Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 OpenCB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import java.util.*; import; import org.opencb.biodata.models.feature.Genotype; import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.VariantSourceEntry; import org.opencb.datastore.core.QueryOptions; import org.opencb.datastore.core.QueryResult; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static; import static; import static; /** * * @author Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia <> */ public class DBObjectToSamplesConverter /*implements ComplexTypeConverter<VariantSourceEntry, DBObject>*/ { public static final String UNKNOWN_GENOTYPE = "?/?"; private final Map<Integer, StudyConfiguration> studyConfigurations; private final Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> __studySamplesId; //Inverse map from "sampleIds". Do not use directly, can be null. Use "getIndexedIdSamplesMap()" private final Map<Integer, Map<Integer, String>> __studyIdSamples; //Inverse map from "sampleIds". Do not use directly, can be null. Use "getIndexedIdSamplesMap()" private final Map<Integer, Set<String>> studyDefaultGenotypeSet; private Set<String> returnedSamples; private VariantSourceDBAdaptor sourceDbAdaptor; private StudyConfigurationManager studyConfigurationManager; private String returnedUnknownGenotype; public static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(DBObjectToSamplesConverter.class.getName()); /** * Create a converter from a Map of samples to DBObject entities. **/ DBObjectToSamplesConverter() { studyConfigurations = new HashMap<>(); __studySamplesId = new HashMap<>(); __studyIdSamples = new HashMap<>(); studyDefaultGenotypeSet = new HashMap<>(); returnedSamples = new HashSet<>(); studyConfigurationManager = null; returnedUnknownGenotype = null; } /** * Create a converter from DBObject to a Map of samples, providing the list * of sample names. * * @param samples The list of samples, if any * @param defaultGenotype */ public DBObjectToSamplesConverter(int studyId, List<String> samples, String defaultGenotype) { this(); setSamples(studyId, samples); studyConfigurations.get(studyId).getAttributes().put(MongoDBVariantStorageManager.DEFAULT_GENOTYPE, Collections.singleton(defaultGenotype)); studyDefaultGenotypeSet.put(studyId, Collections.singleton(defaultGenotype)); } /** * */ public DBObjectToSamplesConverter(StudyConfigurationManager studyConfigurationManager, VariantSourceDBAdaptor variantSourceDBAdaptor) { this(); this.sourceDbAdaptor = variantSourceDBAdaptor; this.studyConfigurationManager = studyConfigurationManager; } /** * */ public DBObjectToSamplesConverter(StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration) { this(Collections.singletonList(studyConfiguration)); } /** * */ public DBObjectToSamplesConverter(List<StudyConfiguration> studyConfigurations) { this(); studyConfigurations.forEach(this::addStudyConfiguration); } // @Override public Map<String, Map<String, String>> convertToDataModelType(DBObject object, int studyId) { // Integer studyId = Integer.parseInt(object.get(STUDYID_FIELD).toString()); // Integer studyId = Integer.parseInt(studyIdStr); if (!studyConfigurations.containsKey(studyId) && studyConfigurationManager != null) { // Samples not set as constructor argument, need to query QueryResult<StudyConfiguration> queryResult = studyConfigurationManager.getStudyConfiguration(studyId, null); if (queryResult.first() == null) { logger.warn( "DBObjectToSamplesConverter.convertToDataModelType StudyConfiguration {studyId: {}} not found! Looking for VariantSource", studyId); if (sourceDbAdaptor != null) { QueryResult samplesBySource = sourceDbAdaptor .getSamplesBySource(object.get(FILEID_FIELD).toString(), null); if (samplesBySource.getResult().isEmpty()) { logger.warn( "DBObjectToSamplesConverter.convertToDataModelType VariantSource not found! Can't read sample names"); } else { setSamples(studyId, (List<String>) samplesBySource.getResult().get(0)); } } } else { addStudyConfiguration(queryResult.first()); } // QueryResult samplesBySource = sourceDbAdaptor.getSamplesBySource( // object.get(FILEID_FIELD).toString(), null); // if(samplesBySource.getResult().isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("DBObjectToSamplesConverter.convertToDataModelType " + samplesBySource); // sampleIds = null; // idSamples = null; // } else { // setSamples((List<String>) samplesBySource.getResult().get(0)); // } } if (!studyConfigurations.containsKey(studyId)) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration = studyConfigurations.get(studyId); Map<String, Integer> sampleIds = getIndexedSamplesIdMap(studyId); if (sampleIds == null || sampleIds.