List of usage examples for Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize
public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize)
From source
@Override @TransactionalReadOnly/* w ww . j av a 2s. co m*/ @Timed /** * This implementation only makes use of the UUID field to lookup the events. */ public List<EventSummary> findByKey(final Collection<EventSummary> toLookup) throws ZepException { if (toLookup == null || toLookup.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); Set<String> uuids = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(toLookup.size()); for (EventSummary event : toLookup) uuids.add(event.getUuid()); return findByUuids(uuids); }
From source
/** * Validate the number of changes and the total size of changes. Log a warning if either of them exceeds the * configured threshold, or log a warning and throw an exception if it exceeds the configured limit. * * We log here because application developers may ignore warnings. Logging here gives us a single point * (the tx manager log) to identify all clients that send excessively large change sets. * * @return the same set of changes, transformed into a set of {@link ChangeId}s. * @throws TransactionSizeException if the number or total size of the changes exceed the limit. *///from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m private Set<ChangeId> validateChangeSet(long txId, Collection<byte[]> changeIds, String clientId) throws TransactionSizeException { if (changeIds.size() > changeSetCountLimit) { LOG.warn("Change set for transaction {} belonging to client '{}' has {} entries and exceeds " + "the allowed size of {}. Limit the number of changes, or use a long-running transaction. ", txId, clientId, changeIds.size(), changeSetCountLimit); throw new TransactionSizeException( String.format("Change set for transaction %d has %d entries and exceeds the limit of %d", txId, changeIds.size(), changeSetCountLimit)); } else if (changeIds.size() > changeSetCountThreshold) { LOG.warn("Change set for transaction {} belonging to client '{}' has {} entries. " + "It is recommended to limit the number of changes to {}, or to use a long-running transaction. ", txId, clientId, changeIds.size(), changeSetCountThreshold); } long byteCount = 0L; Set<ChangeId> set = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(changeIds.size()); for (byte[] change : changeIds) { set.add(new ChangeId(change)); byteCount += change.length; } if (byteCount > changeSetSizeLimit) { LOG.warn( "Change set for transaction {} belonging to client '{}' has total size of {} bytes and exceeds " + "the allowed size of {} bytes. Limit the total size of changes, or use a long-running transaction. ", txId, clientId, byteCount, changeSetSizeLimit); throw new TransactionSizeException(String.format( "Change set for transaction %d has total size of %d bytes and exceeds the limit of %d bytes", txId, byteCount, changeSetSizeLimit)); } else if (byteCount > changeSetSizeThreshold) { LOG.warn("Change set for transaction {} belonging to client '{}' has total size of {} bytes. " + "It is recommended to limit the total size to {} bytes, or to use a long-running transaction. ", txId, clientId, byteCount, changeSetSizeThreshold); } return set; }
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/** * Returns the compile classpath for this config. If the config tests a library, this * will include the classpath of the tested config * * @return a non null, but possibly empty set. *//*w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ @NonNull public Set<File> getCompileClasspath() { Set<File> classpath = Sets .newHashSetWithExpectedSize(mExternalJars.size() + mLocalJars.size() + mFlatLibraries.size()); for (LibraryDependency lib : mFlatLibraries) { classpath.add(lib.getJarFile()); for (File jarFile : lib.getLocalJars()) { classpath.add(jarFile); } } for (JarDependency jar : mExternalJars) { if (jar.isCompiled()) { classpath.add(jar.getJarFile()); } } for (JarDependency jar : mLocalJars) { if (jar.isCompiled()) { classpath.add(jar.getJarFile()); } } return classpath; }
