Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize.


public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) 

Source Link


Creates a HashSet instance, with a high enough initial table size that it should hold expectedSize elements without resizing.


From source file:com.android.builder.AndroidBuilder.java

 * Returns the compile classpath for this config. If the config tests a library, this
 * will include the classpath of the tested config
 * @return a non null, but possibly empty set.
 *//*from w w w  . ja  v  a 2 s  .  com*/
public Set<File> getCompileClasspath(@NonNull VariantConfiguration variantConfiguration) {
    Set<File> compileClasspath = variantConfiguration.getCompileClasspath();

    ProductFlavor mergedFlavor = variantConfiguration.getMergedFlavor();

    if (mergedFlavor.getRenderscriptSupportMode()) {
        File renderScriptSupportJar = RenderScriptProcessor

        Set<File> fullJars = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(compileClasspath.size() + 1);
        compileClasspath = fullJars;

    return compileClasspath;

From source file:com.google.gerrit.server.git.strategy.SubmitStrategy.java

 * Add operations to a batch update that execute this submit strategy.
 * <p>Guarantees exactly one op is added to the update for each change in the input set.
 * @param bu batch update to add operations to.
 * @param toMerge the set of submitted commits that should be merged using this submit strategy.
 *     Implementations are responsible for ordering of commits, and will not modify the input in
 *     place./*from   www.j  a va2  s.  c om*/
 * @throws IntegrationException if an error occurred initializing the operations (as opposed to an
 *     error during execution, which will be reported only when the batch update executes the
 *     operations).
public final void addOps(BatchUpdate bu, Set<CodeReviewCommit> toMerge) throws IntegrationException {
    List<SubmitStrategyOp> ops = buildOps(toMerge);
    Set<CodeReviewCommit> added = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(ops.size());

    for (SubmitStrategyOp op : ops) {

    // First add ops for any implicitly merged changes.
    List<CodeReviewCommit> difference = new ArrayList<>(Sets.difference(toMerge, added));
    for (CodeReviewCommit c : difference) {
        bu.addOp(c.change().getId(), new ImplicitIntegrateOp(args, c));

    // Then ops for explicitly merged changes
    for (SubmitStrategyOp op : ops) {
        bu.addOp(op.getId(), op);

From source file:org.gradoop.util.AsciiGraphLoader.java

 * Returns all vertices that belong to the given graphs.
 * @param graphIds graph identifiers/* ww w.j  av  a  2  s  .c om*/
 * @return vertices that are contained in the graphs
public Collection<V> getVerticesByGraphIds(GradoopIdSet graphIds) {
    Collection<V> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(graphIds.size());
    for (V vertex : vertices.values()) {
        if (vertex.getGraphIds().containsAny(graphIds)) {
    return result;

From source file:com.opengamma.core.AbstractEHCachingSourceWithExternalBundle.java

public Map<ExternalIdBundle, V> getSingle(final Collection<ExternalIdBundle> bundles,
        final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) {
    ArgumentChecker.notNull(bundles, "bundles");
    ArgumentChecker.notNull(versionCorrection, "versionCorrection");
    if (versionCorrection.containsLatest()) {
        return getUnderlying().getSingle(bundles, versionCorrection);
    }//from   w ww.java2s.c  om
    final Map<ExternalIdBundle, V> results = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(bundles.size());
    final Collection<ExternalIdBundle> misses = new ArrayList<ExternalIdBundle>(bundles.size());
    final Map<ExternalIdBundle, Collection<UniqueId>> hits = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(bundles.size());
    final Set<UniqueId> lookup = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(bundles.size());
    for (ExternalIdBundle bundle : bundles) {
        final Pair<ExternalIdBundle, VersionCorrection> key = Pair.of(bundle, versionCorrection);
        final Element e = _eidToUidCache.get(key);
        if (e != null) {
            if (e.getObjectValue() instanceof List) {
                final List<UniqueId> identifiers = (List<UniqueId>) e.getObjectValue();
                hits.put(bundle, identifiers);
            } else if (e.getObjectValue() instanceof UniqueId) {
                final UniqueId identifier = (UniqueId) e.getObjectValue();
                hits.put(bundle, Collections.singleton(identifier));
    if (!lookup.isEmpty()) {
        final Map<UniqueId, V> underlying = getUnderlying().get(lookup);
        for (Map.Entry<ExternalIdBundle, Collection<UniqueId>> hit : hits.entrySet()) {
            final ExternalIdBundle bundle = hit.getKey();
            for (UniqueId uid : hit.getValue()) {
                final V result = underlying.get(uid);
                if (result != null) {
                    results.put(bundle, result);
    if (!misses.isEmpty()) {
        final Map<ExternalIdBundle, ? extends V> underlying = getUnderlying().getSingle(misses,
        for (ExternalIdBundle miss : misses) {
            final Pair<ExternalIdBundle, VersionCorrection> key = Pair.of(miss, versionCorrection);
            final V result = underlying.get(miss);
            if (result == null) {
                cacheIdentifiers(Collections.<UniqueId>emptyList(), key);
            } else {
                cacheIdentifiers(result.getUniqueId(), key);
                results.put(miss, result);
    return results;

