Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value from this object


From source file:controllers.FilterController.java

License:Apache License

public static Graph getGraph(Filter filter, String property) {
    final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
    final List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
    final Graph result = new Graph(property, keys, values);
    final BasicDBObject query = Application.getFilterQuery(filter);
    final MapReduceJob job = new HistogramJob(filter.getCollection(), property, query);

    final Cache cache = Configurator.getDefaultConfigurator().getPersistence().getCache();
    final Property p = cache.getProperty(property);
    long width = -1;

    if (p.getType().equals(PropertyType.INTEGER.toString())) {
        DBObject range = (DBObject) query.get("metadata." + property + ".value");

        Long low = (Long) range.get("$gte");
        Long high = (Long) range.get("$lte");

        width = high - low + 1; //because of lte/gte

        HashMap<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
        config.put("bin_width", width + "");
        job.setConfig(config);// w ww.  j a v  a2 s .c om


    final MapReduceOutput output = job.execute();
    if (p.getType().equals(PropertyType.INTEGER.toString())) {
        calculateNumericHistogramResults(output, keys, values, width);
    } else {
        calculateHistogramResults(output, keys, values);


    if (result.getKeys().size() > 100) {

    return result;

From source file:datapreparation.MongoStatistics.java

public void usersToUrls() {
    // To directly connect to a single MongoDB server (note that this will not auto-discover the primary even
    MongoClient mongoClient;/*www.java 2  s .c om*/

    try {
        mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost");

        //use database
        DB db = mongoClient.getDB("users");

        //get collection
        DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("urls");

        //iterate with a cursor
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("source", new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));

        DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);

        BufferedWriter writer = null;
        try {
            writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("Users_To_Urls.txt"));

            while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                BasicDBObject tweet = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();

                String time = tweet.get("created_at").toString();
                String user = tweet.get("from_user").toString();
                String urls[] = tweet.get("source").toString().replaceAll("&quot", "").split(";");

                for (String url : urls) {
                    if (url.matches("http.*")) {
                        //The user posted one link, write it in the file!
                        writer.write(url + "," + user + "," + time + "\n");
        } finally {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        System.out.println("Something's Wrong! " + ex);

From source file:dev.j.regere.respository.MongoIntermediatePersistedTable.java

License:Apache License

public RegereRuleFlowWrapper load(String regereId, String commonIdentifier, Map<String, Object> currentEvent) {

    final BasicDBObject dbList = new BasicDBObject(ID, regereId + STRING_COLAN + commonIdentifier);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("loading intermediate event for key [" + dbList.get(ID) + "]");
    }//from   ww w.  java 2  s  .  c om
    final DBObject dbObject = dbCollection.findOne(dbList);
    if (dbObject != null) {
        logger.info("New intermediate object found loading the object from db");
        currentEvent = loadPersistedValues(currentEvent, dbObject.toMap());
    //todo store final rule passed variable and the pass re rules in mongo
    return new RegereRuleFlowWrapper(currentEvent, new HashSet<Integer>(10));