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/** * Identify the tables that need to be upgraded due to PHOENIX-2067 *///from w ww . j ava2s . co m private static List<String> getPhysicalTablesWithDescRowKey(String query, PhoenixConnection conn) throws SQLException { // First query finds column rows of tables that need to be upgraded. // We cannot tell if the column is from a table, view, or index however. ResultSet rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query); Set<String> physicalTables = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(1024); List<String> remainingTableNames = addPhysicalTables(conn, rs, PTableType.INDEX, physicalTables); if (!remainingTableNames.isEmpty()) { // Find tables/views for index String indexLinkQuery = "SELECT TENANT_ID,TABLE_SCHEM,TABLE_NAME\n" + "FROM SYSTEM.CATALOG\n" + "WHERE COLUMN_NAME IS NULL\n" + "AND (TENANT_ID, TABLE_SCHEM, COLUMN_FAMILY) IN " + getTableRVC(remainingTableNames) + "\n" + "AND LINK_TYPE = " + LinkType.INDEX_TABLE.getSerializedValue(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(indexLinkQuery); remainingTableNames = addPhysicalTables(conn, rs, PTableType.VIEW, physicalTables); if (!remainingTableNames.isEmpty()) { // Find physical table name from views, splitting on '.' to get schema name and table name String physicalLinkQuery = "SELECT null, " + " CASE WHEN INSTR(COLUMN_FAMILY,'.') = 0 THEN NULL ELSE SUBSTR(COLUMN_FAMILY,1,INSTR(COLUMN_FAMILY,'.')) END,\n" + " CASE WHEN INSTR(COLUMN_FAMILY,'.') = 0 THEN COLUMN_FAMILY ELSE SUBSTR(COLUMN_FAMILY,INSTR(COLUMN_FAMILY,'.')+1) END\n" + "FROM SYSTEM.CATALOG\n" + "WHERE COLUMN_NAME IS NULL\n" + "AND COLUMN_FAMILY IS NOT NULL\n" + "AND (TENANT_ID, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME) IN " + getTableRVC(remainingTableNames) + "\n" + "AND LINK_TYPE = " + LinkType.PHYSICAL_TABLE.getSerializedValue(); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(physicalLinkQuery); // Add any tables (which will all be physical tables) which have not already been upgraded. addPhysicalTables(conn, rs, PTableType.TABLE, physicalTables); } } List<String> sortedPhysicalTables = new ArrayList<String>(physicalTables); Collections.sort(sortedPhysicalTables); return sortedPhysicalTables; }
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/** * Returns the list of packaged jars for this config. If the config tests a library, this * will include the jars of the tested config * * @return a non null, but possibly empty list. */// w ww. j a va 2 s .co m @NonNull public Set<File> getPackagedJars() { Set<File> jars = Sets .newHashSetWithExpectedSize(mExternalJars.size() + mLocalJars.size() + mFlatLibraries.size()); for (JarDependency jar : mExternalJars) { File jarFile = jar.getJarFile(); if (jar.isPackaged() && jarFile.exists()) { jars.add(jarFile); } } for (JarDependency jar : mLocalJars) { File jarFile = jar.getJarFile(); if (jar.isPackaged() && jarFile.exists()) { jars.add(jarFile); } } for (LibraryDependency libraryDependency : mFlatLibraries) { if (!libraryDependency.isOptional()) { File libJar = libraryDependency.getJarFile(); if (libJar.exists()) { jars.add(libJar); } for (File jarFile : libraryDependency.getLocalJars()) { if (jarFile.isFile()) { jars.add(jarFile); } } } } return jars; }
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private void checkDensities(Context context, File res, Map<File, Set<String>> folderToNames, Map<File, Set<String>> nonDpiFolderNames) { // TODO: Is there a way to look at the manifest and figure out whether // all densities are expected to be needed? // Note: ldpi is probably not needed; it has very little usage // (about 2%; // TODO: Use the matrix to check out if we can eliminate densities based // on the target screens? Set<String> definedDensities = new HashSet<String>(); for (File f : folderToNames.keySet()) { definedDensities.add(f.getName()); }//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m // Look for missing folders -- if you define say drawable-mdpi then you // should also define -hdpi and -xhdpi. if (context.isEnabled(ICON_MISSING_FOLDER)) { List<String> missing = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String density : getRequiredDensityFolders(context)) { if (!definedDensities.contains(density)) { missing.add(density); } } if (!missing.isEmpty()) {, Location.create(res), String.format("Missing density variation folders in `%1$s`: %2$s", context.getProject().getDisplayPath(res), LintUtils.formatList(missing, -1))); } } if (context.isEnabled(ICON_NODPI)) { Set<String> noDpiNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> entry : folderToNames.entrySet()) { if (isNoDpiFolder(entry.getKey())) { noDpiNames.addAll(entry.getValue()); } } if (!noDpiNames.isEmpty()) { // Make sure that none of the nodpi names appear in a non-nodpi folder Set<String> inBoth = new HashSet<String>(); List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> entry : folderToNames.entrySet()) { File folder = entry.getKey(); String folderName = folder.getName(); if (!isNoDpiFolder(folder)) { assert DENSITY_PATTERN.matcher(folderName).matches(); Set<String> overlap = nameIntersection(noDpiNames, entry.getValue()); inBoth.addAll(overlap); for (String name : overlap) { files.add(new File(folder, name)); } } } if (!inBoth.isEmpty()) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(inBoth); Collections.sort(list); // Chain locations together Location location = chainLocations(files);, location, String.format( "The following images appear in both `-nodpi` and in a density folder: %1$s", LintUtils.formatList(list, context.getDriver().isAbbreviating() ? 10 : -1))); } } } if (context.isEnabled(ICON_MIX_9PNG)) { checkMixedNinePatches(context, folderToNames); } if (context.isEnabled(ICON_XML_AND_PNG)) { Map<File, Set<String>> folderMap = Maps.newHashMap(folderToNames); folderMap.putAll(nonDpiFolderNames); Set<String> xmlNames = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(100); Set<String> bitmapNames = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(100); for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> entry : folderMap.entrySet()) { Set<String> names = entry.getValue(); for (String name : names) { if (endsWith(name, DOT_XML)) { xmlNames.add(name); } else if (isDrawableFile(name)) { bitmapNames.add(name); } } } if (!xmlNames.isEmpty() && !bitmapNames.isEmpty()) { // Make sure that none of the nodpi names appear in a non-nodpi folder Set<String> overlap = nameIntersection(xmlNames, bitmapNames); if (!overlap.isEmpty()) { Multimap<String, File> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Set<String> bases = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(overlap.size()); for (String name : overlap) { bases.add(LintUtils.getBaseName(name)); } for (String base : bases) { for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> entry : folderMap.entrySet()) { File folder = entry.getKey(); for (String n : entry.getValue()) { if (base.equals(LintUtils.getBaseName(n))) { map.put(base, new File(folder, n)); } } } } List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(sorted); for (String name : sorted) { List<File> lists = Lists.newArrayList(map.get(name)); Location location = chainLocations(lists); List<String> fileNames = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean seenXml = false; boolean seenNonXml = false; for (File f : lists) { boolean isXml = endsWith(f.getPath(), DOT_XML); if (isXml && !seenXml) { fileNames.add(context.getProject().getDisplayPath(f)); seenXml = true; } else if (!isXml && !seenNonXml) { fileNames.add(context.getProject().getDisplayPath(f)); seenNonXml = true; } }, location, String.format( "The following images appear both as density independent `.xml` files and as bitmap files: %1$s", LintUtils.formatList(fileNames, context.getDriver().isAbbreviating() ? 10 : -1))); } } } } if (context.isEnabled(ICON_DENSITIES)) { // Look for folders missing some of the specific assets Set<String> allNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (Entry<File, Set<String>> entry : folderToNames.entrySet()) { if (!isNoDpiFolder(entry.getKey())) { Set<String> names = entry.getValue(); allNames.addAll(names); } } for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> entry : folderToNames.entrySet()) { File file = entry.getKey(); if (isNoDpiFolder(file)) { continue; } Set<String> names = entry.getValue(); if (names.size() != allNames.size()) { List<String> delta = new ArrayList<String>(nameDifferences(allNames, names)); if (delta.isEmpty()) { continue; } Collections.sort(delta); String foundIn = ""; if (delta.size() == 1) { // Produce list of where the icon is actually defined List<String> defined = new ArrayList<String>(); String name = delta.get(0); for (Map.Entry<File, Set<String>> e : folderToNames.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().contains(name)) { defined.add(e.getKey().getName()); } } if (!defined.isEmpty()) { foundIn = String.format(" (found in %1$s)", LintUtils.formatList(defined, context.getDriver().isAbbreviating() ? 5 : -1)); } } // Irrelevant folder? String folder = file.getName(); if (!getRequiredDensityFolders(context).contains(folder)) { continue; }, Location.create(file), String.format("Missing the following drawables in `%1$s`: %2$s%3$s", folder, LintUtils.formatList(delta, context.getDriver().isAbbreviating() ? 5 : -1), foundIn)); } } } }
