Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value from this object


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.application.utils.LogstashConfigUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static BasicDBObject parseLogstashConfig(String configFile, StringBuffer error) {

    BasicDBObject tree = new BasicDBObject();

    // Stage 0: remove escaped "s and 's (for the purpose of the validation):
    // (prevents tricksies with escaped "s and then #s)
    // (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5082398/regex-to-replace-single-backslashes-excluding-those-followed-by-certain-chars)
    configFile = configFile.replaceAll("(?<!\\\\)(?:((\\\\\\\\)*)\\\\)[\"']", "X");
    //TESTED (by hand - using last 2 fields of success_2_1)

    // Stage 1: remove #s, and anything in quotes (for the purpose of the validation)
    configFile = configFile.replaceAll("(?m)(?:([\"'])(?:(?!\\1).)*\\1)", "VALUE").replaceAll("(?m)(?:#.*$)",
            "");//from ww  w  .j ava  2  s.  c  om
    //TESTED (2_1 - including with a # inside the ""s - Event_Date -> Event_#Date)
    //TESTED (2_2 - various combinations of "s nested inside 's) ... yes that is a negative lookahead up there - yikes!

    // Stage 2: get a nested list of objects
    int depth = 0;
    int ifdepth = -1;
    Stack<Integer> ifStack = new Stack<Integer>();
    BasicDBObject inputOrFilter = null;
    Matcher m = _navigateLogstash.matcher(configFile);
    // State:
    String currTopLevelBlockName = null;
    String currSecondLevelBlockName = null;
    BasicDBObject currSecondLevelBlock = null;
    while (m.find()) {
        boolean simpleField = false;

        //System.out.println("--DEPTH="+depth + " GROUP=" + m.group() + " IFS" + Arrays.toString(ifStack.toArray()));
        //System.out.println("STATES: " + currTopLevelBlockName + " AND " + currSecondLevelBlockName);

        if (m.group().equals("}")) {

            if (ifdepth == depth) { // closing an if statement
                if (ifStack.isEmpty()) {
                    ifdepth = -1;
                } else {
                    ifdepth = ifStack.peek();
            } //TESTED (1_1bc, 2_1)
            else { // closing a processing block

                if (depth < 0) { // {} Mismatch
                    error.append("{} Mismatch (})");
                    return null;
                } //TESTED (1_1abc)
        } else { // new attribute!

            String typeName = m.group(1);
            if (null == typeName) { // it's an if statement or a string value
                typeName = m.group(4);
                if (null != typeName) {
                    simpleField = true;
            } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("else")) { // It's an if statement..
                typeName = null;
            if (null == typeName) { // if statement after all
                // Just keep track of ifs so we can ignore them
                ifdepth = depth;
                // (don't increment depth)
            } //TESTED (1_1bc, 2_1)
            else { // processing block
                String subTypeName = m.group(3);
                if (null != subTypeName) { // eg codec.multiline
                    typeName = typeName + "." + subTypeName;
                } //TESTED (2_1, 2_3)

                if (depth == 0) { // has to be one of input/output/filter)
                    String topLevelType = typeName.toLowerCase();
                    if (topLevelType.equalsIgnoreCase("input") || topLevelType.equalsIgnoreCase("filter")) {
                        if (tree.containsField(topLevelType)) {
                            error.append("Multiple input or filter blocks: " + topLevelType);
                            return null;
                        } //TESTED (1_3ab)
                        else {
                            inputOrFilter = new BasicDBObject();
                            tree.put(topLevelType, inputOrFilter);

                            // Store state:
                            currTopLevelBlockName = topLevelType;
                        } //TESTED (*)
                    } else {
                        if (topLevelType.equalsIgnoreCase("output")) {
                                    "Not allowed output blocks - these are appended automatically by the logstash harvester");
                        } else {
                            error.append("Unrecognized processing block: " + topLevelType);
                        return null;
                    } //TESTED (1_4a)
                } else if (depth == 1) { // processing blocks
                    String subElType = typeName.toLowerCase();

                    // Some validation: can't include a type called "filter" anywhere
                    if ((null != currTopLevelBlockName) && currTopLevelBlockName.equals("input")) {
                        if (subElType.equals("filter") || subElType.endsWith(".filter")) {
                            error.append("Not allowed sub-elements of input called 'filter' (1)");
                            return null;
                    } //TESTED (1_5b)

                    BasicDBList subElements = (BasicDBList) inputOrFilter.get(subElType);
                    if (null == subElements) {
                        subElements = new BasicDBList();
                        inputOrFilter.put(subElType, subElements);
                    BasicDBObject newEl = new BasicDBObject();

                    // Store state:
                    currSecondLevelBlockName = subElType;
                    currSecondLevelBlock = newEl;
                } //TESTED (*)
                else if (depth == 2) { // attributes of processing blocks
                    // we'll just store the field names for these and do any simple validation that was too complicated for the regexes
                    String subSubElType = typeName.toLowerCase();

                    // Validation:
                    if (null != currTopLevelBlockName) {
                        // 1] sincedb path
                        if (currTopLevelBlockName.equals("input") && (null != currSecondLevelBlockName)) {
                            // (don't care what the second level block name is - no sincedb allowed)
                            if (subSubElType.equalsIgnoreCase("sincedb_path")) {
                                error.append("Not allowed sincedb_path in input.* block");
                                return null;
                            } //TESTED (1_5a)
                              // 2] no sub-(-sub etc)-elements of input called filter
                            if (subSubElType.equals("filter") || subSubElType.endsWith(".filter")) {
                                error.append("Not allowed sub-elements of input called 'filter' (2)");
                                return null;
                            } //TESTED (1_5c)

