Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2018 TU Dortmund * This file is part of AutomataLib, * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.automatalib.util.automata.cover; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault; import; import net.automatalib.automata.DeterministicAutomaton; import net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MutableMapping; import net.automatalib.words.Word; /** * @author Malte Isberner * @author frohme */ @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public final class Covers { private Covers() { } /** * Computes a state cover for a given automaton. * <p> * A state cover is a set <i>C</i> of input sequences, such that for each state <i>s</i> of an automaton, there * exists an input sequence in <i>C</i> that transitions the automaton from its initial state to state s. * <p> * Note: if restrictions on the {@code inputs} parameter do not allow to reach certain states, the computed cover is * not complete. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param states * the collection in which the sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type */ public static <I> void stateCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? super Word<I>> states) { cover(automaton, inputs, states::add, w -> { }); } /** * Returns an iterator for the sequences of a state cover. Sequences are computed lazily (i.e. as requested by the * iterators {@link Iterator#next() next} method. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return an iterator for the input sequences of the cover. * * @see #stateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> Iterator<Word<I>> stateCoverIterator(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs) { return new IncrementalStateCoverIterator<>(automaton, inputs, Collections.emptyList()); } /** * Computes a transition cover for a given automaton. * <p> * A transition cover is a set <i>C</i> of input sequences, such that for each state <i>s</i> and each input symbol * <i>i</i> of an automaton, there exists an input sequence in <i>C</i> that starts from the initial state of the * automaton and ends with the transition that applies <i>i</i> to state <i>s</i>. * <p> * Note: if restrictions on the {@code inputs} parameter do not allow to reach certain transitions, the computed * cover is not complete. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param transitions * the collection in which the sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type */ public static <I> void transitionCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? super Word<I>> transitions) { cover(automaton, inputs, w -> { }, transitions::add); } /** * Returns an iterator for the sequences of a transition cover. Sequences are computed lazily (i.e. as requested by * the iterators {@link Iterator#next() next} method. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return an iterator for the input sequences of the cover. * * @see #transitionCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> Iterator<Word<I>> transitionCoverIterator(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs) { return new TransitionCoverIterator<>(automaton, inputs); } /** * Computes a structural cover for a given automaton. * <p> * A structural cover is the union of a state cover and a transition cover * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param cover * the collection in which the sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @see #stateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) * @see #transitionCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> void structuralCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? super Word<I>> cover) { cover(automaton, inputs, cover::add, cover::add); } /** * Utility method that allows to compute a state and transition cover simultaneously. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the covers should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param states * the collection in which the state cover sequences will be stored * @param transitions * the collection in which the transition cover sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @see #stateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) * @see #transitionCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> void cover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? super Word<I>> states, Collection<? super Word<I>> transitions) { cover(automaton, inputs, states::add, transitions::add); } private static <S, I> void cover(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Consumer<? super Word<I>> states, Consumer<? super Word<I>> transitions) { MutableMapping<S, Word<I>> reach = automaton.createStaticStateMapping(); Queue<S> bfsQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); S init = automaton.getInitialState(); reach.put(init, Word.epsilon()); bfsQueue.add(init); states.accept(Word.epsilon()); S curr; while ((curr = bfsQueue.poll()) != null) { Word<I> as = reach.get(curr); for (I in : inputs) { S succ = automaton.getSuccessor(curr, in); if (succ == null) { continue; } final Word<I> succAs = as.append(in); if (reach.get(succ) == null) { reach.put(succ, succAs); states.accept(succAs); bfsQueue.add(succ); } transitions.accept(succAs); } } } /** * Computes an incremental state cover for a given automaton, i.e. a cover that only contains the missing sequences * for obtaining a complete state cover. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param oldStates * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the state cover * @param newStates * the collection in which the missing sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return {@code true} if new sequences have been added to the state cover, {@code false} otherwise. * * @see #stateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <S, I> boolean incrementalStateCover(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldStates, Collection<? super Word<I>> newStates) { MutableMapping<S, Record<S, I>> reach = automaton.createStaticStateMapping(); boolean augmented = false; Queue<Record<S, I>> bfsQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); buildReachFromStateCover(reach, bfsQueue, automaton, oldStates, Record::new); S init = automaton.getInitialState(); if (reach.get(init) == null) { // apparently the initial state was not yet covered Record<S, I> rec = new Record<>(init, Word.epsilon()); reach.put(init, rec); bfsQueue.add(rec); newStates.add(Word.epsilon()); augmented = true; } Record<S, I> curr; while ((curr = bfsQueue.poll()) != null) { S state = curr.state; Word<I> as = curr.accessSequence; for (I in : inputs) { S succ = automaton.getSuccessor(state, in); if (succ == null) { continue; } if (reach.get(succ) == null) { Word<I> succAs = as.append(in); Record<S, I> succRec = new Record<>(succ, succAs); reach.put(succ, succRec); bfsQueue.add(succRec); newStates.add(succAs); augmented = true; } } } return augmented; } /** * Returns an iterator for the remaining sequences of a state cover. Sequences are computed lazily (i.e. as * requested by the iterators {@link Iterator#next() next} method. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param stateCover * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the state cover * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return an iterator for the remaining input sequences of the cover. * * @see #incrementalStateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> Iterator<Word<I>> incrementalStateCoverIterator(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> stateCover) { return new IncrementalStateCoverIterator<>(automaton, inputs, stateCover); } /** * Computes an incremental transition cover for a given automaton, i.e. a cover that only contains the missing * sequences for obtaining a complete transition cover. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param oldTransCover * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the transition cover * @param newTransCover * the collection in which the missing sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return {@code true} if new sequences have been added to the state cover, {@code false} otherwise. * * @see #transitionCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> boolean incrementalTransitionCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldTransCover, Collection<? super Word<I>> newTransCover) { final int oldTransSize = newTransCover.size(); incrementalCover(automaton, inputs, Collections.emptySet(), oldTransCover, w -> { }, newTransCover::add); return oldTransSize < newTransCover.size(); } /** * Returns an iterator for the remaining sequences of a transition cover. Sequences are computed lazily (i.e. as * requested by the iterators {@link Iterator#next() next} method. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param transitionCover * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the transition cover * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return an iterator for the remaining input sequences of the cover. * * @see #incrementalStateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> Iterator<Word<I>> incrementalTransitionCoverIterator( DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> transitionCover) { return new IncrementalTransitionCoverIterator<>(automaton, inputs, transitionCover); } /** * Computes an incremental structural cover for a given automaton, i.e. a cover that only contains the missing * sequences for obtaining a complete structural cover. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the cover should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param oldCover * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the structural cover * @param newCover * the collection in which the missing sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return {@code true} if new sequences have been added to the structural cover, {@code false} otherwise. * * @see #structuralCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> boolean incrementalStructuralCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldCover, Collection<? super Word<I>> newCover) { final int oldCoverSize = newCover.size(); incrementalCover(automaton, inputs, oldCover, Collections.emptySet(), newCover::add, newCover::add); return oldCoverSize < newCover.size(); } /** * Utility method that allows to compute an incremental state and transition cover simultaneously. * * @param automaton * the automaton for which the covers should be computed * @param inputs * the set of input symbols allowed in the cover sequences * @param oldStateCover * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the state cover * @param oldTransCover * the collection containing the already existing sequences of the transition cover * @param newStateCover * the collection in which the missing state cover sequences will be stored * @param newTransCover * the collection in which the missing transition cover sequences will be stored * @param <I> * input symbol type * * @return {@code true} if new sequences have been added to the structural cover, {@code false} otherwise. * * @see #incrementalStateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection, Collection) * @see #incrementalStateCover(DeterministicAutomaton, Collection, Collection, Collection) */ public static <I> boolean incrementalCover(DeterministicAutomaton<?, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldStateCover, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldTransCover, Collection<? super Word<I>> newStateCover, Collection<? super Word<I>> newTransCover) { final int oldStateSize = newStateCover.size(); final int oldTransSize = newTransCover.size(); incrementalCover(automaton, inputs, oldStateCover, oldTransCover, newStateCover::add, newTransCover::add); return oldStateSize < newStateCover.size() || oldTransSize < newTransCover.size(); } private static <S, I> void incrementalCover(DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends I> inputs, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldStateCover, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldTransCover, Consumer<? super Word<I>> newStateCover, Consumer<? super Word<I>> newTransCover) { MutableMapping<S, Record<S, I>> reach = automaton.createStaticStateMapping(); Queue<Record<S, I>> bfsQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); // We enforce that the initial state *always* is covered by the empty word, // regardless of whether other sequence in oldCover cover it S init = automaton.getInitialState(); Record<S, I> initRec = new Record<>(init, Word.epsilon(), Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size())); bfsQueue.add(initRec); reach.put(init, initRec); boolean hasEpsilon = buildReachFromStateCover(reach, bfsQueue, automaton, oldStateCover, (s, as) -> new Record<>(s, as, Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size()))); // Add transition cover information from *state covers* for (Word<I> oldStateAs : oldStateCover) { if (oldStateAs.isEmpty()) { continue; } Word<I> asPrefix = oldStateAs.prefix(oldStateAs.length() - 1); S pred = automaton.getState(asPrefix); assert pred != null; Record<S, I> predRec = reach.get(pred); if (predRec == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "State cover was not prefix-closed: prefix of " + oldStateAs + " not in set"); } I lastSym = oldStateAs.lastSymbol(); predRec.coveredInputs.add(lastSym); } // Till now, we haven't augmented any set. if (!hasEpsilon) { newStateCover.accept(Word.epsilon()); } // Add transition covers buildReachFromTransitionCover(reach, bfsQueue, automaton, oldTransCover, (s, as) -> new Record<>(s, as, Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size())), newStateCover); Record<S, I> curr; while ((curr = bfsQueue.poll()) != null) { for (I input : inputs) { if (curr.coveredInputs.add(input)) { S succ = automaton.getSuccessor(curr.state, input); Word<I> newAs = curr.accessSequence.append(input); if (succ != null) { Record<S, I> succRec = reach.get(succ); if (succRec == null) { // new state! succRec = new Record<>(succ, newAs, Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(inputs.size())); bfsQueue.add(succRec); reach.put(succ, succRec); newStateCover.accept(newAs); } // new transition newTransCover.accept(newAs); } } } } } static <S, I> boolean buildReachFromStateCover(MutableMapping<S, Record<S, I>> reach, Queue<Record<S, I>> bfsQueue, DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldStateCover, BiFunction<S, Word<I>, Record<S, I>> recordBuilder) { boolean hasEpsilon = false; for (Word<I> oldStateAs : oldStateCover) { S state = automaton.getState(oldStateAs); if (state == null || reach.get(state) != null) { if (oldStateAs.isEmpty()) { hasEpsilon = true; } continue; // strange, but we'll ignore it } Record<S, I> rec = recordBuilder.apply(state, oldStateAs); bfsQueue.add(rec); reach.put(state, rec); } return hasEpsilon; } static <S, I> void buildReachFromTransitionCover(MutableMapping<S, Record<S, I>> reach, Queue<Record<S, I>> bfsQueue, DeterministicAutomaton<S, I, ?> automaton, Collection<? extends Word<I>> oldTransCover, BiFunction<S, Word<I>, Record<S, I>> recordBuilder, Consumer<? super Word<I>> newStateCallback) { for (Word<I> oldTransAs : oldTransCover) { // Check if this transition now leads to a new state S state = automaton.getState(oldTransAs); if (state != null) { Record<S, I> rec = reach.get(state); if (rec == null) { // if so, add it to the state cover and to the queue rec = recordBuilder.apply(state, oldTransAs); bfsQueue.add(rec); reach.put(state, rec); newStateCallback.accept(oldTransAs); } } // In any case, mark the transition as covered Word<I> predAs = oldTransAs.prefix(oldTransAs.length() - 1); S pred = automaton.getState(predAs); if (pred == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid transition: prefix of transition " + oldTransAs + " not covered by state cover"); } I lastSym = oldTransAs.lastSymbol(); Record<S, I> predRec = reach.get(pred); if (predRec == null) { predRec = recordBuilder.apply(state, oldTransAs); bfsQueue.add(predRec); reach.put(pred, predRec); newStateCallback.accept(oldTransAs); } predRec.coveredInputs.add(lastSym); } } }