From source
/** * Returns the list of provided-only jars for this config. * * @return a non null, but possibly empty list. *///from w w w.j av a 2s . c o m @NonNull public List<File> getProvidedOnlyJars() { Set<File> jars = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(mExternalJars.size() + mLocalJars.size()); for (JarDependency jar : mExternalJars) { File jarFile = jar.getJarFile(); if (jar.isCompiled() && !jar.isPackaged() && jarFile.exists()) { jars.add(jarFile); } } for (JarDependency jar : mLocalJars) { File jarFile = jar.getJarFile(); if (jar.isCompiled() && !jar.isPackaged() && jarFile.exists()) { jars.add(jarFile); } } for (LibraryDependency libraryDependency : mFlatLibraries) { if (libraryDependency.isOptional()) { File libJar = libraryDependency.getJarFile(); if (libJar.exists()) { jars.add(libJar); } for (File jarFile : libraryDependency.getLocalJars()) { if (jarFile.isFile()) { jars.add(jarFile); } } } } return Lists.newArrayList(jars); }
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private void checkClientServerCompatibility() throws SQLException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("The following servers require an updated " + QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COPROCESS_PATH + " to be put in the classpath of HBase: "); boolean isIncompatible = false; int minHBaseVersion = Integer.MAX_VALUE; try {//from ww w . ja va 2 s . c om List<HRegionLocation> locations = this.getAllTableRegions(SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES); Set<HRegionLocation> serverMap = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(locations.size()); TreeMap<byte[], HRegionLocation> regionMap = Maps.newTreeMap(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); List<byte[]> regionKeys = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(locations.size()); for (HRegionLocation entry : locations) { if (!serverMap.contains(entry)) { regionKeys.add(entry.getRegionInfo().getStartKey()); regionMap.put(entry.getRegionInfo().getRegionName(), entry); serverMap.add(entry); } } HTableInterface ht = this.getTable(PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES); final Map<byte[], Long> results = ht.coprocessorService(MetaDataService.class, null, null, new Batch.Call<MetaDataService, Long>() { @Override public Long call(MetaDataService instance) throws IOException { ServerRpcController controller = new ServerRpcController(); BlockingRpcCallback<GetVersionResponse> rpcCallback = new BlockingRpcCallback<GetVersionResponse>(); GetVersionRequest.Builder builder = GetVersionRequest.newBuilder(); builder.setClientVersion(VersionUtil.encodeVersion(PHOENIX_MAJOR_VERSION, PHOENIX_MINOR_VERSION, PHOENIX_PATCH_NUMBER)); instance.getVersion(controller,, rpcCallback); if (controller.getFailedOn() != null) { throw controller.getFailedOn(); } return rpcCallback.get().getVersion(); } }); for (Map.Entry<byte[], Long> result : results.entrySet()) { // This is the "phoenix.jar" is in-place, but server is out-of-sync with client case. if (!isCompatible(result.getValue())) { isIncompatible = true; HRegionLocation name = regionMap.get(result.getKey()); buf.append(name); buf.append(';'); } hasInvalidIndexConfiguration |= isInvalidMutableIndexConfig(result.getValue()); if (minHBaseVersion > MetaDataUtil.decodeHBaseVersion(result.getValue())) { minHBaseVersion = MetaDataUtil.decodeHBaseVersion(result.getValue()); } } lowestClusterHBaseVersion = minHBaseVersion; } catch (SQLException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { // This is the case if the "phoenix.jar" is not on the classpath of HBase on the region server throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.INCOMPATIBLE_CLIENT_SERVER_JAR).setRootCause(t) .setMessage("Ensure that " + QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COPROCESS_PATH + " is put on the classpath of HBase in every region server: " + t.getMessage()) .build().buildException(); } if (isIncompatible) { buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1); throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.OUTDATED_JARS).setMessage(buf.toString()).build() .buildException(); } }