                    // Store in map:
                    if (null != currSecondLevelBlock) {
                        currSecondLevelBlock.put(subSubElType, new BasicDBObject());
                // (won't go any deeper than this)
                if (!simpleField) {

    if (0 != depth) {
        error.append("{} Mismatch ({)");
        return null;
    } //TESTED (1_2a)

    return tree;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.mapreduce.HadoopJobRunner.java

License:Open Source License

private void createConfigXML(Writer out, String title, String input, String fields, boolean isCustomTable,
        String outputDatabase, String output, String tempOutputCollection, String mapper, String reducer,
        String combiner, String query, List<ObjectId> communityIds, String outputKey, String outputValue,
        String arguments) throws IOException {
    String dbserver = prop_general.getDatabaseServer();
    output = outputDatabase + "." + tempOutputCollection;

    int nSplits = 8;
    int nDocsPerSplit = 12500;

    //add communities to query if this is not a custom table
    if (!isCustomTable) {
        // Start with the old query:
        BasicDBObject oldQueryObj = null;
        if (query.startsWith("{")) {
            oldQueryObj = (BasicDBObject) com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(query);
        } else {// w  ww. j av a2s .  co  m
            oldQueryObj = new BasicDBObject();

        // Community Ids aren't indexed in the metadata collection, but source keys are, so we need to transform to that
        BasicDBObject keyQuery = new BasicDBObject(SourcePojo.communityIds_,
                new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, communityIds));
        boolean bAdminOverride = false;
        if (oldQueryObj.containsField("admin")) { // For testing only...
            if (1 == communityIds.size()) {
                ObjectId communityId = communityIds.get(0);
                if (RESTTools.adminLookup(communityId.toString())) {
                    bAdminOverride = true;
                    if (oldQueryObj.containsField("max.splits")) {
                        nSplits = oldQueryObj.getInt("max.splits");
                    if (oldQueryObj.containsField("max.docs.per.split")) {
                        nDocsPerSplit = oldQueryObj.getInt("max.docs.per.split");
        } //(end diagnostic/benchmarking/test code for admins only part 1)
        if (bAdminOverride) {
            oldQueryObj = (BasicDBObject) oldQueryObj.get("admin");
            //(end diagnostic/benchmarking/test code for admins only part 2)
        } else if (oldQueryObj.containsField(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_) || input.startsWith("feature.")) {
            // Source Key specified by user, stick communityIds check in for security
            oldQueryObj.put(DocumentPojo.communityId_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, communityIds));
        } else { // Source key not specified by user, transform communities->sourcekeys
            BasicDBObject keyFields = new BasicDBObject(SourcePojo.key_, 1);
            DBCursor dbc = MongoDbManager.getIngest().getSource().find(keyQuery, keyFields);
            if (dbc.count() > 500) {
                // (too many source keys let's keep the query size sensible...)
                oldQueryObj.put(DocumentPojo.communityId_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, communityIds));
            } else {
                HashSet<String> sourceKeys = new HashSet<String>();
                while (dbc.hasNext()) {
                    DBObject dbo = dbc.next();
                    String sourceKey = (String) dbo.get(SourcePojo.key_);
                    if (null != sourceKey) {
                if (sourceKeys.isEmpty()) { // query returns empty
                    throw new RuntimeException("Communities contain no sources");
                BasicDBObject newQueryClauseObj = new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, sourceKeys);
                // Now combine the queries...
                oldQueryObj.put(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, newQueryClauseObj);

            } // (end if too many source keys across the communities)
        } //(end if need to break source keys down into communities)
        query = oldQueryObj.toString();
    } else {
        //get the custom table (and database)
        input = getCustomDbAndCollection(input);
    if (arguments == null)
        arguments = "";

    // Generic configuration
    out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<configuration>");

    // Mongo specific configuration

    out.write("\n\t<property><!-- name of job shown in jobtracker --><name>mongo.job.name</name><value>" + title
            + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- run the job verbosely ? --><name>mongo.job.verbose</name><value>true</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Run the job in the foreground and wait for response, or background it? --><name>mongo.job.background</name><value>false</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- If you are reading from mongo, the URI --><name>mongo.input.uri</name><value>mongodb://"
            + dbserver + "/" + input + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- If you are writing to mongo, the URI --><name>mongo.output.uri</name><value>mongodb://"
            + dbserver + "/" + output + "</value>  </property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- The query, in JSON, to execute [OPTIONAL] --><name>mongo.input.query</name><value>"
            + query + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- The fields, in JSON, to read [OPTIONAL] --><name>mongo.input.fields</name><value>"
            + ((fields == null) ? ("") : fields) + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- A JSON sort specification for read [OPTIONAL] --><name>mongo.input.sort</name><value></value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- The number of documents to limit to for read [OPTIONAL] --><name>mongo.input.limit</name><value>0</value><!-- 0 == no limit --></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- The number of documents to skip in read [OPTIONAL] --><!-- TODO - Are we running limit() or skip() first? --><name>mongo.input.skip</name><value>0</value> <!-- 0 == no skip --></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Class for the mapper --><name>mongo.job.mapper</name><value>" + mapper
            + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Reducer class --><name>mongo.job.reducer</name><value>" + reducer
            + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- InputFormat Class --><name>mongo.job.input.format</name><value>com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.custom.InfiniteMongoInputFormat</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- OutputFormat Class --><name>mongo.job.output.format</name><value>com.mongodb.hadoop.MongoOutputFormat</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Output key class for the output format --><name>mongo.job.output.key</name><value>"
            + outputKey + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Output value class for the output format --><name>mongo.job.output.value</name><value>"
            + outputValue + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Output key class for the mapper [optional] --><name>mongo.job.mapper.output.key</name><value></value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Output value class for the mapper [optional] --><name>mongo.job.mapper.output.value</name><value></value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Class for the combiner [optional] --><name>mongo.job.combiner</name><value>"
            + combiner + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Partitioner class [optional] --><name>mongo.job.partitioner</name><value></value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Sort Comparator class [optional] --><name>mongo.job.sort_comparator</name><value></value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Split Size [optional] --><name>mongo.input.split_size</name><value>32</value></property>");

