List of usage examples for Sets newHashSetWithExpectedSize
public static <E> HashSet<E> newHashSetWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize)
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protected void onAgentsUpdated(ZooKeeperTreeNode rootNode) { Collection<ZooKeeperTreeNode> childNodes = rootNode.getChildren().values(); Set<AgentInstance> agents = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(childNodes.size()); for (ZooKeeperTreeNode treeNode : rootNode.getChildren().values()) { AgentInstance instance = bytesToAgentInstance(treeNode.getData()); if (instance != null) { agents.add(instance);// ww w .j a va2 s.c o m } } connectedAgents = agents; }
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@Override @NotNull/*from w w w . j av a 2 s .co m*/ public Set<KotlinType> getPossibleTypes(@NotNull DataFlowValue key) { KotlinType originalType = key.getType(); Set<KotlinType> types = collectTypesFromMeAndParents(key); if (getNullability(key).canBeNull()) { return types; } Set<KotlinType> enrichedTypes = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(types.size() + 1); if (originalType.isMarkedNullable()) { enrichedTypes.add(TypeUtils.makeNotNullable(originalType)); } for (KotlinType type : types) { enrichedTypes.add(TypeUtils.makeNotNullable(type)); } return enrichedTypes; }
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/** * Performs all the necessary actions to initialize and prepare this record reader. *//*from www . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ @Override public void initialize(InputSplit inputSplit, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.ctx = context; conf = context.getConfiguration(); keysRead = 0; components = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(3); FileSplit split = (FileSplit) inputSplit; validateConfiguration(conf); // Get comparator. Subcomparator can be null. AbstractType<?> comparator = getConfComparator(conf); AbstractType<?> subcomparator = getConfSubComparator(conf); // Get partitioner for keys IPartitioner partitioner = getConfPartitioner(conf); // Move minimum required db tables to local disk. Path dataTablePath = split.getPath(); FileSystem remoteFS = FileSystem.get(dataTablePath.toUri(), conf); FileSystem localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); copyTablesToLocal(remoteFS, localFS, dataTablePath, context); CFMetaData cfMetaData; if (getConfIsSparse(conf)) { cfMetaData = CFMetaData.sparseCFMetaData(getDescriptor().ksname, getDescriptor().cfname, comparator); } else { cfMetaData = CFMetaData.denseCFMetaData(getDescriptor().ksname, getDescriptor().cfname, comparator, subcomparator); } // Open table and get scanner SSTableReader tableReader = openSSTableReader(partitioner, cfMetaData); setTableScanner(tableReader); }
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@Override public void visitDocument(@NonNull XmlContext context, @NonNull Document document) { Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); if (root != null) { NamedNodeMap attributes = root.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0, n = attributes.getLength(); i < n; i++) { Attr attribute = (Attr) attributes.item(i); if (attribute.getLocalName() != null && attribute.getLocalName().startsWith(ATTR_LAYOUT_RESOURCE_PREFIX)) { if (mLayoutsWithRootLayoutParams == null) { mLayoutsWithRootLayoutParams = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(20); }/*from w ww.jav a2 s .co m*/ mLayoutsWithRootLayoutParams.add(LintUtils.getBaseName(context.file.getName())); break; } } } }
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private Set<StandardOperation> parseOperations(JSONArray operations) throws JSONException { final int operationsCount = operations.length(); final Set<StandardOperation> res = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(operationsCount); for (int i = 0; i < operationsCount; i++) { String opName = operations.getString(i); StandardOperation op = StandardOperation.valueOf(opName.toUpperCase()); res.add(op);/*from www.ja v a 2s. c o m*/ } return res; }
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/** * Adds 'value' to either the predecessor or successor set, updating the * appropriate field as necessary./* w w w . ja v a2 s . com*/ * @return {@code true} if the set was modified; {@code false} if the set * was not modified */ private boolean add(boolean predecessorSet, Node<T> value) { final Collection<Node<T>> set = predecessorSet ? preds : succs; if (set == null) { // null -> SingletonList return updateField(predecessorSet, Collections.singletonList(value)); } if (set.contains(value)) { // already exists in this set return false; } int previousSize = set.size(); if (previousSize == 1) { // SingletonList -> ArrayList Collection<Node<T>> newSet = new ArrayList<>(ARRAYLIST_THRESHOLD); newSet.addAll(set); newSet.add(value); return updateField(predecessorSet, newSet); } else if (previousSize < ARRAYLIST_THRESHOLD) { // ArrayList set.add(value); return true; } else if (previousSize == ARRAYLIST_THRESHOLD) { // ArrayList -> HashSet Collection<Node<T>> newSet = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(INITIAL_HASHSET_CAPACITY); newSet.addAll(set); newSet.add(value); return updateField(predecessorSet, newSet); } else { // HashSet set.add(value); return true; } }