From source file:edu.slu.action.ObjectAction.java

 * Update a given annotation. Cannot set or unset keys.  
 * @respond with state of new object in the body
 *///  w  ww .  j  av  a2  s. com
public void patchUpdateObject() throws ServletException, Exception {
    Boolean historyNextUpdatePassed = false;
    System.out.println("trying to patch");
    if (null != processRequestBody(request, true) && methodApproval(request, "patch")) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        JSONObject received = JSONObject.fromObject(content);
        if (received.containsKey("@id")) {
            String updateHistoryNextID = received.getString("@id");
            query.append("@id", updateHistoryNextID);
            BasicDBObject originalObject = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService
                    .findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query); //The originalObject DB object
            boolean alreadyDeleted = checkIfDeleted(JSONObject.fromObject(originalObject));
            boolean isReleased = checkIfReleased(JSONObject.fromObject(originalObject));
            if (alreadyDeleted) {
                writeErrorResponse("The object you are trying to update is deleted.",
            } else if (isReleased) {
                writeErrorResponse("The object you are trying to update is released.  Fork to make changes.",
            } else {
                if (null != originalObject) {
                    BasicDBObject updatedObject = (BasicDBObject) originalObject.copy(); //A copy of the original, this will be saved as a new object.  Make all edits to this variable.
                    Set<String> update_anno_keys = received.keySet();
                    boolean triedToSet = false;
                    int updateCount = 0;
                    //If the object already in the database contains the key found from the object recieved from the user, update it barring a few special keys
                    //Users cannot update the __rerum property, so we ignore any update action to that particular field.  
                    for (String key : update_anno_keys) {
                        if (originalObject.containsKey(key)) {
                            //Skip keys we want to ignore and keys that match but have matching values
                            if (!(key.equals("@id") || key.equals("__rerum") || key.equals("objectID")
                                    || key.equals("_id")) && received.get(key) != originalObject.get(key)) {
                                updatedObject.append(key, received.get(key));
                                updateCount += 1;
                        } else {
                            triedToSet = true;
                            // break;
                    if (triedToSet) {
                        System.out.println("Patch meh 1");
                        //@cubap @theHabes We continued with what we could patch.  Do we tell the user at all?
                        //writeErrorResponse("A key you are trying to update does not exist on the object.  You can set with the patch_set or put_update action.", HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
                    } else if (updateCount == 0) {
                        System.out.println("Patch meh 2");
                        writeErrorResponse("Nothing could be PATCHed", HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT);
                    } else {
                        JSONObject newObject = JSONObject.fromObject(updatedObject);//The edited original object meant to be saved as a new object (versioning)
                        newObject = configureRerumOptions(newObject, true); //__rerum for the new object being created because of the update action
                        newObject.remove("@id"); //This is being saved as a new object, so remove this @id for the new one to be set.
                        //Since we ignore changes to __rerum for existing objects, we do no configureRerumOptions(updatedObject);
                        DBObject dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(newObject.toString());
                        String newNextID = mongoDBService.save(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, dbo);
                        String newNextAtID = Constant.RERUM_ID_PREFIX + newNextID;
                        BasicDBObject dboWithObjectID = new BasicDBObject((BasicDBObject) dbo);
                        dboWithObjectID.append("@id", newNextAtID);
                        newObject.element("@id", newNextAtID);
                        mongoDBService.update(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, dbo, dboWithObjectID);
                        historyNextUpdatePassed = alterHistoryNext(updateHistoryNextID, newNextAtID); //update history.next or original object to include the newObject @id
                        if (historyNextUpdatePassed) {
                            System.out.println("Patch updated object: " + newNextAtID);
                            JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
                            JSONObject iiif_validation_response = checkIIIFCompliance(newNextAtID, "2.1");
                            jo.element("code", HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
                            jo.element("original_object_id", updateHistoryNextID);
                            jo.element("new_obj_state", newObject); //FIXME: @webanno standards say this should be the response.
                            jo.element("iiif_validation", iiif_validation_response);
                            try {
                                addWebAnnotationHeaders(newNextID, isContainerType(newObject), isLD(newObject));
                                response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                                response.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
                                out = response.getWriter();
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                                Logger.getLogger(ObjectAction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                        } else {
                            //The error is already written to response.out, do nothing.
                } else {
                            "Object " + received.getString("@id")
                                    + " not found in RERUM, could not patch update.",
        } else {
            writeErrorResponse("Object did not contain an @id, could not patch update.",

From source file:edu.slu.mongoEntity.Agent.java

public Agent(BasicDBObject dbo) {
    this.objectID = dbo.getObjectId("_id").toString();
    this.aID = dbo.getString("@id");
    this.mbox = dbo.getString("mbox");
    this.mbox_sha1sum = dbo.getString("mbox_sha1sum");
    this.type = dbo.getString("type");
    this.created = dbo.getLong("created");
    this.modified = dbo.getLong("modified");
    this.group = JSONArray.fromObject(dbo.get("group"));
    this.personID = dbo.getString("personID");
    this.organization = JSONArray.fromObject(dbo.get("organization"));