    // Infinit.e specific configuration

    out.write("\n\t<property><!-- User Arguments [optional] --><name>arguments</name><value>"
            + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(arguments) + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Maximum number of splits [optional] --><name>max.splits</name><value>"
            + nSplits + "</value></property>"
            + "\n\t<property><!-- Maximum number of docs per split [optional] --><name>max.docs.per.split</name><value>"
            + nDocsPerSplit + "</value></property>");

    // Closing thoughts:


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.utils.SourceUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static boolean checkDbSyncLock() {
    DBCursor dbc = DbManager.getFeature().getSyncLock().find();
    if (!dbc.hasNext()) {
        return false; // working fine
    }/*from   w w  w .j  a v a2s  .  c o  m*/
    Date now = new Date();
    while (dbc.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject sync_lock = (BasicDBObject) dbc.next();
        Object lastSyncObj = sync_lock.get("last_sync");
        if (null != lastSyncObj) {
            try {
                Date last_sync = (Date) lastSyncObj;
                if (last_sync.getTime() + _ONEDAY > now.getTime()) {

                    return true; // (ie sync object exists and is < 1 day old)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // class cast, do nothing
    } // (end "loop over" 1 object in sync_lock DB)

    return false;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.utils.SourceUtils.java

License:Open Source License

public static void updateHarvestStatus(SourcePojo source, HarvestEnum harvestStatus, List<DocumentPojo> added,
        long nDocsDeleted, String extraMessage) {
    // Handle successful harvests where the max docs were reached, so don't want to respect the searchCycle
    if ((harvestStatus == HarvestEnum.success) && (source.reachedMaxDocs())) {
        harvestStatus = HarvestEnum.success_iteration;
    }//from  ww w. j a  v a 2s  . co  m
    // Always update status object in order to release the "in_progress" lock
    // (make really really sure we don't exception out before doing this!)

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(SourcePojo._id_, source.getId());
    BasicDBObject setClause = new BasicDBObject(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_harvest_status_,
    if ((null != added) && !added.isEmpty()) {
        setClause.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_extracted_, new Date());
    if (null != extraMessage) {
        if ((null == source.getHarvestStatus()) || (null == source.getHarvestStatus().getHarvest_message())) {
            setClause.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_harvest_message_, extraMessage);
        } else {
                    .setHarvest_message(source.getHarvestStatus().getHarvest_message() + "\n" + extraMessage);
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.set_, setClause);

    int docsAdded = 0;
    if (null != added) {
        docsAdded = added.size();
    BasicDBObject incClause = new BasicDBObject(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_doccount_,
            docsAdded - nDocsDeleted);
    update.put(MongoDbManager.inc_, incClause);

    // Special case, if searchCycle_secs == 0 and not success_iteration, then suspend:
    if ((harvestStatus != HarvestEnum.success_iteration) && (null != source.getSearchCycle_secs())
            && (0 == source.getSearchCycle_secs())) {
        setClause.put(SourcePojo.searchCycle_secs_, -1);

    if (null != source.getDistributionTokens()) { // Distribution logic (specified and also enabled - eg ignore Feed/DB)
        updateHarvestDistributionState_tokenComplete(source, harvestStatus, incClause, setClause);
    if (setClause.isEmpty()) { // (ie got removed by the distribution logic above)
    } //TESTED

    long nTotalDocsAfterInsert = 0;
    BasicDBObject fieldsToReturn = new BasicDBObject(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_doccount_, 1);
    BasicDBObject updatedSource = (BasicDBObject) DbManager.getIngest().getSource().findAndModify(query,
            fieldsToReturn, null, false, update, true, false);
    BasicDBObject harvestStatusObj = (BasicDBObject) updatedSource.get(SourcePojo.harvest_);
    if (null != harvestStatusObj) {
        Long docCount = harvestStatusObj.getLong(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.doccount_);
        if (null != docCount) {
            nTotalDocsAfterInsert = docCount;

    // Prune documents if necessary
    if ((null != source.getMaxDocs()) && (nTotalDocsAfterInsert > source.getMaxDocs())) {
        long nToPrune = (nTotalDocsAfterInsert - source.getMaxDocs());
        SourceUtils.pruneSource(source, (int) nToPrune, -1);
        nDocsDeleted += nToPrune;

        // And update to reflect that it now has max docs...
        BasicDBObject update2_1 = new BasicDBObject(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_doccount_,
        BasicDBObject update2 = new BasicDBObject(DbManager.set_, update2_1);
        DbManager.getIngest().getSource().update(query, update2);

    if ((null != source.getTimeToLive_days())) {
        nDocsDeleted += SourceUtils.pruneSource(source, Integer.MAX_VALUE, source.getTimeToLive_days());
    } //TODO: TOTEST

    // (OK now the only thing we really had to do is complete, add some handy metadata)

    // Also update the document count table in doc_metadata:
    if (docsAdded > 0) {
        if (1 == source.getCommunityIds().size()) { // (simple/usual case, just 1 community)
            query = new BasicDBObject(DocCountPojo._id_, source.getCommunityIds().iterator().next());
            update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.inc_,
                    new BasicDBObject(DocCountPojo.doccount_, docsAdded - nDocsDeleted));
            if ((docsAdded != 0) || (nDocsDeleted != 0)) {
                update.put(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject(DocCountPojo.extracted_, new Date()));
            DbManager.getDocument().getCounts().update(query, update, true, false);
        } else if (!source.getCommunityIds().isEmpty()) { // Complex case since docs can belong to diff communities (but they're usually somewhat grouped)
            Map<ObjectId, Integer> communityMap = new HashMap<ObjectId, Integer>();
            for (DocumentPojo doc : added) {
                ObjectId communityId = doc.getCommunityId();
                Integer count = communityMap.get(communityId);
                communityMap.put(communityId, (count == null ? 1 : count + 1));
            } //end loop over added documents (updating the separate community counts)
            long nDocsDeleted_byCommunity = nDocsDeleted / source.getCommunityIds().size();
            // (can't do better than assume a uniform distribution - the whole thing gets recalculated weekly anyway...)

