List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get
public Object get(final String key)
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License:Apache License
@POST @Path("/data_insert") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)/*from w ww. j a v a2s. c om*/ public String data_insert(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @FormParam("inst") String inst, @FormParam("secret") String secret, @FormParam("id") String id, @FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("lon") Double lon, @FormParam("lat") Double lat, @FormParam("mag") Double mag, @FormParam("slip") Double slip, @FormParam("length") Double length, @FormParam("width") Double width, @FormParam("depth") Double depth, @FormParam("dip") Double dip, @FormParam("strike") Double strike, @FormParam("rake") Double rake, @FormParam("date") String dateStr, @FormParam("sea_area") String sea_area, @FormParam("root") String root, @FormParam("parent") String parent, @FormParam("comp") Integer comp, @FormParam("accel") Integer accel, @FormParam("gridres") Integer gridres, @FormParam("apikey") String apikey, @FormParam("algo") @DefaultValue("easywave") String algo) { /* Check for invalid parameter configurations. */ if ((inst != null || secret != null) && apikey != null) return jsfailure("Don't mix 'apikey' and 'secret'."); if (mag != null && (slip != null || length != null || width != null)) return jsfailure("Don't mix 'mag' with 'slip', 'length' and 'width'."); /* Support 'inst' and 'secret' for compatibility reasons. */ if (inst != null && secret != null) { /* Obtain the 'apikey' and pretend a call to the new api. */ DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("name", inst).append("secret", secret); DBObject tmp_inst = db.getCollection("institutions").findOne(query); if (tmp_inst == null) return jsdenied(); apikey = (String) ((DBObject) tmp_inst.get("api")).get("key"); if (apikey == null) return jsfailure("No 'apikey' set for this institution!"); } /* Continue with the new API. */ Object[] required = { apikey, id, name, dateStr }; if (!checkParams(request, required)) return jsfailure(); DBObject db_user = auth_api(apikey, "user"); DBObject db_inst = auth_api(apikey, "inst"); /* check if we got a valid institution and the correct secret */ ObjectId user_id; String user_name; User user; if (db_user != null) { user_id = (ObjectId) db_user.get("_id"); user_name = (String) db_user.get("username"); user = new User(db_user, getInst(db_user)); } else if (db_inst != null) { user_id = (ObjectId) db_inst.get("_id"); user_name = (String) db_inst.get("name"); user = new Inst(db_inst); } else { return jsdenied(); } System.out.println( + " - " + user.inst); /* get Date object from date string */ System.out.println(dateStr); Date date = parseIsoDate(dateStr); if (date == null) return jsfailure("Invalid date format."); System.out.println(id); /* get current timestamp */ Date timestamp = new Date(); /* create new sub object that stores the properties */ BasicDBObject sub = new BasicDBObject(); sub.put("date", date); sub.put("region", name); sub.put("latitude", lat); sub.put("longitude", lon); sub.put("magnitude", mag); sub.put("slip", slip); sub.put("length", length); sub.put("width", width); sub.put("depth", depth); sub.put("dip", dip); sub.put("strike", strike); sub.put("rake", rake); sub.put("sea_area", sea_area); if (accel == null) accel = 1; /* create new DB object that should be added to the eqs collection */ BasicDBObject obj = new BasicDBObject(); obj.put("id", id); obj.put("user", user_id); obj.put("timestamp", timestamp); obj.put("prop", sub); obj.put("root", root); obj.put("parent", parent); obj.put("accel", accel); //obj.put( "gridres", gridres ); /* create a new event */ BasicDBObject event = new BasicDBObject(); event.put("user", user_id); event.put("timestamp", timestamp); event.put("event", "new"); Long refineId = 0L; /* get earthquake collection */ DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("eqs"); /* search for given id */ BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject("id", id).append("user", user_id); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(inQuery).sort(new BasicDBObject("refineId", -1)); BasicDBObject entry = null; /* if id is already used, make a refinement */ if (cursor.hasNext()) { /* get properties of returned entry */ entry = (BasicDBObject); /* update entry ID in database by appending deprecated field */ BasicDBObject depr = new BasicDBObject("depr", true); coll.update(entry, new BasicDBObject("$set", depr)); refineId = (Long) entry.get("refineId"); if (refineId == null) { refineId = new Long(0); } refineId++; /* override parent and root attributes */ root = entry.get("root") == null ? (String) entry.get("_id") : (String) entry.get("root"); obj.put("root", root); obj.put("parent", entry.get("_id")); /* override event type */ event.put("event", "update"); } /* set refinement and compound Ids */ final CompId compId = new CompId(user_name, id, refineId); obj.put("_id", compId.toString()); obj.put("refineId", refineId); event.put("id", compId.toString()); /* clean up query */ cursor.close(); /* insert object into 'eqs' collection */ coll.insert(obj); System.out.println(obj); Object[] reqComp1 = { id, lon, lat, mag, depth, dip, strike, rake }; Object[] reqComp2 = { id, lon, lat, slip, length, width, depth, dip, strike, rake }; boolean simulate = comp != null && (checkParams(request, reqComp1) || checkParams(request, reqComp2)); /* insert new event into 'events'-collection */ db.getCollection("events").insert(event); System.out.println(simulate); if (simulate) //computeById( request, null, null, id, refineId, comp, accel, apikey ); _computeById(user, compId.toString(), comp, accel, gridres, algo); else /* run request in a separate thread to avoid blocking */ new Thread() { public void run() { sendPost(GlobalParameter.wsgi_url + "webguisrv/post_compute", "evtid=" + compId.toString()); } }.start(); return jssuccess(new BasicDBObject("refineId", refineId).append("evtid", compId.toString())); }
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License:Apache License
private String static_int(String id, Double lon, Double lat, Double zoom, Object uid) { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("shared_links"); BasicDBObject inQuery = new BasicDBObject("evtid", id); inQuery.put("lon", lon); inQuery.put("lat", lat); inQuery.put("zoom", zoom); inQuery.put("timestamp", new Date()); inQuery.put("userid", uid); coll.insert(inQuery);/*from www . j a v a 2s .c om*/ ObjectId objId = (ObjectId) inQuery.get("_id"); return objId.toString(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * returns a <code>String</code> representation of a trigram, if it exist, within the given list of ngrams * @param ngrams a list of ngram objects * @return//from w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m */ public String getTrigram(List<BasicDBObject> ngrams) { BasicDBObject trigram = ngrams.get(0); if ((Integer) trigram.get("size") == 3) return trigram.getString("ngram"); else return "(No trigrams found)"; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * returns a single formatted <code>String</code> representation of bigrams within the given list of ngrams * @param ngrams a list of ngram objects * @return/* w w w.j a v a 2s . c o m*/ */ public String getBigrams(List<BasicDBObject> ngrams) { StringBuffer bigrams = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; for (BasicDBObject bigram : ngrams) { if ((Integer) bigram.get("size") == 2) { if (count == 0) { bigrams.append(bigram.get("ngram")); ++count; } else if (count == 1) { bigrams.append(", " + bigram.get("ngram")); break; } } else continue; } return bigrams.toString(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * returns a single formatted <code>String</code> representation of unigrams within the given list of ngrams * @param ngrams// w ww .j av a 2 s .c om * @return */ public String getUnigrams(List<BasicDBObject> ngrams) { StringBuffer unigrams = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; for (BasicDBObject unigram : ngrams) { if (unigram.containsField("word")) { if (count == 0) { unigrams.append(unigram.get("word")); ++count; } else if (count < 4) { unigrams.append(", " + unigram.get("word")); ++count; } else break; } } return unigrams.toString(); }
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public BasicDBObject searchEuropeana(String originalTerm, String type, int startPage) throws Exception { String[] termsarray = originalTerm.split(" "); List terms = Arrays.asList(termsarray); URI uri = constructURI(terms, type, startPage - 1); httpGet = new HttpGet(uri); BasicDBObject response = new BasicDBObject(); httpRes = httpClient.execute(httpGet); httpEntity = httpRes.getEntity();/*from www. jav a 2 s. co m*/ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); httpEntity.writeTo(out); String resp = new String(out.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(resp); response.put("itemsCount", obj.getString("itemsCount")); response.put("totalResults", obj.getString("totalResults")); response.put("term", originalTerm); response.put("type", type); response.put("pageNumber", startPage); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<Object> items = (ArrayList<Object>) obj.get("items"); if (items != null) { Iterator<Object> it = items.iterator(); ArrayList<BasicDBObject> responseItems = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(); while (it.