From source file:edu.slu.mongoEntity.ProjectUserProfile.java

public ProjectUserProfile(BasicDBObject dbo) {
    this.objectID = dbo.getObjectId("_id").toString();
    if (null != dbo.getString("userObjectID")) {
        this.objectID = dbo.getString("userObjectID");
    }/*from   ww  w.j  ava 2s.com*/
    if (null != dbo.getString("alias")) {
        this.alias = dbo.getString("alias");
    if (null != dbo.getString("server_ip")) {
        JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) dbo.get("ls_serverIP");
        this.ls_serverIP = ja.subList(0, ja.size() - 1);
    this.dateCreated = dbo.getLong("date_created");
    this.dateUpdated = dbo.getLong("date_updated");
    if (null != dbo.getString("config")) {
        this.config = dbo.getString("config");

From source file:edu.umass.cs.gnsserver.database.MongoRecords.java

License:Apache License

private Object getWithDotNotation(String key, BasicDBObject bson) throws JSONException {
    if (key.contains(".")) {
        int indexOfDot = key.indexOf(".");
        String subKey = key.substring(0, indexOfDot);
        BasicDBObject subBson = (BasicDBObject) bson.get(subKey);
        if (subBson == null) {
            throw new JSONException(subKey + " is null");
        }/*from   w w w .  ja va 2 s  . c o  m*/
        try {
            return getWithDotNotation(key.substring(indexOfDot + 1), subBson);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new JSONException(subKey + "." + e.getMessage());
    } else {
        Object result = bson.get(key);
        return result;

From source file:es.bsc.amon.controller.AppsDBMapper.java

License:Open Source License

public void addAppInstance(String appInstanceJson) {
    BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(appInstanceJson);
    BasicDBObject data = ((BasicDBObject) dbo.get(FIELD_DATA));
    if (data == null || dbo.get(FIELD_APP_ID) == null || dbo.get(FIELD_INSTANCE_ID) == null
            || data.get(FIELD_DATA_START) == null || data.get(FIELD_DATA_END) == null
            || data.get(FIELD_DATA_POWER) == null) {
        throw new AppException("The App document must have the following structure:\n" + "{'appId' : ...\n"
                + "'instanceId' : ...\n" + "'data' : {\n" + "\t'start' : ....\n" + "\t'end' : ....\n"
                + "\t'power' : ....\n" + "}}");
    }/*from www.  ja v  a 2s . c om*/
    long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    dbo.put(FIELD_TIMESTAMP, timestamp);

From source file:eu.cassandra.server.mongo.util.MongoDBQueries.java

License:Apache License

 * /*  ww  w .  j av a 2s. c  o m*/
 * @param coll
 * @param entityName
 * @param cid
 * @param successMsg
 * @return
public DBObject getInternalEntity(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String coll, String entityName, String cid,
        String successMsg) {
    BasicDBObject internalEntity = null;
    try {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(entityName + ".cid", new ObjectId(cid));
        BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(entityName, 1);
        DBObject result = new MongoDBQueries().executeFindQuery(httpHeaders, coll, query, fields,
                "Get " + entityName + " with cid=" + " from " + coll);
        Vector<DBObject> data = (Vector<DBObject>) result.get("data");
        BasicDBList internalEntities = (BasicDBList) data.get(0).get(entityName);
        for (int i = 0; i < internalEntities.size(); i++) {
            BasicDBObject entity = (BasicDBObject) internalEntities.get(i);
            if (cid.equals(entity.get("cid").toString())) {
                internalEntity = entity;
                if (successMsg == null)
                    successMsg = "Internal entity " + entityName + " with cid=" + cid + " from collection="
                            + coll + " successfully retrieved";
                return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(internalEntity, successMsg);
        throw new MongoRefNotFoundException("RefNotFound: Cannot get internal entity " + entityName
                + " with cid=" + cid + " from collection: " + coll);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("GetInternalEntityError: Cannot get internal entity " + entityName
                + " with cid=" + cid + " from collection: " + coll, e);

From source file:eu.cassandra.server.mongo.util.MongoDBQueries.java

License:Apache License

 * curl -i  --header "dbname:run_id" 'http://localhost:8080/cassandra/api/results?inst_id=instID_&aggr_unit=3&metric=1&from=3&to=100'
 * //from www .  j  a v  a  2s .co  m
 * @param installationId
 * @param metric
 * @param aggregationUnit
 * @param fromTick
 * @param toTick
 * @return
public DBObject mongoResultQuery(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String installationId, String metricS,
        String aggregationUnitS, String fromTickS, String toTickS) {
    try {
        String runId = getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders);
        if (runId == null && installationId == null)
            throw new RestQueryParamMissingException(
                    "QueryParamMissing: Both run_id and installation_id are null");