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.currency.CurrencyMatrixLookupFunction.java

public Set<ComputedValue> execute(final FunctionExecutionContext executionContext, final FunctionInputs inputs,
        final ComputationTarget target, final Set<ValueRequirement> desiredValues) {
    final Set<ComputedValue> results = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(desiredValues.size());
    for (ValueRequirement desiredValue : desiredValues) {
        final Object input = inputs.getValue(desiredValue.getValueName());
        results.add(new ComputedValue(new ValueSpecification(desiredValue.getValueName(),
                target.toSpecification(), desiredValue.getConstraints()), input));
    }//from   w w w.j  ava  2s. c  o m
    return results;

From source file:org.jiemamy.eclipse.core.ui.editor.diagram.node.table.TableEditDialog.java

 * ????????/*from   w  w  w  .j  a  v  a2  s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param table 
 * @return ???{@code true}?????????{@code false}
private boolean confirmConsistency(JmTable table) {
    boolean result = true;

    Set<DbObject> doms = getContext().getDbObjects();
    Set<String> domNames = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(doms.size());
    for (DbObject dom : doms) {
        if (dom.equals(table) == false) {

    if (domNames.contains(txtName.getText())) {
        // RESOURCE
        boolean entityCheckOk = MessageDialog.openQuestion(getParentShell(), "Confirm",
        if (entityCheckOk == false) {
            result = false;

    List<JmColumn> columns = table.getColumns();
    Set<String> columnNames = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(columns.size());
    for (JmColumn column : columns) {

    if (columnNames.size() != columns.size()) {
        // RESOURCE
        boolean columnCheckOk = MessageDialog.openQuestion(getParentShell(), "Confirm",
        if (columnCheckOk == false) {
            result = false;
    return result;

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.analytics.model.swaption.deprecated.SwaptionBlackFunctionDeprecated.java

public Set<ValueRequirement> getRequirements(final FunctionCompilationContext context,
        final ComputationTarget target, final ValueRequirement desiredValue) {
    final ValueProperties constraints = desiredValue.getConstraints();
    final Set<String> forwardCurveNames = constraints.getValues(YieldCurveFunction.PROPERTY_FORWARD_CURVE);
    if (forwardCurveNames == null || forwardCurveNames.size() != 1) {
        return null;
    }/* w  w w  .  j ava  2s .c o m*/
    final Set<String> fundingCurveNames = constraints.getValues(YieldCurveFunction.PROPERTY_FUNDING_CURVE);
    if (fundingCurveNames == null || fundingCurveNames.size() != 1) {
        return null;
    final Set<String> surfaceNames = constraints.getValues(ValuePropertyNames.SURFACE);
    if (surfaceNames == null || surfaceNames.size() != 1) {
        return null;
    final Set<String> curveCalculationMethods = constraints
    if (curveCalculationMethods == null || curveCalculationMethods.size() != 1) {
        return null;
    final String forwardCurveName = forwardCurveNames.iterator().next();
    final String fundingCurveName = fundingCurveNames.iterator().next();
    final String surfaceName = surfaceNames.iterator().next();
    final String curveCalculationMethod = curveCalculationMethods.iterator().next();
    final Set<ValueRequirement> requirements = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(4);
    final Currency currency = FinancialSecurityUtils.getCurrency(target.getSecurity());
    requirements.add(getCurveRequirement(forwardCurveName, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName,
            curveCalculationMethod, currency));
    requirements.add(getCurveRequirement(fundingCurveName, forwardCurveName, fundingCurveName,
            curveCalculationMethod, currency));
    requirements.add(getVolatilityRequirement(surfaceName, currency));
    return requirements;

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.currency.AbstractCurrencyMatrixSourcingFunction.java

public Set<ValueSpecification> getResults(final FunctionCompilationContext context,
        final ComputationTarget target, final Map<ValueSpecification, ValueRequirement> inputs) {
    final String valueRequirementName = getValueRequirementName();
    final ComputationTargetSpecification targetSpec = target.toSpecification();
    final CurrencyMatrix matrix = (CurrencyMatrix) target.getValue();
    final DetermineResults resultBuilder = new DetermineResults(matrix);
    for (ValueRequirement input : inputs.values()) {
        final Currency sourceCurrency = Currency.of(input.getConstraint(SOURCE_CURRENCY_TAG));
        final Currency targetCurrency = Currency.of(input.getConstraint(TARGET_CURRENCY_TAG));
        resultBuilder.present(sourceCurrency, targetCurrency);
    }/* w  w w  .j av a  2s.c  o  m*/
    final Set<ValueSpecification> results = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(
            resultBuilder._sourceCurrencies.size() * resultBuilder._targetCurrencies.size());
    final ValueProperties.Builder properties = createValueProperties();
    for (Currency sourceCurrency : resultBuilder._sourceCurrencies) {
        for (Currency targetCurrency : resultBuilder._targetCurrencies) {
            if (resultBuilder.hasInputFor(sourceCurrency, targetCurrency)) {
                results.add(new ValueSpecification(valueRequirementName, targetSpec,
                                .with(TARGET_CURRENCY_PROPERTY, targetCurrency.getCode()).get()));
    return results;