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } BasicDBObject mongoGenotypes = (BasicDBObject) object.get(GENOTYPES_FIELD); // int numSamples = idSamples.size(); // Temporary file, just to store the samples // VariantSourceEntry fileWithSamples = new VariantSourceEntry(fileId.toString(), studyId.toString()); Map<String, Map<String, String>> samplesData = new LinkedHashMap<>();//new VariantSourceEntry(fileId.toString(), studyId.toString()); // Add the samples to the file for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : sampleIds.entrySet()) { samplesData.put(entry.getKey(), new HashMap<>(1)); //size == 1, only will contain GT field } // An array of genotypes is initialized with the most common one // String mostCommonGtString = mongoGenotypes.getString("def"); Set<String> defaultGenotypes = studyDefaultGenotypeSet.get(studyId); String mostCommonGtString = defaultGenotypes.isEmpty() ? null : defaultGenotypes.iterator().next(); if (UNKNOWN_GENOTYPE.equals(mostCommonGtString)) { mostCommonGtString = returnedUnknownGenotype; } if (mostCommonGtString != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : samplesData.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().put("GT", mostCommonGtString); } } // Loop through the non-most commmon genotypes, and set their defaultValue // in the position specified in the array, such as: // "0|1" : [ 41, 311, 342, 358, 881, 898, 903 ] // genotypes[41], genotypes[311], etc, will be set to "0|1" Map idSamples = getIndexedIdSamplesMap(studyId); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> dbo : mongoGenotypes.entrySet()) { final String genotype; if (dbo.getKey().equals(UNKNOWN_GENOTYPE)) { if (returnedUnknownGenotype == null) { continue; } if (defaultGenotypes.contains(returnedUnknownGenotype)) { continue; } else { genotype = returnedUnknownGenotype; } } else { genotype = genotypeToDataModelType(dbo.getKey()); } for (Integer sampleId : (List<Integer>) dbo.getValue()) { if (idSamples.containsKey(sampleId)) { samplesData.get(idSamples.get(sampleId)).put("GT", genotype); } } } return samplesData; } // @Override public DBObject convertToStorageType(Map<String, Map<String, String>> object, int studyId) { Map<Genotype, List<Integer>> genotypeCodes = new HashMap<>(); // Integer studyId = Integer.parseInt(object.getStudyId()); // Integer studyId = Integer.parseInt(studyIdStr); StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration = studyConfigurations.get(studyId); Map<String, Integer> sampleIds = studyConfiguration.getSampleIds(); // Classify samples by genotype for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> sample : object.entrySet()) { String genotype = sample.getValue().get("GT"); if (genotype != null) { Genotype g = new Genotype(genotype); List<Integer> samplesWithGenotype = genotypeCodes.get(g); if (samplesWithGenotype == null) { samplesWithGenotype = new ArrayList<>(); genotypeCodes.put(g, samplesWithGenotype); } samplesWithGenotype.add(sampleIds.get(sample.getKey())); } } Set<Genotype> defaultGenotype = studyDefaultGenotypeSet.get(studyId).stream().map(Genotype::new) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // In Mongo, samples are stored in a map, classified by their genotype. // The most common genotype will be marked as "default" and the specific // positions where it is shown will not be stored. Example from 1000G: // "def" : 0|0, // "0|1" : [ 41, 311, 342, 358, 881, 898, 903 ], // "1|0" : [ 262, 290, 300, 331, 343, 369, 374, 391, 879, 918, 930 ] BasicDBObject mongoSamples = new BasicDBObject(); for (Map.Entry<Genotype, List<Integer>> entry : genotypeCodes.entrySet()) { String genotypeStr = genotypeToStorageType(entry.getKey().toString()); if (!defaultGenotype.contains(entry.getKey())) { mongoSamples.append(genotypeStr, entry.getValue()); } } return mongoSamples; } public void setSamples(int studyId, List<String> samples) { int i = 0; int size = samples == null ? 0 : samples.size(); Map<String, Integer> sampleIds = new HashMap<>(size); if (samples != null) { for (String sample : samples) { sampleIds.put(sample, i); i++; } } StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration = new StudyConfiguration(studyId, "", Collections.