Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize.


public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) 

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Creates a HashSet instance, with a high enough initial table size that it should hold expectedSize elements without resizing.


From source file:org.apache.impala.analysis.CaseExpr.java

protected void computeNumDistinctValues() {
    // Skip the first child if case expression
    int loopStart = (hasCaseExpr_ ? 1 : 0);

    // If all the outputs have a known number of distinct values (i.e. not -1), then
    // sum the number of distinct constants with the maximum NDV for the non-constants.
    ////  w  w  w . ja va2  s .c  o  m
    // Otherwise, the number of distinct values is undetermined. The input cardinality
    // (i.e. the when's) are not used.
    boolean allOutputsKnown = true;
    int numOutputConstants = 0;
    long maxOutputNonConstNdv = -1;
    HashSet<LiteralExpr> constLiteralSet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(children_.size());

    for (int i = loopStart; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
        // The children follow this ordering:
        // [optional first child] when1 then1 when2 then2 ... else
        // After skipping optional first child, even indices are when expressions, except
        // for the last child, which can be an else expression
        if ((i - loopStart) % 2 == 0 && !(i == children_.size() - 1 && hasElseExpr_)) {
            // This is a when expression

        // This is an output expression (either then or else)
        Expr outputExpr = children_.get(i);

        if (outputExpr.isConstant()) {
            if (outputExpr.isLiteral()) {
                LiteralExpr outputLiteral = (LiteralExpr) outputExpr;
                if (constLiteralSet.add(outputLiteral))
            } else {
        } else {
            long outputNdv = outputExpr.getNumDistinctValues();
            if (outputNdv == -1)
                allOutputsKnown = false;
            maxOutputNonConstNdv = Math.max(maxOutputNonConstNdv, outputNdv);

    // Else unspecified => NULL constant, which is not caught above
    if (!hasElseExpr_)

    if (allOutputsKnown) {
        if (maxOutputNonConstNdv == -1) {
            // All must be constant, because if we hit any SlotRef, this would be set
            numDistinctValues_ = numOutputConstants;
        } else {
            numDistinctValues_ = numOutputConstants + maxOutputNonConstNdv;
    } else {
        // There is no correct answer when statistics are missing. Neither the
        // known outputs nor the inputs provide information
        numDistinctValues_ = -1;

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.skyframe.SimpleCycleDetector.java

 * Removes direct children of key from toVisit and from the entry itself, and makes the entry
 * ready if necessary. We must do this because it would not make sense to try to build the
 * children after building the entry. It would violate the invariant that a parent can only be
 * built after its children are built; See bug "Precondition error while evaluating a Skyframe
 * graph with a cycle"./* w  w w  .ja  va  2  s . c om*/
 * @param key SkyKey of node in a cycle.
 * @param entry NodeEntry of node in a cycle.
 * @param cycleChild direct child of key in the cycle, or key itself if the cycle is a self-edge.
 * @param toVisit list of remaining nodes to visit by the cycle-checker.
 * @param cycleLength the length of the cycle found.
private static Set<SkyKey> removeDescendantsOfCycleValue(SkyKey key, NodeEntry entry,
        @Nullable SkyKey cycleChild, Iterable<SkyKey> toVisit, int cycleLength,
        ParallelEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext) throws InterruptedException {
    GroupedList<SkyKey> directDeps = entry.getTemporaryDirectDeps();
    Set<SkyKey> unvisitedDeps = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(directDeps.numElements());
    Iterables.addAll(unvisitedDeps, Iterables.concat(directDeps));
    // Remove any children from this node that are not part of the cycle we just found. They are
    // irrelevant to the node as it stands, and if they are deleted from the graph because they are
    // not built by the end of cycle-checking, we would have dangling references.
    Set<SkyKey> removedDeps = removeIncompleteChildrenForCycle(key, entry, unvisitedDeps, evaluatorContext);
    if (!entry.isReady()) {
        // The entry has at most one undone dep now, its cycleChild. Signal to make entry ready. Note
        // that the entry can conceivably be ready if its cycleChild already found a different cycle
        // and was built.
    Preconditions.checkState(entry.isReady(), "%s %s %s", key, cycleChild, entry);
    Iterator<SkyKey> it = toVisit.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        SkyKey descendant = it.next();
        if (descendant == CHILDREN_FINISHED) {
            // Marker value, delineating the end of a group of children that were enqueued.
            if (cycleLength == 0) {
                // We have seen #cycleLength-1 marker values, and have arrived at the one for this value,
                // so we are done.
                return removedDeps;
            continue; // Don't remove marker values.
        if (cycleLength == 1) {
            // Remove the direct children remaining to visit of the cycle node.
            Preconditions.checkState(unvisitedDeps.contains(descendant), "%s %s %s %s %s", key, descendant,
                    cycleChild, unvisitedDeps, entry);
    throw new IllegalStateException(String
            .format("There were not %d groups of children in %s when trying to remove children of %s other "
                    + "than %s", cycleLength, toVisit, key, cycleChild));