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.analytics.model.curve.interestrate.MarketInstrumentImpliedYieldCurveFunction.java

public Set<ValueSpecification> getResults(final FunctionCompilationContext context,
        final ComputationTarget target) {
    final Set<ValueSpecification> results = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(4);
    final ComputationTargetSpecification targetSpec = target.toSpecification();
    results.add(new ValueSpecification(ValueRequirementNames.YIELD_CURVE, targetSpec,
                    .with(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE_CALCULATION_METHOD, getCalculationType())
                    .withAny(YieldCurveFunction.PROPERTY_FUNDING_CURVE).with(RESULT_PROPERTY_TYPE, TYPE_FORWARD)
                    .get()));//from   w  w  w.  j  ava 2  s. co  m
    results.add(new ValueSpecification(ValueRequirementNames.YIELD_CURVE, targetSpec,
                    .with(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE_CALCULATION_METHOD, getCalculationType())
                    .withAny(YieldCurveFunction.PROPERTY_FUNDING_CURVE).with(RESULT_PROPERTY_TYPE, TYPE_FUNDING)
    results.add(new ValueSpecification(ValueRequirementNames.YIELD_CURVE_JACOBIAN, targetSpec,
                    .with(ValuePropertyNames.CURVE_CALCULATION_METHOD, getCalculationType()).get()));
    if (getCalculationType().equals(PRESENT_VALUE_STRING)) {
        results.add(new ValueSpecification(ValueRequirementNames.PRESENT_VALUE_COUPON_SENSITIVITY, targetSpec,
    return results;

From source file:com.android.tools.idea.gradle.project.sync.setup.module.android.DependenciesModuleSetupStep.java

 * Sets the 'useLibrary' libraries or SDK add-ons as library dependencies.
 * <p>/*from www  .ja v  a2 s .co  m*/
 * These libraries are set at the project level, which makes it impossible to add them to a IDE SDK definition because the IDE SDK is
 * global to the whole IDE. To work around this limitation, we set these libraries as module dependencies instead.
 * </p>
private void addExtraSdkLibrariesAsDependencies(@NotNull Module module,
        @NotNull IdeModifiableModelsProvider modelsProvider, @NotNull AndroidProject androidProject) {
    ModifiableRootModel moduleModel = modelsProvider.getModifiableRootModel(module);
    Sdk sdk = moduleModel.getSdk();
    assert sdk != null; // If we got here, SDK will *NOT* be null.

    String suffix = null;
    AndroidSdkData sdkData = AndroidSdkData.getSdkData(sdk);
    if (sdkData != null) {
        SdkAdditionalData data = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData();
        if (data instanceof AndroidSdkAdditionalData) {
            AndroidSdkAdditionalData androidSdkData = (AndroidSdkAdditionalData) data;
            suffix = androidSdkData.getBuildTargetHashString();

    if (suffix == null) {
        // In practice, we won't get here. A proper Android SDK has been already configured by now, and the suffix won't be null.
        suffix = androidProject.getCompileTarget();

    Set<String> currentIdeSdkFilePaths = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(5);
    for (VirtualFile sdkFile : sdk.getRootProvider().getFiles(CLASSES)) {
        // We need to convert the VirtualFile to java.io.File, because the path of the VirtualPath is using 'jar' protocol and it won't match
        // the path returned by AndroidProject#getBootClasspath().
        File sdkFilePath = virtualToIoFile(sdkFile);
    Collection<String> bootClasspath = androidProject.getBootClasspath();
    for (String library : bootClasspath) {
        if (isNotEmpty(library) && !currentIdeSdkFilePaths.contains(library)) {
            // Library is not in the SDK IDE definition. Add it as library and make the module depend on it.
            File binaryPath = new File(library);
            String name = binaryPath.isFile() ? getNameWithoutExtension(binaryPath) : sanitizeFileName(library);
            // Include compile target as part of the name, to ensure the library name is unique to this Android platform.

            name = name + "-" + suffix; // e.g. maps-android-23, effects-android-23 (it follows the library naming convention: library-version
            myDependenciesSetup.setUpLibraryDependency(module, modelsProvider, name, COMPILE, binaryPath);