            for (Map.Entry<ObjectId, Integer> communityInfo : communityMap.entrySet()) {
                query = new BasicDBObject(DocCountPojo._id_, communityInfo.getKey());
                update = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.inc_, new BasicDBObject(DocCountPojo.doccount_,
                        communityInfo.getValue() - nDocsDeleted_byCommunity));
                if ((communityInfo.getValue() != 0) || (nDocsDeleted_byCommunity != 0)) {
                    update.put(DbManager.set_, new BasicDBObject(DocCountPojo.extracted_, new Date()));
                DbManager.getDocument().getCounts().update(query, update, true, false);
                // (true for upsert, false for multi add)
        } //(never called in practice - tested up until 5/2/2014)

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.core.utils.SourceUtils.java

License:Open Source License

private static boolean updateHarvestDistributionState_tokenComplete(SourcePojo source,
        HarvestEnum harvestStatus, BasicDBObject incClause, BasicDBObject setClause) {

    // Update tokens complete, and retrieve modified version 
    int nTokensToBeCleared = source.getDistributionTokens().size();
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(SourcePojo._id_, source.getId());
    BasicDBObject modify = new BasicDBObject(MongoDbManager.inc_, new BasicDBObject(
            SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_distributionTokensComplete_, nTokensToBeCleared));
    BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_distributionTokensComplete_,
            1);/*from   w w  w. ja va2s.  co m*/
    fields.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_harvest_status_, 1);
    fields.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_distributionReachedLimit_, 1);
    BasicDBObject partial = (BasicDBObject) MongoDbManager.getIngest().getSource().findAndModify(query, fields,
            null, false, modify, true, false);
    //(return new version - ensures previous increments have been taken into account)

    // Two cases: source complete (all tokens obtained), source incomplete:

    if (null != partial) { // (else yikes!)
        BasicDBObject partialStatus = (BasicDBObject) partial.get(SourcePojo.harvest_);
        if (null != partialStatus) { // (else yikes!)
            int nTokensComplete = partialStatus.getInt(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.distributionTokensComplete_, 0);
            // (note after increment)

            // COMPLETE: reset parameters, status -> error (if anything has errored), success (all done), success_iteration (more to do)

            if (nTokensComplete == source.getDistributionFactor()) {
                if (!source.reachedMaxDocs()) { // (Can only do this if we've finished the source...
                    //...else the different threads can be at different points, so the most recent doc for one thread might be
                    // before the most recent doc of another)
                            new Date());

                setClause.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_distributionTokensComplete_, 0);
                setClause.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_distributionReachedLimit_, false); // (resetting this)
                // This source is now complete
                String status = partialStatus.getString(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.harvest_status_, null);
                Boolean reachedLimit = partialStatus.getBoolean(
                        SourceHarvestStatusPojo.distributionReachedLimit_, false) || source.reachedMaxDocs();

                if ((null != status) && ((status.equalsIgnoreCase(HarvestEnum.error.toString())
                        || (HarvestEnum.error == harvestStatus)))) {
                } //TESTED (current and previous state == error)
                else if (reachedLimit || (HarvestEnum.success_iteration == harvestStatus)) {

                } //TESTED (from previous or current state)

                // (else leave with default of success)

                //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " COMPLETE_SRC COMPLETE_TOKEN=" + source.getKey() + " / " + setClause.toString() + " / " + incClause.toString() + " / " + nTokensComplete);

                return true;

            } //TESTED
            else { // Not complete

                // If we're here then we're only allowed to update the status to error
                if (HarvestEnum.error != harvestStatus) {
                } //TESTED
                if (source.reachedMaxDocs()) {
                    setClause.put(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.sourceQuery_distributionReachedLimit_, true);
                } //TESTED

                //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " COMPLETE_TOKEN=" + source.getKey() + " / " + setClause.toString() + " / " + incClause.toString() + " / " + nTokensComplete);

                return false;

            } //(end is complete or not)
              //TESTED (reached max limit)

        } //(end found partial source status, else catastrophic failure)
    } //(end found partial source, else catastrophic failure)

    return false;


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.ResponsePojo.java

License:Apache License

public static ResponsePojo fromDb(BasicDBObject bson) {
    BasicDBObject bson2 = new BasicDBObject();
    bson2.put("stats", bson.get("stats"));
    bson2.put("response", bson.get("response"));
    ResponsePojo rp = ResponsePojo.fromApi(bson2.toString(), ResponsePojo.class);

    // Now all the elements!
    Object evtTimeline = null, facets = null, times = null, entities = null, events = null, facts = null,
            summaries = null, sources = null, sourceMetaTags = null, sourceMetaTypes = null, moments = null,
            other = null;/*from   w ww  .j  a va  2 s  . co m*/

    evtTimeline = bson.get("eventsTimeline");
    facets = bson.get("facets");
    times = bson.get("times");
    entities = bson.get("entities");
    events = bson.get("events");
    facts = bson.get("facts");
    summaries = bson.get("summaries");
    sources = bson.get("sources");
    sourceMetaTags = bson.get("sourceMetatags");
    sourceMetaTypes = bson.get("sourceMetaTypes");
    moments = bson.get("moments");
    other = bson.get("other");

    rp.setTimes(times, rp.getTimeInterval() == null ? 0 : rp.getTimeInterval());
    rp.setMoments(moments, rp.getMomentInterval());