        String aggrUnit = " (Minute)";
        String defaultAggrUnit = " (Minute)";
        Integer aggregationUnit = null;
        Integer defaultAggregationUnit = null;
        if (aggregationUnitS != null) {
            aggregationUnit = Integer.parseInt(aggregationUnitS);
            aggrUnit = " " + aggregationUnit + " Minute" + (aggregationUnit == 1 ? "" : "s") + ")";
        int numberOfDays = Integer.parseInt(
        if (numberOfDays == 1) {
            defaultAggregationUnit = 5;
            defaultAggrUnit = " (5 Minutes)";
        } else if (numberOfDays <= 5) {
            defaultAggregationUnit = 15;
            defaultAggrUnit = " (15 Minutes)";
        } else if (numberOfDays <= 20) {
            defaultAggregationUnit = 60;
            defaultAggrUnit = " (1 Hour)";
        } else if (numberOfDays <= 60) {
            defaultAggregationUnit = 180;
            defaultAggrUnit = " (3 Hours)";
        } else if (numberOfDays <= 360) {
            defaultAggregationUnit = 720;
            defaultAggrUnit = " (12 Hours)";
        if (aggregationUnit == null) {
            aggregationUnit = defaultAggregationUnit;
            aggrUnit = defaultAggrUnit;

        Integer fromTick = null;
        if (fromTickS != null)
            fromTick = Integer.parseInt(fromTickS);
        Integer toTick = null;
        if (toTickS != null)
            toTick = Integer.parseInt(toTickS);
        String coll = MongoResults.COL_AGGRRESULTS;
        if (aggregationUnit == null || aggregationUnit <= 0)
            aggregationUnit = 1;
        if (installationId != null)
            coll = MongoResults.COL_INSTRESULTS;

        String yMetric = ACTIVE_POWER_P;
        if (metricS != null && metricS.equalsIgnoreCase(REACTIVE_POWER_Q))
            yMetric = REACTIVE_POWER_Q;
        //   {
        //    keyf:function(doc)
        //      {var key=new NumberInt(doc.tick/4); return {x:key}
        //      } , 
        //    cond:{inst_id:"instID_"}, 
        //    reduce:function(obj,prev)
        //      {prev.csum+=obj.p},
        //    initial:{csum:0}
        //   }
        BasicDBObject condition = null;
        if (installationId != null || fromTick != null || toTick != null)
            condition = new BasicDBObject();
        if (installationId != null)
            condition.append("inst_id", installationId);

        if (fromTick != null && toTick != null)
            condition.append("tick", BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$gte", fromTick).add("$lte", toTick).get());
        else if (fromTick != null)
            condition.append("tick", new BasicDBObject("$gte", fromTick));
        else if (toTick != null)
            condition.append("tick", new BasicDBObject("$lte", toTick));

        BasicDBObject groupCmd = new BasicDBObject("ns", coll);
                "function(doc){var key=new NumberInt(doc.tick/" + aggregationUnit + "); return {x:key}}");
        if (condition != null)
            groupCmd.append("cond", condition);
        groupCmd.append("$reduce", "function(obj,prev){prev.y+=obj." + yMetric + "}");
        groupCmd.append("initial", new BasicDBObject("y", 0));

        BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) DBConn.getConn(getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders))

        if (aggregationUnit > 1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < dbList.size(); i++) {
                BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) dbList.get(i);
                obj.put("y", Double.parseDouble(obj.get("y").toString()) / aggregationUnit);
        return jSON2Rrn.createJSONPlot(dbList, "Data for plot retrieved successfully",
                "Consumption "
                        + (yMetric.equalsIgnoreCase(REACTIVE_POWER_Q) ? "Reactive Power" : "Active Power"),
                "Time" + aggrUnit, yMetric.equalsIgnoreCase(REACTIVE_POWER_Q) ? "VAr" : "W",
                defaultAggregationUnit, numberOfDays);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Error in retrieving results", e.getMessage());