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject tmp = (BasicDBObject); BasicDBObject re = new BasicDBObject(); String recid = tmp.getString("id"); re.put("europeanaid", recid); re.put("type", tmp.getString("type")); re.put("source", tmp.getString("guid")); BasicDBList titleslist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("title"); if (titleslist != null) re.put("title", StringUtils.join(titleslist, ',')); BasicDBList providerslist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("dataProvider"); if (providerslist != null) re.put("dataProvider", providerslist.get(0)); providerslist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("provider"); if (providerslist != null) re.put("provider", providerslist.get(0)); BasicDBList creatorlist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("dcCreator"); if (creatorlist != null) re.put("dcCreator", creatorlist.get(0)); BasicDBList languagelist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("language"); if (languagelist != null) re.put("language", languagelist.get(0)); BasicDBList thumbslist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("edmPreview"); if (thumbslist != null) re.put("url", thumbslist.get(0)); BasicDBList rightslist = (BasicDBList) tmp.get("rights"); if (rightslist != null) re.put("license", rightslist.get(0)); responseItems.add(re); } response.put("items", responseItems); } return response; }
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public BasicDBObject searchEuropeanaRecord(String recid) throws Exception { URI uri = constructURIRecord(recid); httpGet = new HttpGet(uri); httpRes = httpClient.execute(httpGet); httpEntity = httpRes.getEntity();//from w w w. jav a 2 s .com ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); httpEntity.writeTo(out); String resprec = new String(out.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); BasicDBObject objrecord = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(resprec); BasicDBObject record = (BasicDBObject) objrecord.get("object"); BasicDBObject re = new BasicDBObject(); ArrayList<Object> items = (ArrayList<Object>) record.get("aggregations"); Iterator<Object> it = items.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject tmp = (BasicDBObject); Object edmObject = tmp.get("edmObject"); if (edmObject != null) re.put("europeana_image", edmObject.toString()); } return re; }
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public void makefn2(DBObject bson) { BasicDBObject b = (BasicDBObject) bson; this.id_documento = (int) b.get("documento"); this.frecuencia = (int) b.get("frecuencia"); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void createMember(RequestContext ctx, ResourceState state, Responder responder) { BasicDBObject basicDBObject = null; try {// ww w . j a v a2 s . c om basicDBObject = (BasicDBObject) createObject(state); Object key = basicDBObject.get(MONGO_ID_FIELD); if (key != null) { if (getDBCollection().findOne(new BasicDBObject(MONGO_ID_FIELD, key)) != null) { responder.resourceAlreadyExists(key.toString()); return; } } WriteResult wResult = getDBCollection().insert(basicDBObject); } catch (Exception e) { logger().error("", e); } DBObject newDBObject = getDBCollection() .findOne(new BasicDBObject(MONGO_ID_FIELD, basicDBObject.get(MONGO_ID_FIELD))); responder.resourceCreated(new MongoBaseObjectResource(this, newDBObject)); }
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License:Apache License
/** * * need refactoring//from w w w. j a va 2 s . c om * @param atts */ private void processTag(Attributes atts) { BasicDBObject obj; String key = atts.getValue(Node.Tag.K); String value = atts.getValue(Node.Tag.V); if (StringUtils.contains(key, "capacity:")) { //key.contains("capacity:")){ String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(key, ":");//key.split(":"); BasicDBObject o = new BasicDBObject(tmp[1], value); obj = new BasicDBObject("capacity", o); //entry.append(key, obj); if (entry.containsField("tags")) { BasicDBObject tags = (BasicDBObject) entry.get("tags"); if (tags.containsField("capacity") && tags.get("capacity") instanceof BasicDBObject) { ((BasicDBObject) tags.get("capacity")).append(tmp[1], value); } else { tags.append("capacity", o); } } else { entry.append(Node.TAGS, obj); } } else { key = StringUtils.replace(key, ".", "[dot]"); //key = key.replace(".", "[dot]"); obj = new BasicDBObject(key, value); if (entry.containsField(Node.TAGS)) { ((BasicDBObject) entry.get(Node.TAGS)).append(key, value); } else { entry.append(Node.TAGS, obj); } } // create the tag and save it inside the DB. saveTag(key, value); }