    // The main data object is discarded in the original fromApi() call, so put it back now
    Object docData = bson.get("data");
    if (null != docData) {
        rp.setData((BasicDBList) docData, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBList>) null);
    } else { // (ensure there's always an empty list)
        rp.setData(new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(0), (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>) null);
    return rp;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.custom.InfiniteMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

 * Checks if the new params MAX_SPLITS and MAX_DOCS_PER_SPLIT are set
 * in the config.  If they are it will use those to do splits via limit/skip
 * otherwise it will call the previous chunking splitter in MongoSplitter.
 * /*  w w w  .  j ava2s . c  o  m*/
 * @param conf
 * @return

public static List<InputSplit> calculateSplits(InfiniteMongoConfig conf) {
    // First off: What is our sharding scheme?

    boolean shardingPolicyNew = false;
    try {
        BasicDBObject shardQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", "doc_metadata.metadata");
        BasicDBObject shardInfo = (BasicDBObject) DbManager.getCollection("config", "collections")
        if (null != shardInfo) {
            BasicDBObject shardInfoKey = (BasicDBObject) shardInfo.get("key");
            if (null != shardInfoKey) {
                shardingPolicyNew = (shardInfoKey.size() > 1);
    } //TESTED (new and old)
    catch (Exception e) {
    } // stick with the old sharding, it's probably going to die soon after though, honestly

    // conf.getQuery returns a new copy of the query, so get once and use everywhere...
    BasicDBObject confQuery = (BasicDBObject) conf.getQuery();

    BasicDBObject srcTagsQuery = (BasicDBObject) conf.getSourceTags();

    String collection = conf.getInputURI().getCollection();
    if (!collection.equals(DbManager.getDocument().getContent().getName())
            && !collection.equals(DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata().getName())) {
        // Case 1: feature table or custom table
        // Just run legacy code
        return calculateSplits_phase2(conf, confQuery, false, false, null);
    } else { // complex cases...
        boolean simpleOtherIndex = false;
        // Check whether a simple query has been performed on a different indexed field         
        if (null == srcTagsQuery) { // (if srcTags specified, then going to want to use sourceKey as the index)
            for (String s : Arrays.asList(EntityPojo.docQuery_index_, DocumentPojo.url_)) {
                Object selector = confQuery.get(s);
                if (selector instanceof String) {
                    simpleOtherIndex = true;
                } else if (selector instanceof DBObject) {
                    DBObject selectorDbo = (DBObject) selector;
                    if (selectorDbo.containsField(DbManager.in_)) {
                        simpleOtherIndex = true;
            } //TESTED (both types, plus check complex indexes don't work)         
              // ALLOWED: {"entities.index": { "$in": [ "xxx", "yyy"] }, {"entities.index": "xxx" }, ditto for "url"
              // NOT ALLOWED: { "entities.index": { "$ne": "xxx" } }
        //TESTED check ignored if eg entity_index specified

        if (simpleOtherIndex) {
            // Case 2: we have a simple query on an indexed field 
            // Just run legacy code

            return calculateSplits_phase2(conf, confQuery, false, shardingPolicyNew, null);
        } //TESTED
        else if (conf.getLimit() > 0) { // debug
            //Case 3: Ensure we have small sets of sources to search over
            BasicDBList collectionOfSplits = splitPrecalculations_oldShardSchemeOrDebug(confQuery, srcTagsQuery,
            final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();

            boolean queryNonTrivial = isQueryNonTrivial(confQuery);
            if (!queryNonTrivial) {
                //Case 3a: query is trivial, so can just create splits directly from the split pre-calcs
                int toProcess = conf.getLimit();
                Iterator<Object> itSplit = collectionOfSplits.iterator();
                while ((toProcess > 0) && (itSplit.hasNext())) {
                    BasicDBObject split = (BasicDBObject) itSplit.next();

                    int docCount = (int) split.getLong(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.doccount_, 0L);
                    int toGet = (docCount > toProcess) ? toProcess : docCount;
                    BasicDBObject modQuery = convertQuery(confQuery, split.get(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_));
                    if (null != modQuery) {
                        splits.add(new InfiniteMongoInputSplit(conf.getInputURI(), conf.getInputKey(), modQuery,
                                conf.getFields(), conf.getSort(), toGet, 0, conf.isNoTimeout()));
                        toProcess -= docCount;
                } //TESTED
            } else {
                // Case 3b: annoying, some extra query terms, gonna need to do it the hard way...
                int toProcess = conf.getLimit();
                Iterator<Object> itSplit = collectionOfSplits.iterator();
                DBCollection coll = InfiniteMongoConfigUtil.getCollection(conf.getInputURI());
                while ((toProcess > 0) && (itSplit.hasNext())) {
                    BasicDBObject split = (BasicDBObject) itSplit.next();

                    BasicDBObject modQuery = convertQuery(confQuery, split.get(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_));
                    if (null != modQuery) {
                        int docsCounted = (int) coll.getCount(modQuery, null, toProcess, 0);
                        int toGet = (docsCounted > toProcess) ? toProcess : docsCounted;
                        if (docsCounted > 0) {
                            splits.add(new InfiniteMongoInputSplit(conf.getInputURI(), conf.getInputKey(),
                                    modQuery, conf.getFields(), conf.getSort(), toGet, 0, conf.isNoTimeout()));
                            toProcess -= docsCounted;
                    } //TESTED
            } //TESTED

            return splits;
        } else { // More complex cases:

            if (shardingPolicyNew) {
                // Case 4a: NEW SHARDING SCHEME

                // Always fetch the new sources, eg convert communityId to sourceKeys
                try {
                    splitPrecalculations_newShardScheme(confQuery, srcTagsQuery); // (modifies confQuery if returns true)            
                    boolean queryNonTrivial = isQueryNonTrivial(confQuery);

                    return calculateSplits_phase2(conf, confQuery, !queryNonTrivial, shardingPolicyNew, null);