<String, Integer>emptyMap(), sampleIds, Collections.<String, Integer>emptyMap(), Collections.<Integer, Set<Integer>>emptyMap()); addStudyConfiguration(studyConfiguration); } public void setReturnedSamples(Set<String> returnedSamples) { this.returnedSamples = returnedSamples; __studyIdSamples.clear(); __studySamplesId.clear(); } public void addStudyConfiguration(StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration) { this.studyConfigurations.put(studyConfiguration.getStudyId(), studyConfiguration); this.__studyIdSamples.put(studyConfiguration.getStudyId(), null); this.__studySamplesId.put(studyConfiguration.getStudyId(), null); Set defGenotypeSet = studyConfiguration.getAttributes().get(MongoDBVariantStorageManager.DEFAULT_GENOTYPE, Set.class); if (defGenotypeSet == null) { List<String> defGenotype = studyConfiguration.getAttributes() .getAsStringList(MongoDBVariantStorageManager.DEFAULT_GENOTYPE); if (defGenotype.size() == 0) { defGenotypeSet = Collections.<String>emptySet(); } else if (defGenotype.size() == 1) { defGenotypeSet = Collections.singleton(defGenotype.get(0)); } else { defGenotypeSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(defGenotype); } } this.studyDefaultGenotypeSet.put(studyConfiguration.getStudyId(), defGenotypeSet); } public String getReturnedUnknownGenotype() { return returnedUnknownGenotype; } public void setReturnedUnknownGenotype(String returnedUnknownGenotype) { this.returnedUnknownGenotype = returnedUnknownGenotype; } /** * Lazy usage of idSamplesMap. Only inverts map if required * * @return Inverts map "sampleIds". From Map<SampleName, SampleId> to Map<SampleId, SampleName> */ private Map getIndexedIdSamplesMap(int studyId) { Map<String, Integer> sampleIds = getIndexedSamplesIdMap(studyId); if (this.__studyIdSamples.get(studyId) == null) { Map<Integer, String> idSamples = StudyConfiguration.inverseMap(sampleIds); this.__studyIdSamples.put(studyId, idSamples); } Map<Integer, String> idSamples = this.__studyIdSamples.get(studyId); if (sampleIds.size() != idSamples.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid sample ids map. SampleIDs must be unique."); } return idSamples; } /** * Lazy usage of loaded samplesIdMap. **/ private Map<String, Integer> getIndexedSamplesIdMap(int studyId) { Map<String, Integer> sampleIds; if (this.__studySamplesId.get(studyId) == null) { StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration = studyConfigurations.get(studyId); sampleIds = StudyConfiguration.getIndexedSamples(studyConfiguration); if (!returnedSamples.isEmpty()) { sampleIds = sampleIds.entrySet().stream() //ReturnedSamples could be sampleNames or sampleIds as a string .filter(e -> returnedSamples.contains(e.getKey()) || returnedSamples.contains(e.getValue().toString())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); } this.__studySamplesId.put(studyId, sampleIds); } else { sampleIds = this.__studySamplesId.get(studyId); } return sampleIds; } private VariantSourceEntry getLegacyNoncompressedSamples(BasicDBObject object) { VariantSourceEntry variantSourceEntry = new VariantSourceEntry(object.get(FILEID_FIELD).toString(), object.get(STUDYID_FIELD).toString()); BasicDBObject mongoGenotypes = (BasicDBObject) object.get(GENOTYPES_FIELD); for (Object entry : mongoGenotypes.toMap().entrySet()) { Map.Entry sample = (Map.Entry) entry; variantSourceEntry.addSampleData(sample.getKey().toString(), ((DBObject) sample.getValue()).toMap()); } // for (String sample : samples) { // Map<String, String> sampleData = ((DBObject) mongoGenotypes.get(sample)).toMap(); // fileWithSamples.addSampleData(sample, sampleData); // System.out.println("Sample processed: " + sample); // } return variantSourceEntry; } private DBObject getLegacyNoncompressedSamples(VariantSourceEntry object) { BasicDBObject mongoSamples = new BasicDBObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : object.getSamplesData().entrySet()) { BasicDBObject sampleData = new BasicDBObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> sampleEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { sampleData.put(sampleEntry.getKey(), sampleEntry.getValue()); } mongoSamples.put(entry.getKey(), sampleData); } return mongoSamples; } public static String genotypeToDataModelType(String genotype) { return genotype.replace("-1", "."); } public static String genotypeToStorageType(String genotype) { return genotype.replace(".", "-1"); } }