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@Override @ThrowsThriftExceptions// w w w .j av a2 s.c o m public Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> diffKeyRecordStartEnd(String key, long record, long start, long end, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException { checkAccess(creds, transaction); AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment); AtomicOperation atomic = null; Set<TObject> startValues = null; Set<TObject> endValues = null; while (atomic == null || !atomic.commit()) { atomic = store.startAtomicOperation(); try { startValues =, record, start); endValues =, record, end); } catch (AtomicStateException e) { atomic = null; } } Map<Diff, Set<TObject>> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); Set<TObject> xor = Sets.symmetricDifference(startValues, endValues); int expectedSize = xor.size() / 2; Set<TObject> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(expectedSize); Set<TObject> removed = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(expectedSize); for (TObject current : xor) { if (!startValues.contains(current)) added.add(current); else { removed.add(current); } } if (!added.isEmpty()) { result.put(Diff.ADDED, added); } if (!removed.isEmpty()) { result.put(Diff.REMOVED, removed); } return result; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.ExcessiveMethodLength") void createBuildingBlockRelations(InformationSystemRelease isr, Map<String, CellValueHolder> relations, Locale locale) {/*from w w w .jav a2s . c om*/ // Parent CellValueHolder hierarchyNameCellValueHolder = relations .get(getHierarchyHeaderFor(Constants.BB_INFORMATIONSYSTEMRELEASE_PLURAL, locale)); // cannot use setParentRelation(isr, hierarchyNameCellValueHolder) here, because of type incompatibility if (hierarchyNameCellValueHolder != null) { String hierarchyName = hierarchyNameCellValueHolder.getAttributeValue(); String hierarchyCellRef = ExcelImportUtilities.getCellRef(hierarchyNameCellValueHolder.getOriginCell()); String parentNameFromHierarchicalName = getParentNameFromHierarchicalName(hierarchyName, isr.getNonHierarchicalName(), hierarchyCellRef); BuildingBlock parentNew = getBuildingBlockByName(isr.getTypeOfBuildingBlock(), parentNameFromHierarchicalName, ExcelImportUtilities.getCellRef(hierarchyNameCellValueHolder.getOriginCell())); if (parentNew != null) { isr.addParent((InformationSystemRelease) parentNew); } } CellValueHolder predecessorsCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.ASSOC_PREDECESSORS, locale)); if (predecessorsCellValueHolder != null) { Set<InformationSystemRelease> preds = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet( TypeOfBuildingBlock.INFORMATIONSYSTEMRELEASE, predecessorsCellValueHolder); isr.removePredecessors(); isr.addPredecessors(preds); } CellValueHolder successorsCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.ASSOC_SUCCESSORS, locale)); if (successorsCellValueHolder != null) { Set<InformationSystemRelease> succs = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet( TypeOfBuildingBlock.INFORMATIONSYSTEMRELEASE, successorsCellValueHolder); isr.removeSuccessors(); isr.addSuccessors(succs); } CellValueHolder bfCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.BB_BUSINESSFUNCTION_PLURAL, locale)); if (bfCellValueHolder != null) { Set<BusinessFunction> bfs = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet(TypeOfBuildingBlock.BUSINESSFUNCTION, bfCellValueHolder); isr.removeBusinessFunctions(); isr.addBusinessFunctions(bfs); } // Interfaces (not imported, just warn user) // Reason: We can't uniquely identify an Interface by its "name", since multiple ISIs with the same 2 ISRs can exist CellValueHolder interfacesCellValueHolder = relations.get(MessageAccess .getStringOrNull("reporting.excel.header.informationSystemRelease.interfacesTo", locale)); if (interfacesCellValueHolder != null) { String interfaces = interfacesCellValueHolder.getAttributeValue(); String ifaceCellRef = ExcelImportUtilities.getCellRef(interfacesCellValueHolder.getOriginCell()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(interfaces)) { getProcessingLog().warn( "{0} has interfaces specified in cell [{1}] in the InformationSystemRelease sheet. These were not imported. Only Interfaces listed in the Interfaces sheet are imported.", isr.getNonHierarchicalName(), ifaceCellRef); } } CellValueHolder boCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.BB_BUSINESSOBJECT_PLURAL, locale)); if (boCellValueHolder != null) { Set<BusinessObject> bos = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet(TypeOfBuildingBlock.BUSINESSOBJECT, boCellValueHolder); Set<Isr2BoAssociation> associations = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(bos.size()); Set<Isr2BoAssociation> existentAssociations = isr.getBusinessObjectAssociations(); for (BusinessObject bo : bos) { Isr2BoAssociation assoc = BuildingBlockFactory.createIsr2BoAssociation(isr, bo); // try to find out whether that association exists already, and if yes, use the existing object for (Isr2BoAssociation connectedAssoc : existentAssociations) { if (assoc.equals(connectedAssoc)) { assoc = connectedAssoc; break; } } associations.add(assoc); } buildingBlockServiceLocator.getIsr2BoAssociationService().saveAssociations(associations); isr.connectIsr2BoAssociations(associations); } // Business Mapping TypeOfBuildingBlock[] orderOfBMContent = { TypeOfBuildingBlock.BUSINESSPROCESS, TypeOfBuildingBlock.PRODUCT, TypeOfBuildingBlock.BUSINESSUNIT }; CellValueHolder allBMCellValueHolder = relations.get(getBusinessMappingHeaderKey(orderOfBMContent, locale)); if (allBMCellValueHolder != null) { String allBMs = allBMCellValueHolder.getAttributeValue(); String bmCellRef = ExcelImportUtilities.getCellRef(allBMCellValueHolder.getOriginCell()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(allBMs)) { getProcessingLog().warn( "Information System {0} has business mappings specified in cell [{1}]. These were not imported. Only Business Mappings listed in the Business Mappings sheet are imported.", isr.getNonHierarchicalName(), bmCellRef); } } CellValueHolder isdCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.BB_INFORMATIONSYSTEMDOMAIN_PLURAL, locale)); if (isdCellValueHolder != null) { Set<InformationSystemDomain> isds = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet(TypeOfBuildingBlock.INFORMATIONSYSTEMDOMAIN, isdCellValueHolder); isr.removeInformationSystemDomains(); isr.addInformationSystemDomains(isds); } CellValueHolder ieCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.BB_INFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT_PLURAL, locale)); if (ieCellValueHolder != null) { Set<InfrastructureElement> ies = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet(TypeOfBuildingBlock.INFRASTRUCTUREELEMENT, ieCellValueHolder); isr.removeInfrastructureElements(); isr.addInfrastructureElements(ies); } CellValueHolder projectsCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.BB_PROJECT_PLURAL, locale)); if (projectsCellValueHolder != null) { Set<Project> projs = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet(TypeOfBuildingBlock.PROJECT, projectsCellValueHolder); isr.removeProjects(); isr.addProjects(projs); } CellValueHolder tcrCellValueHolder = relations .get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull(Constants.BB_TECHNICALCOMPONENTRELEASE_PLURAL, locale)); if (tcrCellValueHolder != null) { Set<TechnicalComponentRelease> tcrs = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet( TypeOfBuildingBlock.TECHNICALCOMPONENTRELEASE, tcrCellValueHolder); isr.removeTechnicalComponentReleases(); isr.addTechnicalComponentReleases(tcrs); } // Uses ISs CellValueHolder isCellValueHolder = relations.get(MessageAccess.getStringOrNull( ExcelConstants.HEADER_INFORMATIONSYSTEMRELEASE_SHEET_BASECOMPONENTS_COLUMN, locale)); if (isCellValueHolder != null) { Set<InformationSystemRelease> iss = loadBuildingBlocksAsSet( TypeOfBuildingBlock.INFORMATIONSYSTEMRELEASE, isCellValueHolder); isr.removeBaseComponents(); isr.addBaseComponents(iss); } getInformationSystemReleaseService().saveOrUpdate(isr); }