                    // (ie trivial query => always use chunks, bypass skip/limit test)
                } //TESTED (trivial + non-trivial)
                catch (Exception e) { // Didn't match any sources, no problem
                    return new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
                } //TESTED

            } //TESTED
            else {

                BasicDBList collectionOfSplits = splitPrecalculations_oldShardSchemeOrDebug(confQuery,
                        srcTagsQuery, conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit());

                if (null == collectionOfSplits) {
                    // Case 4b: OLD SHARDING SCHEME can't get a partition by source keys, just back off to old code
                    return calculateSplits_phase2(conf, confQuery, false, shardingPolicyNew, null);
                } //TESTED (old code)
                else {
                    conf.setMaxDocsPerSplit(2 * conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit());
                    // (because we stop creating splits when the exceed the size)

                    // Case 4c: OLD SHARDING SCHEME, have a source key partition
                    int nMaxCount = 1 + conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit() * conf.getMaxSplits();
                    boolean queryNonTrivial = isQueryNonTrivial(confQuery);
                    final List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();

                    BasicDBObject savedQuery = confQuery;

                    Iterator<Object> itSplit = collectionOfSplits.iterator();
                    BasicDBList bigSplit = null;
                    while (itSplit.hasNext()) {
                        BasicDBObject split = (BasicDBObject) itSplit.next();
                        int docCount = (int) split.getLong(SourceHarvestStatusPojo.doccount_, 0L);
                        if (docCount < nMaxCount) { // small split, will use skip/limit
                            BasicDBObject modQuery = convertQuery(savedQuery,
                            if (null != modQuery) {

                                final int SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 3;
                                // A few cases:
                                if ((docCount < (SPLIT_THRESHOLD * conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit()))
                                        || !queryNonTrivial) {
                                    splits.addAll(calculateSplits_phase2(conf, modQuery, false,
                                            shardingPolicyNew, (Integer) docCount));
                                } //TESTED (based on limit, based on query)
                                else {
                                    // My guess at the point at which you might as well as do the full query in the hope you're going
                                    // to save some (empty) splits
                                    splits.addAll(calculateSplits_phase2(conf, modQuery, false,
                                            shardingPolicyNew, null));
                                } //TESTED
                            } //TESTED
                        } else { // large split, combine all these guys into an array of source keys
                            if (null == bigSplit) {
                                bigSplit = new BasicDBList();
                            // (guaranteed to be a single element)
                    } //(end loop over collections)

                    if (null != bigSplit) {

                        // If we have a big left over community then create a set of splits for that - always chunks if query trivial
                        if (1 == bigSplit.size()) {
                            confQuery.put(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, bigSplit.iterator().next());
                        } else {
                            confQuery.put(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, bigSplit));
                        splits.addAll(calculateSplits_phase2(conf, confQuery, !queryNonTrivial,
                                shardingPolicyNew, null));
                    } //TESTED: singleton+trivial (sandy), array+trivial (sentiment/enron), array+non-trivial (sentiment/enron, docGeo), singleton+non-trivial (sandy, docGeo)

                    return splits;

                } //TESTED: end if Cases 4a, 4b, 4c

            } //(end if old vs new sharding policy)

        } //(non-debug case)
    } //(content or metadata table are most complex)

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.custom.InfiniteMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

public static List<InputSplit> calculateSplits_phase2(InfiniteMongoConfig conf, BasicDBObject confQuery,
        boolean alwaysUseChunks, boolean newShardScheme, Integer splitDocCount) {
    alwaysUseChunks &= (conf.getMaxSplits() != MAX_SPLITS);
    // (in standalone mode, never use chunks)

    MongoURI uri = conf.getInputURI();//  w w w .  jav  a2  s  .  c om
    DBCollection coll = InfiniteMongoConfigUtil.getCollection(uri);
    if (conf.getLimit() > 0) {
        return calculateManualSplits(conf, confQuery, 1, conf.getLimit(), coll);
    } else {
        if (!alwaysUseChunks) {
            int nMaxCount = 1 + conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit() * conf.getMaxSplits();
            int count = 0;
            if (null == splitDocCount) {
                if (nMaxCount <= 1) {
                    nMaxCount = 0;
                } else {

                    count = (int) coll.getCount(confQuery, null, nMaxCount, 0);
                    if (0 == count) {
                        return new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
                } //TESTED
            } else {
                count = splitDocCount;

            //if maxdocssplit and maxsplits is set and there are less documents than splits*docspersplit then use the new splitter
            //otherwise use the old splitter
            if (conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit() > 0 && conf.getMaxSplits() > 0 && (count < nMaxCount)) {
                _logger.debug("Calculating splits manually");
                int splits_needed = (count / conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit()) + 1;

                return calculateManualSplits(conf, confQuery, splits_needed, conf.getMaxDocsPerSplit(), coll);
            } //TESTED
        if (newShardScheme && !confQuery.containsField(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_)) {
            // OK if we're going to do the sharded version then we will want to calculate
            splitPrecalculations_newShardScheme(confQuery, null); // (modifies confQuery if returns true)            
        } //TESTED: checked did nothing when had sourceKey, added sourceKey when necessary (eg entities.index case)

        if (!newShardScheme) { // unlike new sharding scheme, in this case the query is fixed, so overwrite now:

        List<InputSplit> splits = MongoSplitter.calculateSplits(conf);
        // (unless manually set, like above, runs with the _original_ query)
        int initialSplitSize = splits.size();

        // We have the MongoDB-calculated splits, now calculate their intersection vs the query
        Map<String, TreeSet<Comparable>> orderedArraySet = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<Comparable>>();
        Map<String, NavigableSet<Comparable>> orderedArraySet_afterMin = new HashMap<String, NavigableSet<Comparable>>();
        BasicDBObject originalQuery = confQuery;