From source file:com.zimbra.cs.milter.MilterHandler.java

private void SMFIC_BodyEOB() throws IOException {
    Set<String> listAddrs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(lists.size());
    Set<String> replyToAddrs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(lists.size());
    for (Group group : lists) {
        if (group == null) {
            ZimbraLog.milter.warn("null group in group list!?!");
        }/*from   w w w.  j  a v  a  2 s. c  o  m*/
        if (visibleAddresses.contains(group.getMail().toLowerCase())) {
            if (group.isPrefReplyToEnabled()) {
                String addr = group.getPrefReplyToAddress();
                if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(addr)) {
                    addr = group.getMail(); // fallback to the default email address
                String disp = group.getPrefReplyToDisplay();
                if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(disp)) {
                    disp = group.getDisplayName(); // fallback to the default display name
                replyToAddrs.add(new InternetAddress(disp, addr).toString());
    if (!listAddrs.isEmpty()) {
        SMFIR_ChgHeader(1, "X-Zimbra-DL", Joiner.on(", ").join(listAddrs));
    if (!replyToAddrs.isEmpty()) {
        SMFIR_ChgHeader(1, "Reply-To", Joiner.on(", ").join(replyToAddrs));
    connection.send(new MilterPacket(SMFIR_ACCEPT));

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.analytics.model.YieldCurveFunctionUtils.java

public static Set<String> intersection(final Set<String> as, final String[] bs) {
    final Set<String> i = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(as.size());
    for (final String b : bs) {
        if (as.contains(b)) {
            i.add(b);/*from   w  w  w . j a  va  2 s .  c o  m*/
    return i;

From source file:com.android.builder.core.AndroidBuilder.java

 * Returns the compile classpath for this config. If the config tests a library, this
 * will include the classpath of the tested config.
 * If the SDK was loaded, this may include the renderscript support jar.
 * @return a non null, but possibly empty set.
 */// w ww .ja va2  s  . co m
public Set<File> getCompileClasspath(@NonNull VariantConfiguration<?, ?, ?> variantConfiguration) {
    Set<File> compileClasspath = variantConfiguration.getCompileClasspath();

    if (variantConfiguration.getRenderscriptSupportModeEnabled()) {
        File renderScriptSupportJar = getRenderScriptSupportJar();

        Set<File> fullJars = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(compileClasspath.size() + 1);
        if (renderScriptSupportJar != null) {
        compileClasspath = fullJars;

    return compileClasspath;

From source file:net.automatalib.util.automata.cover.Covers.java

private static <S, I> void incrementalCover(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?> automaton,
        Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldStateCover,
        Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldTransCover, Consumer<? super Word<I>> newStateCover,
        Consumer<? super Word<I>> newTransCover) {

    MutableMapping<S, Record<S, I>> reach = automaton.createStaticStateMapping();

    Queue<Record<S, I>> bfsQueue = new ArrayDeque<>();

    // We enforce that the initial state *always* is covered by the empty word,
    // regardless of whether other sequence in oldCover cover it
    S init = automaton.getInitialState();

    Record<S, I> initRec = new Record<>(init, Word.epsilon(), Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size()));
    bfsQueue.add(initRec);//ww  w.  j  a va  2s .com
    reach.put(init, initRec);

    boolean hasEpsilon = buildReachFromStateCover(reach, bfsQueue, automaton, oldStateCover,
            (s, as) -> new Record<>(s, as, Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size())));

    // Add transition cover information from *state covers*
    for (Word<I> oldStateAs : oldStateCover) {
        if (oldStateAs.isEmpty()) {

        Word<I> asPrefix = oldStateAs.prefix(oldStateAs.length() - 1);
        S pred = automaton.getState(asPrefix);
        assert pred != null;

        Record<S, I> predRec = reach.get(pred);
        if (predRec == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "State cover was not prefix-closed: prefix of " + oldStateAs + " not in set");
        I lastSym = oldStateAs.lastSymbol();

    // Till now, we haven't augmented any set.
    if (!hasEpsilon) {

    // Add transition covers
    buildReachFromTransitionCover(reach, bfsQueue, automaton, oldTransCover,
            (s, as) -> new Record<>(s, as, Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size())), newStateCover);

    Record<S, I> curr;
    while ((curr = bfsQueue.poll()) != null) {
        for (I input : inputs) {
            if (curr.coveredInputs.add(input)) {
                S succ = automaton.getSuccessor(curr.state, input);