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private InsertResponse transactionalInsert() throws ImplementationDbException { DbConnection connection = connectionProvider.get(); List<WriteError> errors = Lists.newLinkedList(); try {/*from w ww. j av a2 s . c om*/ /* * First we need to store the root documents */ connection.insertRootDocuments(collection, docs); /* * Then we have to store the subdocuments. It is more efficient to do one insert for each table, so inserts * are done by subdocument type. * To do that, we could create a map like Map<SubDocType, List<SubDocument>> and then iterate over the keys, * but we need to duplicate memory and the documents to insert may be very big. So we decided to do it in a * functional way. First we get all types and then we use an iterator that, for each type 't' and document 'd' * does d.getSubDocuments().row(k).values().iterator and finally merges the iterators grouped by type. */ Set<SubDocType> types = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(10 * docs.size()); for (SplitDocument splitDocument : docs) { types.addAll(splitDocument.getSubDocuments().rowKeySet()); } /* * The following code that uses guava functions is the same as the following jdk8 code: * for (SubDocType type : types) { * java.util.function.Function<SplitDocument, Stream<SubDocument>> f = (sd) -> sd.getSubDocuments().row(type).values().stream(); * * Stream<SubDocument> flatMap = -> stream); * * connection.insertSubdocuments(collection, type, flatMap.iterator()); * * } */ for (SubDocType type : types) { Function<SplitDocument, Iterable<SubDocument>> extractor = new SubDocumentExtractorFunction(type); connection.insertSubdocuments(collection, type, Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(docs, extractor)).iterator()); } return createResponse(docs.size(), errors); } catch (UserDbException ex) { appendError(errors, ex, 0); connection.rollback(); } return createResponse(0, errors); }
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/** * Provides a way to handle transactions that are to be committed to the lightweight store. * @throws RuntimeException to indicate that the commit operation must not be executed against the index store. *//*from w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ public void handleTransactionBeforeCommitting() throws RuntimeException { try { lockBranch(); createProcessors(branchPath); final Collection<Job> changeProcessingJobs = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(changeProcessors.size()); final InternalSession session = StoreThreadLocal.getSession(); final Metrics metrics = MetricsThreadLocal.get(); if (changeProcessors.size() == 1) { final ICDOChangeProcessor processor = Iterables.getOnlyElement(changeProcessors); processor.process(commitChangeSet); } else { for (final ICDOChangeProcessor processor : changeProcessors) { changeProcessingJobs.add(new Job("Processing commit information with " + processor.getName()) { @Override public IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { StoreThreadLocal.setSession(session); MetricsThreadLocal.set(metrics); processor.process(commitChangeSet); return Statuses.ok(); } catch (final Exception e) { return Statuses.error(DatastoreServerActivator.PLUGIN_ID, "Error while processing changes with " + processor.getName() + " for branch: " + branchPath, e); } finally { //release session for all threads StoreThreadLocal.release(); MetricsThreadLocal.release(); } } }); } } ForkJoinUtils.runJobsInParallelWithErrorHandling(changeProcessingJobs, null); } catch (final Exception e) { try { /* * XXX (apeteri): we don't know if we got here via applyChanges or a CDO commit, so handleTransactionRollback() may be called * once from here and then once again, separately. */ handleTransactionRollback(); } catch (final Exception e2) { e.addSuppressed(e2); } if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ApiException) { throw (ApiException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new SnowowlRuntimeException( "Error when executing change processors on branch: " + branchPath, e); } } else { throw new SnowowlRuntimeException("Error when executing change processors on branch: " + branchPath, e); } } }
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private InsertResponse transactionalInsert() throws ImplementationDbException { DbConnection connection = getConnection(); List<WriteError> errors = Lists.newLinkedList(); try {/*from w w w . j ava2 s .co m*/ /* * First we need to store the root documents */ connection.insertRootDocuments(collection, docs); /* * Then we have to store the subdocuments. It is more efficient to do one insert for each table, so inserts * are done by subdocument type. * To do that, we could create a map like Map<SubDocType, List<SubDocument>> and then iterate over the keys, * but we need to duplicate memory and the documents to insert may be very big. So we decided to do it in a * functional way. First we get all types and then we use an iterator that, for each type 't' and document 'd' * does d.getSubDocuments().row(k).values().iterator and finally merges the iterators grouped by type. */ Set<SubDocType> types = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(10 * docs.size()); for (SplitDocument splitDocument : docs) { types.addAll(splitDocument.getSubDocuments().rowKeySet()); } /* * The following code that uses guava functions is the same as the following jdk8 code: * for (SubDocType type : types) { * java.util.function.Function<SplitDocument, Stream<SubDocument>> f = (sd) -> sd.getSubDocuments().row(type).values().stream(); * * Stream<SubDocument> flatMap = -> stream); * * connection.insertSubdocuments(collection, type, flatMap.iterator()); * * } */ for (SubDocType type : types) { Function<SplitDocument, Iterable<SubDocument>> extractor = new SubDocumentExtractorFunction(type); connection.insertSubdocuments(collection, type, Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(docs, extractor)).iterator()); } return createResponse(docs.size(), errors); } catch (UserDbException ex) { appendError(errors, ex, 0); connection.rollback(); } return createResponse(0, errors); }
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/** * Merge module-based list of capabilities with current list of module-based capabilities * * @param netconfSessionModuleCapabilities capabilities to merge into this * * @return new instance of preferences with merged module-based capabilities *//* www .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ public NetconfSessionPreferences addModuleCaps( final NetconfSessionPreferences netconfSessionModuleCapabilities) { final HashSet<QName> mergedCaps = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize( moduleBasedCaps.size() + netconfSessionModuleCapabilities.getModuleBasedCaps().size()); mergedCaps.addAll(moduleBasedCaps); mergedCaps.addAll(netconfSessionModuleCapabilities.getModuleBasedCaps()); return new NetconfSessionPreferences(getNonModuleCaps(), mergedCaps); }