        ArrayList<InputSplit> newsplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(splits.size());
        Iterator<InputSplit> splitIt = splits.iterator();
        while (splitIt.hasNext()) {
            try {

                MongoInputSplit mongoSplit = (MongoInputSplit) splitIt.next();
                BasicDBObject min = (BasicDBObject) mongoSplit.getQuerySpec().get("$min");
                BasicDBObject max = (BasicDBObject) mongoSplit.getQuerySpec().get("$max");

                //_logger.info("+----------------- NEW SPLIT ----------------: " + min + " /" + max);
                //System.out.println("+----------------- NEW SPLIT ----------------: " + min + " /" + max);

                if (null != min) { // How does the min fit in with the general query
                    try {
                        if (compareFields(-1, originalQuery, min, max, orderedArraySet,
                                orderedArraySet_afterMin) < 0) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } // do nothing probably just some comparable issue
                } //TESTED

                if (null != max) { // How does the min fit in with the general query
                    try {
                        if (compareFields(1, originalQuery, max, min, orderedArraySet,
                                orderedArraySet_afterMin) > 0) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } // do nothing probably just some comparable issue
                } //TESTED

                //_logger.info("(retained split)");
                //System.out.println("(retained split)");

                // (don't worry about edge cases, won't happen very often and will just result in a spurious empty mapper)


                // Now some infinit.e specific processing...

                if (newShardScheme) {
                    TreeSet<Comparable> sourceKeyOrderedArray = orderedArraySet.get(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_);
                    if ((null != sourceKeyOrderedArray) && !sourceKeyOrderedArray.isEmpty()) {
                        Comparable minSourceKey = null;
                        Object minSourceKeyObj = (null == min) ? null : min.get(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_);
                        if (minSourceKeyObj instanceof String) {
                            minSourceKey = (String) minSourceKeyObj;
                        if (null == minSourceKey) {
                            minSourceKey = sourceKeyOrderedArray.first();
                        } //TESTED
                        Comparable maxSourceKey = null;
                        Object maxSourceKeyObj = (null == max) ? null : max.get(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_);
                        if (maxSourceKeyObj instanceof String) {
                            maxSourceKey = (String) maxSourceKeyObj;
                        if (null == maxSourceKey) {
                            maxSourceKey = sourceKeyOrderedArray.last();
                        } //TESTED

                        DBObject splitQuery = mongoSplit.getQuerySpec();
                        BasicDBObject splitQueryQuery = new BasicDBObject(
                                (BasicBSONObject) splitQuery.get("$query"));
                        if (0 == minSourceKey.compareTo(maxSourceKey)) { // single matching sourceKEy
                            splitQueryQuery.put(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, maxSourceKey);
                        } //TESTED (array of sources, only one matches)
                        else { // multiple matching source keys
                            splitQueryQuery.put(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_,
                                    sourceKeyOrderedArray.subSet(minSourceKey, true, maxSourceKey, true)));
                        } //TESTED (array of sources, multiple match)               
                                new InfiniteMongoInputSplit(mongoSplit, splitQueryQuery, conf.isNoTimeout()));
                    } else { // original query is of sufficient simplicity
                                new InfiniteMongoInputSplit(mongoSplit, originalQuery, conf.isNoTimeout()));
                    } //TESTED (no change to existing source)

                } //TESTED
                else { // old sharding scheme, remove min/max and replace with normal _id based query where possible

                    DBObject splitQuery = mongoSplit.getQuerySpec();
                    // Step 1: create a query range for _id:
                    BasicDBObject idRange = null;
                    Object idMin = (min == null) ? null : min.get(DocumentPojo._id_);
                    Object idMax = (max == null) ? null : max.get(DocumentPojo._id_);
                    if (!(idMin instanceof ObjectId))
                        idMin = null;
                    if (!(idMax instanceof ObjectId))
                        idMax = null;

                    if ((null != idMin) || (null != idMax)) {
                        idRange = new BasicDBObject();
                        if (null != idMin) {
                            idRange.put(DbManager.gte_, idMin);
                        if (null != idMax) {
                            idRange.put(DbManager.lt_, idMax);
                    } //TESTED                  

                    // Step 2: merge with whatever we have at the moment:
                    if (null != idRange) {
                        BasicDBObject splitQueryQuery = new BasicDBObject(
                                (BasicBSONObject) splitQuery.get("$query"));
                        Object idQueryElement = splitQueryQuery.get(DocumentPojo._id_);
                        boolean convertedAwayFromMinMax = false;
                        if (null == idQueryElement) { // nice and easy, add _id range
                            splitQueryQuery.put(DocumentPojo._id_, idRange);
                            convertedAwayFromMinMax = true;
                        } //TESTED
                        else if (!splitQueryQuery.containsField(DbManager.and_)) { // OK we're going to just going to make life easy
                                    Arrays.asList(new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo._id_, idQueryElement),
                                            new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo._id_, idRange)));
                            convertedAwayFromMinMax = true;
                        } //TESTED
                          // (else stick with min/max)

                        if (convertedAwayFromMinMax) { // can construct an _id query
                        } //TESTED
                        splitQuery.put("$query", splitQueryQuery);
                    newsplits.add(new InfiniteMongoInputSplit(mongoSplit, conf.isNoTimeout()));
                } //TESTED         
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } // do nothing must be some other type of input split
        } //TESTED

        //System.out.println("Calculating splits via mongo-hadoop: " + initialSplitSize + " reduced to " + splits.size());

