsCollection.findOne("find-latest-workflow", query.get(), fields.get(), query.orderBy);//from w w w . ja v a 2 s.c o m return dbWorkflow != null ? new WorkflowId(dbWorkflow.get(_ID).toString()) : null; }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addListElementOpt(BasicDBObject dbParentScope, String fieldName, Object element) { if (element != null) { List<Object> list = (List<Object>) dbParentScope.get(fieldName); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); dbParentScope.put(fieldName, list); }//from w w w. ja v a 2 s . c om list.add(element); } }
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private Object buildMongoFind(SelectStatement selectStatement) { Find find = selectStatement.isDistinct() ? new Distinct() : new Find(); find.setCollection(selectStatement.getCollection().getValueAsString()); BasicDBObject keys = (BasicDBObject) selectStatement.getTagListExpression() .accept(expressionTranslatorVisitor); find.setKeys(keys);//from w w w . ja va2 s. com BasicDBObject query = (BasicDBObject) selectStatement.getLogicalExpression() .accept(expressionTranslatorVisitor); find.setQuery(query); OrderByListExpression orderByExpression = selectStatement.getOrderByListExpression(); if (orderByExpression != null) { BasicDBObject sort = (BasicDBObject) orderByExpression.accept(expressionTranslatorVisitor); find.setSort(sort); } LimitExpression limitExpression = selectStatement.getLimitExpression(); if (limitExpression != null) { BasicDBObject skipAndLimit = (BasicDBObject) limitExpression.accept(expressionTranslatorVisitor); find.setSkip((Integer) ((IntValue) skipAndLimit.get("skip")).getValueAsObject()); find.setLimit((Integer) ((IntValue) skipAndLimit.get("limit")).getValueAsObject()); } return find; }