                Word<I> newAs = curr.accessSequence.append(input);

                if (succ != null) {
                    Record<S, I> succRec = reach.get(succ);

                    if (succRec == null) {
                        // new state!
                        succRec = new Record<>(succ, newAs, Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size()));
                        reach.put(succ, succRec);

                    // new transition

From source file:org.eclipse.hawkbit.repository.jpa.JpaControllerManagement.java

 * Flush the update queue by means to persisting
 * {@link Target#getLastTargetQuery()}.//from w  w w.  j av  a  2s. co m
private void flushUpdateQueue() {
    LOG.debug("Run flushUpdateQueue.");

    final int size = queue.size();
    if (size <= 0) {

    LOG.debug("{} events in flushUpdateQueue.", size);

    final Set<TargetPoll> events = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(queue.size());
    final int drained = queue.drainTo(events);

    if (drained <= 0) {

    try {
        events.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(TargetPoll::getTenant)).forEach((tenant, polls) -> {
            final TransactionCallback<Void> createTransaction = status -> updateLastTargetQueries(tenant,
            tenantAware.runAsTenant(tenant, () -> DeploymentHelper.runInNewTransaction(txManager,
                    "flushUpdateQueue", createTransaction));
    } catch (final RuntimeException ex) {
        LOG.error("Failed to persist UpdateQueue content.", ex);

    LOG.debug("{} events persisted.", drained);

From source file:org.openscience.cdk.smiles.smarts.SMARTSQueryTool.java

 * Get the atoms in the target molecule that match the query pattern. <p/> Since there may be multiple matches, the
 * return value is a List of List objects. Each List object contains the unique set of indices of the atoms in the
 * target molecule, that match the query pattern
 * @return A List of List of atom indices in the target molecule
 *//* ww  w. j a v  a  2s. co m*/
public List<List<Integer>> getUniqueMatchingAtoms() {
    List<List<Integer>> matched = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(mappings.size());
    Set<BitSet> atomSets = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(mappings.size());
    for (int[] mapping : mappings) {
        BitSet atomSet = new BitSet();
        for (int x : mapping)
        if (atomSets.add(atomSet))
    return matched;

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.analytics.MissingInputsFunction.java

public Set<ComputedValue> execute(final FunctionExecutionContext executionContext, final FunctionInputs inputs,
        final ComputationTarget target, final Set<ValueRequirement> desiredValues)
        throws AsynchronousExecution {
    final Set<ValueRequirement> underlyingDesired = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(desiredValues.size());
    for (final ValueRequirement desiredValue : desiredValues) {
        final ValueProperties requirementConstraints = desiredValue.getConstraints()
        underlyingDesired.add(new ValueRequirement(desiredValue.getValueName(),
                desiredValue.getTargetReference(), requirementConstraints));
    }//ww w  .  j  a  va 2s  . c om
    try {
        return createExecuteResults(inputs,
                getUnderlyingInvoker().execute(executionContext, inputs, target, underlyingDesired));
    } catch (final AsynchronousExecution e) {
        final AsynchronousOperation<Set<ComputedValue>> async = AsynchronousOperation.createSet();
        e.setResultListener(new ResultListener<Set<ComputedValue>>() {
            public void operationComplete(final AsynchronousResult<Set<ComputedValue>> result) {
                try {
                    async.getCallback().setResult(createExecuteResults(inputs, result.getResult()));
                } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
        return async.getResult();

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.rocksdb.impl.RocksDbKeyValueService.java

public void putUnlessExists(String tableName, Map<Cell, byte[]> values) throws KeyAlreadyExistsException {
    LockState<Cell> locks = lockSet.lockOnObjects(values.keySet());
    try (Disposer d = new Disposer(); ColumnFamily table = columnFamilies.get(tableName)) {
        Set<Cell> alreadyExists = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(0);
        WriteOptions options = d.register(new WriteOptions().setSync(writeOptions.fsyncCommit()));
        WriteBatch batch = d.register(new WriteBatch());
        RocksIterator iter = d.register(getDb().newIterator(table.getHandle()));
        for (Entry<Cell, byte[]> entry : values.entrySet()) {
            byte[] key = RocksDbKeyValueServices.getKey(entry.getKey(), PUT_UNLESS_EXISTS_TS);
            if (RocksDbKeyValueServices.keyExists(iter, key)) {
            } else {
                batch.put(table.getHandle(), key, entry.getValue());
            }/*from  w  w  w  .j a v a2 s . co  m*/
        getDb().write(options, batch);
        if (!alreadyExists.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KeyAlreadyExistsException("key already exists", alreadyExists);
    } catch (RocksDBException e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);
    } finally {