        _logger.info("Calculating (converted) splits via mongo-hadoop: " + initialSplitSize + " reduced to "
                + newsplits.size());
        return newsplits;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.custom.InfiniteMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static int compareFields(int direction, BasicDBObject query, BasicDBObject minOrMax,
        BasicDBObject maxOrMin, Map<String, TreeSet<Comparable>> orderedArraySet,
        Map<String, NavigableSet<Comparable>> orderedArraySet_afterMin) {
    for (String field : minOrMax.keySet()) {
        //DEBUG// w  ww  .j  ava2  s  . c  o  m
        //System.out.println("1] Compare: " + field + ": " + direction);

        try {
            Object queryOfThisField = query.get(field);
            Object minField = minOrMax.get(field);
            if ((null != queryOfThisField) && (minField instanceof Comparable)) {
                int result = 0;
                Comparable comparableMinOrMaxElement = (Comparable) minField;
                if (queryOfThisField instanceof BasicDBObject) {
                    result = compareComplexObject(field, direction, (BasicDBObject) queryOfThisField,
                            comparableMinOrMaxElement, orderedArraySet, orderedArraySet_afterMin);
                } //TESTED
                else { // -1 if comparableQueryElement < comparableMinOrMaxElement 
                    Comparable comparableQueryElement = (Comparable) queryOfThisField;
                    result = comparableQueryElement.compareTo(comparableMinOrMaxElement);
                    //System.out.println("3] Vals: " + comparableQueryElement + " vs " + comparableMinOrMaxElement + " = " + result);
                } //TESTED      
                if (result != 0) { // if we ever get a strict inequality then stop checking fields..
                    if ((result == direction) || !minOrMax.equals(maxOrMin)) {
                        // (fail)                 (pass but min/max keys different so not point checking any more)
                        return result;
                    } //TESTED
                // else equality, pass but keep checking fields 
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } // do nothing probably some odd comparable issue
    return -direction; // (ie pass by default)

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.custom.InfiniteMongoSplitter.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static int compareComplexObject(String parentField, int direction, BasicDBObject complexQueryElement,
        Comparable minOrMaxElement, Map<String, TreeSet<Comparable>> orderedArraySet,
        Map<String, NavigableSet<Comparable>> orderedArraySet_afterMin) {
    for (String field : complexQueryElement.keySet()) {
        //DEBUG//from   www  .  j  a v  a 2  s  .  c  o m
        //System.out.println("2] Compare operator: " + field + ", vs " + minOrMaxElement);

        if (field.equals(MongoDbManager.in_)) {

            NavigableSet<Comparable> orderedArray = null;
            if (1 == direction) { // try orderedArraySet_afterMin first...
                orderedArray = orderedArraySet_afterMin.get(parentField);
                //System.out.println("2.0] Found orderered sub-array for: " + parentField + ", size= " + orderedArray.size());
            } //TESTED
            if (null == orderedArray) { // (min, or max but min didn't set a sub-array)
                orderedArray = orderedArraySet.get(parentField);
                if (null == orderedArray) {
                    // First time for this field, order the $in for easy comparison
                    orderedArray = new TreeSet<Comparable>();
                    Collection queryList = (Collection) complexQueryElement.get(MongoDbManager.in_);
                    for (Object o : queryList) {
                        Comparable c = (Comparable) o;
                    //System.out.println("2.1] Created orderered array for: " + parentField + ", size= " + orderedArray.size());

                    //                  if (!orderedArray.isEmpty()) {
                    //                     System.out.println("2.1.1] Head: " + orderedArray.iterator().next());               
                    //                     System.out.println("2.1.2] Tail: " + orderedArray.descendingIterator().next());               
                    //                  }

                    orderedArraySet.put(parentField, (TreeSet<Comparable>) orderedArray);
                    // (know this cast is valid by construction)
                } //TESTED
            if (-1 == direction) { // comparing vs min
                //System.out.println("2.2] tailSet: " + orderedArray.tailSet(minOrMaxElement, true).size());
                NavigableSet<Comparable> minElements = orderedArray.tailSet(minOrMaxElement, true);
                if (minElements.isEmpty()) { // (elements >= minElement)
                    return direction; // will always fail
                } else {
                    orderedArraySet_afterMin.put(parentField, minElements);
                } //TESTED
            } //TESTED
            else if (1 == direction) { // comparing vs max
                //System.out.println("2.2] headSet: " + orderedArray.headSet(minOrMaxElement, true).size());

                if (orderedArray.headSet(minOrMaxElement, true).isEmpty()) { // (elements <= maxElement)
                    return direction; // will always fail
            } //TESTED
        } else if (field.equals(MongoDbManager.gt_) || field.equals(MongoDbManager.gte_)) { // (don't worry about the boundaries, just results in spurious empty chunks)
            if (1 == direction) { // can't do anything about $gt vs min
                Comparable comparableQueryElement = (Comparable) complexQueryElement.get(field);
                //System.out.println("2.3.1] GT Vals: " + comparableQueryElement + " vs " + minOrMaxElement + " = " + comparableQueryElement.compareTo(minOrMaxElement));

                if (comparableQueryElement.compareTo(minOrMaxElement) > 0) // ie query _lower_ limit > chunk max 
                    return direction; // ie fail
        } //TESTED
        else if (field.equals(MongoDbManager.lt_) || field.equals(MongoDbManager.lte_)) { // (don't worry about the boundaries, just results in spurious empty chunks)
            if (-1 == direction) { // can't do anything about $lt vs max
                Comparable comparableQueryElement = (Comparable) complexQueryElement.get(field);
                //System.out.println("2.3.2] LT Vals: " + comparableQueryElement + " vs " + minOrMaxElement + " = " + comparableQueryElement.compareTo(minOrMaxElement));

                if (comparableQueryElement.compareTo(minOrMaxElement) < 0) // ie query upper limit < chunk min
                    return direction; // ie fail
        } //TESTED
    return -direction; // (ie pass by default, don't check other fields unless they have the same min/max)